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Bands with most potential in Victoria?
Message Board > General Chitchat > Bands with most potential in Victoria?
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BlahBlahBlah Who Cares Who do you think has potential of all the bands in Victoria. I dont mean, who is going to get all rich and famous sitting around in town ala HHH, but rather, which bands get out and actually promote themselves strongly, have fans that arent in Victoria, tour elsewhere etc.

Seems alot of bands talk the talk, but dont walk the walk.

Who walks the walk in your opinion? - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:24pm
Anonymous Grace Nocturnal
Armchair Cynics
Jets Overhead
The Fine Options
Johnny Action Figure - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:29pm
Anonymous oh...and Clay George - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:29pm
Anonymous moneyshot
armchair cynics
undergo - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 1:33pm
Anonymous "...sitting around in town a la Hot Hot Heat..." Give yer head a shake man, these guys have been out there working their butts off for 2 or 3 years now. - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 1:37pm
BlahBlahBla Who Cares I wasnt under the impression that they had toured a whole lot before they got signed, but I guess I could be wrong as I dont know them. I thought they worked hard locally, but did they have a huge national following previous to their signing? - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 1:40pm
Anonymous i think undergo has huge potential... especially now that they're playing on the warped tour in Vancouver and Calgary - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 2:02pm
Anonymous Chundergo SUCK. - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 2:14pm
mark mor
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the dayglos have the biggest potential in Victoria - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 2:23pm
Anonymous asskisser - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 2:53pm
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I think Chet have the makings for a solid indie following.....

I would love to see The Fine Options make it.... - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 3:01pm
mark mor
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oh yay, another anon homo to humiliate - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 3:09pm
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ALLFATHER - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 3:13pm
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did anyone ever hear the shrunken heads from waaaay back in the day? - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 3:13pm
Anonymous Jets Overhead?! They HAD potential two years ago, and now they've reappeared at all those little Victoria venues, opening for Good Nite Irene, or whoever. You call that MOST potential? And the Cynics? Fans outside Victoria? They can't even fill a room in Victoria, let alone Vancouver or *heaven forbid* Toronto? Fuck... you all are victims of a lack of originality. - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 9:46pm
captan william bowlegged and stupidity. - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 10:13pm
Anonymous your a retard for generalizing everyone - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 10:15pm
BMB yes, I remember the Shrunken Heads. Still got the $3 t-shirt to prove it. My favourite part was always Lukes megaphone keypad solo. Thats fucken punk rawk!!!!!!!

As for the most potetntial, obviously the Victoria Symphony. Have you seen their suits???????? - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 10:46pm
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I cant believe someone actually remembered them

i wish theywere still around
but they all went ot thai land to go teach english - Sat, 14 Jun 2003 11:02pm
Seanor much as i dont really like them, im gonna have to say undergo - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 1:59am
Advocate Potential is having the inherent ability or capacity for growth. Pretty much the only way for a band to expand is by having good recordings of good songs. Victoria, like everywhere else, is only interested once they are told who the big bands are. On the radio, on a respected label then people show up where that radio or label has influence. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 3:32am
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Oh, shit, I forgot The Perish... - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:13am
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Fuck all of you assholes, seriously. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:15am
hobbit fuck ya!legion you are right - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 11:22am
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Here's a neat trivia question; who in town has had their CD reviewed outside the country? Carolyn Mark (lots of times), Neckbeard (ditto) and... David P. Smith, who gets my vote for success and not just because I play with him. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 2:51pm
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i think undergo are going to go somewhere because they have some good connections and they are getting themselves known by doing big gigs like the vans warped tour and playing with shocore etc. but we have so many bands in vic that try hard so its hard to point long as they work at it and try their best and never give up then they will do well. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 2:59pm
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oh and another thing...lots of ppl get all tuned into the thought of money, and honestly, thats not the rite way to make it cant forget that its about the music. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 3:03pm
Anonymous well obviously hhh has their cds reviewed all over the place. Frog eyes got alot of reviews in the states too. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:45pm
satan ALLFATHER and ML7 - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:50pm
Anonymous ALLFATHER? Are you fucking kidding me? They're all a bunch of no talent ass clowns. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:55pm
Japanese Air Force Ass Clowns are the *BEST* kind of clowns!

I applaud any band, local or otherwise, who continue to expand themselves, be it musically, finanically or fanbase and reputation.

~JAF - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 5:41pm
RAWR Allfather have talent. Some people may not take to their style, but they are far from talentless. Wonder how their 58 date tour is going. Any word? - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 6:28pm
Allfather drummer Wondering about the tour? I don't know if anything was posted but the tour has been cancelled. We made it down to Arizona, but our booking agent fucked us over and didn't come through so we we're forced to stop. We are planning another for the winter; down the west coast. If anyone has any questions or wants to hack me or my band down to my face feel free to email me. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 6:30pm
Cordova Bay
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Hmm... Daniel Lapp, Fan Tan Alley (generating crowds in Ontario ;), Jeffery Sez (touring British Columbia & Alberta); Jets Overhead (yes, regaining their feet); Jack Connolly; Big Muff and Armchair Cynics. These people all have talent and are actively working their trade. Overnight success comes to those who put in the years of work required to achieve it! - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 6:30pm
cleobelle well, we'll just have to see, won't we? we don't know until it happens, so why wasted time speculating about it?

"'...sitting around in town a la Hot Hot Heat...' Give yer head a shake man, these guys have been out there working their butts off for 2 or 3 years now"
-->agreed. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 6:35pm
Conor I say undergo. They have way more going on then most of the band in town. besides hot hot heat. Warped Vancouver, Warped Calgary. Sho-core. They have toured extensively around western canada. they have more connections then most bands in this town. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 7:59pm
Cha Right Undergo have more connections than anyon ein town? PFFFFFT! they toured what, western canada? Big fuckin deal, anyone can get those connections. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 8:51pm
Conor For shows it was Western Canada - But who they know is a different story. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 8:54pm
Anonymous Yeah ok, buddy. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 9:08pm
Anonymous touring western canada aint gonna get you squat
all the people that matter (as far as "making it big") on the west coast of canada are in vancouver, along with 80% of the population of BC,
that's THE place to play alot - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 10:49pm
Anonymous undergo have definitely not toured anywhere "extensively" - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:20am
Anonymous unless you're playing on one of the main stages at the Warped Tour on more than a couple stops, playing there means jack fuckin shit - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:21am
vancouverkid ONEDROP - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 4:59pm
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Nobody has potential IN VICTORIA!! You Gotta Move!! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 5:27pm
Ent-Ausserung As far as bands that will garner both critical and popular response, rather than requests for Matchbox 20 cover songs (or Radiohead), there are very few... Two that come up in frequent conversation are Chet and Frog Eyes. The latter group has toured more extensively than (ahem) Western Canada, earned praise from people who care about music even when their asses aren't on bar stools, and will succeed (in a manner a little more wide than the narrow definition that I assume most people are using here) in spite of the vast majority of people in this town and the attitudes in this town. I've lived here for nearly four years now and have found that the number of local bands that produce something of interest to me have dwindled, and not because of a lack of venues or practice spaces, but it takes a lot of commitment for talented and creative people to stick around Victoria when Vancouver's across the water, most of your friends move to Montreal, and the biggest employer within the city centre (the BC Government) is laying off 30% of its workforce.

There seems to be the chasm between people involved in independent music because they're committed to the spirit of it, and people involved in independent music because they don't have much of a choice. It comes to the forefront mostly when these two groups of people discuss topics like this on LiveVictoria... For example, guaranteed that not one of the buttrockers who relish at the thought of capitalizing on Hot Hot Heat's success (bringing attention to this town n' what not) were interested in Hot Hot Heat prior to their stepping it up a notch and landing on Sub Pop, followed by Warner... (And to be fair, some people aware of them lost interest when that happened.) How many bands currently plaguing local poster poles with their atrociously designed flyers and ghastly logos even have an idea that Atlas Strategic opened a number of American dates for Modest Mouse? That's a fairly big fucking deal...

Whatever, there's always going to be a portion of any music scene that's divided between indie snobs that dress in converse all-stars and buttrockers that idolize guitar effects processors and their frosted-tip haircuts... Two camps that will only meet in an ill-informed article on the pages of the Times-Colonist. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 5:30pm
Advocate Good for Atlas Strategic. Who is Modest Mouse? Who cares? Hot Hot Heat proved that you could become a commerically viable rock band yet not move to Vacouver. That's about it. The odds of greater success in the industry are still the same as always. Slim. Victoria will never be on any music map.

Open your eyes/ears Ent_Asserung. There are many great musicians in this city and all kinds of goings on in many styles. As if they really think the success of others will make them more likely to progress. The smart ones know that only by supporting independent music will good things be produced.

Negativity and statements like the good stuff was happening a while ago or local media is uninformed or stupid are exactly the root of any troubles in the independent scene.

Maybe there is a home back in Montreal. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 6:23pm
Vic fan Many good bands in this town ..lots of possible answers too that are obvious..but for me it's King Bong, I have heard some tracks from their upcoming release and I will tell you that it is something special..I hear that a couple of the Moneyshgot guys may do the mastering...just'll see what I mean..One of my friends said Sublime meets Zappa...I don't know but I like it!
whatever check it out for yourself - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 6:51pm
Anonymous guitar rock is so lame - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 7:13pm
Anonymous chasm: "Good for Atlas Strategic. Who is Modest Mouse?"

word to e-a. a dichotomy existing everywhere on varying scales and one best left unreconciled. the aforementioned butt-rock scene, as evidenced by this topic, plods on in victoria. i'd make a snide comment, but i feel too sorry for you and your frosted tips, my friends. my vote for most potential in victoria: chet and frog eyes. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 8:10pm
Anonymous "buttrock"
hadn't heard that one yet

and I had thought "ent-ausserung" had finally grown out of the scenester cliche and all that childish pent up negativity

one more time
you are no better than anybody else
maybe a couple more years? - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:10pm
me yo who ever posted that the cynics cant fill a room in victoria clearly was not at the show on friday.....the door guy said the numbers were around 400.... capacity at that bar is 300.... hhmmmmmm sounds full to me - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:26pm
Anonymous with any luck we'll have another white snake incident... - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:17pm
Anonymous ERR I MEAN GREAT WHITE - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:19pm
Non-Profit Drummer This is a wierd fucking thread. I can't imagine a real muscician would argue the merits of one kind of going "big" over another.

Any musician that ever considers (or dreams) that their music could provide finicial stability is nothing more than an entertainer. FUCK OFF.

It's About The Music. Get a day job... - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:50pm
Rick May
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Frog Eyes - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:41pm
Anonymous I. What is moral relativism?

A. The view that there is no single morality that applies to everyone
1. No single set of ultimate principles
2. �Applies to� someone = that person has good reason to regard as authoritative

B. No single morality because there is more than one?
1. Relativism vs. skepticism

II. Why think that moral relativism might be correct?

A. The empirical fact of divergent moral beliefs
1. How much of this divergence reflects different factual beliefs, some of which may be mistaken?
2. Is there more agreement in ultimate moral principles?
3. The fact of disagreement, by itself, does not entail relativism
a. Our views might be correct, theirs mistaken
b. Their views might be correct, ours mistaken
c. We might all be mistaken
d. We might both be correct
e. There might be no such thing as �being right�

B. Epistemological symmetry
1. If equally intelligent and informed inquirers, using what seem to be the proper methods, consistently come to divergent conclusions, this supports the view that there is no �fact of the matter� about the subject in question
2. There still may be reasons (e.g. practical reasons) to take our moral views seriously, but not as expressing �objective� truths

C. Symmetry of (practical) reasons
1. Others have just as good reasons to accept their ultimate moral principles as we have to follow ours
2. Does this limit the range of possible relativism?

D. Tolerance: It is arrogant to assume that we are the ones that have got it right
1. Is tolerance itself a moral claim?
2. Does respect for others require thinking that what they believe is correct? - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:47pm
dan conner
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MONEYSHOT... They seem to have a good fan base in Vancouver and Kelowna... and they are the kinda stuff that sounds in its place flooding the radio... Dayglo's? NO... In my opinion, they will never have any potential, as in getting big and mainstream potential, becasue that's what they are. Undergo is another one that I could see hittin it big, and yes, Hot Hot Heat. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:49pm
Boney M The Perish. They seem to have quite an extensive fanbase ranging from Otter Point Road to Harbourview Road. I hear they went platinum up at Leech Town. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:07am
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I don't think this'll surprise anyone who cares (both of them), but I'm with E-A...

I would consider the Dayglos sucessful already.... They're the one band from Victoria that I'd heard of before moving here..... And years before... They seem to have a solid underground following.... - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:35am
CHe Also, in the last year the Dayglos have toured Australia, Canada and Europe, whereass Moneyshot ( for example, and they rule) have yet to tour Canada this fall I think? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:13pm
CHe Im gonna say most potentialin no particular order:

Armchair Cynics
Meatlocker Seven
Grace Nocturnal
King Bong

All bands who are doing things! They have toured, or have fans abroad and all have done very well amongst the peers of their genre's. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:14pm
Levi-Strauss Wow! I thought I was the only one who had taken philosophy 100! What a brilliant and topical analysis of a relevant thread! Way to go! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 1:18pm
rwjersey *at*
Messages Posted:
Until a frontman with the appropriate balance of charisma (also known as stage presence), vocal ability and overall knowledge of what people are into, and giving it to them in a somewhat David Lee Rothesque, Vince Neil, Robert Plant, James Hetfield, Mike Muir, Ozzy Osbourne, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Tom Araya, Max Cavalera combined type of way, and how likely is it that is going to happen, there will be no bands that have too much potential as far as i'm concerned. Oh, and the band should be decent also. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 4:13pm
Anonymous good point Jersey! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:20pm
Anon386 What point? Potential is about getting there not already being there. Of course none of the independents in this town have all the skills but many of them work on their weak points. Operative word : work. Sure some of us have more natural talent than others but virtually any pro in any discipline will tell you that above all things a great work ethic earns success. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:23pm
Ya Ya Ya There you go again....completley bias as to what genre you like...thos are all hard rock and metal...... Matchbox twenty sells alot...but you wouldnt buy it ....American idols sell alot ....I wouldnt buy it ...Creed sells alot I dont know anyone who would buy it........We dont know as much as we think we do...humble yourselves... - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:29pm
King Bong
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ya,, come see my show bucko!
Kola - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:31pm
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This city is odd, any band that has any potential to make it in the mainstream certain people tend to hate. It's like you become good at something and everyone wants you to fail. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 5:51pm
Ralph How you can put Robert Plant and Max Cavalera in the same category is beyond me. PLANT = Legendary singer of one of the biggest bands in history. Cavalera = Semi-legendary for life GROWLER who does not sing, doesnt have great stage persona and isnt rich like say, a Plant! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 8:29pm
P. Nelson I say the Judd Hirsch are going to be huge, like Bananarama or the Bangles. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 9:09pm
Jedi Suck my big dick. If any of you like bands that have struggled with keeping the band together and dealing with finding dedicated members and who care about the quality of there music, then listen to me. First of all how about the guys that work at 3piece suit jobs and put there extra cash into the band through dedication. Im talking about Meatlocker 7 and Belt. Go fuck yourselfs all you critics that have nothing better to do but type with 1 hand while you jack off to your pathetic lives. First time ive been on the site and am disgusted at the attitude of obviously jealous individuals. Go see ML7's cd release party and listen to Belt live before you criticize other peoples personal efforts. Ill await the imature responses to this posting bitches.

Up The Irons !!!!!! (true maiden fans will understand)

JediDylan - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:33am
Sith Word around the party is your "big dick" couldn't fit in a thimble, there Tom Thumb. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:41am
Anonymous that is a different Jedi - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:52am
Anonymous kin 'ell.
There's only one um, and that's fuck um. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:46am
Anonymous Belt is gotta be one OF THE WORST BANDS I HAVE EVER SEEN!
GOT IT HALF RIGHT FUCK FACE - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:09pm
Shittyshittyfuckfuck "Until a frontman with the appropriate balance of charisma (also known as stage presence), vocal ability and overall knowledge of what people are into, and giving it to them in a somewhat David Lee Rothesque, Vince Neil, Robert Plant, James Hetfield, Mike Muir, Ozzy Osbourne, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Tom Araya, Max Cavalera "

How dare you put Dickinson and Araya'a name amongst these mere mortals? Diamond Dave? Vince Neil? tsk tsk. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 2:22pm
Anonymous has grace nocturnal "toured" past the lower-mainland? - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 3:18pm
Anonymous no - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 3:51pm
wally i kinda feel as though there are some miss conceptions regarding grace nocturnal. don't get me wrong they try and are playing shows to try and up their profile which i commend BUT, they are a little contrived and any half wit a&r person will see right through this. on the other hand who knows what may happen..i hope they try to perfect their craft a whole lot more and try to get out on the road. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 4:05pm
Anonymous Uhhhhh.....HELLO....what's your definition of success?
Bryan Adams, Sarah Mclaughlan, Avril Lavingne......all managed out of Vancouver, all big, all rich......all SUCCESSFUL!

Cleaning toilets at the Chateau Victoria during the day, and playing in your basement at night, trying to get laid, and having a "loan" at Long and McQuade that's going to take 5 years to pay off isn't "success"

Get over yourselves with these shitty little local bands, and celebrate those with the balls to go for it. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 4:14pm
Anon386 Some of the shittly little local bands are attempting to reach greater levels of success. That's why we support them. Especially the ones with good music who also want to make a go of it on a bigger scale. Wait, did you say Avril Lavigne? Why am i responding to you? - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 4:18pm
King Bong
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Dude..I saw the Chili Peppers when they were a shitty little band, and Nirvana, and Soundgarden, and the list is so fucking long I'll just stop..where do you think successful bands come from boy? Like every other band they start locally and grow..give your head a shake..
Kola - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 5:25pm
captain satan
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BALLS DEEP!!!! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 4:18am
Anonymous frog eyes and jackie's band - probably won't go anywhere but everything else (the country codgers excluded)is so played. punk rock is perennial but c'mon...undergo? moneyshot? yech. anything reg lech touches is gold. run chico run stink. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:59am
mark mor
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The Perish have the most potential in Victoria - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 9:09am
Anonymous Dylan Davis' new band - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 2:15pm
tragically hip I second that.
I think that the Gashly Crumb should try and make a break for it. In fact every time I hear their name I stop and think Oh ya they are from here!
I also think that The Fine Options are working really hard and would do really well.
Along with Run chico Run !
Bands that are just startig out but have alot of potential are: Fuck me USA, Veronica Tangent (although she has been around for a while) and The Judd Hirsch. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 2:30pm
Anonymous Ad King Bong to the list of bands just starting out but with HUGE potential. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 2:44pm
some girl...
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I can see Kill Rock Stars putting Frog Eyes out. The problem is, however, that barely anyone knows of KRS!! May be Matador would take them? If they "applied" themselves as aggressively as possible I think they could do it. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 2:51pm
Anonymous dylans band is gashly crumb? i heard the name but didn't know it was him
do they sound like maitreya? - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 3:21pm
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Hey SG, I'm barely even 'hip to the scene' and I certainly do know who Kill Rock Stars is - I'd say they were a small medium sized label... as opposed to a medium small label or a small large label... or something.

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 3:28pm
some girl...
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I'm not really hip to the scene either. I'm glad you know of the label. All I meant is that KRS is not the kind of label to expect a great career from- especially since people like Kathlene Hanna (one of the founders) is barely scrapping by herself.

take care! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 3:31pm
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SG: I'm sure that's true - I would suspect that Kill Rock Stars was started by music fans, not businesspeople, so naturally, they're gonna do whatever it takes to get records out - even spend the rent. I for one, am glad there's folks like this out there.

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:12pm
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Talent and work ethic aside, lets not bypass the fact that potential is LARGELY DETERMINED BY THE DEMANDS OF THE PUBLIC AND THEY WILL DETERMINE WHO MAKES IT OR OTHERWISE. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:26pm
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75: Sorry that you are so cynical.

There are lots of bands that overcame initial resistance to 'succeed' with their original ideas and sounds.

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:31pm
some girl...
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75Jersey: You're 'almost' totally right. This post and the person who asked where to find music is really related to eachother. You can be a totally great band/hard working, but that only gets you so far (lots of bands are hardworking). Most of the bands that I love I found out b/c "so-and-so" told me to check them out (so be nice to livevictoria! Don't shit in your own backyard!!!). With that said, I find that what people want and what people get are usually 2 different things when it comes to the radio/hitting it big/selling gold etc. The bands that I love still aren't "famous." Do you follow? I guess I'm comparing playing shows and getting played on the radio, and I'm not sure myself which is really better? - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:31pm
Jay Watts
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Perhaps Kathleen Hanna should go back to stripping to pay the bills.

badoomshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 6:11pm
some girl...
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i have to admit- and i know it's wrong- but i kinda find that funny. she actually refuses to have a job (other than touring and protesting etc etc). okay- i'm done work--> you wont hear from me any more! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 6:15pm
Anonymous SECOND LAST 4-EVAH!!! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 6:32pm
Gallow drummer Ha Ha. So your all here trying to decide on our fate eh?!!
I think whoever has the most passion for their music and the people who progress most and the bands that get along the best will be the ones that make it. There could also be just individuals in bands that make it ferther than the rest of their band. Also I think any band who moves out of Victoria has a way better chance of making it. I personally don't care if I get Huge and famouse, I just want to play forever and be HAPPY!!! Thats the main thing. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:46pm
GD second last??? are you sereouse?? You mean the 12year old blink-182 cover band who whined when we worked them at the Brentwood Battle?? - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:01am
Jay Watts
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SECOND LAST RULEZ and OWNZ. - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:11pm
dustinjak my band you idiots!any fuckin band i am in!makin'it you motherfuckers.goin big,goin large goin huge!AMPS TRAMPS and RAMPS - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:57pm
Anonymous David Foster. - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 9:39pm
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The Pricks
Pacific Fronal System
Killing Flaw
Kia Kadiri
Stir Fry Collective
Fuck Me Usa
Burnside Brawlers
Dan Wisenberger
The Judge Hirsch
Jeff Spec
Darth Brooks

...most acts in Victoria, actually. - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 11:32pm
Anonymous amps tramps and ramps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaaa - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 3:11pm
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Well...I may be a bit biased...but I think that the Hoochy Girls have huge potential. They all have awesome stage presence...and they are improving more and more everytime they play. I think they could have huge potential if ska was popular anywhere else besides here. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 4:32pm
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I think 5 horns equals mud. The hoochy girls do have potential but having a ridiculous amount of people on stage is sort of retarded. I am not bashing the talent of the members, but sometimes having less horns is better. But to each his own. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 5:15pm
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Props given, your all rippin in your own ways and do have lots of potential. I'm just dreamin with high hopes and expectations of myself and all artists. It's marketing and money also, lack of these is a problem for many artists. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 7:34pm
Anonymous self inficted is the best new band
the world is turning heavy, and only the heavy are gonna have any success - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 7:51pm
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After having seen them,I'd say Bronze are in with a good shout. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 8:09pm
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Yes must agreee with you, but I wonder how you could translate the live sound to CD?!? I'd love to buy Bronze's first CD, but it's gotta be produced right. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:12am
Anonymous so big bands = mud? give the hoochys til ska fest and I bet you'll be eating your words - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:58am
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Bombasts were an 11 peice am I right? now there is no way you could call them mud. I agree too many horns playing fast doesn't always sound good, we are working on it. You'll have to have a listen to our cd when its finished or come watch our ska fest show (we'll be sober this time ha ha) - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:33am
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oh my vote would go to Undergo because they definitely have the sound that's popular these days - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:41am
skalosersgrowup The hootichies are a bunch of little kids and they sound like it. I saw them at the planet smashers and even though they brought along someones Dad as a ringer they still sucked, and undergo? give your head a shake, neither of these bands,(not to mention the bombasts, a bunch of fucking junkies) are even on the radar and even if they were any good they still would not be good enough to play anything but the all age shows that they play, when is the last time either of those bands actually headlined in a real venue/ Never, and they never will.. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:13pm
likeskajustnotyours Those bands do suck..especially those ska idiots the hootchies..lousy really lousy - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:27pm
Anonymous hootichies? hootchies? Hoochys? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:42pm
Anonymous "when is the last time either of those bands actually headlined in a real venue/ Never, and they never will"

I thought this was about potential? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 1:44pm
Anonymous undergo is on the warped tour this time. that's fairly successful isn't it? not bad for a bunch of kids if you ask me.... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:26pm
Anonymous They would be much beter off if they dumped Alistair. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 2:53pm
Anonymous undergo is playing one warped tour show. on the local stage. big deal... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 3:36pm
Anonymous apparently they are playing the one in cowtown as well. that's pretty good for around here man, give these kids credit for it. i'll never be playing shows that big. you? - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 3:45pm
honour that's how it all starts for a lot of bands. good on 'em. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 3:48pm
Anonymous ALOT of bands get on warped tour for the occasional show or shows, but it doenst mean too much. Good opportunity, but I wouldnt let it go to their heads. Did it benefit Moneyshot?
usually they stick them on a slot so mundane, filler is all they really are because none of the actual bands on the tour want those slots ( because their LABELS say NO to bad slots ) - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 3:51pm
don The Wassabi collective. They're touring across the country for the third or fourth time (the first of two treks this summer, the second one will involve playing a live music/dj festival called "Evolve" that has bands such as Medeski, Martin, and Wood, Chris and Kate (former Bourbon Tabernacle Choir) Blue Quarter, Slammin' Jack (from Vancouver) Jimmy Swift Band, and DJ's such as Mark Farina and Steve the Viking) They're also making quite a name for themselves out east in general. So, that's my pick, the neo-hippie scene isn't really my thing, but I can't deny they have something going on. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:16pm
eclectic lunch Potential to do real things built on the talent showing now???
Carolyn Neopole
King Bong
all great talents that could have the staying power and songwriting skills to make them more than a one song wonder. I've seen em all and any one could take it. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:25pm
King Bong
User Info...
Whoever you are ..I think I love you... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:39pm
SweetGrass Thanks eclectic, I must echo your Lappelectro thoughts, Dan Lapp is a great talent! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:53pm
Mark O'Halloran Hey guys, what about Skinflint? Guys? Hey guys? Comon guys, what about Skinflint? Ya guys? Hey guys guess what, I'm jakin-off. Oh ya!!!!! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:18am
a pal! but I hate 'em Sorry Sweetgrass I wish I could but I can't agree with you. Despite the talents of the amazing Dan Tate and the ever steady Rick May, the Lappelectro thang ends up promising cutting edge techno-fusion but delivering what sounds like a cross between Spyro Gyra and Jean Luc Ponty while Dan Lapp himself, as big a talent as this town has to offer but also his own worst enemy, desperately attempts to show how versatile he is by playing three different instruments (occasionally brilliantly) in every song. The band plays real well and all but it all ultimately leads nowhere, there just aren't enough good funky licks or great solos to sustain a whole show. It doesn't go outside enough to turn into skronk-noise and doesn't go inside enough to be real jazz so it ends up somewhere in the middle like some mid 80's fuzak. I for one was sorely dissapointed. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 4:36am
King Bong
User Info...
check out Greelaw Ave. your gonna love em! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:00pm
SweetGrass Yah a Pal, I have to agree. I was thinking Dan Lapp for talent , mispoke about Lappelectro and checked them out on Breakfast and was kinda bored by the tunes. I've heard great things from Dan in the past though. Truly a talent with a future. Greenlaw ave. is wicked however and has the things electro is misiing in their groove, got their c.d and can't turn it off. Nice people too. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:21pm
Anonymous SONIC DOOM these guys play in the same studio as us. holy fucking metal - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:27am
Anonymous Im sorry to say...but metal doesn't have much potential. Its going downhill. And don't say i hate metal. Because that isn't true. I just think that metal bands are losing their potential of doing well. And they won't do well.

But keep playing the music you like. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:37am
Curious So who are the Armchair Cynics and why does it seem like you all hate them?? Sorry, I am in Van but there is a buzz over here about them. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:00am
inline_punk king bong all those bands you listed hit it big time in the lamest way and they all suck. so heres my list

moneyshot-if having a horrible song on vic radio is a good thing they've got it made
hot hot heat-who cares
Iskra-Finally a real band, black metal, political
Grosse Misconduct-The fucking sweet but not all of it is my kind of thing, potential to be even more amazing
Bronze-Huge Potential
Betty Ford-No comment
Burnside Brawlers-no comment
Staff Only-Most Interesting band in victoria
Bury What's Dead-Radical
King Bong-never heard them and never want to go steamers
i don't want to discourage any bands, you keep playing I'll keep listening (and blading) - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:24am
Anonymous what about grace nocturnal?
they are doing well - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:41am
Anonymous hey curious!

there's no buzz about armchair cynics in vancouver.
they've played one 30 minute set at 8pm over there

that's it in the last like 6 months - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:52am
Anonymous HAHAHA!!! metal doesn't have much potential and won't do well? HAHAHA!! Come join us in the real world son! Holy clueless moron! For real kid, open your eyes and pay attention before opening your flap. Dick....... - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 6:41am
SweetGrass In line_ Punk... I'm not sure what list you are referring too? King Bong hasn't got a list on this post.?
Also Metal will always do well because it is part of the blood that makes up music. I disagree with it being on the way out. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 6:24pm
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