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For the LiveVictoria fucks that think they're poets
Message Board > General Chitchat > For the LiveVictoria fucks that think they're poets
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pooetry poetry
what be this crap?
it's all over the map.
i be think that poets are a bore.
they make me go snore.
is it impressive?
I think not. Just obsessive [and shitty].
livevictoria poets, this makes me feel like i'm in school.
how now, that's not very cool.
one more message i have for you:
shut the fuck up, you poets are poo. - Sat, 24 May 2003 4:54pm
Anonymous oh thats really impressive

to think someone can be so dumb

why dont you quit your bitching and NOT READ THE SHIT
Oh and one more thing
SHUT THE FUCK UP - Sat, 24 May 2003 4:58pm
Anonymous why are you cluttering up the livevic board? I'm just writing poetry. why are you trying to make me feel badly? doesn't my work deserve the same admiration of my fellow poets? fascist! - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:00pm
Anonymous 1.)thats not poetry
2.)you suck at it , you know it so dont try your just making yourself out to be a loser
3.)how old are you? eleven? I think i hear your mommy telling you to get off the computer - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:04pm
Anonymous oh ya and
4.) do you even know what a fascist is? - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:06pm
pooetry Ode to to a Dick:

chill, big guy.
i'm not the stye in your eye.

sometimes i wonder, what does it take to be in the livevic clique?
oh, i think it is to be like you: a complete and utter geek.

it really is swell how easily you're pist [at me].
what is it that's so bad that my eyes have missed?

do you have some anal medical condition?
shut the hell up and quit your bitchin'. brotha. - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:07pm
Anonymous terreble
absolutely fuckin'
terrible - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:20pm
Anonymous I got medicine fer mee brotha fer his anal condition - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:24pm
don Pooetry, you must be a failed, self-absorbed writer of some sort that is left with nothing but wit-less critisisms to keep you warm on those long cold nights where fully-automatic weapons and dreams of dead fauculty members--who were so hard on your poor ego--are counted as your fantasys. The evidence of your failed career in writing is in the irony of your pathetic attempts to criticise poetry using that very form, you were failed for a reason...a good reason.

Take up de-clawed hamsters or fucking the neighbors dog, while frying ants with a bar-b-que starter--at least you'll be able to get off sexually as well, saving the poor women of victoria a fumbling night of pre-ejaculation and post-pre-ejaculation defensivness where you try to clean your cum from their designer jeans with the pint of blood you drained from a cat that was too nice to you. That you would waste your time in poorly constructed poems about someone posting something on a board where anyone is allowed to post anything makes me think either the goose-step is your favourite dance or your blow-up doll popped and your out of KY. Mine did. - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:35pm
The Chamber Maid I think the fact this guy rhymed pissed with missed tells us more about him than he realizes. HeHe - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:37pm
Anonymous swell
swell, swell, swell

i like that word

it goes into the category of words like keen and the rest of them - Sat, 24 May 2003 6:12pm
pooetry donny boy. why have i struck a nerve with you? is it something from your childhood? do you want to talk this out?

as for the faculty members, yes, it was a cold, bitter day in september. my poem, my masterpiece went something a little like this:

oh my professor
i have to confessor
I have lusted after you
since i was 'bout two
i've loved you since the day of my birth
yes, indeed, my mom said that i was a wide girth
she said that you, by her side, were her friend
until the bitter, bitter end
what a shock that they saw!
i looked banged up and raw
anyhow, professor. i have to ask of you a deed:
will you please oh please marry me?

then the fucking professor gave me an F on my poem. It took me years to write it. so much passion and so many years. you can see why I sit alone in this cabin by myself now, can't you? i was made a humility infront of the whole class. 300 students laughing at me all at once. one day, sweet donny, one day I'll get my revenge on them all!! laugh at me? i think not.

also, why is it thought that i am a dude? my professor wasn't a female and i wasn't a male, numbnuts. - Sat, 24 May 2003 6:13pm
Anonymous your funny in an abnoxious pathetic way
is this stephen hacking himself - Sat, 24 May 2003 6:26pm
don Pooetry, I always kind of new it was the popped doll and the KY--it even has you thinking your a member of the opposite sex--although nazi's love to dress up as women they lack the necessary moral fiber for brutal, honest and direct critisism of ramdom people on backwater message boards. Our dolls may be deflated but we can still beat the facist fuckers.

Never give in, the whining little ingrates must suffer public humiliation at the hands of the righteous, the decayed fat of human imagination must be surgically removed, fight on, - Sat, 24 May 2003 7:55pm
Anonymous don- You're a psycho. - Sat, 24 May 2003 8:08pm
User Info...
pooetry, what a poor little lad
as his mother fucked the post man, the dog fucked his dad

pooetry pooetry, why are you so lame?
with your pathetic little poems, your life is a shame

soo here you are, reading this post
probably bitching, or crying at the most

pooetry pooetry, please know your worth
your a waste of space, walking this earth

come on pooetry, please dont be a load
do us a favor, and stand on the road

and hold out your arms, so it makes a huge mess
pooetry pooetry, i really must confess

that we all know, your about to cry
do the world a favor, bend over and die!

oh forget it, I suck at making up poems - Sat, 24 May 2003 8:18pm
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That was a good start! - Sun, 25 May 2003 2:13pm
Anonymous if your a poet in here, for god sake, don't read your reviews. Even if your work blows guys like P.B.Shelly and W.Shakespeare off the map, you can always expect condemnation. Heres my view.. keep writin, postin, fuckem...
;) - Sun, 25 May 2003 6:36pm
SweetGrass Pooetry...I like the tone of your poetic humour. Keep givin it to them. - Mon, 26 May 2003 2:56am
pooetry my rivals:

i am the best poet in town.
hell, i'm the best poet that ever was 'round.

my rhymes intimidate you.
next to mine, your are just doo doo

i plan on going on tour with this poetry
maybe i can join the perish in their new-found misery!

i am hungry so i'm going to go eat.
those who dissin me yo (don, james, whatever the fuck blah blah), can suck on my invisible meat - Mon, 26 May 2003 2:29pm
?�?�? the wind blows.

thank you. - Mon, 26 May 2003 3:56pm
METALHEAD!% I once wrote a poem on live Vic for you,
As I am bored and can think of nothing to do.
This site was designed for the music scene,
But it is mostly posts by a drama queen.
Wreaker argues with Mr.Hell,
They might be old as you can tell.
Troutbreath plays in a band called King Bong.
The cookies they give out are particulaly strong.
Monica gets hounded by a stalker,
Most of the musicians here need a walker.
For hardcore punk there is Jay Brown,
If you saw the perish you might frown.
There is this band called Gallow's End,
Their singers thong might start a trend.
Some posts are amusing, some are mean.
Some posts cruel and others obscene.
Some posts are good,
Others are not,
We owe all this to live Vic Scott.
We love to read about second last,
Their singer might end up in a cast.
You can register and log in,
Even though your a has been.
Meatlocker 7 is a deadly band,
Soon they will tour on the mainland.
Moneyshot have lived here long,
Blades of steel is their best song.
Laprider is starting a music school.
The singer from Whip makes us drool.
Helonwheels is a sweetie no matter what they say.
Allfather and Staaf Only really slay.
Some users like metal, some like punk.
Some like rap even though it is junk.
The sweetgrass girls know how to sing,
I guess that is why they call them King.
ROSS BAY leaves his computer almost never,
He was all ehh and yaawhatever.
Isobellia is a very talented writer,
"The Don" is supposed to be a good fighter.
Masturbating the war god is a great nick,
Although its context is quite sick.
The Ref gets into trouble with the greatest of ease,
No more nickelback I am begging please.
Shaggy sometimes posts a funny,
No bands here make any real money.
Harley is a hottie,
Torrie is naughty.
The strip club DJ is Donnie Black,
Everyday he sees a great rack.
Jay Watts is a poster whom I do not know,
The Gallow's drummer might be the next Flo.
Cheeky Chick is putting on Brentwood Stock,
At 15 this girl sure does rock.
Curious George posts quit a bit,
Although he is mostly full of shit.
Jonathan started a controversial thread,
I can't believe it is something I completely read.
Most people here like to toke,
Some people here like their coke.
Lots of times we go to shows baked,
Lots of times our sobriety is faked.
Live Victoria is a place to bicker,
I think we need to make a bumper sticker.
Anon posts often lack any thought,
Some people are too stupid to be taught.
Sometimes anons can be a real gas,
But mostly they just need a kick in the ass.
Despite all its faults,
Despite all its failures,
Despite not having anon post erasers,
We love this board and we will always come back,
Even if it is just to see Wreaker's new hack. - Mon, 26 May 2003 3:57pm
don That's the spirit poo, hit them back with bad poetry. The ignorant fuckers remind me of those lost souls in Waco--we must track the leader down, nail them to an inverted cross and cover them in larval flesh-eating snails of the Amazon basin--they just won't give up, and although they probably aren't gathered together under the same roof, we can always hope that each one of them spontaneously combusts before posting anything else creative, other than, of course, references to shit, anal warts--we know how much they hurt don't we poo--and references to any part of the male sexual anatomy--the warts hurt so much sometimes I'm glad my nuts are numb. Can't these neo-communist bastards see that the exercise of imagination makes people like you and me look bad--nice rhymes by the way, the Wham-rap of george micheals couldn't hold a candle to your display of wit and mediocrity--hit them again and again poo, soon they'll give in. When we find them in the bargin bins of Lyles Place or A&B sound rooting around for "The New Kids On the Block: Greatest Hits" we'll know we've won. We'll celebrate, let Chaka Khan rock us once again.

Keeping working the irony, hit them on all sides, shock and awful, and as always never surrender--at least one of the Vanilli's is still alive. - Mon, 26 May 2003 4:07pm
pooetry donny- listen, punk, you wanna piece of me? i got a piece of somethin' for you... it can rearrange your face, brotha. i'll take you on.

you don know me. you don know me. you don know me. you don know me. you just jealous, fool.

oh yeah, and you don know me. - Mon, 26 May 2003 5:47pm
User Info...

I havent seen this kind of shelackie since my pancake incident..... - Mon, 26 May 2003 5:49pm
?�?�? don't forget the question mark guy
who constantly looks up towards the sky
then looks down back at the computer screen
a smile spreads, from head to spleen
as he types another message anonymously
cheering for the people wanting to give Will Barz a lobotomy

anonymity is bliss.
thank you. - Mon, 26 May 2003 5:55pm
YOU WIN!!! Metalhead, thats the best poem I have ever read in my life. Man, you should see if you can get that published in Monday Mag! - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:01pm
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"head to spleen"
that was my favorite part
AHAHAHAHAH - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:09pm
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This is dedicated to a friend of mine names brock and he used to owrk at Band C meats

My name is burly man broccoli
the cold doesnt affect my feet
I work in a place called Band C
and i am constantly surrounded by meat

I am a burly man yes I am
with glasses and a brown eyed stare
when i see a cute girl walking by
I like to show off and expose my chest hair

My words I like to artuculate
to whomever and wherever I go
If someone askes me for a ride isimply reply
"I suppose soo"

I have this friend named mark
I suspect he's a bit retentive
he shys away from my affection
he thinks being gay is my incentive

I have a superior intellect
dont think Im being conceited
If you want to challenge my bold statement
you wil surely end up defeated

just for you broccoli
just for you - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:10pm
fascist_lemonade *at*
Messages Posted:
?�?�? unfortunately, metalhead, i give your poem a B, simply because it did not include me.

shame on you. - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:41pm
pooetry and me!! - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:47pm
pooetry actually if you'd like, you can add this to your poem:

Don whined like a wounded mutt
So, Pooetry kicked him in his big ol' butt. - Mon, 26 May 2003 6:48pm
METALHEAD!% I am glad you enjoyed my little post.
On this little messageboard on the coast.
Legion is this dude into metal that is dark,
Then theres this wacko whos a question mark.
Sometimes we get to see a Dan Conner.
If nev changes the rules, anons a goner.
There is nothing going on in Brentwood Bay.
I'd go to a show if I didn't have to pay.
There is one musician named Ian Too Late,
Lets play some punk and find a skate.
Along came a rockstar from way back,
He's a dayglo abortion named Willy Jak.
I'll try to think of a few things more,
But Wreaker is complaining that his rash is sore.
If president Bush still wants to drop bombs,
He can always hit the anons on - Mon, 26 May 2003 8:28pm
don Dissention in the ranks poo, we can't let the slimy goats know of our internal friction and, although well-concealed in yet another stunning verse from you, it's beginning to show. They'll eat us alive if they know, bands of leather-clad vegan hippies will decend on us threatening to open our minds to hypocrisy while those chosen by you for extermination will gather in the back rooms of "rub and tug" and plan our demise through free verse. You're doing your part poo, that-for-which-you-are-named continues to flow freely from your mind, enough of that shit and we'll drown the fuckers, their lungs will fill our sewage, gasp, and runny brown liquid suffocates the very lives that threaten us with words. Keep our purpose hidden, never surrender. - Mon, 26 May 2003 8:38pm
METALHEAD!% The thumping of the footsteps
It is pure fear I feel
It is always worse when you know it is coming
The anticipation of pain
To be used again
Only to be replaced

He always comes at night
He will grab my body
He will rub me all over his mouth
I will taste him
He will taste me

Lights appear
The coming of the lights
The time has arrived
I can hear him running water
I can hear my bath being poured
I can smell his odor

The door to my appointed home opens
I see his face
His monster face
He is so big
So big
All I can do is close my eyes
I go to a happy memory

I remember a big room
There are others like me here
There are others
I remember the others
They are gone too from that big house
They too await the horror

My life is short
I will not be allowed to stay here
I will be discarded
I feel the sharp teeth
Shaking me

When it is over
I go back to my place of confinement
He closes my door
I feel dirty
I am dirty
But now I sleep
I have until morning
Before he will return

The Tale Of A Toothbrush

you know your bored when you write this... - Mon, 26 May 2003 9:41pm
Just a Thought Hey Everyone Poetic...
Make sure you're not giving away future lyrics to a song by publishing it here..
Put a copy rite sign on it or something.
Some of the poems lately have been great... others... well, you know. - Mon, 26 May 2003 10:17pm
METALHEAD!% I just make mine up on the spot. - Mon, 26 May 2003 10:42pm
pooetry hey, me too, metalhead. - Mon, 26 May 2003 11:40pm
Anonymous Ode to POO

repeat - Mon, 26 May 2003 11:47pm
Anonymous Is it coincidence that YOU rhyme with POO
YOU POO YOU POO - Tue, 27 May 2003 10:55am
METALHEAD!% I know an old band called Meatlocker 7,
They are a bunch of badasses who won't reach heaven.
There is a member named Mike and a singer named Bram,
They do not like green eggs and ham.
The drummer really smokes,
The guitar players give out tokes.
They had a good old singer named Aaron Clark,
He is pretty good but not pretty like Blark.
Wreaker of Havoc is his liv vic name,
Hacking and slagging is his favorite game.
His favorite opponent is a guy called Mr.Hell,
He is the bass player from meatlocker as well.
Mothers and sisters are wreakers favorite hack,
Mr.Hell is the most wittiest on the quick comeback.
Sexual oreientation is a tactic they often play,
Maybe they are too insecure about being gay?
A meatlocker cd is just around the bend,
Don't forget wreaker's band gallows end.
Today there may be a pile of slag,
We will hear about dildos, boyfriends, and drag.
They use words like wussy, gay, queer, and prick,
Just another beautiful day duking it on Live Vic. - Tue, 27 May 2003 1:14pm
SweetGrass Hi, to Wreaker, big Tee Hee! Oh the lives we lead!!! - Tue, 27 May 2003 7:40pm
User Info...
Metalhead you really make me laugh - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:03pm
METALHEAD!% Thanks Iso. That last one was pretty rough around the edges, I want to do another one but I haven't decided on what yet..... - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:07pm
bum master you sound real sexy pooetry. come over to my place so we can have some hot bum sex. wink wink. - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:09pm
User Info...
i like bumsex - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:11pm
METALHEAD!% Thanks for the idea!

Bum sex with girls is mighty sweet,
It is an easy task on knees and feet.
Always a knocking at the back door,
Sometimes you do it on the floor.
Isn't great to fuck a bum?
To fuck it and fuck it until you cum.
But some people get easily offended,
When sex includes being rear-ended.
Evil it is called in churches at mass,
Why is it a sin to take it in the ass?
Now in case of confusion I will clarify,
I'd rather cut my nuts off then get with a guy.
I have heard some stories about doing girls in the ass,
But I don't know what happens should she pass gas.
It is a question I'd like answered I think,
How does it feel, like bubbles on your dink?
Start in the front, finish in the rear,
Now you will have no babies to fear.
Experimentation can be scary,
Especially if her ass is hairy.
I recommend you try,
Straight in the pie,
It sure feels fine,
To do the behind.
I hope I gave you an idea for tonight,
Not since high school have you felt so tight!
So all you cute girlies please bend over,
We can do it just like my name was Rover.

hmmmm, I dunno. What do you think? Maybe too over the top? - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:19pm
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Don??? - Tue, 27 May 2003 8:19pm
Just a Thought Hey METALHEAD!% ... you must be on a roll! - Tue, 27 May 2003 9:37pm
P.P. Hey Izzy stop taking credit for the pancakes you know I'm the pancake maker. - Wed, 28 May 2003 12:10am
User Info...
once again i hear my friend

naa way
that wasnt over the top
a masterpiece
to say the least


any way i can inspire! - Wed, 28 May 2003 12:52am
Pink Pussy I don't get it. - Wed, 28 May 2003 12:56am
User Info...
what dont you get?

I went camping last night
ended up going swimming in nothing but my skivvies at four in the morning
the cabin is haunted - Wed, 28 May 2003 1:00am
Pink Pussy Here comes the snow. - Wed, 28 May 2003 1:02am
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I do be suspecting shinnannnaginns!!! - Wed, 28 May 2003 1:05am
Pink Pussy Are you comming,cause this night is not gonna end. - Wed, 28 May 2003 1:06am
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I want to
I want to
i really really want to
but i dont know
how will i get out ther? - Wed, 28 May 2003 1:09am
pooetry bum master- i'll bring the toys. let's see if your anal kegal exercises have been working out for ya. - Wed, 28 May 2003 10:22am
fragile Broken

I close my eyes,
and you are there.
Holding me close -
Your sweet caress,
your breath on my cheek,
the heat of your body
surrounding me,
warming my soul.
We are one.
I am safe in your arms.
I drift softly asleep,
consumed in your love.
I awaken to you still holding me close.
I open my eyes -
and you are not there.
I tremble in sorrow.
I see, I feel
complete emptiness.
I am consumed with hatred -
possesed by obsession.
The loop in my mind won't stop.
I silently scream,
This is too real -
Only my flesh and blood
is keeping me alive.
An acidic river of pain
runs down my cheek.
My heart is racing, my breath is short.
Terror of lonliness consumes me.
How do I live if my soul is broken?
I can't even breathe without you. - Wed, 28 May 2003 11:19am
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Time heals everything - Wed, 28 May 2003 7:30pm
Nothingface Give your fuckin heads a shake!!!! - Thu, 29 May 2003 11:05am
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What was that supposed to do? - Thu, 29 May 2003 7:51pm
Anonymous didnt do anything for me! - Thu, 29 May 2003 8:15pm
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yet another funny lymeric
about pooetry's little dick....

at 9:15 in a funnly little house
lived a funny little boy
with his funny little mouse

every night, at around ten
the boy opend his ass
and the mouse would hop in

oh how it wriggled
and squilled around
between the boys legs
formed a great mound

that indeed was an erecetion
a sign of little boys
lack of perfection

so then every morning, at round 8
the boy would wake up
and masterbate

untill it was time, for the mouse to come out
it shook off the shit, and danced about.

so who was this boy
and what was his name
pooetry ofcrouse, who else is so lame?

and then came the time
for him to go to school
were all the kids teased him
for eating his stoole

and stoole means shit
in case you didnt know
we know you like it
pooetry you hoe

so now indeed
it is time for bed
for mee to sleep
and lay rest my head

"good night everyone"
is what I said
so I took a bow, and off I fled.

;) - Thu, 29 May 2003 11:18pm
J.J. Pooetry only masturbates in the afternoons. I know this cause we circle jerk. - Thu, 29 May 2003 11:58pm
Anonymous Isn't pooetry a girl? - Fri, 30 May 2003 11:41am
Blah Nothingface, who cares, its a musicians board, they get bored and make up limmericks. Go back to church you hoser! - Fri, 30 May 2003 12:01pm
Anonymous "that indeed was an erecetion"

erecetion? Is that some kind of a skin condition? - Fri, 30 May 2003 12:13pm
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