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why is being gay perceived as being less than or inferior to being not gay?
Message Board > General Chitchat > why is being gay perceived as being less than or inferior to being not gay?
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Anonymous huh? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:03pm
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Um... maybe it has something to do with a history of institutionalized homophobia?

Or maybe not...

Gman - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:36pm
Anonymous Are you sure about this perception? Sounds like you are the one with a problem. If you are gay maybe if you dont advertize it and people will respect you more. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:37pm
Anonymous I don't perceive it that way! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:38pm
Anonymous From a womans point of view gay men are shit in bed even if they happen to get it up. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:45pm
Anonymous From a womans point of view gay men are shit in bed even if they happen to get it up.

hilarious - I usta work with a extremely open gay man - gay from a mile away Barry - and when he got really really pissed, like balckout pissed drunk, he became straight!!
no shit! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:48pm
Anonymous What was he drinking? Maybe you found a cure. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:51pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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What a coincidence because apparently its just the opposite for ML7 Mike!!!!! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:57pm
Anonymous Gay men are actually just as good if not better in bed. Most of them have great muscle structure and are extremely intimate. But then what is a womans opinion anyways - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:59pm
Andrew Browers Ask the wreaker, he's been known to gargle a bag now and then. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:03pm
Ping Ya "bag" as in your old lady.... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:06pm
Anonymous Gargle an old lady??? Hmmmmmm... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:08pm
Anonymous 'yours' that old toots? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:10pm
War Pig Do you get any work done down in that government office wreaker? So this is were my tax dollars are going. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:10pm
Anonymous why you ask?
pull some pussy and then see if you have the same point of view ;) - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:15pm
The Ref
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You kids rrrr funneeee! Wreaker, must be lunch? Keep it up, getting a good gaffah from this thread! LOL Government dollars at work! haha! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:21pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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fuck I suck at this anonymous shit - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:27pm
Casey Just the fuck up. I am a gay man and i am awesome at sex. I give the best head anyone has ever had. I get complimented on my blowjobs all the time. I have had sex with women 3 times and just because im gay doesn't mean i am bad at it. I have mad tongue action from licking so many cocks. So quit pretending you know what you're talking about. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:29pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Dry spell by chance Casey..... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:39pm
Anonymous hahaha, dry spell faggot! When does giving great cock sucking blow jobs make you a good lover with our females? Please educate me on this matter. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 4:14pm
Anonymous So quit pretending you know what you're talking about. - Mon, 23 Jun 12:29pm

A friend of mine (female) was married for a few years to a bi male. At first she thought everything was fine but eventually it got to her that he was a little more attracted to a mans body than a womans body.
Personaly I cant understand how a guy can get a hard-on near another man. Something is wired differently in our brains for sure. Just keep your dick away from me and I wont rip it off and feed it to you! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 4:19pm
ML7Mike You are all too uptight. Go listen to Judas Priest or something. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 4:29pm
hahahah that was funny. Gay. Judas Priest. Get it? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 4:35pm
homobhobes go home Very good hahaha and the homophobics should fuck off! to each their own! Live and let live! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:01pm
I love Fags "that was funny. Gay. Judas Priest. Get it"


i have always hated faggots. They look stupid. I dont care who you are or what you are. If you are a man! you are a MAN!!!! No matter what ! Stop talking like little school girls, lower that chin a bit, FOR GODS SAKE----bring your shoulders down again. You are a man!!!! PHYSICALLY!! Mentally you are gay. So be gay! But dont morph into a woman.

PS: I have no feelings about gays, i have many friends which are gay. Which happened when i found out ROb Halford is gay. BECAUSE I idolised that mother fucker!!! I love ROB!! When he turned gay, i didnt have what it took to look down on Rob, so instead I accepted homosexuals as people too! I spent my whole life making fun of fags, while listening to "Sad wings of Destiny", with this BACKPATCH on my jean jacket (which goes over a leather one) of Rob looking gayer than ever. I wanted hair like he had on TURBO, i want to look like him, talk like him, even drop the Cosbys off at the pool like him. Turns out..from 1976-1993, i wanted to be gay.Why i hadnt have seen it before. I though i knew what gays looked like. They looked like that kid in 4th grade who wore suspenders, didnt they. I mean he was a fag for sure. damn

MORAL: Heavy Metal music changes people like you could never imagine! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 6:35pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Rob Halford's gay?????? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 8:44pm
hellbentover for leather you didn't notice when he was jamming his turbo love into your stained clASS? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 9:24pm
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Rob Halford is the archetypal Leather Daddy.... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:55pm
jay brown
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You know there are very few things that make me want to hit people just because they opened their mouth. Racism thats one, makes me mental. Homophobia, there's the other one. I have absolutely no idea how on earth that people can think it's all right to act like that, it's fucking sick. What on earth gives you the right to judge people just because they have a different lifestyle than you? What makes you think the word faggot is o.k.? Is the word nigger o.k.? I mean really would you stand up and start yelling it at the top of your lungs in a crowded room? Probably not, so what's the difference? Are you scared about your own sexuality but you cant deal with it? In my experience those are usually the ones with the biggest chips on their shoulders. Get over it gay people have taste too ya know so they probably wouldnt hit on you anyways. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:18am
Put Away The Goddamn Rainbow! I don't care whos gay and whos not, but come on...
Whats with all these gay people and the need to wave flags with rainbows on them, and broadcast their gayness to the entire planet???

You won't see a straight person with a shirt saying "I'm Straight - Get Used To It!"

I don't mean you gay people shouldn't have your own bars, or be more than welcome in a straight bar, but really, when you go off saying shit which basically translates into "I'm gay look at me!!! Im' ever soooo different!"
What do you expect???

Heres a tip:
You gay people want to be treated with respect?
Stop going around like the world has done some wrong to you and telling us all about it...

Don't bring it up unless you're trying to get a date or someone of the opposite sex is hitting on you... - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:08am
Oppressed Headache from Dorks Hey "Put Away The Goddamn Rainbow!" - It's called oppression. It has been a part of the white world since civilization began, notice I said "civilization" and not since humankinds beginning! When people are oppressed for long legths of time, they tend to want to react in the complete oposite maner! Sure there was much oppression in many places with many races but certainly not even close to the white mans appression. Religion is to blame for most of societies past and present problems! That would be "white mans religion"!

Gay people; fly your flags and be proud of who you are, this dork wants black people at the back of the bus, oriental gardeners, hispanic chamber mades, all that are seen but not heard! He belongs back in Mississipi, back in the 1900's. With bullwhip in hand to make sure that everyone stays in their place!

Your anscestor started it, and now you have to deal with it! Poor sod, go to Grandad and say, "You stupid fuck, look what I have to deal with now. Better yet, go to your priest and say it!

Learn to live with it and while you're at it, scream the the heavens, "I'm straight and proud of it!" Maybe that will make you feel better? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:47am
jay brown
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Actually you fucking redneck the world has done things wrong to gay people for thousands of years. Beat up and killed and persecuted them because of a difference in lifestyles. What does it matter to you if one day a year they march down a street and say" Here I am, and I'm proud of it". How does that affect you? What their o.k. as long as their in a closet? Why would a straight person need to even talk about being straight? Like eighty or ninety percent of the world is straight. No big need to stand up for your rights there. Nobody is telling you not to have a parade, get over it and try to think with just a little bit of your brain. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:47am
Anonymous Put Away The Goddamn Rainbow!

This person has it right. No hatred in his/her words. Very logical. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:18am
homobhobes go homo Better not see either of you at an easter/Christmas/St Patricks day/Canada Day parade! Put away your fucking horns, pom poms, floats decrying the particular holiday! Kids in cute little costumes! I know I'm offended! Losers! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:21am
Anonymous Yea, keep your religious parades to yourselves! Santa with his lies of happines and crap etc... - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:23am
Anonymous Jay Brown-any other reasons you might go hit someone? I want you to draw first blood but so far I dont fit your description to get hit for. There must be something. Want to hit me cause I believe in a God? Hit me so I can take you down! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:31am
Anonymous Gay parade's being compared to holiday parades? Seems a little off to me. Why not a national holiday and parade for the walking mentaly ill? I could lead my people. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:48am
Put Away The Goddamn Rainbow! Oh my god, Jay Brown =

First off, Sure some people have been beaten for being gay... honestly, so fucking what?
You know how meny women were burned alive for being "witches" or how meny punks like you got their ass kicked for being what they are???

Mabye you forget about all the little things in the world...
I don't see your ass with a shirt saying "I'm a punk get used to it"

And where in the blue goddamn fuck do you 2 peices of crap get off with your "white man" bullshit????
You have any fucking idea how meny "white" countrys there are???
Have you any idea how meny people from those slavory free "white" countrys moved here well after slavory was abolished??? *Mine is one of those for the record*
All I have to say to you about white opression is HITLER for a prime fucking example you PC nazi fuck.
How fucking dare you generalize against the mass populace of the country you live in as "oppressive whites" thats fucking sick.For starters SLAVORY IS AMERICAN, NEVER CANADIAN!!!!
Go join the black panthers you pig headed fuck.
You say "I'll punch someone for saying the word nigger" well , I ask you this, would you punch someone for saying the words honkey or cracker???

Yeah thats what I fucking thought.

And you wanna talk about slavory...
Did you even know how most of the yankees black slaves were aquired???
The waring tribes would capture eachother AS SLAVES and sell them to white men... so both colors are equally wrong, too bad you have white = red vision you uneducated pig.

And don't speak of slavory, no living person in north america was a victim of slavory because slavory was abolished 137 YEARS AGO!!! MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!!!

The only oppressing I see here is you overly PC fucks blaming the "white man" for every little problem in your life and are pissed because they dont treat you "special enough"

Well wake up and smell the fucking world peace coffee...

And when did I say gays couldn't have pride day???
Read closer "redneck"

One day I hope you spew this bullshit off to someone who believes in TRUE EQUALITY and you get your ass broken..
You close minded peice of shit.

Oh and let me just define equality for you "INDIFFERENCE"
Just because you nail other guys in the ass or aren't white gives you NO FUCKING RIGHT to go off like the anti-white nazi peice of shit you make yourself out to be *other guy included*

Hail Colored Gay HITLER right boys??? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:57am
twitfinder Twit, a parade is a parade! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 11:06am
WhitemantoWhiteman A-You obviously know nothing about the history of this country, there were black slaves here. Lets not even get into the first nations issues.

B-There's a big difference between being punk and gay or a person of color. Why, because, in the scheme of things, punks are a very small minority.

C-I am white. Anti Nazi and slavery is slavery. Whats the difference between "being aquired and being bought?

D-The religion of the white mans world is based on european religion. Catholosism etc... That is where indifference began, that is where racism began! If you weren't one of them, you were a heathen! Kill all the heathens was the popular chant for many years. Many wars were based on that premiss.

So get your historical facts straight! In almost every country on the planet, at one time had slavery. Fuck mate, go to school before you spout your crap!

And finally E-It's always the cry of the indifferent to "get over it". Someone killed your family and it's now 20 years later, get over it! What a fucking loser. People won't get over it, and they don't have to! They have every right to remember. And it is some peoples responsability to accept blame for it! Until that happens, no problems of that kind will ever be forgotten. Look at the Jews, god forbid anyone should forget about the holocost??? You hear about almost daily!!! Movies, documentary's, books, television etc... But that's the nature of the beast! Atrosoties should be kept in the front of peoples faces. This way, they can be avoided. Even if I don't like hearing about it daily, it still must be said.

Other oppressed groups should be heard as loudly as the Jews. I was also generalizing the white race. Not every white person, but someone has to take responsability for the crimes that were committed by these people and you are a perfect candidate for that blame! You indifferent piece of crap! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 11:26am
Deal with it You know what sickens me? Self righteousness. Almost as much as racism and a hell of a lot more then homophobia. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:04pm
Put Away The Flag I'm a candadite???
You please tell me what the sweedish people did to anyone, I'd love to hear it.

And there is a difference, blacks took slaves, chinese took slaves, egyptians took slaves, babalonians even did it too...
So stop pointing the accusing finger @ anyone whos white, have the decency to at least blame yankees, and slaves in canada????
What are you fucking retarded???
Canada is where blacks came to get away from slavory!!!

And my family has nothing to do with slavory of any sort, so you are discriminating against me for the color of my skin. and why can't people get over what happened 137 years ago???
I certainly don't hear any jews blaming hitler for any of their problems!!! They just hate hitler for what he has done, and that is understandable, I have yet to meet a jew who ever pointed a finger at todays german society, as the decendants have no right pointing their finger @ white canadians. Why???

How in the fuck do you know whos familys were and were not involved in slavory???
And as I stated Noone alive today was a victim of it, they live in a great country and should be glad to be here, not feeling that everyone who is white owes them something because I certainly owe noone anything.

And I totally agree about the religion topic, but you cant blame all white people for oppressive religion... example September 11 , need I really say more???

And what do you mean punks are a smaller community!!!
I bet you theres just as meny punks out there as gays!!!

You people are always trying to blame someone else for your problems or else get special treatment.
Why should you get any special treatment???
Because your skins not white or you nail the same sex???
Sorry friends, that there is called predjudice...
Hitler believed the germans were better and deserved more rights than jews, look what happened there... oh but if hitler was black and or gay it would have all fine and dandy right?

Your all so quick to spout off in the defence of gays and anyone whos not white that you have forgotten the fundamentals of equality.
Blaming people who were not alive at the time and who had nothing to do with anything like that is racist, plain and simple.
EQUALITY people... You cant have that whilst blaming everyone whos white for all of your problems...
*why dont you stop and think about what the "white man" has given for a change??? you'll find it certainly outweighs any slavory...
And on the subject, I'd rather work all day and be treated like crap, have my offspring a real future than be dying face down in the hot soil, diseased and starving to death in the middle of a communist style warzone...
Oh but wait, thats "whitie's" fault too I suspose isin't it guys???? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:30pm
WhitemantoWhiteman Good come back there "deal with it" Another cry of the indifferent! "I hate self rightous people"! Is that because you have low moral values? Or is it because you are habouring some sort of guilt? Hmmmmm???? Says Freud! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:41pm
WhitemantoWhiteman Again, perhaps you should do more studying. There were only certain parts of this country that blacks were welcomed in freedom and not slavery. Ever been to the smelting ovens around St John NB? All the shacks still stand, they housed all black and nono white people that were forced to work in the ovens for next to nothing. There were slaves in Canada. Read up on it!

Again, I was generalizing when I was speaking of white people. Not every white person is responsalbe. But someone is. As for Jews not hating germans, I had a two very good friends. One was jewish and the other was german. We all got along great! The Mother of the jewish guy that I knew suffered the lose of her entire family in the camps. One day we brought this german girl over to his house. We introduced her to his mom, her name was Kaufler and she was 16 years old. Well, his mom went absolutely fucking crazy, I can't even put inot words the anger that came from this usually very nice person. The girl ran out of the house bawling her eyes out. She didn't understand!

My point was that oppressed people have every right to remember their oppression and oppressors! Move on is easy to say when you have never been oppressed. And by the way, I am white. Never been oppressed. Used to get picked on by natives, but never oppressed. Not like they were and still are! Being teased and maybe beaten up as a kid is something that one can get over! Having your family masacred because of religion, color, gender or gender preference is not something easily forgotten.

Read up on your history there friend! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 1:25pm
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And people think I have How bout live and let live ya freaks? Who gives a shit what color you are or your sexual preference. If yer good people it really doesn't matter does it? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 1:44pm
some girl...
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I think this thread is getting turned into "who got the shortest end of the stick. But, really, this is all futile: you really can't compare other people's suffering. What's the point in doing that anyways? all nations are opportunists and they all will take advantage of opportunities to screw others over (usually).

(oh no! I'm generalizing! hee hee ehee) - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 1:55pm
WhitemantoWhiteman One of my original statments Shaggy, live and let live! Right on! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 3:13pm
pompous asshole man there are alot of holier than thou people coming out to this page. i didn't realize that we were in the presence of perfection... ie whitemantowhiteman and jay brown. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 3:38pm
Anonymous Shaggy's perfect except for his body and face. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 3:41pm
Put Away The Flag " Shaggy - And people think I have How bout live and let live ya freaks? Who gives a shit what color you are or your sexual preference. If yer good people it really doesn't matter does it? - Tue, 24 Jun 11:44am"

Thats basically what I was trying to say...
Im just one of those people who is sick to death of how white people are treated now a days...
On tv for example:
You'll never hear the n word come out of a white guys mouth unless you happen to be watching American History X on PPV.
But you tourn on any UPN sitcom and you will regularily hear all these white jokes with the word cracker and honkey, and I just fail to see how thats any better than someone saying nigger, and noone even bats an eye...
If you can't pinpoint a specific people, don't generalize, thats like saying everyone whos black comes from africa, or all yellowskins are from china, when we all know their historys differ quite a bit.

And I had no Idea about any slavory in canada, I still almost don't believe it, but Ill say this, they certainly diddn't teach any of us that in school...

And about natives being opressed...
Seriously now, I'd love to hear how they are being oppressed, as far as I see it, they get more brakes than anyone else around here..
Hell in some cases they don't even have to follow common law!!
They get free school, get money for attending highschool, I tell you If I had any of that, Id be one happy motherfucker!!!!!!! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 4:29pm
Anonymous Man you live in a small world. Everything that the natives have, they had to fight for and have had for only the last 20 years or so... Do as the other guy says and read some history. As for UPN and cracker jokes, paybacks are a bitch! With your position, it shouldn't bother you! But it does! Hmmmmmmm????????? Confused are we?????????? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:06pm
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If you had to live under the reserve conditions for a 100 years or so before they improved you'd probably understand why they get what they do now. And to be honest they deserve it and much more.

Let's put it this way. Someone decides their going to walk into your house, point a gun at your head and tell you to get the hell out. Then after the fact force you to live on 1/100th of the land you used to live on, take your children from you so they can be trained to be good christians, ripped off in trade, killed by the hundreds of thousands by diseases their immune systems had no chance of fighting off etc etc etc. Doubt anyone would enjoy that, no matter what nationality they are.

1st nations peoples got the short end of the deal in every country they lived. Even I learned that in school. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:07pm
JimmyCrackCorn It's all bad! We're all people, black, white, yellow, gay, straight, punk, metalhead, blueser, we're all just people. I agree about the statments concerning oppression. It's hard to get away from it and forget hundreds of years of it! Much easier said then done! Lots of wounds to heal before we'll all get along! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:09pm
Anonymous Thanks for that insighful thread Shaggy. Maybe this guy will learn something from it! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:17pm
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"It's called oppression. It has been a part of the white world since civilization began, notice I said "civilization" and not since humankinds beginning!"

Oh, god, this dude gets it... Oppression is part of civilization, not humanity... Anyways, on to other things.....

Uh, let's just same I'm damn near fighting mad.....

"Black power" means "black people are every bit as good as white people"... "White power" means "no you're not, jigaboo, get back in the cotton fields..." "Cracker" means "those white folks aren't as shit-hot as they make themselves out to be", and "n---er" means "we're better than you apes...."

To say that black/asian/latino/whatever resistance to racism and queer resistance to homophobia is as bad as racism and homophobia is to deny that gays and people of colour get told every day in any numbe of ways that they aren't as valuable as straight white people.....

The reason that gay people wear shits that say "I'm gay, get used to it" is that EVERY DAY they've heard, OVER AND OVER "I'm straight and you should be, too, get used to it".... Not in words, not out loud, but think of it.... Imagine you're a gay person and everywhere you look you see straight married couples, straight young lovers, straight romantic comedies, straight people on billboards, straight people on TV, someone asks of you and a close female friend are going out, so on, so on.... Everyone is assumed to be straight until they say otherwise, and so many people are afraid to say other......

Straight people don't have to stand up and say "I'm straight", because if they did, everyone would say "So? So is everyone else..."

"Native people have it easy..." Are you fucking kidding me? "Ok, we'll cut you a deal on your taxes, but we'll steal a few generations of your kids thereby destroying your only way to transmit your culture to the younger generations... Meanwhile we'll fence off a piece of shitty land that no white man wants and let you live there in your "traditional" manner... But you're not allowed to live your culture in this way or that way, and if you want to express your religion, fill out this form... What's the name of your people? Oh, nevermind, "Deneh".... What's that? you're not Deneh? Don't worry, it's just for the sake of administration.... Oh, don't want to live under the watchful eye of the Federal government? Move to the cities..."

And some do move to the cities.... What do they get to hear? "We're not hiring, sorry" "get a job" "no, you'll just spend it on booze" "hey, wagonburner, are you on the warpath?" "I'm sorry, you're not eligible this month" "I'm sorry, were _still_ not hiring" "I'll let you know if I hear anything" and so on..... ALL THE WHILE, every sign, billboard, TV show, movie, etc, etc, etc, reminds them that The White Man is Normal and Right, and the Poor Little Indian was unlucky to be born ugly, dark, and heathen....

If that's not opression, I don't fucking know what is..... - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:33pm
Like you? Here's what I have to add: I'm a visible minority, raised in Vancouver. Never felt like I was treated any differently, the rare namecalling I heard as a small child I quickly forgot and probably pushed away. I talk like everyone else, I behave like everyone else, my boyfriend was from the same hood and white, used to refer to me as the "little immigrant" for laughs, and we'd laugh at the small mindedness, simple-ness of his redneck family or others if they ever slipped up with an assumption or comment relating to my ethnicity.

Since then on more than one occasion I've marvelled at the fact that I've never been the victim of prejudice. I even travelled to places where it was more prevalent perhaps to tempt fate, but still nothing. So I feel safe in my Canadian-melting-pot cocoon. Now I'm older and like a lot of people of every kind, am still battling ridiculous self-esteem issues, not always visible to the naked eye, but there nonetheless.

Last month I watched while another visible minority ran for the bus. I noticed a certain expression on his face. It was a "please guy, give me a break, I'm at your mercy" look, and I realized that its a very common look among a lot of my nationality. Then I realized my mom, an immigrant to this country, raised me with that same way of thinking. I stand up for myself and everything else, I don't to the best of my knowledge reveal that expression, but I've realized that its always been lurking just out of site. Sure took a long time for me to notice it.

I'm not whining, I haven't even thought of it since last month, and I'm hesitant to even bring it up with anyone Because. Because of what? My pride? My shuving it under the rug because hey guys I'm really one of the team? Because I don't want to same ungrateful? Because I've had it really really good here, and everyone around me has treated me really well. Because I'm lucky to be here.
I don't know. But it certainly blew my mind.
I've skimmed through most of this/these types of threads, but this is probably an illustration of what some of you are getting at. cheers. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 7:18pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Rob Halford's white?????? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 7:37pm
staindriller didn't you notice he was whiter than diamonds when he made your ass redder than rust while delivering the goods? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 8:34pm
The Ref Ahh wreaker! Thanks for the laugh! LOL! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:53pm
Anonymous Homosexuals feel guilty for their perverse sexual habit and need to feel accepted. Spritually they all know they are messed up. Notice 98% of gay men are also denying the existance of God? They dont want to face him. They remind me of how some people cant tell a lie so they need to confess to the world. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:34pm
Anonymous the last poster should be shot
that is some of the most ignorant rambling ive ever heard
as long as people like you exist there will be no peace for anyone
just live your life and leave others alone to live thiers
humbug! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:55pm
Anonymous God is a homosexual.She likes eating pussy. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:11am
Fiddy Cent You can find me in the club. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:18am
Anonymous hahahaha God, she likes...get it hahahaha

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Liye you? said: "and I'm hesitant to even bring it up with anyone Because. Because of what? My pride? My shuving it under the rug because hey guys I'm really one of the team? Because I don't want to same ungrateful? Because I've had it really really good here, and everyone around me has treated me really well. Because I'm lucky to be here."

Maybe because you're afraid that people will think you're blowing it out of proportion or taking it too seriously? I don't know, could be any number of things....

But it's common for people of colour who talk about racism (like gay who talk about homophobia or women who talk about sexism) do be dismissed as "too sensitive", or "taking it too far", or "reading too much into a simple situation", or whatever.... Most white people are terrified to even _talk_ about racism, and lock up whenever it's mentioned.... Therefore, it can be hard for people of colour to talk to even the whites that are closest to them about racism.... - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 1:00am
Anonymous list racial slurs right on yer garbage wrapped in skin. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:46am
andy stewart
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this topic is gay - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 5:13am
The Ref Some of the previous posters are seriously disturbed individuals! Wow, scarey place with them around! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 9:32am
Anonymous i think the natives should have to get with the times. you can't live in the past forever. and you certainly can't whine forever. honestly, if they put as much effort into getting jobs or going to school as put into complaining, things would be very different. much of a generalization i know, and not all are like that, but this website is all about generalizations so i've come to realize. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:12pm
Anonymous Man people that say "Get over it" iritate me! They obviously have nothing to get over! Live in anothers shoes for a few generations, they beek up! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:42pm
Anonymous Should have read "then Beek up" - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:43pm
some girl...
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Judging from the course I took on Native Studies (only 2 so I'm no historian) the majority of Natives in Canada don't want to reclaim "their" land or make "white man" feel guilty; rather, they want an apology... oh, and many want self-government. It's much like the holocaust survivors: they want an apology and respect/agknowledgement (I say that due to my Babcia telling me this... and she's a non-Jewish (Polish) concentration camp survivor). It's the same with gays: respect them and their one day of agknowledgement. All this "we're more screwed than you" is complete crap. Agknowledging what has happened, historically, doesn't have to involve guilt trips. Besides, it's kinda hard to make the dead feel guilty! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:50pm
Voice of Reason It's called war. The white guy won. They took your land. Want it back? Let's fight again. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:08pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Thats strange. Im no historian but I dont recall reading about any war in Canada against first nations peoples to take their land. As a matter of fact most of BC isnt even covered under treaty. Its kinda like you living in your home and noticing people starting to build on your property. You start nosing around and complain. You try and negotiate with thier leaders to come to an aggreement. This drags on and on and suddenly you realize that no one acknowledges that fact you ever lived (and still do live) on your property. So basically it appears that they just want some kind of acknowlegment that they do in fact have SOME land and rights within that land. The reason this process takes so long is because if this actually went to Supreme Court, under Canadian and British Common Law, most Aboriginal claims would be enforced. In most cases the land was actually never given up; not even unofficially! Nisgaa negotiations for example have actually been going on continuously for over a 100 years. This wasnt something new, it just took this long to come to some sort of agreement...... - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:34pm
Reality Bites What an idiot! "It's called War..." The day that happens will be a very sad day. Lots of people would die! White and Native! Don't think that they haven't seriously thought about it. Well armed, well prepared to defend themselves! War is out man! It took centuries of learning but we (for the most part) are learning. War is not the way, sure if you want the entire planet dead! It's now called survival of humankind! Technology will make wars obsolete because it will mean either survive or most of the planet goes. I trust in human nature to prefer to survive.

People like you will soon be long past history and peace loving people will look back at you and your history and say "Poor sods, and where are they now? Dead thank goodness!"

Reason is winning over violence now'a'days! The people's ancestors that took the land have seen the error in those ways and are trying to compensate for it!

And for that matter, if it came down to "White man and the rest of the world, white man is seriously out numbered. I mean seriously!

So hang onto your hats and believe that peace is the way, otherwise it might be the white race that is extict. Why, because in the end, all the uncivilized places on earth will be the only populated areas on the planet. They are populated by 99% non whites. The Countries that harbour huge military power are lead by whites. They'll be the first to go!

Just a thougth or two on that losers last post! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:36pm
The Ref
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Great post Wreaker. That's tellin'em! No history major, you jest? Ya sounded pretty knowledgeble to me!

This other poster, holy end of the world-ite-iss. Understand most of the points but a little bit of a monkey on our shoulder, eh?

Besides, wasn't this about gays?? - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:48pm
some girl...
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Wreaker: You're totally right. It was #1)disease, not war, that killed/weakened the Natives and #2)colonization (as you summed up: living in their backyard). I find that people are really freaked out about Natives reclaiming land b/c they think that the Natives will make us move. The reality of it is that I haven't heard of a Band ever wanting that; rather, reclaiming land is usually tied with wanting a strong role in environmental descions/actions. I still stand by my belief that the majority of Bands don't want hand-outs, they want recognition: of their land, their rights etc. etc. (I'm refering to Bands that are active in politics). - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 4:37pm
Lucky Warrior "It's called War..." The day that happens will be a very sad day. Lots of people would die! White and Native! Don't think that they haven't seriously thought about it. Well armed, well prepared to defend themselves!"

Thats right, being native myself, I know of the underground plans to assault you whities...
First were going to secure a McDonalds , Liquor store and gas station *just the parking lot* all at once..

then once we have had a chance to eat and hit our wives a few times, we will tie our sophisticated bark armor to our chests, dawn our empty lucky can necklaces, and discharge our bodily gasses and fluids until you surrender!

^^We deserve and care for land. Come by one of our reservations any time, you will see NO GARBAGE on our roofs, lawns or streets, and we dont put old bathtubs and tires on display in the yard!^^

- Lucky Warrior - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 6:17pm
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Wreaker, Ref, SomeGirl, you kids are alright (and all right)... - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 8:13pm
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If ignorance were gold, there'd be a couple of millionaires around here.

That's for sure.

Gman - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 9:28pm
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Wow.... This thread really died when they switched software....

Which is just as well.... It wasn't going anywhere, anyways.... - Sat, 28 Jun 2003 5:02am
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I can not see any problem in the world with being proud of what you are. We proudly display our canadian flags because we are Canadians, why can't proud gay people display their rainbow flags? I don't see any reasons except ignorance or jealousy that would inspire someone to put down gay pride.
About natives and their land, well hell, we have lots of land in BC let alone Canada, lets give them some more. I saw a VI news segment on reserves up island where homes are occupied by more than one family and many people who should be living on the reserve can't due to a lack of space. They showed the reserves and they were located in this beautiful forest right on the water with nothing around them but forest for miles. It looked like an absolutely great place to live and somewhere that I would like to raise my children. The forests stretched up and down the beach for so long that in the view from the helicopter you could not see another building or sign of development except for this tiny pocket of houses for the first nations people. Why on earth can we not let them have all that surrounding forest? It is not going to be used for anything besides logging to pay off some governemt debt like the fast ferry fiasco.
Really though, can anyone tell me a good reason why the government should not give some unused land to a people who need it, want it, and would respect it? - Sat, 28 Jun 2003 3:54pm
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The really fundamentally stupid thing is that one of the justification for not giving up some crown land is that they're afraid that the Native bands "won't take care of it".... Isn't that fucking bullshit? The BC government has done it's level best to destroy what forestland we have left, and people are afraid that Native people, whose culture rests on respect for the land and such, will take worse care of it than the government.... _Bullshit_.... - Sat, 28 Jun 2003 9:30pm
User Info...
that last post should be ripped off verbatim and used as lyrics for a song. oooops.....BEST SHIT EVER!!!!! - Sat, 28 Jun 2003 9:32pm
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