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Full PERISH Interview
Message Board > General Chitchat > Full PERISH Interview
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Jason Schreurs Hey all! Here is a transcription of my full interview with Jeff Noyes of the Perish. Jeff called me today to tell me he was happy I was posting this interview � so enjoy everyone! Interview took place on the morning of May 12 (with Jeff in alien mask and robe).

Tape recorder starts mid-conversation�
Jeff: This show isn�t really about Victoria�s public, we�ve got a lot of important people coming to this show� from Roland, Korg, American DJ, radio people � this show is for them. We�re going to take this on a world tour and it�s up to them to decide how much money is spent. So, at this point in time they wanted to see the full production and we offered it to them, at our expense. What happened in the meantime -- we were just going to put it on at a smaller venue, actually, in Vancouver �- is the public got wind of all of this and some of the technology we�re going to be using at the show that we�ve been keeping a secret, and it swirled completely out of control and people are getting obsessed with it. It�s absolutely insane. This is a federal investigation going on right now � someone�s been stealing Perish Productions� mail and trying to find out what exactly the technologies are we�re using and who are contacts are. It�s very strange � the RCMP are investigating it, the FBI are investigating it�

Jason: The FBI? There�s no FBI in Canada (laughs).

Jeff: No, the FBI are investigating it because it�s a mail fraud and that�s a worldwide system.

Jason: Are you sending mail to the States?

Jeff: Any of our mail has gotten stolen. About 50 of the radio stations we sent stuff out to in North America didn�t make it. Packages disappeared out of the mail.

Jason: It�s pretty standard that when you call a radio station that they often say, �Oh, we didn�t get the package��

Jeff: Yes, we assumed that was the case, �Oh, we didn�t get the package.� It was John Shields at the Q that actually brought us to light about what was going on because he�s been making calls for us and finding out what�s been going on with this whole thing. We found out that our mail�s been tampered with for about six months and it�s swirled out of hand.

Jason: And how does that translate into people actually caring to come and see the show?

Jeff: Well, that�s just it. It�s very strange. Some of the stuff that was personal information that nobody could know without stealing our mail started to show up on, on an internet site. So these guys that thought they could get away with, you know, federal crimes were dumb enough to start posting some of this stuff on the internet.

Jason: But regardless of all of that, what you�re saying is it�s not for Victoria�s public, it�s just an industry showcase, but you�re also saying there�s all this interest in the Perish, but people who are stealing your mail are not going to come and pay $40 to see your show.

Jeff: No, but the thing is the thing really started a brushfire for us. Like you said, they aren�t going to come and see us play. They�re more interested in slandering us. In fact, they�ve even gone as far as making anti-Perish websites.

Jason: (laughing) Do you have any website addresses for those?

Jeff: No, because I�ve actually had them removed� we�ve already taken care of some of that stuff. They were dumb enough to start using our copyright name and calling themselves Perish. They complied because they opened themselves up to a lawsuit. They�re younger guys, some of these guys, and the mail guy hasn�t been caught yet. I think they�re watching because they can�t just accuse somebody, right? There�s so many people involved in the mail system that they�re not sure who it is yet, but they�ve got an idea. I can�t go on about it until the case is wrapped up. But what did happen is some of the stuff starting showing up on and it sparked a weird interest about the Perish, and, before you know it, we were the only thing on these chat lines for the last three months. It was starting to be a little bit fun at first. We were like, �Wow, this is really getting popular all of a sudden,� right, but then we started to realize that some of the information was personal and could only be connected to our mail thief. And that�s when we made the connection and the police are investigating that.

Jason: So what came first then, the idea to have this show as an industry showcase and you weren�t going to sell tickets for it?

Jeff: Yes, we decided we were going to do this all on our own. We got a loan to do so and we went all the way on our own to put on this show for mainly industry reps, and we were going to sell tickets in a smaller venue. And what happened is we just started getting buried in emails, the thing� Now we�re not on there at all because I called the guy who owns it and said, �If you don�t get all that slander stuff off there you may be connected to this case, so your best bet is to clean it up.� And he did so. I really appreciate what he did there because it was starting to hurt our show, a lot of slander.

Jason: Was it Scott?

Jeff: Ya, Scott at livevictoria. He seems to be a nice guy. I talked to him on the phone and he fixed me right up. He cleaned up the website and now you go to it and there�s not a thing about the Perish.

Jason: You know what it is though? It�s just people complaining about something that they think is egotistical, that you�re doing this big thing, so they�re just harping on it. But, to me that doesn�t mean that people are interested enough to come and see you play. It just means that they want to slam you because you are doing something different. My question is: How do you think that you�re going to have a successful show? I mean, maybe you�re not looking for success in the sense of people showing up and buying tickets, maybe you just want to candor to these industry people, so why even open it up to the public then?

Jeff: Because� Like I said, we�re taking this on a world tour, so at some point we have to spark interest. And since interest is sparked itself, we�re kinda just going with the flow. We�re taking very seriously what some of the industry reps are telling us. They�re very knowledgeable about how to go about things and how not to, and they all say the same thing to us. If the tap is open, open it further, you know. Like go with the flow. Don�t fight it, go with it. Since there�s been an interest sparked already, there�s no reason to shut it off. So basically we wanted to do it in a larger theater anyway. That was the general idea, because it�s going to be even bigger than that when we�re done this show, hopefully. So this is kinda like a pre-show.

Jason: How much money do you stand to lose from this? If you come out of this and there�s no interest and you don�t sell any tickets, or maybe you sell 50 tickets or something � how many tickets have you sold so far, by the way?

Jeff: Actually Christine takes care of that so I couldn�t even tell you. I know we sell some ourselves and we�ve sold 50 or 100 tickets or something like that.

Jason: So let�s say you just recoup the cost of promotion.

Jeff: Well, all of that stuff was sponsored. Everything�s been sponsored. Our programs at the show will list our sponsors and our Monday Magazine ad is going to list our sponsors as well.

Jason: Who is paying to rent the hall? Who is paying for all the�

Jeff: Perish Productions is paying for it.

Jason: So how much money does that all translate to? How much is Perish Productions going to stand to lose?

Jeff: Perish Productions is putting $20,000 into the show and Perish Productions does not expect to get its $20,000 back.

Jason: No (laughs), I don�t think it�s possible� unless some corporate sponsorship comes out of this or something.

Jeff: Well, that�s just it. This is what it�s all about. We�ve got a lot of sponsors already and looking to take on corporate sponsors such as Roland, Korg, American DJ.

Jason: And those people are all going to be at this show?

Jeff: Yes they are. Personal friends of ours that work there, like the head reps, are coming to this show.

Jason: Who�s paying for them to come? You guys?

Jeff: We�re sharing the costs. They�re paying for their own flights, we�re setting them up with limo and hotel.

Jason: Well, you know� it�s a ballsy approach. I think that that it�s either going to work or it�s totally going to� it�s going to sink or swim basically. Now what happens�

Jeff: ...Exactly, we�re taking our�

Jason: Let me ask my question.

Jeff: Sure, go ahead.

Jason: What if this totally flops? What are you going to do then? Is that it, or do you keep going or�

Jeff: That�s just it, because a lot of people ask me that and are really concerned about our situation here, and life is too short to be concerned about things like that. This show is going to be the most fun� Anybody who comes and buys a ticket is going to have a blast. They�re going to get their money�s worth. They�re not going to see the same show they usually see in Victoria for 50 bucks!

Jason: Well, what was the last show in Victoria that cost $50?

Jeff: I don�t know, I think Holly Cole�s up for $50.

Jason: But my point is you�re a local band, you haven�t played any shows�

Jeff: Well, we have played shows, just not in BC.

Jason: Ya, but nobody in Victoria knows who you are.

Jeff: That�s right.

Jason: The standard approach is to go and play the clubs and develop a fan base� like a Moneyshot. They started out playing all-ages shows and punk shows, and build and build and build, and now they are playing in Vancouver and opening for Bad Religion or whatever� they�re getting bigger and bigger. Maybe someday they can get a major label contract, put out a record, go on a cross-Canada. But still at that level they are not going be huge, like Matthew Good or something like that. So your approach now is to bypass all of that and just put on a huge show at the Royal� no local bands play the Royal.

Jeff: It seems to be like the golden gates around here, doesn�t it? But from where I�m from if you went to a nightclub and there�s less than 3,000 people packed in the place it would be called a dead night. So the numbers here� this golden gates of the Royal Theatre� everyone looks at this place like it�s the gates of heaven or something � it�s a small venue. I keep explaining that to people but they just don�t get it. It is a small venue; it�s only 1,400 seats. That�s not a lot of people. And like I said, we�re not expecting to fill it up but we also plan to take this much bigger than 1,400 people. And like I said, where I�m from� I�ve played a 1,000 people crowd before in Ontario with the Mystic Fools. We opened for Yuk Yuks. And� it�s nothing. It�s a drop in the bucket compared to what we plan to do later this summer and next year.

Jason: And what�s your response to people that say you�ve got your head up in the clouds?

Jeff: Well, I tell you something� Alice Cooper inspires me a lot because of the types of shows he does and I�m doing exactly what he did. Him and his manager took all their own money and they replaced the band and put together major theatrics. They gambled. They gambled huge. They put in more money than we did. They put in almost a 100 grand to put together that show and we�re putting in 20 grand.

Jason: But Alice Cooper was also in New York at the time. This is Victoria�

Jeff: Right, he had established himself as a disgusting musician.

Jason: And this is Victoria and it�s a much smaller market and it�s not as well known.

Jeff: Right. But what people don�t understand is that to make it the way Moneyshot is, it�s a one in a million chance. And they�re lucky. There�s a lot of really, really talented bands out there trying the same approach that will never even get heard because they simply go out there and they do the showcases, they play for a beer, and if the club�s full they get 50 bucks, right? But they�ll settle for the beer if the place is half-empty and they wouldn�t know how to promote the place if they tried. That doesn�t mean they�re not talented, it just means they need to work on their marketing skills or have somebody do it for them. People forget that there�s a lot of jobs in the music industry that make it all work, right. And Perish Productions is a team. The Perish is not just a band. We are a theatre production company! So we�re not just reaching the music fans. That�s the important thing that people forget. They�re like, �Oh, well, where�s all your punk fans?� We play jazz, rock and roll, electronic/techno music� we incorporate laser lights, which not a lot of bands are doing anymore because it�s just so expensive. And the best part about it is we reach fans like theatre fans that just like plays and acting. They don�t even have to like music. The music�s just a bonus package. Also, we reach to dancers. We have two Spanish dancers in our show and so, there, now you�re reaching to dance fans.

Jason: So you�re not just a band� it�s a bigger production.

Jeff: That�s right. We�re not just a band. So we�re not just trying to tap into Victoria�s tiny little punk rock scene. I honestly think that after seeing our show at the Royal Theatre, anyone who goes into the Royal Theatre to see another show is going to be disappointed, because when they see our show they are going to say, �Wow, that is so different from the norm that�� people are going to like it. I�m sure they�re going to like it because there�s something for everyone. They�re going to walk out of there and say, �That was the strangest, coolest thing I ever saw in the Royal Theatre.� People are going to show up to Holly Cole in late June and say, �My, this is kind of boring.� Have you ever noticed that all the bands that go into the Royal Theatre have the same light show? That�s because they use the house lighting. They have about a half million dollars of good lighting there. So why use anything else? Why bring in something else and set it up and make it all more complex than it needs to be? Just put them in there, play their hour�s worth of music and get them out. That�s just not good enough to us. We want to put on a SHOW! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:34am
Anonymous Who are the perish? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:42am
SweetGrass Oh My God! Thank you for bringing this to all of us. This thing gets more twisted as time goes on. I was at the show front , centre balcony. Did I see the same show? Spanish Dancers? I guess I missed them! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:51am
Anonymous Some one should tell Holly Cole that she's being slagged on LiveVictoria..........oh wait, she's a real musician and really wouldn't care. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:26am
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Thanks jason. That amused me greatly.

"we incorporate laser lights" - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:44am
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The Perish seem like a bunch of self-righteous assholes that like to slag bands they know nothing about. Moneyshot are doing quite well for themselves, hopefully they can get over the hurdle and become bigger then they are today. I can totally respect bands that work hard, not only on the island but anywhere in the world. At least they're doing something I doubt I'll ever achieve (sigh). - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:03am
Anonymous yeah your right why would anyone want to use the house lights in a theater. Myabe so people can actually see the show. AMERICAN DJ LIGHTS are designed for clubs not theaters. where people dont want to see the other ugly ass white people dancing, thats why they use them at bar vic. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 9:48am
Anonymous Gee, making fun of your interview subjects online! Wow.

You're some kind of journalist, Jason. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:35am
some girl... I find nothing wrong with him posting the interview. He already explained in another post (yesterday?) that he tells the interviewee that it'll be made public. What's your problem? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:42am
Anonymous My problem is that this guy talked to Jason in good faith, and the reporter is obviously posting the interview to make a mockery of him.

Sure Jeff Noyes may be giving permission (he probably doesn't know how he comes off in the interview) - but obviously the intent of Jason is to join the the Perish bashing taking place on this site. Is this your idea of integrity journalism. How'd you like to be interviewed and then have the reporter post on a site that's making fun of you? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:07am
Anonymous An interview with a journalist is always going to be public property. Jeff Noyes knew that when he agreed with the interview. According to this thread Jeff Noyes also knew it would be posted here. He has given his consent to the use of this interview all the way. What is your problem? Have an interview out there you're worried about? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:10am
Anonymous Anyway... if this is the actual TRANSCRIBED conversation... how is that slagging them?

Thanks Jason. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:16am
Anonymous It's mean spirited. Plain and simple. Have you read the slagging of these Perish guys on this site? Some of it's just out of control. Way beyond having a laugh at a goofy band.

I'm not saying their show's any good - but it gets to the point where it's like beating the hell of out of a simple-minded person.

I mean, why not lay off these guys? And yes, I still think Jason is operating in a mean-spirited manner. If I was a musician in town and he wanted to interview me, I would think twice. Maybe he'd pull the same trick with me if he didn't like what my band was all about. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:18am
Anonymous Perhaps Jason is trying to show all the other Victoria bands and VIctoria people in general how the Perish is slagging THEM! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:25am
Riiiiiiight Hi Lorri....thanks for getting in touch. I will clear up a misconception that you have. You say "you took these poor untalented peoples money". The Perish has never given The Q/The Zone any money. We didn't charge them for advertising the show at the Royal so I don't know what you mean by that statement. As for Live Victoria, I really don't read it that often. I've been there few times since it began. I have found it to be quite a negative playground. I posted there about 2 or three weeks ago because someone had mentioned the "Death to Rocktoria" show and after seeing it, I wanted to make certain that everyone knew that "Rocktoria" wasn't dead. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have posted anything. By the way, my posting only generated one reply.

As for the message that you've passed on to me...I'm not sure what to make of it. While they make mention of me, this message certainly doesn't reflect the way we or I support the music industry in Victoria. I'll have to check on this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I'm presently in Edmonton but I am getting my email. Feel free to keep in touch.

Not sure what to make of it?....Riiight
Wiggle Wiggle John - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:28am
some girl... I've been interviewed 3 times for my art (2X by the Times Colonist) and all 3 times I was miss-quoted. I had even corrected myself in an interview and still the journalist put the incorrect facts in his article. I'm not all that upset though: regardless of journalist's integrity, I know not to expect much from interviews. I'm sure that's the same with Jeff (esp. since he was notified that the interview would be posted). - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:33am
Anonymous Jason has shown consumate integrity, and done his professional duty as a reporter to post the WORD FOR WORD transcript of his interview with Jeff.

Jason has done his job as a reporter, nothing more, nothing less.

Or have you forgotten the concept of an know, if you say it, it will get reported.

Get off your high horse. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:35am
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Who fucking cares!

If you don't feed the trolls they don't come back... - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:38am
Anonymous Oh, but the Trolls are so cute and they whimper like little puppies when they are hungry. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:56am
Anonymous Yeah Jason. Go on believing you've shown "consumate integrity". Maybe you should get an award.

Ha. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:12pm
Anonymous Jeff? Is that you? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:18pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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"If you don't feed the trolls they don't come back..."

Then why is Ross B ay in my back yard all the time still. I havent fed him in weeks!!! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:41pm
Anonymous Is that where ROSS B AY is, he hasn't been on LiveVic in weeks. Are you sure he's still alive. Go out there and give him a kick and see what he does. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:52pm
Anonymous Fuck this, that fuckin goof ( NOYES ) slags everyone too! Go Jason ! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:09pm
db I thought it was funny, enjoyed reading it, and it is an actual transcript posted by the person who conducted the interview. Whining about the "spirit" in which this was posted is irrelevant and in fact only reflects certain peoples wish that Jeff didn't come off looking like a fairly egotistical and insulting little bastard, well he did, and Jason posted the interview that was conducted, he didn't write a subjective article and post that, just the transcript. I laughed a few more times today than I otherwise would have, thanks man. And come on those of you who are saying lay off the Perish, it's an eye for an eye, if they'd laid off us to begin with none of this would be happening. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:55pm
Anonymous Did the perish actually get their shows reviews removed? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:59pm
Anonymous Looks like it... one also disappeared yesterday!

Not sure how they get special priviledges.
If everyone that was offended on this board got the postings deleted, LiveVic would be very empty! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:01pm
Livevic Scott
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anyone who takes the time to personally email or call us telling us they're offended by something generally gets the post removed. The board is un moderated so we delete stuff when its brought to our attention. If in fact it IS NOT offensive in the least we won't delete it but anytime someone has asked for something to be deleted it has been a flame fest. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:47pm
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This is indeed facinating. So John Sheilds is actually involved, however peripherally, with these moronic clowns. I will stop short of calling Jeff a liar, but,y'know, I doubt that the Perish has ever played anywhere before, and I would also bet that Mr. Noyes has never played in front of 3000 people. I doubt anyone has stolen any mail, that the FBI has ever heard of them and I'll bet that the RCMP is tired of talking to these bozos about their alleged "mail theft". I would also bet that no-one from any of the "industry sponsors" were flown into town, limo-ed or hotel-ed. In short I think he is out of his tiny mind with bullshit. The fact that Sheild will have anything to do with these deluded losers speaks volumes about him and the Q. Funny how the Perish have never been on a Rocktoria CD; they would fit right in, I would guess. The depressing part about all this is the media attention that has been accorded this farce; this is ink that could have been spent on far more worthy artists, but, as a former writer for Monday, I can tell you that the average journalist will usually jump at a chance like the one presented to J.S. to let a fool dig his own grave. Now if only they would all just go away. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 3:22pm
Adrenaline Animal Jeff: Right. But what people don�t understand is that to make it the way Moneyshot is, it�s a one in a million chance. And they�re lucky. There�s a lot of really, really talented bands out there trying the same approach that will never even get heard because they simply go out there and they do the showcases, they play for a beer, and if the club�s full they get 50 bucks, right? But they�ll settle for the beer if the place is half-empty and they wouldn�t know how to promote the place if they tried.

I don't know how we got dragged into this but, a few points, Sure moneyshot has played some shows for $50 and Beer, but we have never payed $19000 to play a show.

And I do beleive that we had more people at our last show at Lucky bar than you did at the royal.

We never slag other bands in this city that are working towards there dreams, I don't understand why you are. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 4:42pm
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I think there's a number of reasons why talented bands locally or anywhere else never become successful. Being in a band is sorta like running your own business, and you need to market yourself to the labels so they show interest in your work. This includes websites and MP3s, so that people can hear what the band sounds like, as well as read up on information about the band. I don't think you can really rely on local radio to play your band, unless you have the sound there looking for (look at Moneyshot, there a really good example). There's a really decent article series in Guitar World magazine called "Confessions of an A&R Weasel" which I totally recommend, not because of personal experience, but because a lot of what is covered in the series makes sense. But then again, what do I know? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:41pm
King Bong
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Love your music, groove on your live preformance, support your high ideals, but NEVER forget that it is a music BUSINESS and any band that has serious intentions must approach it that way. I have been kickin around this bis for over 20yrs and if I have learned anything it's that. Develop a good product, promote that product through whatever means possible. and work, work , work! How many years has Moneyshort been at it now? Hard work pays off in music, in life, in general..
My speechafyin is done now,
Kola - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:12pm
Mr. Hell
Mr. Hell
rxttxrdxm *at*
Messages Posted:

Overseer of common sense on this board, one half {guitar and vocals} of 'Acorn Hell', lead vocalist of 'Rotterdam', bassist/vocalist in 'Run Like Hell', bassist in Canadian Underground Death Army (C.U.D.A.), was the bassist of now-defunct 'Meatlocker Seven' and apparently quite a grouch.

I don't take shit from governments and gods, so I am certainly not taking any shit from your stupid ass.

Wow! Looks like I don't need to slam on The Perish anymore. They have the slamming under control themselves
Adrenaline Animal...great points! Both truthful AND hilarious! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:14pm
King Bong
User Info...
Sorry for the typo boys supposed to read MONEYSHOT!!! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:20pm
popthatbubble Has Moneyshot made it?
"a one in a million chance"? to play Kelowna?
Heads a little big there eh buddy?
POP - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:22pm
Anonymous the pla! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:25pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Hey bubble for brains. He was quoting what The Perish Tard said. Those weren't his sentiments. Reread. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:31pm
popthatbubblenot sorry, you are correct sir! insult retracted! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:36pm
Anonymous King Bong... Just one comment on the bizz as you see it:

I have worked hard for over 25 years in the bizz. Blood, sweat, tears, money, schooling etc...! Allot of _really_really_really_ hard work. Always been told by people in general and industry types that I am very talented. Hard work is not enough! There is as much luck as there there is hard work... Even then??? Right place, right time, right music... Allot of variables!

Just a comment, not slagging anyone. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:08pm
Masturbating The War God
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was that interview for real?

I can't feel bad for them, all I can do is shake my head and laugh. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:17pm
Anonymous John Shields felt sorry for Perish, and tried to give them a spot or two on his radio stations for free. If any one of you guys tried to rent the Royal for your "big show" he probably would have tried to help in the same manner.

He was just trying to show a little compassion for some people who obviously could use some. (Think about it.) A little compassion is something the average Live Victoria 'tard could show. We all know you guys have more brains than for Perish bunch, for God's sake. So why try to keep someone who's out 20 grand when they're down, no matter what deluded things they may be saying. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:38pm
Precedent Setting? Has John Shields therefore set a precedent?
Seems to me there are VERY FEW Victoria bands that can pull together $20,000 to put on a show and then go chasing hand-outs from the media.
I'm sure there are many local, perhaps more talented bands that would greatly appreciate this kind of media attention and support.
I can accept that John did this out of the goodness of his heart after being caught up in the Perish dream. Apparently they can be very persuasive. But, does this now apply to anyone who wants to advertise on The Q, but can't afford it?
I didn't realize that "NON-Community, Fundraising Events" can advertise for free, just by asking. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 8:10pm
Anonymous Thanks for letting us know that John.

Wanna know why we have no compassion??? They came on this board and slagged us all as a community. Stupid move. People like that do not get access to compassion. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 8:16pm
Ty Stranglehold
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It's not a journalist's job to clean up the stupid things an interviewee says. Jason printed the interview verbatim, and if that embarasses the parish, they've got no one to blame but Noyes.
Incidently, Jason has been doing this journalism thing for a long time now(Terminal City, Schtuff,etc.) so I'm sure that he's no stranger to criticism. It takes integrity to call 'em as you see 'em.
Was he really dressed like an alien?
that's funny! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 8:51pm
Anonymous No real journalist would hold up transcribed interviews on this web site for general ridicule. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:01am
Anonymous Yeah? Well fuck you, your opinion is worth about as much as a sack of shit. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:40am
Ty Stranglehold
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If people don't want to look like asses, they shouldn't say stupid things to a journalist. Is there any other way to take what that guy said? He knew he was being interviewed, right? Did he assume that Jason was keeping the interview as a personal momento never to be shared with anyone else?
All journalists should be as forward and honest. The people would get the real story more often than we do now. I suppose that your idea of a "real journalist" is one that works for CNN and only runs with a news story as long as it doesn't show the US Governmet in a negative light.
Perish said lame things, therefore they were portrayed as lame in the media(and yes, livevictoria is a media outlet).
Bye. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 1:16am
Anonymous I think when the stations say the didn't get it that really means "we got it but we couldnt be bothered to listen to you because you seem like a joke" - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 1:35am
Anonymous basically what they are implying is that someone working at canada post if making sure that their mail is not being sent out, i bet its the aliens, i bet they know too much. and good call about the lights, bunch of jack asses - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 1:46am
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hey does everyone remeber this post !!!

Perish Productions - Please submit package to:
Christine Battiston 1743 Francis Rd RR4 Sooke, BC VOS 1NO.

We are looking for two individuals. Pay and acccomdations included when on tour.
This message is for serious musicians only. Multi-insturmentalists perfered.
Applicants must have stage experience, guitar and equipment knowledgable, including MIDI, must have drivers licence. Must have criminal check, be willing to travel for up to 6 months starting March. This will be a hard job with very little sleep. Please include letter of why you would like to join The Perish production team and a photo.
All applicants will be notified soon for an interview.

Thank you, sincerely Christine Battiston

Please DO NOT contact us via email on this matter. - Sat, 7 Dec 4:05pm - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 2:00am
Anonymous ohh na d how bout this post

the Perish/Perish Productions - We need someone to work on booking our fresh act for a 100 date Canadian tour ASAP. We already have exposure, reviews and have lots of industry contacts. PMIA and SOCAN members.

We have produced our own album under our own label. We are very devoted to our music career and look forward to working with someome who recognizes that we are here to stay! Please reply to Christine at [email protected]. Thank you. - - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 2:33am
Anonymous ehhehe e - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 2:35am
The Ref Wellll! Sorry to say but that _is_ funny! This girl is so obviously a beginner in the biz! Sounds like whe watches far too many reality shows... Especially The Idol series, Teen, American, Canadian... But that was the past, good luck to her... I would have tried to find someone (Experienced musician) to advise me before posting something like that. Any serious player would have stayed away from an add like that. I know I would have. Many wannabees would have answered for sure. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:03am
Anonymous Jason - back to (remedial) journalism school for you, my friend. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:12am
Gambler Man My bet is the anon who keeps chastising Jason is actualy Noyes. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:45am
Anonymous Fact #1 - Jeff Noyes is a muscian (forget about how good for now)

Fact#2 - He has managed to get a lot of press.

Fact #3 - He and Christine are rank amateurs, we all know that, the two of them don't have a clue.

Fact #4 - Other than people mentioning his name, John Shields has nothing to do with this, we all know that as well.

Fact #5 - Jason is a reporter, who reported his interview in the paper, and posted it here, that's fine, and that's what reporters do, we all know that.

Fact#6 - As long as people keep talking about the Perish, they will continue to feed on the publicity, good or bad, there's no such thing as bad publicity, we all know that.

Fact #7 - The Perish play poorly, and their songs are lacking in focus, and sound dated. We all know that, Jeff and Christine think their songs are great. All writers think their material is great. So what. Quit talking about it and they'll stop posting here.

Fact #8 - Jeff and Christene are like two bulls in a china shop. They are smashing around here and there, and getting PR in the process. They are poor muscians, and they don't realise it.

Fact #9 - My post will get flamed, because that's what happens here.

Fact#10 - Quit talking about them and they'll go away, but secretly, we all like talking about them, so they'll be around for a while yet. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:14am
Anonymous please excuse my spelling mistakes above, it's not because I don't know how to spell, it's because I'm a shitty typist. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:31am
HippieLorri I was told that John Shields CALLED Noyes up to inform him that someone from Monday magazine was posting on live Vic as "MondayBoy" and telling nasty tales about the Perish...not involved ..please..he was totally involed..the Q is pissed at Monday because Monday reported that any band that appears on Rocktoria dies a horrible death...a true fact by the way....but the simple fact that he gave these people any exposure at all is just stupid. And who says they actually spent $20,000, shit those fucks have told nothing but lies and bullshit to eveybody but we now believe that they actually spent $20,000 on flashlights, garbage bags, and cheese costumes! I don't beleive it...Shields should be ashamed of himself for getting involved at all. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:52am
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