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Punkest Punk Rocker
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King of the Castle Who is the punkest punk of them all in Victoria? - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 9:35pm
Anonymous ken ocain was - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:33pm
who cares wins! who cares they all suck....except for Moneyshot of course! - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:37pm
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Dirty Dave Allen sticks ghetto blasters in his ass bitch. That's pretty fucking stupid eh?! I seen it last weekend. Ghetto Dave Allen = GD Allen. - Sat, 23 Nov 2002 11:02pm
jay brown
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yup keeny was the man all right. r.i.p. bro - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 5:22am
S.V. Sweet, sweet Kenny...nobody could decorate a x-mas tree the way he could....condoms and beer cans galore! Miss ya K. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 9:48am
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bullshit! he got his ass kicked by terry hild's brother... - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 11:10am
jay brown
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If I do remember correctly it was kenny and terri who were scrapping, and terri stuck a knife in him. I'd have to say that myka beats him out now though. now theres punk rock for ya. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 2:58pm
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yep Jay is correct....T.H. did stick him with a knife

but we all know the punkest of them all was old clifford the smoke guy who hung out on Yates back in the day - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 3:12pm
Masturbating The War God
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Well I've seen Mark and Devin stick things up their asses. Actually it was the same toy from McDonalds, then after they pulled it out, they stomped on it. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 5:38pm
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Oi! - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 6:27pm
Anonymous Ken stabbed terry atthe Roxy - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 6:29pm
TxSx just remember to never smell, or even shake hands with Mark or Devon.... nough said... - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 6:40pm
shit4brains Fuk! Terry fucked Ken BEHIND the Roxy. Get it right you fools. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 6:51pm
jay brown
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Hey I ran into terri in van last weekend, havent seen that guy in years it was pretty cool. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 7:25pm
S.V. Why is it that no one can mention Ken without bringing up the DRI stabbing incident? You'd think it was the story of the Century. Laprider you hit the nail on the head! Old Cliff was as punk as they get...I can still hear his raspy chant..."spare a quarter for a cup of coffee? (hack, cough sputter)" Ah the good ole days ;) - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 7:29pm
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ya the joke about Cliff was when he died his estate was worth a few mom was his lawyer. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 8:43pm
S.V. I think JB has a couple of stories about Cliff...don't ya Jay? I remember him telling me something like that way back when...of course I just thought it was boolshit. I was just walking by piss alley last night. Truly a ghost of it's former past. How times have changed. - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:02pm
jay brown
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remember when contempo cafe had the picture of cliff on the cover of their menu - Sun, 24 Nov 2002 11:21pm
ML7Mike Wrong. DRI was the night AFTER Ken stabbed Terry .. the stabbing occured at the ALL show the night before. Same place, same weekend, wrong bands.. DRI were the band that enticed the crowd to tear out the first 5 rows of Roxy seats.. - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:22pm
bigballz mirror mirror on the wall
looks like ML7 Mike is the punkest of all..... - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:46pm
ML7Mike Ahaha.. nah I dont dog much ALL. DRI were cool.. but thats metal.. look at my long hair, my rocker shirt, my daytons and my leather, and my big ass truck..

Oh wait.. I dont have Daytons and leather, I have Vans and a bomber jacket that makes me look like a skinhead.

Mirror Mirror On The Wall.. I am not a punk rocker AT ALL! - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:53pm
S.V. Maybe you're right Mike...frankly the 80's are all mostly just a big blur to me now. Too many gigs, too many extra curricular activities. And for the record...I believe it was Ken who knifed Terry :) I think the Parsonage may have a picture of Cliff on their walls that artist who also did a pic of Louesha (but I could be mistaken). - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 1:58pm
Masturbating The War God
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haha, oh dear.... - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 2:47pm
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I'm the punkest punker that ever punked.... - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 3:16pm
markus the incident I was talking about was at a house in Fernwood, off Ridge Street (what the fuck was it called, @#$%&*), and Ken was picking on Terry (as he always did), so T ran 1/2 a block to his bro's house and his bro came running up the street, into the house and laid a flying drop kick on Ken's head and blood went splattering all over the walls. And for the ALL show, yup, Ken stabbed Terry, but it didn't go in that far. Enough to send him to the hospi though. There was blood on the sidewalk. - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 5:16pm
Ian I am the punkiest punker EVER. I have seen the original Misfits! - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 5:24pm
Anonymous ?who was that punker he used to hang out by McDonald' s he was a albino with a big-ass mohawk ? - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 6:33pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
was that one of the french punks? - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 6:45pm
King of the Castle Garth Mullins sounds like the description, but I don't remember him ever hanging out infront of McDick's. - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 6:47pm
Gallows End
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Yup that was Garth. Hans used to call him Al......I think you get it. - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 7:27pm
Anonymous lettuce - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 8:29pm
Anonymous garth was the albino(is the albino)but lettuce is pretty damn punk.. - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 8:29pm
Gallows End
User Info...
I hope Lettuce doesnt have a computer to see this but yes he ranks pretty high in the punk category. If he does then he's not as punk as i thought. heh heh - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 8:42pm
Anonymous by the way, just how many albino moheekans are there... - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 8:44pm
vulpine moron takes the cake. about the rat that was mailed...
...the peanut butter baby diaper avec plastic spoon
...the sally ann box apartment
...and much much more.... - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 10:55pm
S.V. Hey Vulpine are you who I think you are? Naughty kitten? - Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:36pm
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im soooo punk rawk, its not even funny - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:07am
Annoying - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 1:37am
S.V. Wow...that was uplifting...but if it was "punk rawk" the sweet lil dove woud have been tangled in barbed wire ;) Hmmm reminds of a shirt I used to have. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 9:06am
weez Whatever happened to Garth? I see him on the news very occasionally. Actually there's a few people I've always wondered what happened to, like Wolf from Black Kronstad; Steve Radford (I heard but hope it's not as bad as it sounds) and Luke from Edmonton; and Steve Lumpin. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:00pm
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Luke from Edmonton? the big blue mohawk? He was in the video for "come on and sleep with me, why don't you want to sleep with me..." I head something about Wolf alittle while ago, but I don't remember what it was... it sort of sticks out in my head as something corporate. Garth lives in Vancouver. he is a "professional protester" and lends his voice to whatever protest happens to be going on that weekend. VDP Leroy has a kid now, and is living in Red Deer(?) I'm pretty sure he and Sparrow broke up and he has the kid, but I might be wrong... Anyone want to know anything else? - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:48pm
wronskian you are a veritable wealth of information. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 1:16pm
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If by "wealth of information", you mean lifeless loser. Than yes! I agree. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 1:29pm
wronskian potayto, potahto - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 1:34pm
weez Leroy and Kim broke up a while ago. He's a single dad doing tattoos in Edmonton mall. I talk to him often and have visited him a few times over the last 2 years.

Kevin's in a head injury group home up island.

From what I've heard, native Liz is pregnant.

Gossipy, gossipy. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 2:25pm
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Liz is reproducing!? Oh my GOD!!! oh, Pete got his jaw wired shut and is living in Van (again...) Somehow Leroy in Edmonton mall makes sense in a dirty, dirty kind of way. Any idea where up island Kevin is? I would like to see him again, as I live in Nanaimo. Any idea how John is doing? He keeps on relapsing... - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 4:36pm
weez I was in a restaraunt the other day and saw John walk past. He was doing a drug deal. No surprise.

I don't know if I know you. Did you take the mechanics course at Vic High? If so, I think you helped me and my friend with her car. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 4:47pm
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yes, I did. What car? - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 5:33pm
weez a crappy little hyundai excel. we were broken down downtown after I drove it. I seem to do that to cars. I think you got the battery going or something. This was about 5 years ago. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 5:57pm
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yeah... something like that. good times (although a little blurry) - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 6:24pm
Anonymous unfortunately, the only time i see steve radford is when he tries to clean my windshield before he sees it's me...he's very small.. - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 6:33pm
weez Steve used to be so much fun. *Cider Punx!* "Cider is so crispy. It's all we drink."
That totally sucks. Junk gets so many good people.

Myka- I have a stupidly good memory. I remember shit from like 8 years ago. Say like at a party when... you know... so and so's boyfriend's brother's friend was there. I get vivid memories that no one else ever remembers; thus, they never know what the hell I'm talking about... Like right now.. blah blah - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 7:41pm
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myka... areyou commin to vic this weekend?? a few of us mainlanders are gonna be at the all ager on sat. BE THERE OR ILL KICK YER ASS, get emily to come to damn it!! - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 9:20pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
yes Myka, you should come down, and bring me a presant! SuperBowl 03 is fast apon us... :| - Tue, 26 Nov 2002 9:32pm
Punk Grrrl [img][/img] - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 1:47pm
Punk Grrrrrrrrl Yum Oops. these are the punkest punks.. mmm hmmm yummy

[img][/img] - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 1:48pm
Anonymous damn stupid - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 1:49pm
Anonymous And that there is no EDIT command.

- Wed, 27 Nov 2002 1:50pm
vulpine ok now we're into punkest chics - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 7:43pm
hmmmm Victoria never had a real punk. Butterhead doesn't cut it Ken hehehehe(sorry know the guy is dead but if he was the punkest that's pretty sad, although i guess being dead counts for something). Garth from a upper class family playing punk nah! Gee what abouyt "Mangelsome", and lee, or how bout Todd (hehehe) or Narky now Narky was Punk or course i think having your nipples rot off is pretty punk so how bout Terry(girl one) Or Oyster in the snatch is pretty good too, Honor? Geeze was that really life? And the biggest loser was (drum roll) All of em! :-D

Heheheh! can't believe you guys are beliving this stuff......

Oh I can swear here shit! - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:19pm
hmmmm Ooops typo no edit here either, primitive. That should be re-living this shit........... - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:26pm
S.V. Hmmm who the hell are you?? I hope Honor never finds out or she'll kick your ass! Oysters are a forbidden subject!!! Yeah we were all little punk what. Obviously you were too, or you wouldn't be so familiar with that cast of characters and the sordid tales of our youth. Oh yeah, "Manglesome" gets my vote...he's the only one I know who is still slumming around the streets to this day...if he's not dead. - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:34pm
hmmm S.V. - Hmmm who the hell are you??

-Who the hell are any of us

S.V.-I hope Honor never finds out or she'll kick your ass! Oysters are a forbidden subject!!!

-Ah yah right :-D

S.V.- Obviously you were too, or you wouldn't be so familiar with that cast of characters and the sordid tales of our youth.

- Grin - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:45pm
S.V. Really...who are you? I'm curious. :) Unless you prefer to remain anonymous. - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:51pm
jay brown
User Info...
actually mangleson is a chef now and lives in ladner with his wife and kid. he's all cleaned up too. what about narkys best friend back then, amelia. how about robnoxious, if you know all of those names you gotta remember him. How about his buddy miles, i hadnt seen him in about fifteen years and I ran into him in van a few months ago that was pretty cool. - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:54pm
hmmmm anonymos for now is good. Not that I have any problem with you knowing who I am, you do know me. But for now I'd rather remain in the shadows lurking this topic was just to funny I couldn't help myself..... - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:55pm
I-BOMB-A-NATION now in my opinion, I am not a punk by the way, Tony Hammond, from toronto, wqho went to norway for a little bit, but keeps coming back here is the punk of punks.....the guy is like a cockeroche, he could live off anything.....the guy is fucking hilarious too. - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:58pm
S.V. Christ you've been keeping tabs on everyone! You should arrange a reunion party for us ;) ;) ;) Last I heard of Mangleson he's was still couch surfing. Glad to hear he's living the good life now. I always had hope for him...bookworm with a brain. :) - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:58pm
hmmmm So exactly who lived through it all anyway? Or i guess a shotter answer would be who didn't? i have the body count at about 6 but i could be wrong.

I don't know about Rob he tried way too hard, well i guess we all did :-D

Manglescum a dad, well is't that interesting......... a chef too..... hmmmmmm...... - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 8:58pm
S.V. Well there's at least 8-10 old skoolers that posts here that I know of. - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 9:06pm
S.V. Are you the same Hmmmm from the old board? - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 9:08pm
hmmmm No I guess I'm a new hmmmm LOL - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 9:11pm
S.V. I was hoping to save all of those stories for my memoirs...I wanna cash in and make lots of $$$ from those tales of the gutter ;) For a bunch of halfwits we really knew how to have a good time!! I run into a few of our Alumni from time to time, but rarely. This thread is staring to make me feel a wee bit old now....time for some geritol ;) - Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:22pm
keith morris barry - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 1:44am
S.V. Hehehhehe Hmmmm.... I think I figured out who you are (I think). It was hard thinking of someone who would know such a large range of details. Welcome aboard! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 8:55am
jake warren what about lootsie(sp?) that fucker had a colostomy bag and still lipped off rockers at piss alley!! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 7:56pm
jay brown
User Info...
there aint a whole lot of us left from then, me and jody figured it out one day and theres about fifty of the old crowd that died along the way. Pretty fucked up when a thirty two year old has fifty dead friends. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 7:58pm
Jake Warren I continue to be the punkest man alive. There is no contest whatsoever. My punk rock carriculum vitae speaks volumes : Breach/skatepark/TV show... need I say more? Bow down lowly twats, your king walks among you. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 8:34pm
S.V. 50?? WTF? I must be outta touch because I can only think of a handful that have passed on. That's what you get for being a hermit. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 11:30pm
S.V. Was Lutzi (sp?) that German fellow? - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 11:33pm
vulpine this is the most entertaining thread i've seen for a while.
i hope to read some more gritty gossip.hey S.V. ...
i hope you change the names to protect the guilty.
i'd certainly buy a copy. hee hee - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 8:46pm
jay brown
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yup he was the german billy idol guy. What about Darren Richardson, the adam ant guy, he owns a carpet cleaning buisness in richmond now. Hey s.v. any idea whatever happened to Gregor? - Sat, 30 Nov 2002 8:12pm
Anonymous ooh, what about all the weirdos like like (no offence on weirdos) like john jordan, shane, john trail... - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 7:55am
Anonymous what about tj and dylan.. - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 7:57am
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hey WEEZ id like to getahold of Leroy if you can either call me or give him my number or call me anyways its jessica - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 8:16am
S.V. Both Johns are still around...I've seen them haunting my neighbourhood. Shane Green was in Van last time I heard. Jay...who was Gregor? The name sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it. Too many cobwebs in my mind. - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 11:42am
Andrew Hill Is Shane Green the guy that looked like Carrottop? What about the Sausage Kid? Or better yet, Tom Dogpatch? - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 1:31pm
vulpine who's got piss alley photos?
i would love some copies - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 2:02pm
i didnt do it
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anyone know what the title of the book was that was photographs of victoria and vancouver street kids came out abou 9 years ago??
also anyone know how kevin is doing up island? that must have been just recently he moved up there?
last time i talked to liz she wasnt pregnant but that was about a month ago so who knows now?? - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 4:34pm
jay brown
User Info...
tj and dylan are both dead. shane green is still living in van, and so is john jordan. gregor was the guy that had that house in fernwood that tom williams was living at in the early eighties with the those huge fucking snakes in the tank by the window. I think he was german or something. I think he's dead too, but I'm not sure. John Trail is still living here, and he's the same as ever.I ran into him a while ago and it was like stepping back into 85 or something. - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 5:12pm
Andrea Anything The photographer? - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 5:21pm
i didnt do it
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i cant remember who the photographer was but i think he was one of the street ministers from the early nineties and i cant remember his name i know when the book came out there was a big tadoo about it and it was sold at all the big book stores in victoria it had a bunch of my old crew in it and like to get a hold of it as they're mostly all gone or messed up now - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 6:05pm
S.V. The only "photographer" I remember was named Clint (I think), he wore really garish clothing and silver shoes and lived in view towers. He's still around. As far as street ministers...that was pretty cool seeing Rev. Allan run for City Council. I have a great pic of me looking into the mirrored window of the corner store at Piss Alley with my gigantor mohawk...Allan is standing beside me (Chantale took that pic...the only one I have of my hawk).

I remember Gregor now...faces from the past... I could of sworn I saw John Jordon a few weeks ago at Thrifty's (where I also saw J. Trail). Remember John Lord (w/ the purple boots)? I encountered him on a BBS a few years ago (that alone shows my age...pre Internet)...I think he ran a pron site. I am still seeking info on two other Johns...Benjamin who moved to Kentucky and Tresize...anyone know how to contact those jokers?? Memories..... - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 8:25pm
S.V. Is Dylan the girl (Jill)?? - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 8:38pm
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Kevin is in Cobble Hill. I sent him an e-mail, and his response was pretty non-sencical. I think that I heard he had a brain tumor (or something along thoses lines) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:32pm
weez The photographer's name was Bob. he moved to Montreal about 6 years ago. There weren't many prints of the book made unfortunately. It was a supper cool book.

Jessica- HALLO! Are you still on Wilson? I just moved back onto Wilson near Save-On. We must do something soon. My finals are over on Dec 11. 380-5663. Are you still at the same number? - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 1:07pm
Weez again I visited Kevin when Brier and Erik were in town. He seemed to be doing well. It�s way easier talking to him in person with a notepad than it is through email. I never know the frick he�s talking about in his emails. They don�t make any sense.

Myka- From years of doing a concoction of drugs, his heart became dirty. A chunk of crap lodged off of his heart and went into his right frontal lobe. He also had some kind of an ear infection and is now deaf. He said that in July he�s getting this chip in his head, so he can hopefully hear some sounds. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 1:13pm
S.V. We obviously have several generations of "punkers" on here... from 1980 upwards. I presume Bob's book is about kids in the 90's?? - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 1:52pm
Anonymous Yes. 90's unpunk, uncool. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 2:08pm
jmjohnson74 *at*
Messages Posted:
hey weez ya im still in the same house you must be super close if you are near save ons. email me i think if you hit my name you can go direct to me email - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 3:05pm
Anonymous dylan was a guy - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 6:31pm
S.V. I said, different generations. The Dylan I knew was a girl :) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 8:16pm
jay brown
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ah yes, john benjamin , he was in town about a month ago. He's still living in the land of the red necks and ya I have his e'mail somewhere.John Lord is married with kids now. Ya Dylan was after your time s.v. he was a good guy, shitty deal. Andrea Anything???!!!!! Fuck now theres some memories.... teeheeheehee. ah to be fifteen and naked again. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:25pm
S.V. Hehehehhehe Jay, "after your time" is that, when we are the same age?? Oh I forgot, I was the older woman...older by a year anyway ;) Who was Andrea Anything? - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 8:55am
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Shitty deal for Kevin... The funny part, however is that he signed the e-mail "Life's a wad... Kevin" I laughed out loud after reading that. Still; shitty deal... Does anyone here remeber Fej? I ran into him a couple years ago, and he and Laura had broken up a while before that.. Also, does anyone know how Tyler (VDP) is doing? And on a side note, if anyone cares... Jay LaPointe is fucked up big time. Darien is living in Vancouver with Jen and Tera... I heard that Jay's own mom got a restraining order against him... HAHAHAHAHA!! - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 12:39pm
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The photog that you guys are talking about is Bob Garlick, who took a lot of cool punk pix back in "the day"> The other one is Gregor Schmit (sp?) who was a weird guy as well; I don't know what became of him. By the way I think it only fair to warn you clowns that I am the most punk guy in Vic (Ha Ha) - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 4:14pm
i didnt do it
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what is Kevins email address? - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 8:44pm
weez [email protected] - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 3:21pm
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