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ranting and raging about things that piss you off >: (
Message Board > General Chitchat > ranting and raging about things that piss you off >: (
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seeing as that I am the first to post on this subject leme touch base.

im 15, and I play guitar and my intire life revolves around music. what pisses me off is how much F***EN money bands like blink182 ect get paid MILLIONS of dollars to do things a monkey with some direction could.

like whats the deal with that? has the music industry been taken over by a bunch of mindless money hungrey pigs or something? what happend to bands like ACDC or artists like Steve vai and Joe Satriani....hell even eddi vanhalen.

in my opinion, there needs to be a change, some kind of talent margin that seperates kids like me from professionals.

thats the whole subject right there... how are you a "professional" musician if some punk ass kid (like myself) can pick up your songs by just listening to them... Professional skaters for example, they are pro because of the amazing things they can do... playing a song that consists of 3 main power cords and "I fucked your mom" does not deserve any credit at all... sure its funny... but serisouly now... lets be reasonable.

annyyway I just hope that it changes. There are many talented musicians out there, and if the big CEO's of the company started to realize that, I think this world might be a better place.

the guy who goes to university to study music his whole life deserves the big bucks, not some c-rapper bragging about how many "hoe's" he has or "rides" he owns. dont even get me started on rap music... I will save that for another day. - Wed, 21 May 2003 7:52pm
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ok dave...i'll post. things that piss me off.. errrr i dunno nickleback AND nickleback clones. - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:05pm
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yay! someone posted... come on, theres gotta be more things out there that piss people off.

how about nazi's.... nazi's piss people off all the time... or how about those fuckers at Eriksons Audio?

(can I say fuck on here?)

or how about when you fill your bowl up with cerial, but theres only a little bit of milk left, and you pour it in, and its only like a splash.... and your like "damn, now I have to eat this, and theres no milk in it"...


? - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:12pm
The Dude To qoute Kenn Coutu

"You got your techno beats, you got your drum machines where did my guitar go"

"The DJ spins the same shit over again but it's not his fault"

That's what the business is now little guy. I don't like it anymore than you, but fuck, until that guy behind the desk gives you that crapload of $$$$.......

and even then, you have to sign a however many records record deal and then you to can be like Pearl Jam and leave your label and do things your way. - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:14pm
Anonymous I hate punk ass 15 year olds coming on live vic stressing how they should jam with you. you have no talent so fuck off - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:15pm
Anonymous you are an idiot aylott - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:29pm
Spark well, if you don't like what the record companies consider marketable music. listen to something else. music has been around for thousands of years and there are millions of songs to chose from. if you like guitar, listen to fernando sor or andreas sogovia. villa lobos or perhaps some bach interpretations. - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:33pm
Anonymous in response to your question jam as to why bands like blink 182 make so much money with their simplistic music--here's my theory:
it's because the average humans ear isn't advanced enough to "handle" actual "talent," therefore, bands that have little or no talent make it farther then someone with alot of talent
ie--and this is a good example i like to use --mozart was asked to cut notes out of his music back in the day because the people who went to see his concerts could not handle to hear all those notes--
for the average person--the simpler the better--it sucks, but it is the truth - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:52pm
?�?�? i don't like avril lavigne. there. i said it. she's twice as manufactured as Britney Spears ever was. - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:02pm
Anonymous Avril reminds me of a teenager who thiks shes just too cool to talk to anyone
and a spoiled selfish scared little brat
time to smack her off the teet - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:22pm
The Ref Yup! If ya don't like it, stay away from mainstream. I rarely listen to the radio. Don't support mainstream and it may (eventually) go away. Unfortunatley there are so many sheep in the world that reality TV, Britney, Avril and all the rest have a huge market. Music should be run by musicians! Hopefully computers will knock the corporate ladder from under all of them and CRASH the end! Probably not in our lifetime though! Besides, anything that gets popular enough will be taken by the same people that are running the industry now. 15 years ago, if you'd asked a record exec if he would buy say...Greenday, he would have laughed at you. Times change and they change with'em! They follow the money train, so we're all SOL on that score! - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:23pm
Anonymous the top ten list of things that piss me off
1.) when i forget to wear underwear and i wear a skirt and fall down stairs at a bar
2.)old men who try to pick you up downtown
3.)people who dont appreciate, in general, escpecially if they have a lot of money
and the rest well i just cant bring myself to bitch about it - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:28pm
Anonymous the smell of my hand after a night of anal fornication - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:31pm
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when the dawn comes and the old people walk really slowly on the street
and you get on the bus and all you can think about is if they're gonna die on you
just like that
it happened to me once - Wed, 21 May 2003 9:53pm
One tooth willie condoms breaking
sour pussy
no action
gays - Thu, 22 May 2003 12:06am
Daemon midgits
tall people
and quasi moto off that fucking movie the hunchback of notredam - Thu, 22 May 2003 12:28am
Anon386 Ref, it is odd how people like to complain about mainstream radio when they have the choice to tune out. We all have our computers here. No excuse to get stuck listening to something you don't like.

This reminds me of another thread about the Iraq war. It was brought up that although there are many sources of information most people simply go to the mainstream sources. Especially ( gag ) CNN. - Thu, 22 May 2003 5:11am



thx - Thu, 22 May 2003 10:10am
helen von trumpkin
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1. When your room mates drink your last beer, the one you were saving for after work.
2.Slutty ass 17 year old bar sluts.
3. Kids that think they know it all.
4. When your room mates piss on the bathroom floor and don't clean it up.
and finally most of all

the dude on my bus route, hes creepy he's smelly and he follows me to work - Thu, 22 May 2003 10:54am
The Ref True Anon, sad but true. CNN the most guilty news agency when it comes to propoganda. So many venues to choose from, all but the mainstream should be looked at. Mainstream is what "they" want everyone to listen to, music or otherwise. - Thu, 22 May 2003 11:15am
Anonymous Helen, which bar are these 17 year old sluts hanging out in? Ummm......could you be a little more specific? - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:00pm
Ty Stranglehold
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those fucktards who continue to sit there in the left hand turn lane when they have an arrow. Fuck that burns me. - Thu, 22 May 2003 2:41pm
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ONE TOOTH WILLIE...all your piss offs seem to tend towards the women you get. I think your list should say.....

1) The fact I suck with women - Thu, 22 May 2003 2:47pm
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I'm pissed off that there's no goddamn emoticons for this message board! - Thu, 22 May 2003 2:50pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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I hate all that is Metal!!! oh and the Hoosegow - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:00pm
Anonymous opening bands that play for more than 40 mins - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:01pm
One Tooth Willie Ya I do suck with women
Its true
or women suck
anoder thing dat pissez me off is when my sister leaves her bloody tampons in der toilet and duzent flush
iky feutus - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:36pm
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hate people who come on here and blam other people without even a name... that makes me tick.

I mean seriosly, some people honestly belive they have a right to think they are better than someone else without having the slightest idea of what the person they are making fun of is about.

ya I guess bitching about how the mainstream music sucks isnt gonna change anything. Meh.

oh ya, I hate twinky bitches, you know, the ones who have more brains in their tits than they do in their head! you ask them a question and its like:

"....uhh, I bought some new nail polish today! hehe!"



oh, and as for you (the guy who had "-" for a name) why dont you grow up just a weee bit? you call me a little kid because of my age? age isnt really much else but a number so you can cram it buddy.

meh, more things to come later, for now, entertain your selves with this...

O C=====8 (the asshole from eariler sucking a fat one) - Thu, 22 May 2003 5:46pm
Anonymous willie- you shold be used to all those things by now - Thu, 22 May 2003 5:56pm
Stick it up your ass the one thing that REALLY fuckin makes be biol is that loud mouth little wench who has those stupid initials for her name, EXCLAMATION POINT!!!
I think, and i speak for everyone, the sour little drama queen with no life should get off her pc and get one
I mean we know its a cry for help the little bitchfests and tantrums you throw but do you really think your gonna make friends?
or be appreciated
and if you dont care then why dont you FUCK OFF AND DIE
stupid bitch! - Thu, 22 May 2003 6:16pm
Anonymous Jam alott kinda pisses me off! He's a 15 year old that thinks he can play bass! Hahahahaha Keep practicing glasshopper! - Thu, 22 May 2003 6:23pm
LMFAO! Thanks for the message Jesse but what does biol mean????? You sure are bent you bitch. Wonder what Jas will think of this LMFAO! He's embarrassed of you now I am sure. - Thu, 22 May 2003 6:28pm
Stick it up your ass lets see how petty she can be
is that all you have
oh you got me so scared about this b/f of this person that im supposed to be
you just know it all dont ya
every fucking thing that spews from your filthy hole so fucking justified
Ignorant, selfish, vendictive STUPID DUMB ASS BITCH
LMFAO! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh look my ass is off from laughing so hard. Certainly a violent one today arntcha? - Thu, 22 May 2003 6:52pm
LMFAO! Hey Jes why don't you take your own advice and see if anyone cares? - Thu, 22 May 2003 6:56pm
Anonymous Why dont you read my name again cuz i dont think you understand - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:02pm
Anonymous no-one wants to know about your fat funckin ass - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:05pm
I HATE YOU ALMOST! 1) Drivers who won't stay right. it is my fucking lane, get out!
2) Drivers who don't pay attention to the color of the lights.
3) Women drivers. If I need to explain you are a woman.
4) Idiots who have to race past you so they can sit one car length closer to the light.
5) People who get on the highway and don't gp at least 70. there are backroads you fucking shitheads.
6) Drivers who are going under the speed limit on one lane traffic who don't pull over (This is mainly women who believe that since they are not breaking the law it is perfectly fine to make a hundred fucking cars wait for them to go 30 in a 60 zone because it is wet out. get off my fucking road bitch.
7) Women drivers.
8) Drivers who don't turn right on reds.
9) Old Drivers.
10) Women drivers. - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:11pm
Anonymous I was happy. My girlfriend and I were dating for over a year, and so we
decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends
encouraged me, and my girlfriend.
She was a dream.

There was only one thing bothering me, quite much indeed, and that was
my mother-in-law to be. She was a career woman, smart, but most of all
beautiful and sexy, who sometimes flirted with me, which made me feel

One day she called me and asked me to come over to check the wedding
invitations. So I went. She was alone, and when I arrived, she whispered to
me, that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me
that she couldn't overcome. So before I got married and committed my life
to her daughter, she wanted to make love to me just once!

What could I say? I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. So, she
said, I'll go to the bedroom, and if you are up for it, just come and get
me. I stood there for a moment, and then turned around and went to the
front door. I opened it, and stepped out of the house. Her husband was
standing outside, and with tears in his eyes, hugged me and said, we are
very happy and pleased, you have passed our little test. We couldn't have
asked for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family.

Moral of the story: Always keep your condoms in your car. - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:16pm
Troutbreath Now THAT is funny!!!!!!! - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:32pm
smack me silly Ive heard that before
but it still is funny - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:40pm
Anonymous people obsessing over Iso - Thu, 22 May 2003 7:49pm
JJ People turning left who dont turn on their signal until the light turns green and you'll never get into the other lane!! - Thu, 22 May 2003 9:37pm
Anonymous Drivers (men or women) who pull out in front of you quite suddenly from a side street or something and then proceed to do less than the speed limit.
Asswipe you were in such a hurry to pull out and then you can't even drive that piece of crap the freakin speed limit!
That pisses me off. - Thu, 22 May 2003 9:53pm
Anonymous holy fuck does this ever piss me off...

ok, so you're in the left lane and traffic is merging into the right hand lane. Theoretically, the left lane should cruise on through and not have to slow down. But noooooo, stupid ass schmucks in the right lane are trying to get into the left lane to avoid the traffic merging in the right. Stupid fucks, why don't you get in the left lane way earlier???

I have the skills though, I hug the line at the very right of the left lane and ride the bumper of the person in front of me. Try and jam in there NUMBNUTS.

I fucking hate everybody on the all piss me off severely. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't all so FUCKING STUPID. - Fri, 23 May 2003 11:40am
Anonymous the same exact thing goes for you idiots who try and bypass the exit line ups by going right to the front and try to jam in right before the exit. I empty my nose at you. - Fri, 23 May 2003 11:44am
helen von trumpkin
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The slutty little bars stars, are everywhere, I was in Ledgends for a birthday party and they were all over the place, way too young to be in the bar. - Fri, 23 May 2003 11:44am
Anonymous i hate getting shitty heroin. the stuff on the street should be much much better. - Fri, 23 May 2003 11:51am
grrr Things I Hate:
1) chicks that wear jeans showing their g-string. you look disgusting.
2) mullets.
3) cheap shoes.
4) KIDS asking me for cigarettes.
5) BUMS asking me for money.
6) disrespectful punk-ass kids leaving their beer bottles/cans and huge messes at campgrounds.
7) hyper, stupid little dogs.
8) barking dogs.
9) fuck it - except for one dog i know - they all suck.
10) fat people riding bikes.
11) kids on leashes.
12) fake tits.
13) elderly drivers.
14) people that cross a busy street when one side is clear, then stand in the middle of the road like an idiot waiting for the other cars to pass. (i's so tempting to run you over)
15) people that cough/sneeze without at least covering their mouths.
16) those guys that plug one of their nostrils, and blow their fucking nose on the ground.
17) liars.
18) thieves.
19) that "bleeah bleeah bleeah" noise alarm clocks make.
20) people that think they are better than everyone else. - Fri, 23 May 2003 1:04pm
Anonymous #20 is describing YOURSELF though grrr - Fri, 23 May 2003 1:09pm
For Jam Aylott You said: " playing a song that consists of 3 main power cords and "I fucked your mom" does not deserve any credit at all... sure its funny... but serisouly now... lets be reasonable."

I can see your point, put remember that when you drink you usually can't play more than 3 chords. Also, if you're punk/metal you probably will be drunk when you play! Kurt Cobain used to tell interviewers that he could only handle simple lyrics/chord when he began playing because his nerves made him forgetful. Your right though, Dink182 do suck... and I see your point.

Is it okay that Soundgarden's "hands all over" song states "kill your mother"? Is that the same thing as fucking? (I'm just being catty now). - Fri, 23 May 2003 1:19pm
Anonymous If you are a musician, you cn play more than 3 chords when you drink. That is just talking out of your ass. NIRVANA had no talent musically, just in songwriting, i believe in the comment that 3 chords is not talent..It is music, but not talent - Fri, 23 May 2003 1:43pm
Anonymous Jesus hamlet
can we get any more mature? - Fri, 23 May 2003 6:36pm
Love Things I love
1) chicks that wear jeans showing their g-string. you look slutty, just the way I like it.
2) mullets.
3) cheap shoes.
4) KIDS giving me cigarettes.
5) BUMS taking it.
6) being a disrespectful punk-ass kid and leaving my beer bottles/cans and huge messes at campgrounds.
7) hyper, stupid little dogs.
8) barking dogs.
9) fuck it - except for one dog i know - they all rule.
10) fat people riding bikes.
11) kids on leashes.
12) fake tits.
13) fake tits.
14) people that cross a busy street when one side is clear, then stand in the middle of the road like an idiot waiting for the other cars to pass, and then getting splattered over my windshield.
15) people that cough/sneeze on other people.
16) plugging one of my nostrils, and blowing my fucking nose on the ground.
17) lying.
18) stealing.
19) that "bleeah bleeah bleeah" noise puking people make.
20) people that are better than everyone else. - Fri, 23 May 2003 8:48pm
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thats funny - Fri, 23 May 2003 8:53pm
Anonymous That was entertaining - Sat, 24 May 2003 2:48am
chester the molester 1)when yer girlfriend wont give you a blow job..ever
2)soft-core porn. its just bad. i wanna see some pink. fuck.
3)prickly shits that are caused by eating way too many peanuts, when you got a howlin' case of roids.
4)the CRD
6)your mom, only when shes not taking it in the ass.
8)being too drunk to fuck
9)not being drunk enough to fuck
10)getting you cock stuck in your zipper(childhood trauma)
11)christians that try to shove jesus up your ass
12)being too drunk to play guitar
13)not being drunk enough to play guitar
14)the old
15)the young
16)$7.50 per pack of fucking smokes!
17)when ypur boss is a slave driving sadist
18)anyone drinking you last beer
19)american beer
20)making lists

if i was more intrested i would keep on going.
ah fuck off - Sat, 24 May 2003 4:10am
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k first things first.

For the dumbass who said I was a 15 year old who thinks he plays bass.... I play guitar, bass is just a thing on the side that I don't even remotly think I have talent for.

2) for the one who had "for jam aylott" as his name, I see what you mean about the whole drunkedness and playing guitar thing.

I dont know, maybe im just not a die hard fan, I kind of liek every music, try not to limit my self.... Ive never played guitar drunk, stoned... now that is fun shit... I dont knwo why, like you think you sound really good, but its probably horrible.

also, the thing about people sucking at driving... that is some funny shit lol. I liked the one where the guy said

"I hate woman drivers and if I have to explain why, your obviosuly a woman" haha, oh man. no offence ladies but its quite funny.

I found somehting I really hate, coming down off of mushrooms... man that can suck.... I say we change this thread into funny ass stories we all have to tell about being drunk or high on some crazy drugs or some shit lol. - Sat, 24 May 2003 11:39am
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? - Sat, 24 May 2003 8:17pm
JJ I saw something in the Times Communist that pissed me off today. It was an article about a poor old senior who fell and broke her wrist at the Mayfair Mall and not one person in that mall took 30 seconds out of their busy important life to help her up. One young couple even stood there laughing at her while she struggled to get up. She ended up driving herself to the hospital with one hand. Shame on all the ignorant bastards and especially the fuckers that were laughing at her. Karma will pay its dues. Thats my rant of the day. - Sun, 25 May 2003 5:10am
Not Perverted I hate women who wont give me a hand job since I am more than willing to give them tongue/thumb/finger action as too their liking. I only need a pussy and I will please but I need to meet a pussy who is willing to let me please her and give me some satisfaction in the end. I don't need sex but I just need poonani to lick, any girls wanna help? - Sun, 25 May 2003 7:47pm
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dude.... and your "not perverted".... haha - Mon, 26 May 2003 9:06pm
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