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Who are y'all?
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Dan Conner
User Info...
Who is everyone in here? reply with a short bio of ya, what bands you are in (if any) what you listen to, etc. etc. etc...

Anyways, this has prolly been posted a million times, and every forum has like 5 of these. So, lets get crackin!

14, out in langford. I'm in fatal error. I like rockabilly, psychobilly, punk, some metal, grunge, ska, reggae... lots of stuff. I'm a wanker, and I don't mind makin a jackass outta myself. I play guitar.

Dan Conner - Tue, 21 Oct 2003 8:12pm
Korn Koiler
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Im an opinionated jerk from The Uplands I like to drive my brand new sports car past the soup kitchen and finger all the bums. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 9:04am
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I don't really know what to say. I'm the girl that works the door at most shows (yes, the bitchy one) I like most music. I have an opinion and yes I use it. I'm at pretty much every all local all ages show. Don't try to sneak into any shows because trust me, I'll catch you and kill you. Oh, my name's Lauren and I'm 18. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 1:33pm
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Hi my names Lance and I'm a alcoholic .....ahhh? ...oh yea and a drug addict ......hmmm?....... and I my be addicted to sex ! - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 3:39pm
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My names Chrystal and im a cunt - oh wait i mean i have a cunt ... ahh shite same diff. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 4:57pm
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i'm 25 female from fernwood
i play guitar
i love punk rock
that's all i feel like writing right now - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 6:03pm
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Those who know me, know of me. Those who don't probably do, they just don't realize it. I know lots of people in bands, hang around the 5th, and drink way too much Lighthouse I.P.A. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 7:13pm
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im 19
i just moved out here from muskoka, ontario..originally from toronto...
Shut up. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 8:27pm
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My name is Fern
I listen to Simon and Garfunkal and like to collect chia pets. - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 8:28pm
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Umm... just to let you know, it's Garfunkel... Yep, I should know.

:D - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 8:36pm
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hey i'm matt (obviously)
im not an alcoholic or drug addict
-oooh controversy, i play a seven string and i play alt metal-
i listen to lots of kinds of music, pretty much anything except pop, pop punk, punk, rap, and country
my main shit is alt metal, funk, funk metal, some classic rock, and some other shit
if i'm not playin' geetar, i'm studying for exams (college can be a bitch)
so yeah, i stick up for what i believe in, i like to sleep, and i'm very political - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 9:59pm
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I'm actually stupid enough to post real information/pictures in my bio...... Click on my name to find out.......

I've already been outed at a few shows, so I'm not too worried about anonymity..... - Wed, 22 Oct 2003 10:55pm
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Mother, lover, friend.
I am pretty much always smiling.
Beer drinker and I play the drums. You haven't seen us play yet but you soon will. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 1:35am
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Hey Donnie, how long ya been DJ at the Red Fox?!? - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 2:22am
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Bookworm, medievalist, singer, dreamer...30 something. Penchant for fine port, thrift stores, cemetaries and moonlit beaches. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 9:20am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Voted Live Vic's nicest guy last year. Vocals for Chokehold. Spend most of my time spreading joy and cheer - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 10:22am
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I like Metal, Rock, Punk, Country, and the Spice Girls. Seriously, the Spice Girls rule. 23, 2 kids, no girlfriend, kids live with me, but at least I am VP of HM Millwork in Sidney. Anyone need wood windows or doors? Oh yeah and I have a sweet car. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:37am
User Info...
recently back on LiveVic after pleasant and peaceful hiatus ; )

- in my later 20's but not telling
- still happily in love with Christer
- vocalist for Threat Of The End and SpellReversal
- entrepreneur & marketing enthusiast (3 fun companies)
- step-mother of Kano, Opi, & Caesar (our animal children)
- Ascended Master (so i've been told) ; )

p.s. I am looking forward to seeing Helonwheels & Gabri~Hell perform SOON! Bring it on chicolas!! - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:42am
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I got a cock like a race horse, and know how to use it...
Kid'n. I'm Just a little prick - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:05pm
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Link the dink - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:34pm
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Yeah I'm a Libra, like long walks on the beach, fireplaces, romantic meals, sonnets, whales

Oh and I hate hippies

So really I just like drinking (in the words of Ralph Wiggam) and STUFF - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 1:01pm
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k8 here
14, not currently in a band, I play drums & like all sorts of music.
Also like PC gaming & graphics design. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 1:22pm
Nik Olaz
User Info...
- i am extremely fat
- i love sports
- i hate all music
- i drive a 95 pontiac
- i love life - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 2:27pm
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uh.. i'm from the colwood metchosin area.. which is unfortunate. i like to listen to good music (like shai hulud. mm mm), and play my bass guitar. not much else to share here. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 2:38pm
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Old, guy, drums, metal, Gross Misconduct, hockey, cigarettes, pot, beer, school, masterbation - way cooler then Jesus. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 3:43pm
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- Thu, 23 Oct 2003 3:52pm
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booze and coke. guitar. meat and potato. HxC. gay homosexual faggot. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 4:00pm
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I would describe myself as a breast implant. All soft on the inside and close to yer heart. - Thu, 23 Oct 2003 4:28pm
x Buddy x
User Info...
my name is xBuddyx i'm straightedge and i like to make everyone aware of the fact that i'n straightedge.. i claim to play guitar but no one really knows the truth , i was in the greastest band in the history of music THE HUMUNGOS (that was a joke , the humungos sucked major donkey balls) I like punk , hardcore and everything else ... i'm in a hardcore band that doesn't have a name and i'm in Right Turn Only , ummm ... thats all the useless information i can think of right now .. dan do you goto esquimalt ?? - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 12:52am
User Info...
Zaner, 28
mechanical engineer, live in Vancouver
used to play bass in a band for the last 8 years..currently taking a break from irresponsible band members and financial responsibility for said irresponsible band members
I'm a pretty nice guy, except when I'm an ass - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 6:25am
Dan Conner
User Info...
Go to esquimalt, nah... Used to live there half time, but I go to school out in langford.
Dan Conner - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 7:40am
User Info...
Wretchedly ugly,
Hater of Nik Olaz,
Lover of metal,
Fears the Pirate,
Grunts in Mitochondrion,
Plays some guitar,
Sacrifices virgins to my eight legged goat lord with 1000 offspring. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 8:16am
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directed to dan--> Spencer? you're probably going to my school next year then, hey? belmont. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 8:54am
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My name is Kirk. I sing in metal bands, ride a big black motorcycle.And like to kill my thanksgiving Dinner when I can. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 9:12am
Dan Conner
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yep... seeya at belmont next year! hehe
Dan Conner - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 10:15am
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my name is heather. i live in metchosin with my cat(murphy). i go to camosun college. i like metal, classical, rock, and other junk. punk, rap, pop, and country music can lick my ass. i'm currently job-less, because i can't find a job. i just moved here in august from alberta. i'm 20 and enjoy long walks on the beach and throwing stones at moving cars. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 11:02am
Hero Of The Day
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Im Shane , and the lead singer/writer for Empty Hollow .And live up by the university. And i have a job. Just looking for a Damn bassists, and im 25 - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 12:19pm
Dan Conner
User Info...
My dad works at comosun. He fires people. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 1:57pm
serious sista
love2hateme *at*
Messages Posted:
I am a bitch a major horrible conceited trouble causing
angry man and woman hating ass hole.But I love good music drinking beer watching hockey fucking and silky undergarnments. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 4:42pm
User Info...
What the hell is wrong with country? There is guitars and bass and drums and singing and lots of really scary shit like, ummm, well, dammmit! Go ahead and dis country because I don't care that most people can't handle it (kinda like most people can't handle metal) just please, please don't dis my spice girls.
"so I tell you what I want , what I really, really want, lalala" - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 7:24pm
The Grim Reefer
User Info...
I'm a 24 yr. old Vic boy/man currentling living on the other side of the malahat for no good reason. I emcee(underground hip hop) solo and with a group of yankees over the internet called "FlatLinez".I'm also supposed to do a side project with the funk/metal band "SpitShine" from Duncan .I Have 2 new LPs(solo and collaberative) comming out by early next year(we hope), my alias for emceeing is "ELeMental" aka "Pastey" aka "Gauge" aka "Premium Plus"(you know, the salty white cracka)...Cuz i cant decide on one. I love all music except country and punk and i especially love underground hip hop, jazz, and classic rock(Led Zepplin owns all). I work full time in construction and i'm looking for a good $3000 vehicle and a room to rent in Victoria. I Plan on going to college in the new year for buisness.

Nice 2 meet you. - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 8:40pm
Johnny Black
User Info...
I'm Johnny Black goddamn it! My friends call me....oh, I've no friends. Some have refered to me as a watered down Ace Frehley....okay, I'm the only one who's made that reference. I play guitar in the one and only original Zappnin Black. Don't be fooled by all of the touring bands claiming to be Zappnin....just because they may have an original mic stand or guitar patch that we've used in the past, that does not give them the right to use our name and profess to be us. Do not accept substitutes. see us at I am the bald old looking dude. - Sat, 25 Oct 2003 7:12am
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
My name is Ty and I've gone 24 hou... I mean six, uh,... Ten minutes without a drink.
I'm a 29 year old Sagitarius with a loud voice and a weight problem. I listen to lots of stuff and play in The Hoosegow. I make Tshirts and like booze. - Sat, 25 Oct 2003 1:06pm
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good to see someones in SHAI HULUD.
i have their split with indecision SHIT IS ILL. - Sat, 25 Oct 2003 1:08pm
masterbating the war god
User Info...
Mine name is Denise, Denny's if you like.
I'm an attender of metal shows, I play the bari sax(jazz), I have a dog, he is metal. I work at two resorts(I am slacking off right now) and they pay me good. I also enjoy driving me new car around town, and hitting my neighbour's car :| I like making fun of random people around town, this happens often. I like most music, anything from metal(most genres) to Jarasic 5 and the Grave Diggas. Whuahaha, best lyrics!
I'm 21.
Welcome back Rsbf! - Sat, 25 Oct 2003 1:34pm
Rain Storm
User Info...
-Listens to extreme metal and various other things... material from Godspeed you Black Emperor to Django Reinhardt.

-Likes to eat cereal

-Doesn't care much for the Victoria music "metal scene" anymore.

-22 years of age

-Likes the library

-Avoids taking the bus. - Sat, 25 Oct 2003 2:23pm
jay brown
User Info...
Drummer when I'm not breaking my knees, or my back. Playing for the Alcoholic White Trash, and those fat bastards, the Hoosegow. Used to play for the Banned but I dont have a foot tall mohawk............... used to play for, Drone, Fuckpig, Snuff Movie Directors, Sob Story, the Bonerdogs, a bunch fuckin more but I'm drawing a blank right now. Fuck em, I drink, I make shirts with Ty, and I play music so that I wont go crazy and kill everyone. Oh and I look at porn and jerk off a lot.... I'm old enough that I went to junior high with Griphin in the early eighties..... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, fuck ya. - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 6:20pm
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Ok I'm curious now. Who are you really Griph? - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 8:40pm
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i'm curious too, in the beginning, i thought he was Shag ; ) - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 8:56pm
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Holy Crap, it's nothing but a bunch of little kids!!! I've been trying to have intelligent conversations with a bunch of children fer chrissakes! Junior High in the early eighties? I was in Junior High when Kennedy was assasinated! You guys weren't even a Hershey Bar in your daddies back pocket. Hey Ma, come check out this little kids web site I found! I guess that puts me into "The Oldest Whore on the Block" territory. (Sigh) - Tue, 28 Oct 2003 8:17am
User Info...
27 Year old bass player for SONIC DOOM! I am a helicopter crash rescue dude, who plays way tooo much guitar! From the almighty gods land, NEWFOUNDLAND! ummmm thats about it, i just work and play guitar, oh yeah, and bass - Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:14pm
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I'm the coolest person that ever walked the earth.

Yuh. Right.

I'm a student. One day I'll be a nurse. Muaha. I like to get drunk on weekends. Sometimes I go to shows. And I have a dog. And, I like to drink... oh shit, I already said that. And I'm going to Las Vegas in eight days, which is something I'm quite excited about. - Tue, 28 Oct 2003 4:18pm
The Grim Reefer
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Hershey bars suck...and so does your ageism opinion...Troutmouth. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 8:13am
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That's another problem with kids these sense of humoiur! - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 8:21am
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Frankly I find solace in the fact there are people here older than myself. Nah nah nah nah nah ;) ;) ;) But I'm all about youthful hedonism no matter what your age. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 9:00am
The Grim Reefer
User Info...
yeah and, hershey bars suck! - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 9:54am
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I am dave i make noise with the poppies and whoever else will put up with me.
I am 28 (I think)
I can't find the floor. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 9:57am
Colin Sick
User Info...
I am Colin. I play guitar and sing for SMALLHORSE. we have just finished recording three songs at S.O.S . I work at LM. I used to put on shows under the name afrodesiac productions. I have curly hair. I am single. I have a pet frog. I used to play in the best emo band in the world, the price of mctuklin (boo emo!). I really like listening to the THE TALKING HEADS, U2, DANIEL LANOIS AND THE SMASHING PUMPKINS. I really like to drink wine and smoke dutch cigarettes. I used to go under the name mike oxbig and elpeeefellonknee - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:02am
User Info...
Just a 39 year old dumbass that listens to a broad spectrum of music (Punk, Goth, Metal, Classical blah blah blah) and wastes his pathetic life playing MMOG's. Used to be in a band back in Regina Sask way too many years ago. Like anything good comes from that desloate wasteland... Worse half of S.V., father of a wonderful 11 year old son with Autism and bipolar disorder,he's the true light of my life. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:44am
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26 year old straight edged christan - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:48pm
Korn Koiler
User Info...
My name is Leon. I like to come to this site. There are many sensitive people who post here that I have offended or angered. I think this is funny. My other personas have both angered people and made them laugh. I like Korn alot as it is tr00 death metal. Sometimes I annoy people here and they wantto kill me but then when I see them downtown they lend me cigarettes and bus fare and I laugh and laugh as I smoke their cigs and think of how I will torment them next. teeeheeefuckingheee. Zippgunn and Death are my faves to bug, but Ive been nice. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 1:17pm
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aCk... been awhile since i read this thread (sorry about that). Yeah, I remember Jay coming to the high school I was in, just think, Jay Brown dealing with Rednecks and rockers, it was pretty funny. Well I know most of you have met me before, I did a really crummy recording job on that DreadNaut-Deliverance EP. I'm usually wearing the jean jacket with a slew of pins on it, wearing the Ramones shirt, and drinking too much Lighthouse IPA (you can never get bored of a decent ale). I've been going under the /nick Griphin/Griffin for like 17 years now. I'll be making the rounds on All Hallows Eve, so introduce yourselves in person. Peace... - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 1:23pm
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Wow this thread reads like a Monday personals section. Troutbreath I didn't know you were THAT old.
I am known as Kimmy SweetGrass, singin' in King Bong , previously with Check Point Charlie. My alter ego is in theatre and lives with a small zoo. I'm not nearly as old as Troutbreath, or our 60ft. Monkey but I have enough experience behind me to remain amused by life! Check out our website and oh yeah, I live in sin with the old fart troutbreath!
Attention Grimm Reefer, he's not ageist ,just a little absent minded - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 4:15pm
Dan Conner
User Info...
Our troutbreath, when kdis have humour... Its a totally retarted bizzare and not funny kind! (like me...)

Hey, Griph, a while ago (month or so) were you on a bus going from downtown to langford with some girl, and there were 2 guys and 2 girls (about 13-15 years old) that sat at the back, and wouldn't shut up, and were super loud? That guy was wearing a Johnny Cash shirt, but I still think you sound like him... Anyways, was that you? - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 5:42pm
Daryl Armour
User Info...
14 , well 13 but to close to count, going to belmont next year in the band Fatal Error WOO - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 6:23pm
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Nope Dan, seems you've run into one of my many virtual twins in this town :) Besides, I rarely take Public Transit. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 7:46pm
Livin' in the fucking slums...
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Well.., arent you just all la de da..... - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 9:49pm
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26 year old straight-edged christian. - Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:05pm
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Hey, Ahm ROSS B AY's cousin/daddy livin' on the fambly aicheridge out here in bootifull Langfurd. We is all proud of ROSS fer movin' inter the big city an persuing his corear in music and high fashun modellin'. I don't mind a bit havin' to look after granma, since I got her fattened up a bit she don't get stuck in the outhouse hole nearly as much. - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:23am
korn koiler
User Info...
I can see it now, Ross Bay, all pink and fat and young, moving to the big city.

"Well the first little piggy, well he was kinda hicky.
He spent most of his days, just a dreamin of the city.
And then one day, he bought a guitar.
He moved to Oak Bay, to become a star.
But, living on the farm, he knew nothing of the city.
Built his house out of straw, what a pity.
And then one day, jammin on some chords,
along came the wolf, knocking on his door.

Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in.
Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in.
Well I'm huffin, I'm puffin, I'll blow your house in.
Huffin, puffin, blow your house in.
Huffin, puffin, blow your house in.
Huffin and a puffin and I'll blow your house in!!!" - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:32am
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dirty cunt...
music is good...
remember my name youll be screaming it later - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:39am
Isolation Ride
User Info...
Ex lightman for The Tea Party,came to the west coast to pursue my own music career.I am the founder of "The Victoria Rock Festival".....also I,m in a band called "Isolation Ride"...our first c.d is set out to be released next spring. - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:41am
User Info...
hey i'm dave
i play guitar with my self
and also with Splinterz who sing and write for
i just started playing bass for The Poppies
so know they have a two dave rhythm section
Splinterz has three band members named dave
i am currently trying to convince all my friends to change their name to dave, and all their friends too
someday i will explode in a ball of flame
or die peacefully at home
but in the meantime i'll write stupid messages on livevic - Sat, 1 Nov 2003 12:58pm
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i'm the boy with the guitar.
mhm! - Sat, 1 Nov 2003 8:31pm
Dan Conner
User Info...

\m/ \m/ - Sat, 1 Nov 2003 10:05pm
Matt D.
User Info...
Hey, I'm a dude named Matt, who, previous to the summer, was living in Victown. I'm currently in the UK working with a holiday visa. I'm bored shite-less on the English countryside working at a Conference Center where they brainwash yuppie corporate-type trainees with stupid "team-building" workshops. However, I'm going to London on the weekend to see Flogging Molly, which is cool.

The most likely circumstance is that I'll be back in the fall, but I might end up roaming and working at random pubs, ending up broke somewhere painting fences or some such thing.

Hope yallz are enjoying yourselves.

See yallz laytah,
-Matt - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 1:42pm
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Yo, Dave and Dave, if you're ever interested in getting The Blind Daves together for a larf, I remind you that I'm a half Dave..... - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 5:15pm
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Hey what's wrong with boycotting Public Transit?!? I walk everywhere. BTW: Nice to meet ya all last weekend, lot of cool people hang around this website. BTW Matt: Try hooking up with the people who run interFACE pirate radio UK (http:, you might have fun there :) Nuff said :)... Peace. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 11:58pm
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