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Bitchfork releases a rough mix
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Bitchfork releases a rough mix
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We are nearly done our demo! We don't plan to keep the key take or possibly the vocal take of this mix but here it is.

Our new rough edit is up on our myspace, let us know what you think. I haven't had a chance to test this mix on too many speakers/headphones yet so let me know how bad of an EQ job I did, but be nice. I can use the opinions.

"Rwanda" writen by Bitchfork, Produced and engineered by Tim Vaillancourt @ Studio Timmey, Drums engineered by Matt & Gordie @ Audio Garage, thanks so much to those guys.

Thanks, we will be playing shows soon, I'll keep dates posted.

Timmey - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:47am Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:47am
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When's the demo out? I'm still waiting to hear my ocean-solo. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 9:12am
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Already see like 1000 things I need to fix, myspace player messes with your sound pretty good, cuts some Frequencies off too.

Uh...the demo should be out soon is all I can say. We are basically done the recording side of it (yea we took forever, busy guys, gear broke for long periods of time, etc) so we are just polishing off the rest. Need to decide how to distribute it etc. 'Quick Lonemonk! WAVE SOLO!!" *crowd goes wild!*

There is too much low end isn't there? Can't tell really. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:33pm
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Its cool to hear more material from you guys. I love the addition of the keys... the production sounds like a really old demo.

This isn't relevant to the mix... but how come your name is Bitchfork? The name doesn't really suit the music as its such a play on words and the music seems much more serious and too good for that. - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:50pm Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:50pm
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I am not kidding when I say that is the best metal i've heard from Victoria. Honestly that song is killer.

However.. I also agree that Bitchfork isn't really suiting to the band. Bitchfork sounds like a comedic grindcore name or something along that line.. for such epic music wouldn't something like Enchanting Caverns work (I know I pulled that name out of my ass). - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 1:39pm
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The vocals sound echo-y to me, but that might just be my computer. You guys are good guys and all, but I won't be able to respect your band until you change your name... - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 4:39pm
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they're really good guys agreed - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 4:41pm
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great song guys. super dark.

My only criticism is that the keyboards dominate the guitars a little, unless that's what you're going for. The bass is almost non-existent, but I definitely know how the myspace player can FUCK with songs so it's most likely just that.

I do agree that you guys deserve a better name as your music is a FAR CRY of the days when Bitchfork was initiated. I've heard the silly recordings!!!

Looking forward to hearing more! - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 6:21pm Edited: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 6:22pm
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Thanks for the words guys, and for checking it out. I agree with Shawn, the keys are too dominating. They are such a dynamic instrument in the mix it's hard to tame it without too much compression, especially with 24+ trakcs. I will defiantly back it off at most parts.

The vocals are echoey but thats what we were going for, the old school almost black metal-ish sound. My 80's Alesis Quadraverb and using tube mic preamps for mics made that easy to get the old school sound. I actually thought there was too much low end but that just means i have to test on more speakers, heh. I put the bass very low in the mix (between 60 and 100 hz mostly, with a small amount of mid-high for the pop), I guess that may be too low.

As far as the band name, a lot of people will hate me for saying this but how many metal bands have a name with a point? They are all about violence, aggression, killing things, pointless garbage. "Vicious Demise", "Nocturnal Decapitation", "Anguish", are a few off-the-top-of-the-head metal band names I can come up with. Our band name is getting at that mostly, and the fact that we are about music and not really about image. Bitchfork is a name people will remember, funny enough.

A new band name will come when we know it encompasses the sound of the group, but til' then we are stuck with this name. It's been the groups name since 2003, but I totally get what everyone is saying. We are probably going to change the name after writing our new material.

Again thanks, more EQ pointers would be great, whats too loud? Whats too quiet? - Wed, 11 Jul 2007 9:06pm
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What are the Bitchfork lyrics about? - Thu, 12 Jul 2007 12:55pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Dogs. - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:50am
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Eating dogs. But only female ones, because they're sexists >: [ - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 4:17pm
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Bitches with pitchforks, duh.

In all seriousness though, not a bad song, not a bad band, probably not bad guys, just a bad monicker. - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 4:33pm
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Yeah so it turns I messed the bass EQ up before exporting that mix, ah well it's called a rough mix for a reason. It was moved up into the mid-highs and was mudding things up.

The lyrics of this song are related to influences from both outside and church/state, and also the story of Cain and Abel.

A few are themed, we have a pirate song on this album named Pilage. We tried to make the music and lyrics follow that kind of theme. Hangover Jug is about being hungover, lol and was inspired by me when the band showed up after my work's open bar staff party. I had a 4L jug of water and look like death itself.

We hope to get more defined in our themes and ideas in our lyrics soon. We are mostly like minded guys and plan to write more personal (not sure if thats the right word) lyrics with messages we would like to put into our songs on our next demo/album. - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 5:36pm Edited: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 5:36pm
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Fuck what people choose to think or say about the name; Release this thing first before worrying about anything else. You can consume the next year or more defining what you want to do next. It don't matter.

I think it sounds fucking cool, but I admit to not being an expert in that style at all. - Sat, 14 Jul 2007 2:05am
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Thanks lonemonk, you said what I was thinking.

Although I am a big metal head it never fails to amaze me how people will always find ways unrelated to music to dislike a band. A black metal band that isn't mad and pissed off enough at their shows, A band that sells a lot of albums (Yeah the Beatles, Led Z, Pink Floyd, The Stones sucked too cause they sold records, that must be it), even bands that arn't satanic enough, no matter how good their music is, etc.

But to the people who will "not respect" a band merely cause of the name is just really sad to see, go build yourself a nice uniform box, exactly how every other box is made to the T, and climb right in. Don't limit yourself to being a "judging by the cover" kind of music lover. Surely if people can respect metal bands like "Cannibal Corpse", "Dying Fetus", "Napalm Death", "Decapitation", etc you can respect a band with our name. I dunno, I am not about building walls in music. Yes, we will change our name on of these days I will still say that.

Thanks for the comments guys. Any more advice or comments on the song are great. - Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:38pm
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How can I respect a band that doesn't respect themselves enough as musicians to give themselves a decent name?

edit: let me elaborate on what I'm saying, if your band is meant to be a joke, aka gayrilla biscuits or limp wrist, then a joke name is suitable and sure I can respect you guys, but you said yourself your name is a joke, but your music isn't a joke anymore, so it seems like it's time to move on or you're not respecting yourselves. Ya hurr'd? - Sat, 14 Jul 2007 1:37pm Edited: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 1:40pm
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It seems to be a "black or white" thing with you,Tim. It's either over the top silly gore name, or retard joke name, ie- bitchfork. I can name several bands off the top of my head that create good heavy music in a similar genre as yours that DON'T have silly gore names-



Ya see! It doesn't have to be all "Gorekvnts ov Hell, Decapitatogorgoroth, Evilwhoreslaughter, Prostitute Disfigurment"................. silliness!

Besides that, bands like Cannibal Corpse have lyrics about death/gore/cannibalism, so why wouldn't their name reflect that?

So back to "Bitchfork". You want to be taken seriously with that name. Do you really think Emperor would have been taken seriously with a name like "Dawnmower" or some other odd variation of a garden tool for a name? I doubt it.
Nothing to do with building boxes, it's just the truth. - Sat, 14 Jul 2007 8:23pm
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"Yes, we will change our name on of these days I will still say that."

"A new band name will come when we know it encompasses the sound of the group, but til' then we are stuck with this name."

Thats not what I am getting at, I know there is good named bands out there. Thats like saying an entire genre sucks, of course some are good. I hate rap but dig some underground rap with a real message.

My point is, the name is Bitchfork for the demo, like it or not. So what I am saying is, listen to the track and then make your judgement. I agree with you Endelos, but what I don't agree with is people disliking a band for reasons other than music, people who won't give it a chance. If we changed our name right now, it would be as unrelated as it already is. We are not about to change our name until it is right one. Got a better name for us? Listen to the demo and tell us what you think it should be called then.

Tambo: Thats a pretty bold move to say we don't respect ourselves because of our name. Not gunna get into that. - Sun, 15 Jul 2007 1:18pm
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the ENCHANTED BC FERRIES - Sun, 15 Jul 2007 5:32pm
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If we got an endorsement outta it, maybe free fare that might be an idea! lol

Wow 250 plays on myspace in one week, not even sure if thats good or bad but it's something at least. - Wed, 18 Jul 2007 1:43pm
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250 plays in a week is very good. It isn't all coming from here, thats for sure. - Thu, 19 Jul 2007 1:49pm
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Cool shit. Some obvious production work to do but sounds like the sound quality has been captured well.

I also wanted say it sounds like very mature songwriting.

Definitely good quality material. - Fri, 20 Jul 2007 1:54pm
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Thanks guys, we will be playing Logan's Showcase on Tuesday, July 31st starting around 8 pm - 8:30 pm. Found Broken is also playing, they are fucking awesome.

More production is ahead, and tweaking for the tracks. At this point we have too many tracks and a maximum of pro tools 7-band EQ. I need EQ with more than 7 bands! Does anyone know any plugins that are better EQs? I really don't want to outboard every track through hardware EQ. Just thought I'd throw that Q out there if anyone knows.

Come see our show!! Thanks!! - Fri, 20 Jul 2007 9:05pm
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I don't do protools per se, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way to customize the freq and Q in which each of the 7 bands are operating. I will look this weekend for my AudioWarez DVD, I might still have a Waves 20 band EQ plugin (DirectX only though if I recall, so hopefully you don't use Macintosh)

Its only 2-track, but even Soundforge has an EQ which is totally graphical and sweepable among all frequencies, and allows as many points as you can stand. I'm surprised Protools (even an LE version) wouldn't have something more substantial. The idea of rigid and discrete 'Bands' in computer software is a little quaint. - Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:37pm
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I like that the keyboards dominate the guitars, please keep it that way. It reminds me of some old Gehenna productions.

Yes once you change the name I'll be even more stoked!! - Sun, 22 Jul 2007 10:49am
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yea, the strings are a big part of this song in particular. The guitars sound a little more equal on a Wav or mp3 format of the track. In other songs it is much more an ambient background instrument. I think this is the best we can do for the money but do the strings sound realistic? They were done on a Kurzweil sampler keyboard which has an string symphony sample patch. - Mon, 23 Jul 2007 4:39pm
Tambo_Gotbass *at*
Messages Posted:

Bassist in Final Verdict.
Vocalist in Mayday! Mayday!
Bassist in Promises

Needs to sound more like this:
or - Mon, 23 Jul 2007 5:08pm
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heck no..
yah... maybe if they played death metal?? - Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:05am
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not diggin either band really. - Tue, 24 Jul 2007 3:07pm
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>: [! - Tue, 24 Jul 2007 3:22pm
User Info... more blast beats and sweeps. All death all the time. - Tue, 24 Jul 2007 3:36pm
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cool, they ain't bad. I don't think we are at all related to any of these bands though. - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 6:56pm
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