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Most annoying musician in Vic
Message Board > General Chitchat > Most annoying musician in Vic
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Anonymous Could be solo or in a band.I'm just starting shit!!!!!!!! - Mon, 19 May 2003 2:27am
Anonymous duo-twang....awful - Mon, 19 May 2003 3:12am
Anonymous chris buck - Mon, 19 May 2003 8:53am
Anonymous Ross Gay - Mon, 19 May 2003 9:51am
Anonymous Jay Flower. Plain and simple. - Mon, 19 May 2003 10:34am
Anonymous Paul from veronica tangent - Mon, 19 May 2003 11:01am
Anonymous Jay Flowers is a dork but not a musician. - Mon, 19 May 2003 11:02am
Anonymous Jason Beddows - Mon, 19 May 2003 11:33am
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the purile insolent fuck who keeps calling me Ross Gay. It really, really hurts my feelings you know...... - Mon, 19 May 2003 11:39am
Anonymous Most annoying musician in Vic or Live Vic? - Mon, 19 May 2003 11:59am
Anonymous anyone from jeffrey sez - Mon, 19 May 2003 2:42pm
Anonymous jay flower hasn't played in a fucking band in this town for a longass time....who the fuck would write that he's annoying. have you any idea what he's done for the victoria and nanaimo scenes?? that's the biggest pile of bullshit i've ever read. fuck you. - Mon, 19 May 2003 2:46pm
Anonymous jeffery sez.

their bad hair and narcissistic attitudes.
the media thinks they're a joke, the other bands in this town think they're a joke...pretty much everyone.

i'm sure if they were nicer guys they would have more support. - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:09pm
Anonymous leigh grisewood - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:10pm
Too Easy Will from Second Last! He even came on to live vic to brag about beationg a guy up because he was a homosexual. - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:11pm
Anonymous Somebody has to tell the Armchair Cynics that Our Lady Peace is the CRAPPIEST band in the world! - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:12pm
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It's "puerile" but I still liked the usage Ross. - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:56pm
Anonymous If you can seriously say that Our Lady Peace is the crappiest band in the world, it just clearly states that you are a musical wanna be moron, who has no clue about talent, except all your awesome friends, who after only 3 weeks can play 3 bar chords. Our Lady Peace rock - Mon, 19 May 2003 4:59pm
jay brown
jay brown
vicpunx *at*
Messages Posted:

Hey ya fuckers, quit looking at my cock. I can feel your stare from here.

Wow, I gotta stand up for Jay Flowers on this one. Over the years that guy has done more for the music scene than most of the rest of us put together. On top of that he's a really nice guy. One of the only punks I know that actually stuck with what punk rock is really supposed to be about. - Mon, 19 May 2003 5:03pm
Anonymous "stuck with punk rock". duz that mean a person is not allow to grow musically as an individual,or experiment,in your eyes? that's what i thought punk was about, not just 'playing' a style out, yo. - Mon, 19 May 2003 5:28pm
I love victoria bands Jeffery Sez rented a limo to go to the m-power "awards" in. I bet when they rolled up the armchair cynics were like "oh shit, that's what we forgot in our recent "media" blitz (which included speaker's corner)". Ha! - Mon, 19 May 2003 9:31pm
Anonymous I rented a limo so that I could drink and roll around for a few hours. Can I get an award? - Mon, 19 May 2003 9:37pm
The Mad Subwoofer
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woohoo! I'm #2! - Mon, 19 May 2003 10:21pm
jay brown
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Actually no not at all dumbass. I meant that he is still a grass roots do it yourself guy, that supports a lot of good causes, supports the bands, and contrary to what punk rock has become to most people still enjoys original music. - Tue, 20 May 2003 12:15am
Anonymous aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha

i saw that limo outside

aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha - Tue, 20 May 2003 12:27pm
Anonymous "Our Lady Peace rock"

Wow... - Tue, 20 May 2003 12:48pm
Anonymous I saw our lady peace live with offspring and I want to clarify something: They are not THE worst band, i saw nickelback, and they are the worst banmd, our lady peace comes in second, oh maybe third, you can't forget eminem! - Tue, 20 May 2003 12:58pm
MD the offspring?? now there's a shite band - Tue, 20 May 2003 1:02pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Blarc. He should keep his fucking hands off my beers....and my samich.... - Tue, 20 May 2003 1:37pm
Joey HiFi
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Actually, I belive it was Zappnin Black that rented the limo. - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:05pm
don't even have a Lada... Of course one of the MPower crowd showed up in a limo; that's the whole mindset of these people. It's not about music or art or anything like that, it's about "rock stardom" and the mechanism that is required to realise it. These poor pathetic posers never seem to get it, that all the limos and press kits in the world won't do the job of simply making good music from the heart and then striving to share it with the rest of the world even if it means sleeping on some guy's couch in Wawa to do it. Look this is easy; if you want to find out how much the MPower crowd has actually impacted the rest of the world's conciousness just talk to ANYONE connected with music in some other city (a college radio station or hip record store, say) and ask them who they know (and/or like) from Victoria. The answers will surprise some of you but it's a guarantee that NONE of the MPower clique will be among them; their visibility across the pond is basically zip. And crap like the MPower awards (both of which have been embarrassing flops by all accounts despite the protestations of the organizers) just makes the local scene seem like a bad clone of all the big city scenes everywhere else. Kasper, GO AWAY AND STAY AWAY, this scene neither needs or wants you to "put things right". - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:09pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Or how bout that ML7 drummer. Hes such a fuckin loud mouth, never shuts up.... - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:17pm
JB Zappnin Black did indeed use a car service to travel to and from the awards. Who cares? You did'nt have to pay the bill.
Mr./Mrs don't even have a Lada, you are in no position to comment on the effort/time/money and the desire that Zappnin Black puts into doing what we love. You don't know the history of what we've gone through collectively and individually. Your statement on all the bands that attended/played the mpowers is based on ignorance. - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:33pm
ML7Mike Yah, we cant shut that guy up... wasssup??

As for the comments about Zappnin showin up in a limo.. Gimme a friggin break, they were just out to have some fun, Im sure they dont have dillusions of granduer, and were , as I said, just having fun with the whole event. - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:50pm
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Don't even have a lada wrote: It's not about music or art or anything like that, it's about "rock stardom" and the mechanism that is required to realise it.

No, it's like any type of employment locally, it's all about image. - Tue, 20 May 2003 3:58pm
anonymr. the MPower clique!? HA! can you try and be a little more dramatic about the whole thing? i performed there and have never met or heard %80 of the bands there. it was a great opportunity to see some bands i might not have seen otherwise. hardly a clique. i don't understand how anyone could think that a function that brings together musicians from several genres and entertains somde dedicated fans could be a bad thing! sure someone will always say that competition doesn't belong in a true music scene but that misses the point entirely. the show wasn't about competition, it was about creating another musical event in this city. i can assure you that, just like bandfest, it's not the musicians that turn a competition's the gossipy sewing circle cynics. other people are having a good time at an expense that doesn't even concern you and you don't like it. shame. - Tue, 20 May 2003 4:36pm
MD Don't like it? Don't attend. You can do it better? Do it better. If the people involved had fun, that's all that matters. - Tue, 20 May 2003 11:05pm
MD Oh, and another thing 'don't even have a Lada,' a comment such as this...

"Just talk to ANYONE connected with music in some other city (a college radio station or hip record store, say)"

...totally defeats any point you were trying to make. Did you actually say the words "hip record store?" Far out, man. They must dig you as a customer, daddy-o. Not only do you not have a Lada, you don't have a clue, either. And college radio as a serious gauge of talent is so 1989. Get with it - Tue, 20 May 2003 11:10pm
Anonymous me of course. - Tue, 20 May 2003 11:59pm
dan conner
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Well, all those assholes from YellowFlipFolder... They kinda bug me... Oh wait, I mean... - Wed, 21 May 2003 12:49am
don't even have a Lada... What I meant by "hip record store" was something along the lines of Ditch. Forget the A&B's and Virgin Megastores of the world, they wouldn't care unless you were signed by a major. As for the limo angle, this is simple but you dorks haven't figured it out. It's when the PROMOTER hires the limo for you (without even being asked) and pays for it ON HIS DIME that makes you cool and with it. Hiring the limo yourself looks pathetic and desperate. Most of the people who won awards at the MPower event won't ever see the inside of a limo unless they hire it or drive it, I'm afraid. And just think about the hard working bands that have come from here and are successful (but not superduperstars); do you think the Special Guests ever got a limo. Hows about Nomeansno (in 23 years!). Or maybe the DayGlos (they'd probably trash it, but that's another thing). How about jazz legend Paul Horn? Folk legend David Essig? Limos are for the flashbulb stars; the ones that end up driving cabs in 5 years after their 15 minutes of fame. The kind of people who hire a limo "for fun" seem to me the same kind of people who think it's cool to tool around town in a Kabuki Kab without giving a thought to the disturbing similarity the KK has to a rickshaw. Ah well, enjoy your 15 minutes of extremely big fish/small pond stardom, just don't feel let down when you try to book a gig in Van as "MPower award winners..." and all you get is a blank stare in return. At least Terry David Mulligan was nowhere to be seen. - Wed, 21 May 2003 2:11am
Anonymous You make some really good points. It's true the bands involved are kind of lame, and that they probably have no chance aside from a one hit wonder(if that). You make some really bad points as well. Who the fuck cares if they arrived in a limo? That's funny. All it did was make all the other mpower bands jealous. Victoria could soon be catergorized mpower bands/good bands. It's seriously a waste of time. - Wed, 21 May 2003 3:11am
Lada cont. It's not that the bands are lame; some of them are actually pretty good. It's the whole concept that's lame. The whole "music awards" thing is distasteful enough, but what makes it completely bogus for me is the fact that one had to nominate oneself to get one. Why is this? Is it because the great Kasper doesn't actually know anything about the local scene and needs help identifying music of worth here? The best musicians in ANY scene are far too busy making music and are usually too modest to resort to such measures to achieve what is, at best, an ego massage. And what, exactly, was the criteria for these awards? Does one have to be an "independant" artist (whatever that means) or perhaps "unsigned" or does one simply have to be the kind of radio friendly artist that the great Kasper might be interested in in, say, a managerial role. As for Rocktoria's proceeds going to charity, this is news to me, but if it's true, it only acts as a smokescreen to the fact that the Q/Zone would never have touched this event with a 10 foot cattle prod were it not for the fact that THEY HAVE TO DO IT TO PROVE TO THE CRTC THAT THEY "SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC", OR ELSE THEY COULD LOSE THEIR LICENSE (to print money). This is the ONLY reason they do it. The blatant cynicism of this whole event is pushed aside by those who see the rose tinted view of this event as some sort of local scene love in put on by the powers that be for the love of local music. Bullshit! All those involved in the MPower awards have strong ulterior motives for doing it, and it has nothing to do with supporting local music. Get this through your thick skulls!!!!! - Wed, 21 May 2003 4:03am
old roomie I am also going to put in a good word for Jason Flower. Mexican Power Athority was great! Jason is/ was a great musician. He has done alot for the community and feel good knowing that if I loose a rare cd of a Victoria band....Jason will have a copy for me to listen to and enjoy. - Wed, 21 May 2003 4:16am
Donnie Black "These poor pathetic posers never seem to get it, that all the limos and press kits in the world won't do the job of simply making good music from the heart and then striving to share it with the rest of the world even if it means sleeping on some guy's couch in Wawa to do it."
Hell yeah I make music from my heart. It would be a waste of time otherwise. As for striving to share it with the people, I think the 700 free CD's I gave away last year, and even more this year might have touched base on the 'sharing' of my music.
If a big white car pisses you off that much, I'd say that you have a worse attitude then the one you think I have for renting the thing. I'm all about having a good time. Ask anybody who knows me.
I've slept on floors with rat traps bigger than your head, and have died three times now without my heart missing a beat. If you don't like it, phone your mom and she'll wipe yer ass for ya. - Wed, 21 May 2003 4:55am
the fuckface scotty subvert. godamn commies - Wed, 21 May 2003 5:03am
Anonymous How handicapped are you to get worked up over a limo? It is just a fucking limo, I have been in a limo twice this week alone and I am no rockstar nor do I pertain to be. Some of us would rather spend $50 an hour on a limo then spend $50 an hour in our crack shacks. - Wed, 21 May 2003 10:27am
anonymr. goddam, Lada, everything's a conspiracy with you, eh? of course there are ulterior motives on the side of the sponsors and the organizers of the mpowers...why else would they do it? there are also ulterior motives on the side of the musicians, i.e. it's not just another gig but perhaps a chance to showcase their music. and, yes, it is about supporting local music to the extent that local music contributes to the livelihoods of the sponsors and the organizers. you have to realize that even though it's referred to as an awards show, the main purpose of the show was to promote music in general not to pick out the big shining stars. and in this, the event was succesful...look at all the fuss and talk it's caused in regards to the bands involved, it's great. i know you don't like the idea of a music competition but if it was just a simple showcase not nearly as much of the public would be interested. so call it an awards show and all of a sudden we get people like you making a big deal of it all. uh oh, there we go again. the big evil conspirators at work.... - Wed, 21 May 2003 11:00am
Wreaker of Havoc
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I dont get it??? You ride in a limo twice a week but claim NOT to be a rockstar.... Well this is crap! I AM a rockstar so you must have my limo you no good long car, caviar stealin sombitch! - Wed, 21 May 2003 11:54am
Metalheads are Chick Magnets hey Black! Do you have any Grey Poupon? - Wed, 21 May 2003 1:05pm
Anonymous zappnin black are gods. deal with it. - Wed, 21 May 2003 1:45pm
Lada Togliatti OK fine, ride the limo, hey, it's your dough, but the key point I make with MPower is that because it IS a competition that means that there are winners and (lots of) "losers". I think that if you play music then you are already a winner. I've seen good bands enter competitions and lose when they felt they should have won and they had a bad attitude about the winning band like you wouldn't believe. This happens a lot; you hear about "they brought all their friends and got them to cheer louder" or "one of the judges is the guitarist's girlfriend's brother" or some such thing. This is no good for the local music scene, period. The club owners love this because their worst nightmare is a unified front of musicians; they might start making unreasonable demands and have some clout if a club screws another band. Band competitions do nothing at all to foster co-operation between bands; I've been watching them since the '70's and they all end up in tears, even if nobody wants to admit it publicly. And the above post was right; it splits bands into seperate "camps", pro or con MPower, pro or con Zone/Q, pro or con Soundgarden/Logan's. One great thing about the good ole days of punk was that because everybody hated the punkers at first they HAD to work together just to find places to play; the idea of a punk battle of the bands used to horrify everybody (I don't THINK there ever was one was there?). And be honest folks, how was the turnout for this shindig? (I ALMOST went, but not for $12). The first one was praised as a great success but I also heard from folks who went that it was a flop, and that hardly anyone was there. - Wed, 21 May 2003 3:00pm
anonymr. Lada:
firstly, the mpowers turnout was good particularly considering the price. secondly, of course, as you say, by definition in a contest there are always going to be winners and losers but that fact only means something if you apply meaning to it. i "lost" at the mpowers but could give two shits. i still had a wicked time, heard some great bands, met some cool people, got some exposure to people that might not have otherwise heard us. where's the bad? you're right that there's ugliness that goes along with it all but that ugliness is hardly restricted to music competitions. every live show i see i hear at least one person complaining about it. i was actually quite disgusted at the cynicism i was hearing at the mpowers but guess what...there are pricks everywhere. whether you have a competition or not, there'll always be those spewing their negativity whether they're competitors or observers. now, considering that these are general rules of life, where is the bad in the mpowers?

p.s. about the whole musician unified front being the biggest worry of venues... there already exists a unified front. it's called a musician's union and venues seem to have no problem dealing with them. in fact, i'd go so far as to say that they prefer to deal with them as they would be generally more professional and organized. - Wed, 21 May 2003 3:18pm
Anon386 I don't think anyone at MPower really saw this as a competition. Sure some "winners" were picked to receive awards but not at the expense of anyone else. In other words no one loses. For the artsits is was good free exposure and a bit of a celebration of the year in independent music for Victoria and the island. This is why it is too bad some chose to stay away.

There will always be competetive spirit since last time I checked it is humans involved. They compete for the free exposure though and nothing else. They certainly don't lose in any way. How can one lose something they never had or had any control in the terms of winning?

Music is art. - Wed, 21 May 2003 4:19pm
Anonymous $50 an hour in a crack shack?!? Lightweight! - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:19pm
bored must be dave knigh - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:49pm
Donnie Black Shit, exactly! I was all about the party. I figured Moneyshot was gonna win. I was just happy to have my band mentioned. It's all advertising. Good or bad, it don't matter. If someone went, "They're pretty cool," wicked. If not, oh well. I already know alotta people don't like my rock n' roll. Shit happens.
Take care. - Thu, 22 May 2003 4:33am
Lada Samara The Musicians' Union? Having played hundreds (thousands?) of shows in 14 countries I have NEVER had the pleasure of signing a Union approved contract with a club. Most of em laugh at you, some of them lost interest in my band immediately. The only good my union membership did for me was it allowed me to play for the CBC and get paid scale (the only times in my life I got paid scale). And it's the AMERICAN Federation of Musicians, so I said fuck em a long time ago. The above post is right; music IS art and in my humble opinion art should never be reduced to a tawdry contest. When was the last time you heard of a competition at the Art Gallery? Or the Symphony? Keep the competitive fires in the rink where they belong. Oh yes and congratulations to the "winners", whoever they were, I hope they feel good. Remember, all musicians are winners. Peace, love and granola everybody. - Thu, 22 May 2003 11:57am
The Ref I don't think that anyone could have put it more eliquenlty or more sucsinct! Right on Lada, your a visionary! - Thu, 22 May 2003 12:10pm
S.L doin' rails and bangin' strippers in the back of the limo--that's what music means to me. - Thu, 22 May 2003 12:17pm
Anonymous S.L. you wouldn't happen to play in a metal band would you? - Thu, 22 May 2003 12:45pm
anonymr. Lada:
that's unfortunate that you've had those experiences in regards to the musician's union...many have had the complete opposite experience. anyways, i just don't buy the conspiracy theory that venues fear cooperation amongst bands and thus organize events such as the mpowers to encourage in-fighting...a little too far fetched for my liking.

of course there are competitions in visual art and symphonic music!! there are competitions in everything and one could go so far as to say that such things as bidding to do a commisioned painting or applying for a FACTOR music grant are competitions themselves. there is nothing inherently bad about a competition; there is only bad in the way people perceive it. but we could go back and forth like this forever so the simple clicheic answer, i suppose, is that if you don't like it, don't involve yourself in it to any degree. - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:00pm
Troutbreath There was HUGE competition to get into the Paris Salon Exhibits of the 1800's. Careers were made over night. As the century progressed artists such as Monet, Manet, Pisarro, Renoir, Degas and Cezanne emerged and were rejected by the Salon Jury. They staged their own Exhibit called the Salon de Refuses and caused a riot in downtown Paris. They tried to bring all artists together and encountered strong opposition from the establishment. people called them savage beasts, "Les Fauves" which was used as a name for the style of painting favoured by Matisse and others. Juried competition is nothing new. Let's have an anti-battle of the bands sometime. Maybe we can start our own riot. - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:23pm
Anon386 Does a band have to be a member of the musicians union to legally perform is the US of A? - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:27pm
vinegar-slut Definitely Carolyn Mark. "A coffee shop waitress w/ a University degree", give me a fucking break - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:41pm
Donnie Black You don't have to be a union member to perform legally in the States. It does help with immigration though. Work visa's are another option, but those can now take up to 6 months to get okay'd. You can also get whoever is putting on your performance to sponsor you or your band, but I think that has to do with visa's as well.
I went into the States to perform last year, and I hadn't any paperwork. The band I was helping out was very unorganized, so I went in by myself. Packed my drums within each other, threw them and my cymbals into the bass drum case, made room for my hardware, and dragged the 200 lb fucker onto the Greyhound to Seattle. I told the border that I was goin' to my uncle's to jam, and that's about it. Answered a bunch of questions. Obviously said that we weren't performing anywhere. Just havin' fun. (I think they were having a good chuckle at the dumb-ass draggin' his drums around, more than worring about me ripping off their country. Mind you I didn't get paid a dime.)

ps. Strippers n' Cocaine in a Limozeen... fuck that sounds good. - Thu, 22 May 2003 2:33pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Strippers n' Cocaine AND ME in a Limozeen. NOW we're cookin with crisco! - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:03pm
25cent a coment to one of these long and boring off topic posts.

ditch is not a hip record store. HMV is a hip record store. ditch locations 1, HMV 100's. plus the people that work at HMV look normal. not like ditch, whats up with your clothes and your attitude. looooser ville. remember to give the homeless guy outside ditch your change and a treat for his dog. oh ya watch out for the gum. - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:23pm
25cent Musicians union.
NUmber off rockbands in the union next to zero. ther may be one or two but i don't know why. not really our crowd.
cost to sign up per member of you band ( yes every member must sign up to reconise your band)
$100 just to sign up
$120/ year union dues
times that buy the number of members in your band.(4x220=880)then (480/year) how members you got.
the only reason i signed up (once) was to get the music equiptment insurance. there group insurance policy (ing insurance)was about $2.25/$100 of gear. wich is not only cheap, but if you ever checked around they are one of the very few insurance companys that will even cover music gear.

I signed a entry form once that was going to allow my band to play in the concert under the stars, the union was a partner in it. after a while of no responce from them, i called them up to see when we would be playing. not only was it all decided and i was to late, but every member of my band was suppose to be a union member to be able to play the event.(wich i was not informed upon signing up. sounds like they just wanted my money not my music) - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:30pm
Anonymous let's get back to the topic of most annoying musician in Vic. i would have to say that Ross B ay has my vote. and i don't mean that in any flattering sort of way, loser! - Thu, 22 May 2003 3:37pm
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Jay Flower sure is annoying but, by gum, he gets things done. Wait till y'all hear the 2CD Victoria comp from the old days that he put together (with help, of course). Chris Buck is also annoying as hell, but also, strangely loveable (ask all the girlz). - Fri, 23 May 2003 12:47am
Insurance Sheppard Ashmore Insurance in vancouver will cover your gear , anywhere in the world. - Fri, 23 May 2003 12:59am
The Ref 25cent. SOCAN for publishing, broadcast rights, live venues (radio, television, bars, video, restaurants etc...)

Union for scale work. And yes, if every musician in this country joined the union. Every bar would have to pay scale! Everyone in this country getting scale is well worth the $100 initial fee and $120 annually!

I'm not a union type of person, but what the fuck! Musicians on an everyday scale are considered the lowest of the low. I've studied music since I was 7 years old! Worked hard, practiced hard, even bled sometimes! Tired of these non musical fucks telling me what I'm worth! Aren't you??? - Fri, 23 May 2003 1:49am
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Ref: Musicians have been getting tooled by club owner for years, I gotta say you talk sensible....

25Cent: What the fuck are you jiving about? HMV is great if you wanna score the new Christina Aguilera disk (and pay way too much for it), but if you see a rad band you're never heard before on Friday, you can go to Ditch on Saturday and they're more likely to have the record.... Ditch rocks your face off, and HMV can blow itself..... - Fri, 23 May 2003 4:22am
Saddened By HMV Unfortunately for us metal music listeners, HMV Mayfair has the best metal selection in the city for new releases. - Fri, 23 May 2003 9:39am
beazlbub (yea yea i know this is off the topic but i had to respond since its posted here) haha your jokin about hmv havin the best metal selection right? im sorry but the only place i ever find good metal is lyles place and maybe a and b sound on a fluke but maybe your definition of metal is way different than mine lol anyways maybe i should check out hmv but im guessin their "metal" selection consists of glamalicca and korn (at least thats what i saw when i was there last )but hey i guess i wont know till i look.i found that places like hmv have staff that r only into whatever sells well at the time at least at lyles place i can an straight answer about tunes and i know its not just to sell the cd i may have to wait a little longer for somethin but the staff at least is honest and knows whats what about tunes and if they dont know they r honest enough to tell ya ,anyways thats my two cents have a good one (b) and see ya online - Fri, 23 May 2003 9:43am
Enid Placid I think i speak for all of us when i say Hot Hot Heat is the ugliest thing to ever come out of vic. - Fri, 23 May 2003 2:54pm
Anonymous isnt hot hot heat the ONLY thing that came out of victoria/? - Fri, 23 May 2003 3:06pm
Anonymous TO the person who posted saying they got in the union to insure their gear. Maybe you had to through ING, but i went through island coast, and recieved insurance for 1$ per 100$ of coverage. I have about 30,000$ worth of guitars and such so it cost me 300$ a year to insure. It is called speciality insurance, on top of that i had to pay my 280 a year for housefold 50,000$ coverage, then i pay 130$ a month for car insurance. Hold on one goddamn secong here,,,lets see, I pay 1700$$$ a year on insurances. SO far in my 10 years since working that equals 17,000$ i have spent, net money on insurance..COCKSUCKERS, i have never made a claim - Fri, 23 May 2003 3:11pm
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whats your address I can fix that hahahahahahahahahhohohohohohohohohohohohohoho - Fri, 23 May 2003 10:28pm
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this thread is so fucking stupid. it's gossipy and hurtful and pointless. why thrash on people you don't even know? - Fri, 23 May 2003 10:46pm
Anonymous Lighten up Judy, you're obviously new to the board. You sound ridiculous. - Fri, 23 May 2003 10:54pm
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Judy: I'll sum up the whole boards for you so you can leave and never return... And you should, cause it's just not worth it....

"Emo is gay"
"Shut up, fag"
"you're the fag"
"metal is gay"
"I fucked your mom"
"you're still a fag"
Then Jay Watts says something actually intelligent and funny, so of course nobody gets it
"shut up, emo fag"

And so on..... All threads are a scrambled version of the above..... - Sat, 24 May 2003 4:28am
Anonymous i fucked your mom, you metalhead emo faggot.
snakes have two penis'. fag. - Sat, 24 May 2003 4:47am
Anonymous Man even a fucking limo gets you guys all worked up!
Your sad and pathetic, don't tell me that the Sez doesn't work hard at what they do, you have no idea.
Has for the M*POWER's they where awsome your just bitching because you never had what it takes to be a part of them... - Sat, 24 May 2003 2:36pm
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Right, we all wish we were rock star enough for them..... - Sat, 24 May 2003 5:00pm
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i sound ridiculous? get over yourself. - Sat, 24 May 2003 10:48pm
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Man, that's absolute shite to be talkin trash about anybody using a limo. That's what it's all about, whether your in Buttfuk (town name here) or Hollywood, it's all about playing the part. People go, what are they on or where are they from, who do they think they are anyway? Exactly the desired effect. Also, a city like Victoria should have had a long-since established awards show for local musicians already. There is more than enough talent to warrant this, problem is not enough believers, too many people with negative attitudes-Wishy-washy Charlie Brown bullshit. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:00pm
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Hey, who's going for Brunch next Sunday?

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:22pm
Anonymous to knifeghost, this thread is the sum of even the name of it speaks for the attitude of this site. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 9:50pm
Anonymous Most annoying musicians in Victoria: Randy Tucker, Gary Preston ... and Mike the sound guy at the Central Bar and Grill (he's not a musician, but he's still annoying.) - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 10:39pm
Anonymous Alistair from Undergo is seriously annoying! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:47pm
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