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Ever Had Anything Stolen From You?
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Ever Had Anything Stolen From You?
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Music, ideas, equipment?

Personally, I have not. But I am still young in my experience. I haven't toured and I haven't jammed with anyone else who has a seperate project or who isn't a close friend. I have heard some horror stories about equipment disappearing at gigs because it was left unguarded or because the guard got bum rushed. In fact this thread reminds me of a song called 'Faeries Wear Boots'. The last concert I went to was the DEICIDE tour and I believe it was the Despised Icon vehicle that was getting cased by some crack heads. I was talking to some of the guys over at their table and we were interrupted when some dude came over and warned one of their singers, fucking crack heads. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 6:11pm
jay brown
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I bought a brand new drum set when I was living in van in the early nineties, three thousand dollars.... I was going to insure it with my next pay cheque, it was only two weeks away..... three days before I got paid our jam space got broken into and my drums were stolen. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 7:09pm
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My crackhead neighbour stole my tv and vcr then in his infinite wisdom hid it in the shed behind my house. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 7:16pm
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I was in Portland with BigMuff and our van was broken into. While someone called the cops, I was heading back out to guard the vehicle which now had a broken window. I saw this fucking asshole walking to a car with one of our Les Pauls (in a Ward Music gig bag!) and told him it was mine. Long story short, we got that one back, but the assholes still got away with Mariel's Les Paul and Tara's SG. And all the girls' ID and work visas. I fucking hate thieves. They are absolute scum. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 5:25am
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Someone had the nerve to steal my $400 minidisc at a party i threw...i guess thats pretty common but i had thought i invited only good friends. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 6:27am
terrible_75_18 *at*
Messages Posted:

four fingers, four strings
Thats all I need n' thats all I got
Bass player for local bands , L.I.D. and BEAUMONTS ,

when i was 25 i had my virginity stolen
i was okay with the whole deal - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 7:15am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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it's got nothing to do with music.

i work in a small locally owned retail store. people will steal anything and everything. most of them are so stupid they'll steal things from right in front of the video camera. not much we can do but watch the tape, most stuff like that is not worth calling the police over. i had some chick in the store one day buying a bunch of stuff and i saw her pocket an item. so instead o confronting her i waited, she ended up buying a few other things so i just added it to her bill. stupid bitch never noticed, i wish i could have be there to see the look on her face when she read the receipt and saw she was charged for the item. hahaha stupid thief hahaha! - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:51am
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A friend of mine left my passanger car door unlocked and I didn't notice and someone stole my brand new filled to the tits cd case. I lost a lot of good cds that I still cry at night about. They also stole a cooler bag full of pop from when I worked for DINE IN but I don't care about that. Doesn't sound very major compared to to some other thefts but it still frustrated me beyond belief.

At work recently someone stole a golf bag giveaway. He had it on his shoulder and came through my till and I didn't even notice. When my boss pulled the photos up from the servalence cameras I remembered the customer number he used (member program) and we called him and got it back. Thank god for a good memory for numbers. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:16am
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hahaha dumpstermesh, sounds like your customers are far classier than mine! When mine steal something it's usually a big bottle of sherry or canadian club, or some gross cheap cider.....the most used excuse is either:
"I don't have anything in my bag"
or my favorite:
"I was just at liquor plus!" - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 1:33pm
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this has nothing to do with music either but... when I was working at Mayfair Mall they made us park in the covered parking far away from anything, so when I went to go home one day, some punks had broken into my car and stolen a small amount of change and my cell phone charger out of the glove compartment (not much) BUT then they proceeded to spraypaint my car with red spraypaint and gold spraypaint - which I had to get removed professionally of course. Thankfully I had a small deductible at the time so it ONLY cost me $100 for the paint removal. Oh and because they were juveniles............. well you know the story. They just kept breaking into cars at the mall. One girl had all of her tires stolen. Mall didn't really care either, seeing we were all just peons. Customers come first!! (I am not bitter....) - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 3:49pm
Big bird
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I've slept in the gear van while the rest of the bands partys afraid to leave gear alone in a stange place, sat with gear backstage for the same reasons.Paranoid maybe but ...Just had my beater busted into,found out just a few minutes ago fuckers!!!!!they got nothing. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 4:11pm
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It seems so easy to be a theif. Cops don't do a fucking thing to people who steal. This crackhead stole my bicycle and I knew who it was so I called the cops. The dumbass finally gave it back and the cops never did shit to him because he returned it. So there you go kids. It's ok to steal as long as you return the loot when you get caught. What a fucking joke cops are. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 5:23pm
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Some stupid punks stole my liscense plates and my prescription glasses so i drove around with no plates for 3 days unknowingly until the cops phoned me and told me they had my plates. All I cared about was my glasses dammit. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 8:11pm
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Someone stole all of her tires!!! holy shit. That sucks so many boners, but I couldn't help but laugh at the same time. How many people going to and from their cars witnessed the theft, I wonder? It sucks how complacent we've become. My bf recently bought cheese from some booster chick (I don't know her) and even though I told him how against the whole stealing thing I am I'll still eat the cheese. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:18pm
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One other item regarding stolen stuff - don't buy anything you think is HOT. Not just because it's bad karma, mmmkay but it also may come back to bite you. I bought a (probably) hot EQ for my car years ago, spent 7 hours installing it in my convertible and it was promptly stolen from me 5 days later, Boxing Day. They knifed my roof, left my garbage speakers behind and took the EQ and some other stuff. Served me right. Moral of the story, don't buy stuff hot - it comes right back to you. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 5:22am
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I was in Sooke a couple weeks ago and left my purse at a gas station. Went back, gone... Anyway someone found it a couple days later ditched in their backyard. The contents of the bag were intact - $700 diamond necklace, passport, drivers license, 4 bucks in change, blah blah blah. Only thing they took were three bottles of prescription pills. Funny thing is two of the bottles would make someone sleepy and grumpy and the third had a lethal amount of lithium (that does not get you high, btw, just really sick or dead) Hahaw. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 10:09am
jay fatso
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my very first guitar (peice of crap vantage strat clone) was stolen from me at knife point on the bus when i was 14 er so.
fuck was that a kick in the pants! - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 8:34pm
Little Red
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I did some co-writing with a girl a few years ago that took our band's demo and sent it off to labels as her solo project... (the demo sounded like shit, but still... it had one of my songs on there)

I dated a guy who was a promoter and he took one of my ideas for an event that I was hoping to put on myself (he used my contacts) and carried it out... Didn't even send me an invite....

I had my truck broken into... stole some burnt CD's... band demos.

I think I'm going to cry myself to sleep now.... - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 10:39pm
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I had my bike stolen once, and a year and a half later someone rode by me on it, so I took it back. Ha!

I've had my jam space broken into twice. I've had my vehicle broken into at least 4 times...stereos, ash tray, broken radar detector, etc stolen. Once I had all of my tires stolen off my truck...looks damn funny when it's up on blocks. Kind of have to look twice to really absorb what you're seeing. I've had my house broken into before as well..they stole all my cds and the remote control for my stereo, and took it all in my backpack. They tried to take my bike, but both tires were flat, so they left it behind. Fuckers. - Fri, 15 Jul 2005 9:00am
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"my very first guitar (peice of crap vantage strat clone) was stolen from me at knife point on the bus when i was 14 er so"

You realize the bus driver has a radio link to the cops.. Why didnt you just say,, 'hey busdriver, Im gettin robbed here.. ' - Fri, 15 Jul 2005 9:56am
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whoever has my les paul now at least better appreciate it.
I loved that guitar - Mon, 18 Jul 2005 11:14am
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Gawd know why I remember this, but...

When I was at the Wicket a year or two ago, I ran into a few people from Gallows End. Thinking my coat was safe at main bar (by the bartenders) I took off to gaming room. After awhile (like 5 minutes) I went to grab my coat, only to find out some piece of shit stole it, and my MP3 walkman ($160 birthday present) and my half deck of smokes. But I was too drunk so I didn't check the trashcans out front. I was quite upset over that loss. - Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:54pm
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stealing sucks. a pathetic display of weak character.

i had my wallet lifted out of my coat pocket at logans. whoever took it took the $40 that was in it and dropped it on the sidewalk outside. the street woman out front turned it in to the beer and wine. - Mon, 18 Jul 2005 1:04pm
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Somebody broke into my house a few years ago and took my kid's piggybank, a giant baby bottle full of all the small change I'd accumulated over the first 5 years of her life. I knew who it was too, I just couldn't prove it. Fucking crackhead. And I totally agree with the karma theory, I used to watch my ex buy (or trade...ahem) just about everything he owned from theives, and eventually everything would in turn be stolen or just crap out and shit the bed on him. Oh, and Jamie Bell stole my diary when I was 15, I still want it back, bastard!! - Mon, 18 Jul 2005 1:30pm
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I had a Tele custom ripped off from our rehearsal spot.
Still miss that black beauty.

RR - Mon, 18 Jul 2005 4:06pm
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for fuck sake - last night some punk(s) broke into my car right in front of our house and stole all my cd's and what little change was in there, and a black zip up hoodie I had in the back seat. Not to mention the fact that they ransacked the whole thing. Interesting what they DIDN'T take but that's beside the point. It kills me that I can have $50 worth of empties sit right out in the open in the car for over a week and nobody even tries to take them, but when there is actually nothing............. idiots!!! - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 1:21pm
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I had my car broken into and the CD player stolen. It had a really dumb anti theft device: when it was unplugged from the battery, it needed a password to start it up again. So now the CD player is no good to the thief, but it's still stolen. The next Cd player I bought had a detachable face plate. Much better.

I'm really surprised more stuff doesn't get stolen. I've played hundreds of shows where anyone could just walk backstage, pick up a guitar, and walk out. They could even do it in front of a bunch of people. Everyone just assumes that people are in "one of the other" bands. All the time I come back stage and grab my guitar. I just walk back there, say "hi" to the strangers in the other bands who have no idea who I am, and I take my guitar out to the van to warm up. No one ever questions you if you act like something belongs to you. Scary huh? - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 10:54am
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seems there's been a rash of break-ins around where i live... they got my smelly indoor court shoes, and some sweaty garbs that i had just used in a squash match...
everyone gets their com'uppin's... i got new shoes for free, and the bag that was stolen was from the canadian national squash champs so it was also free... all in all those fucking meth-heads didn't get nothin'!!! but getting shit stolen really sux... luckly i've never had my guitar(s) or any other musical related equipment stolen... knock on wood... - Wed, 27 Jul 2005 1:15pm
King Tarkus
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Had my Boss DS-1 stolen from me right before a gig. Ended up just turning the overdrive way up on my amp. Never recovered the pedal, but a friend of mine sold me his DS-1 that he didn't need anymore.

People who steal gear from musicians are cretins who hardly deserve to breathe! >:0 - Sun, 7 Aug 2005 2:58pm
princess p
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In the past month I got pick pocketed in Darcy's pub (lamest bar in the world) they took my change purse with 40 bucks and my id. two days before I was flying to Calgary. when I got back from calgary someone took my whole purse with a 145 dollars in it and the keys to my bike lock and then walked to the fridge and took two blocks of cheese????? On top of all that it was my new sbv purse and it was the last one made and I don't think they are getting anymore. So if I see any chick walking around with that purse she's getting kicked in the box. so far it has been a pretty rotten summer. - Sun, 7 Aug 2005 5:28pm
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A looooong time ago I had a party at my place and some twat stole my wonderful Paiste Sound Creation ride cymbal (cost me $380 in 1982!!!) Strangely the serial # was the same as my phone # so I put the word out that if I found anybody playing drums with a super expensive and exotic Paiste cymbal #033303 I would see to it that they never played drums again. The cymbal showed up wedged in the hedge in front of my house 2 weeks later. And I too got my pocket picked in, of all places, the Port Renfrew bar late on a Saturday night. It was just my bad luck that I had cashed my biggest ever paycheque from Lyle's!!! Shit,shit,shit! - Mon, 8 Aug 2005 1:37am
Nik Olaz
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my dad stole my virginity. - Wed, 10 Aug 2005 9:24am
Nik Olaz
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i had this crazy internet troll steal my "alias" and try to seem funny by posting things. - Wed, 10 Aug 2005 1:46pm
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Identity theft! - Wed, 10 Aug 2005 2:34pm
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