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When did Punk Rock try to save the world?!? (_Griphin_ rant, so ignore it)
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > When did Punk Rock try to save the world?!? (_Griphin_ rant, so ignore it)
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I'm just listening to the recent Rise Against CD, since when did punk rock go P.C.?!? Sorry, I haven't been paying attention it seems. - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 2:00pm
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crass... 1979 they formed...
Personnally I love crass and anarcho punk and crustcore. Before that it was "BUY MY ANARCHY T SHIRT!" and nothing more... Thank crass for saving us from anouther 30 years of generic 3 cord meaningless corporate pop... At least they had something to say and some origionallity... And they inspired so many other great bands, like Conflict, Amebix, Deviated Instinct, Nausea, and Aus-Rotten - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 2:09pm
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Why yes. I just realized how PC punk rock is, whatever happened to the days of old school (but we all know that punk is a game to take your money)?!? - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 4:46pm
Nik Olaz
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They maybe cleaned up their lives?? - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 6:43pm
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crass is oldschool Griph.... - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 7:52pm
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I knew that. - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 8:27pm
Brian VIHC
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Punk is a huge genre with a zillion different outlooks. The Dead Kennedys were political and the first local punk band I saw live was Black Kronstadt. I prefer punk that's saying something to the tiresome "party all night" stuff, if I want that I'll just listen to 70's or 80's rock. :) - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 9:28pm
Swingin' Joe
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The Clash, or Refused ring a bell there Griph? - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 12:10pm
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I don't know if those are good examples to use, I mean the Clash accidently went mainstream, but they were still cool. I was never a huge Refused fan tho'. Black Kronstadt rocks BTW!!!

...Ivan, meets G.I. Joe! - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 2:19pm Edited: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 2:23pm
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'Griphin, you got a problem wiht mainstream,' 'what don't you know Griphin?' And I'm looking to get my money back from that H.K.B. n' A.W.T. show from past May. Fucker. - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 3:19pm
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I dunno if I do or not, I've never been a mainstream person. Money?!? What are you talking about? I've never been to a Hong Kong Blonde show. But like you care. :) - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 11:36pm Edited: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 11:39pm
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mainstream eh...? I met the guitarist of Lars Fredricson and the bastards, just the other day, he turned out to be a sexist pig that throughs arround his money and talks about how much of a success he was cause he had money, and a big house and a trophey wife...
btw, he was in town to get away from that same wife... - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 11:41pm
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both of you guys, yer, FUCKED.

Where's my 2 DOLLARS GRIPHIN!!!!


I WANT MY 2 DOLLARS...!!! - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:52am Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:57am
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2 DOLLARZ!!! - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:59am
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2 DOLLARz...... - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:59am Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:05am
Brian VIHC
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+1 million points for random Better Off Dead references. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:19am
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$2 dollars?!? - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:33am Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:25pm
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Obvioulsy, nothin', that electro-shock therapy/taser hasn't already done/cured for four...

Neo-Nasties ring-a-bell? Or are they gonna' be 'ringin' yours...?

COUGH UP THE DEUCE!! - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 4:22pm
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2 dollarsz... - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 4:25pm
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When you say the guitarist from Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards do you mean Lars himself or the other guy? If it was Lars I would lose all respect for him. Sexists piss me off - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:44pm
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2 dollarrrrrz... btw...((((don't believe a fucking word NNB says)))) - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 9:34pm
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I mean the other guy... and he was a fucking prick.
He also offered this girl I know who lives on the streets and is just cleaned up off of heroin, to sleep in his hotel room so she didn't have to spend the money she had panhandled on a hostle for the night. She is cleaning her life up, she has a job now, but has no money till her pay check, and so she pans for a place indoors to sleep each night untill she gets payed. He offered her to stay in his hotel room, but then he agreed to meet her at bastian square in about an hour, and he never showed up, he knew where that was too, cause when she left, we were in bastion square.
why even bother if you are not going to do what you offered? - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:13pm
the jak
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the clash didnt acidently (try to) go mainstream they put out an amazing record then put out an even better record then opted to go reagea in order to sell records......crass could take all 5 hundred records they've put out and boil it down to 1 good side of a record if they are for politics in music that shits been goin on since as long as people have writen songs....woody guthrie anyone? that guy was like john stienbeck with a guitar - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:22pm
Comrade Black
Comrade Black
prideandunity *at*
Messages Posted:

I set up all ages shows, poetry, and workshops related to resistance, anarchist and animal liberation ideas

"CBS promotes the clash, it aint for revolution it's just for cash"
Crass-Punk Is Dead9feeding of 5000, 1979)

The clash were nothing more than rock stars...
Woodie Guthrie is the roots... But even he is not that long ago, sure a lot longer than crass, but I believe this thread was about when punk started to be so political.

For the record (excuse the pun) Feeding of 5000 by crass whent gold, even though it was never exspected to sell the 5000 they were forced to get pressed. Crasses influence is far more important than that of the clash or how many records they sold. The Bullshit detector series and the following bands to come never would have happened with out crass. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 4:17pm
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thing about those old punk records like Feeding of 5000,sloppy seconds destroyed or feed usa fetus is ,yeah they are gold records but they OBVIOUSLY didnt rocket straight to the top of "the charts" and become gold records over night .....they took 10 in most cases 20 years to sell that many copies....not to take away from the massive achievment of a indie band selling that many records but lets just say most of these(im not sure about crass) took a real long time to become a gold record - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:30am
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after posting this i remembered that the amount of records you need to sell to become a gold record depends on the population of the country you live in.....i found this chart - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:46am Edited: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:46am
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If you sell 50,000 records in Canada the album goes gold (I think), but in the United States, to go gold you need to sell 500,000. See this is why Punk rock went all PC, so that the artist can actually make a living selling to the middle class. Looks at bands like Green Day and The Offspring. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 2:49pm Edited: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 2:52pm
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was that a joke, I am not sure, were you seriouse about green day or offspring being punk?

either way they didn't sell as many as many pop stars, but how many pop starts started entire movements? entire genres? - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:49pm
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Both bands are technically punk bands though. Green Day tried something different, and it worked. I even bought "American Idiot", but that's cause I was in hospital, not by the computer. I thought both bands started entire movements, though?

...kick 'em when they're down - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:35pm
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punk rock has become a piece of crappy nastalgia accompanied by pastiche posters attemptimg to fake a point. it's something your parents listen to.

it is pop tunes for the bourgeois to feel that they are rebelling by cussing, dying thier hair and dressing like 1970's nyc artfags so they can make an excuse for their cultural impotence and make like they still got a struggle an fight left in them.

it draws in kids with a stolen anger and rep of the past in order to distract them from dealing with immediacay of the present global and social situation surrounding them -- it imposes a helplessness upon a generation and makes rebellion, radicalism and "anarachy" a consumer product.

punk has entereed in the realm of the ready made without the overstanding of the origianl art attack. therefore, it serves not to engage; only to be used as a weapon of mass distraction -- like anarchy-- by the so called "rightwing" undercover in urban patched up and combat geared clothing.

ceci n'pas le punk -- it's just an image of it -- photocopied and strung up ad naseum -- with nothing to say -- it just looks like it does.

it's all noise now signifying neutering

punks dead

punk died

punk was never meant to last past 77 or your lunch with the a.r. man

it was meant to destroy itself rather sellout or attract jocks and rightwing, addleminded warwhores, shills and posers pimpin fake x edge, anarchy, beer and passivity.

hc detroyed itself rather become mainstream nostalgia for the petite du jocks and as a tool to numb the minds of youth with raging about the mall kids and making truism like "war is bad".

if punk had any guts -- or had anything to do with anarchy (now a code word for conform, surrender and let the "rightwing" do as they please) at all left in it it would be crapped on by the same posers who are claiming it now and running shows -- fueled by facists -- this happened already, in victoria, in the early 90's when the extreme rightwing came into highschools using skinhead culture and oi/street punk to recruit kids for racist cause (a lot of folk came out of nowhere and took a lot of control of the music scene -- nobody asked what for and why and who -- cause it all was to overwhelming in a city with youth starved for stimulous).

1488, yo.

to so called anarchist with hella dow

s'all the samo show

punk is all tv now

unlike will jak, punk lost it's balls ages ago.

the backstreet boys is all that matters now.

and scientology - Fri, 4 Aug 2006 6:47am Edited: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 7:23am
Swingin' Joe
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That rant was so punk rock. - Fri, 4 Aug 2006 5:37pm
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it's a state of mind - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 1:34pm
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wow your grouchy eh... at least you are now responding to posts... - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 3:06pm
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How did The Offspring start a movement? What movement was that, exactly... the "let's try and sound like Agent Orange movement" perhaps? - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 4:26pm
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i'll join the jody foster army; send love letters to tel aviv -- make a lot of noise and bomb fascism - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 5:44pm Edited: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 6:11pm
jay brown
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While I do not necessarily have anything supremely witty to add to this post, I will say one thing. No matter how many albums Crass sold they still suck ass and at least you can always tap your foot when a Clash album comes on. Political or not is not the point of music to be able to enjoy the beat and get into it. Crass screeching out crap isnt what I would call music. Even if I do agree with some of their statements, the least they could of done was put it to good music. Joe Strummer could always write a good song. - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 6:34pm
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"...for 3 years i had roses and apologized to no one" - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 7:00pm
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I find pleanty of crass songs real good to listen to, smother love, do they owe us a living, bloody revolutions, shaved women, punk is dead, if there was no government, big A Little A, Securicore Sucks, and that weird piano peice off the Yes Sir I Will album are all great examples. As well as all the other songs off Penis Envy - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 11:19pm
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Hey while I remember, I saw you guys (Noise Not Bombs was the sign on the tree next to the grass) as I walked down Vancouver street by the McDix's. All I could think of was "Crap Not Gigs" :) - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:40am Edited: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:41am
jay brown
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Ah but that is the beauty of personal expression. If we all liked the same thing where would the fun be in telling each other the stuff we like sucks. Easily half the threads on this site would have never existed. But ya, Crass wrote one good line in one song, jesus died for his own sins not mine. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 12:01pm
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Well, freedom has no value if violence is the price
Don't want your revolution, I want anarchy and peace.

later - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 1:29pm
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ok, I have to call you moron now griphin.
Noise Not Bombs, is Comrade Fletcher and Jim Hedger, we do nothing but punt on shows, for the purpose of making the scene more active and pollitical. Thats it.

what you walked buy was Food Not Bombs, a vegan collective that feed homeless and poor people with healthy food, organic food, that would have been thrown out if we had not taken it. IF YOU READ THE SIGHN YOU WOULD HVE SEEN IT WAS FOOD, NOT NOISE!

Food Not Bombs has been arround for years, stated in the 80's, has over 200 collectives arround the world including a growing movement in countrys like Australia.

Noise Not Bombs started in February, when I put on a show with Mass Grave, Poseur Disposer, Guys surley Joey Only, and Mechanical Separation.

The Only connections between food not bombs and noise not bombs, is that we (me and jim) also help out with the local FNB chapter, as dose Sarah from Mechanical, and in the past so has Wolf from ISKRA. Other than that, I occasionally take food donations for FNB at the door to my shows, cause when I was 16, the first shows I went to, thats what they did, and it is how I learned about FNB.

Also, FNB is important, cause it's the only place to get HEALTHY food on the streets, soup kitchen searve white bread with salty soup, and stale donuts most of the time, or they will serve shit like hot dogs, nothing with any nutritional value.

Noise Not Bombs, puts on shows, either the money goes to the bands, or is donated some where, although soon I plan to have a couple NNB fundraisers so I can buy mics, stands, and hopefully a P.A. system so I don't have to keep renting one, as well as creat a float to rent halls and pay damage deposites.

And, yeah, thats was a great line by crass. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:46pm
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Obviously, I've confused your organization with another organization, oops. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 7:36pm Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 7:36pm
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