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The race discussion
Message Board > General Chitchat > The race discussion
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Hi - This is Melvin. I happened across this site because my family and I are returning to Victoria this summer for a vacation. I live in Spokane. I was actually looking for any concerts that might be happening in Victoria this summer.

I was interested the in race discussions on this site. But I am surprised how racist some of the people on this site are.

I have been coming to Victoria for 15 years. I am a black man. I have not encountered any prejudice in Victoria that I know of. In fact, it seems to be a lot better than the U.S.

Is this stuff for real? It makes me sad. Let me tell you. I am an educated 35 year old African-American . And if anyone called me "a nigger" I would tell him to stop. Depending on the situation, I might deck him.

That's how I was raised. My dad raised me to believe nigger is a filthy word.

I am also not crazy about younger black guys calling each other nigger. But believe me, when a white guy calls a black man a "nigger" - it hurts.

Melvin F. Rogers
Spokane, Wash. - Sat, 10 May 2003 4:18pm
Redeyes Melvin, don't pay any attention to the fuck ass` who frequent this site. Its just a bunch of children with nothing better to do. The intelligence level here is that of about grade 6 for the most part. You know, I call you pee pee, you call me poo poo. It's just a select few. Yourself being a newbie to this site, it can be an awesome tool for the local musicians and fans. This whole race thing they are going through is just a stage. - Sat, 10 May 2003 4:41pm
Welcome Its really just a discussion. I dont think racism is prevailent in Victoria, and especially not in the music scene. If anything Victoria's music scene has usually taken a strong stance against racism.. alot of anti-racism live events have taken place in the past, with a few now pending.. I think there is a 'metalheads against racism' show in the works as we speak. Nice that you would put in your opinion on this matter. Dont get the wrong idea! - Sat, 10 May 2003 4:54pm
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Damn rights there's racism in this town. It aint' against blacks though, there aren't any. I've lived here for aomething like 28 years, and its' always been about the indians and the orientals. mostly indians though. it's there sure as shit, both ways too. ignoring it doesn't make it go away. - Sat, 10 May 2003 7:17pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Its here. I remember a day a number of years back when a 'brown' friend and I were discussing racism and I commented on how lucky we were to live in a racism free city. Just the look I got from him at that moment spoke volumes. It may not be as blatant here as other places but there are other forms of racism other than calling someone 'nigger' etc... In some ways we are at a disadvantage because so many people truly believe there is no racism here. Ignorance is bliss folks - Sat, 10 May 2003 8:17pm

zakinflicted *at*
Messages Posted:
It's a lot easier around these parts if you're white, that's for sure. If you let yourself, you can almost convince yourself that it doesn't exist here. Pays to keep track of shit from other people's point of view... - Sat, 10 May 2003 9:15pm
jay brown
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human race - Sun, 11 May 2003 12:55am
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yup. - Sun, 11 May 2003 2:37am
Anonymous igornace maybe bliss... but you can't hide from reality - Sun, 11 May 2003 5:17am
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Dude's using rocky cliches and shit and is all "eeehhh..." and I'm like "YAAAWHATEVA...." - Sun, 11 May 2003 11:45am
True Canadian Hi Melvin,

I am a proud "Black Canadian" that lives here in Vic. What you have seen here is a poor representation of our fair city. I have experienced little racism here towards black people. Native Indians and Asians have a much tougher time.

Don't let a few 12 year olds give you the wrong idea. If you look a little harder at the thread mentioned, I think that you will find that pretty much every poster is against the use of the word in discussion.

In a society that is a large majority of Caucasians, it's hard for integration. I think that Victoria is not one of those societies. I think that integration is much easier here as people are much more accepting. Again, don't base your opinions on a bunch of dickweeds! It's a great town! The two best cities in Canada (and I have lived in all of them) are Victoria & Montreal! - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:35pm
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TC, you obviously never lived in Regina then. It pretty much mirrors Vic in a lot of ways, including the inherent hatred to 1st nations people.

To be honest, I could care less what color anyone's skin is. It's the way you carry yourself and treat others that matters. Assholes are assholes no matter what color their skin is. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:47pm
Pissed Off Hippie We all seem to be against Racism. Why do we tolerate the people on this board who threaten 'Hippies'? I've seen threats of violence, like setting dreads on fire, burning down houses, curb stomping and others. Why is it OK ? Substitute the word 'nigger' for 'hippie' and see how you'd feel about such threats. - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:06pm
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This is a message board. And to be honest if you want to be concerned with any form of hate being spread here, be concerned at the lack of mod's here. If someone actually walked up to you on the street and started thrashing on you for your lifestyle, skin color etc, then they'd deserve a severe shit kicking since that is public domain. Message boards are not public domain, since the site admins are responsible for what goes on here and pay for the site to be broadcast. - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:13pm
Anonymous The fact that you even make comparisons between the black people and hippies just exposes how ignorant the "money" hippies in Victoria are. A money hippy is a person who is only living a hippy lifestyle because it is the fashionable thing to do. They are the hippies who preach the degredation of our society by the Gap, but then sport the Gap labeled clothes they find at Value Village. As soon as these hippies are done university, they will move to Vancouver, start their office job, and buy their little apartment in Yaletown. I know a few people in Victoria who live and follow the ideals of what is classically defined as being a hippy, but for the majority, it's a trend, just like being "urban" or being "punk" or anything else.

DO NOT compare the struggles of our black, native, or asian neighbours with the bitch-fest that is the modern day, capitalist hippy. - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:18pm
True Canadian Shaggy - I did live in Regina and if you read my thread, I did say that Natives and Asians have a much harder time dealing with Racism. So we agree?

As for the Hippy poster, there's a hell of a difference between being berated for being a hippy and being berated for being a person of colour. One has nothing to do with the other! One has serious historical connotations, and the other doesn't. Historically, hippies were not treated like people of colour anywhere!

As for the person that questioned the veracity of this convo, it's like posting a topic like "Were 6 million Jews actually killed by the Nazi's"??? - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:44pm
Anonymous So, you're saying it's Ok to set hippies on fire? - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:48pm
Anonymous Exactly.

BURN HIPPIES BURN! - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:51pm
Anonymous My point exactly. Now change Hippie to Nigger. Why is setting a hippie on fire more acceptable? - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:57pm
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Because it isn't racist, it's only redneck closed-mindedness. And that's okay. Real hippies have just as much hate for others as anyone else. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:02pm
Anonymous Let's set ROSS B AY on fire! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:07pm
Anonymous You tell me ONE SINGLE TIME in history that someone has been oppressed because they are a stinky, dirty, patchouli smelling hippy (except when I refuse to hire them). All hippies are a bunch of self-righteous, ignorant fucks who should be put on a boat led by the Wassabi Collective and shipped to fucking Saltspring. If I have to get shit one more time from some bitch about eating meat while they walk around in leather shoes, I think I may barf. Fuck the hippies, and fuck anyone who doesn't agree with me. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:11pm
Anonymous The point is, any threats of violence directed to another person are against the law in Canada. To be against such threats directed to "niggers" or "kikes" but not to say anything when the same threat is directed towards people YOU don't like is the height of hypocracy. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:17pm
Anonymous I know you are, but what am I? - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:22pm
True Canadian Pleeeeaassseee Gimme a break with the hippy shit! Boo hooo, poor fucking hippies are so badly done by!!! When they were brought over in those nasty boats with those nasty hippy traders! Forced to pick hemp for the masters clothing!

Go away! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:27pm
Anonymous Does that mean you are in favour of setting them on fire? - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:30pm
Ska Punker I want to hear an honest answer to that question myself. If you're against violence you should be against violence wherever it shows. I've noticed many posts that call for violence towards hippies and nobody says anything against it. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:33pm
True Canadian Of course not! I'm just trying to point out the difference in what we are talking about! Live and let live! But don't compare the plight of the hippy to anything else! There aint no plight of the hippy!!! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:34pm
Anonymous I want to start a hippy trading ring. We could have collector hippies and hippy baking and stuff. Force them to work in my pot fields. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:35pm
Anonymous What's the difference between calling a hippie nasty and smelly and calling say, a jew nasty and smelly? People say that about hippies on this board all the time. Trying to justify it by saying they have no plight is avoiding the question or worse, implying that it's OK. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:36pm
The Ref Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:37pm
Anonymous They should make wallets and jeans that we can sell at the Gap! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:38pm
True Canadian And those hippie women! Hate'em but get one in a closed room! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:38pm
Anonymous And those nigger women! Hate'em but get one in a closed room! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:41pm
True Canadian THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE! YOU CHOSE THE LIFESTYLE! IT'S A LIFESTYLE CHOICE! PEOPLE OF COLOUR, JEWS ETC... IT'S NOT A CHOICE, YOUR JUST BORN THAT WAY. You are obviously a twelve year old that can't or won't see the difference, so I have pointed it out to you!! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:43pm
Anonymous So, because someone CHOSE to be a 'Hippie' it's OK to threaten them with death and or mutilation? Is that what you really think? - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:46pm
True Canadian Oh yes, and now, please go away! You were asking for it, you got it, now go away. Go back to pining on the plight of the hippy! When you can come back and explain to the class how being a hippy is something racial, we'll all listen! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:46pm
True Canadian I never said that asshole! I was pointing out the relavence, or non relavence of your statements on this subject! Could not care less about your lifestyle choices, just don't cry about it! It's not like this is something that your ancestors have had to put up with for the last 300 years! - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:48pm
Anonymous I just wanted to determine what kind of redneck asshole I was dealing with. According to you then it's not OK to call someone a "nigger" but perfectly acceptable to threaten someone else with being torched. Nice world you live in. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:48pm
True Canadian You're obvioulsy new to this board! I am a peson of colour so the term Redneck would not apply! Please read more carefully, no where did I say that it was okay. As a matter of fact, I said that it wasn't okay. Live and let live. As a matter of fact me and all of my friends used to be hippies. This goes a long way in my realization of your age, because most people don't remain hippies for their entire lives! That being said, I will not address hippy subjects any further. If you want to talk about this thread then fine, if you want to fill us all in on the plight of the poor hippy, then go start another thread yourself, okay! - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:00pm
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Redneck is an attitude type. Not just whites are rednecks, so yes people of color can be termed redneck.

And with statements like "And those hippie women! Hate'em but get one in a closed room!", you do sound like a redneck. Until you've met every "hippy" woman out there, that statement is just as bad as calling anyone of any race or social group a term that denoted hatred and bigotry...whether you choose to accept the fact or not TC. - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:12pm
Anonymous True Canadian, in a previous post you had this to say:
"Negative conitations are regretable, no matter what they are and thanks for clearly pointing that out."
I'm just trying to point out some negative conitations. The threat of violence should be unacceptable no matter who it's directed against. There are posts that call for setting hippies on fire etc. does that qualify as a "Negative conitation" in your mind? - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:16pm
Anonymous Do I not recall an anti-american thread started by TC? something about how you hate all americans? - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:19pm
Anonymous Hey, no fair using True canadians words against him. Fucking 12 year old hippies. - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:28pm
True Canadian The Hippy women statment was again, to prove a point. I know of no hippy women that were taken forcefully by masters. It was a point to be made. I harbour no ill will towards hippys! I was making a point. I used to be one!

People, let's try and stay on the topic here. I have never wished that hippies were burned. All that I was saying was that this person is confusing race with a lifestyle choice, based on the current topic of conversation! There is nothing wrong with being a hippy, again, I was one once! But it is a choice of lifestyle. There's a big difference. Who knows? This person might hate hippies when they are in their 50's. Attitudes change! That's becuase it is a choice of lifestyle not of race! You can't chose your race!

As for hating Americans, I think that if you went back, you would see that I made it clear that I hated the current American Gvmnt! As a matter of fact, I said that many of my friends are Americans. There's nothing wrong with hating a government! It's a thing, not a person! - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:28pm
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There's many ways to make a point, unfortunately the one you decided to use damages your credibility. Perception is a funny thing, let alone attempting to get a point across in text. Bigotry, religion and any other sensitive topic is probably better discussed face to face over a few beers and joints than a message board. - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:13pm
Anonymous What is the sound of one man back pedalling? - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:19pm
True Canadian There are also many ways to take a point, subtly or directly! You're right though, may not be the best venue, however it works for me. I would just a much enjoy this discussion over beer and bud!

Not sure who is back peddeling? I made my points and I'm stickin to em! - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:24pm
True Canadian I think that this person said it best! - - The fact that you even make comparisons between the black people and hippies just exposes how ignorant the "money" hippies in Victoria are. A money hippy is a person who is only living a hippy lifestyle because it is the fashionable thing to do. They are the hippies who preach the degredation of our society by the Gap, but then sport the Gap labeled clothes they find at Value Village. As soon as these hippies are done university, they will move to Vancouver, start their office job, and buy their little apartment in Yaletown. I know a few people in Victoria who live and follow the ideals of what is classically defined as being a hippy, but for the majority, it's a trend, just like being "urban" or being "punk" or anything else.

DO NOT compare the struggles of our black, native, or asian neighbours with the bitch-fest that is the modern day, capitalist hippy. - Mon, 12 May 12:18pm - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:27pm
Anonymous Good times - My fondest memories will always be of running up behind hippies on BC Ferries with my lighter and setting thier dreadlocks on fire. At first they wouldn't notice cause it was so matted, but about five minutes later you'd see the guy running around with his head on fire. - Thu, 10 Apr 11:14pm

True Canadian, how would you feel if this was posted about a black man with dreadlocks? I guess they were asking for it? - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:02pm
Anonymous Yes after all dreadlocks are a lifestyle choice. - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:15pm
True Canadian You are obvioulsy not getting the point, so I will stop trying to make it! One track mind there anon! Give it up with the Hippies. Love'em, got no problem with'em! Used to be one with dreads and all! Patches on my jeans, doob in my lips, lovin everything hemp made! Hippies rock!

The End! - Mon, 12 May 2003 7:38pm
Anonymous everyone talking
no one LISTENING (or reading, as it were) - Mon, 12 May 2003 7:41pm
Teacherteacher Hey Melvin, as you can see, we here on this board have a little trouble sticking to the subject. We are always interupted by some twelve year old having a hissy fit about something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand! - Mon, 12 May 2003 7:47pm
tunesmith I think that TC and most others have made their points clear and concise. This anon poster/hippy is about the only one that seems to want to go onto another topic. One has nothing to do with the other there anon hippy! One is a way of life and the other is a life's way kinda thing.

Can't chose what colour you're going to be. Can chose whether or not to be a hippy and live that lifestyle. And yes, as TC said, maybe after 20 years of that life, you become and investment banker or something. Then what??? Maybe even learn to dislike what you once were???

Two different discussions here! One has historical meaning and fact, the other is about choices. Deal with it anon hippy! - Mon, 12 May 2003 7:49pm
Hippies to the gas chamber I always thought ponderossa pine cones were the best fire starter, until I saw some dreadlocks go up in smoke... - Mon, 12 May 2003 8:01pm
Anonymous How about people that CHOSE to become Jewish. That happens quite often. Do they deserve to be roasted in an oven because it was a lifestyle choice? You people are the ones missing the point. You can't oppose discrimination on one hand but ignore it on another. - Mon, 12 May 2003 8:41pm
Anonymous Actually,yes you can. the fact that you equate being a hippy with being a racially disciminated people just goes to show how egotistical and self rightous you retarted hippy fucks really are. - Mon, 12 May 2003 8:44pm
Fucking hippies I remember one time when we were hiking down to Mystic Beach at night when our flashlight burned out on us.Since we had no other light we grabbed the nearest hippy and lit his hair on fire. The light that his head gave off as he ran wildly around the forest was just enough to guide our way to the beach. What a pathfinder! - Mon, 12 May 2003 8:52pm
Anonymous Being Jewish has nothing to do with Race. There are black jews, white jews, it is a religion as such it encompasses all races. I don't hear anyone objecting to the hippie jokes. Shall we start on some Jewish jokes or some burning black guy jokes? There is no difference. They should all be called for what they are. People that stood up for the jews in Germany before the 2nd World War were given the same kind of treatment. Please continue. - Mon, 12 May 2003 8:59pm
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First if all, I have known several people of colour who have expereinced racism in Victoria. Victoria tries to have the appearance of tolerance and even acceptance, but it has far to go. Second of all, I don't like all this talk of burning hippies, but it's a different issue. It's not racism or even classism. It's more like a difference in cultural values. We don't live in a system (especially not in Victoria) that systematicaly oppresses hippies. Certainly there is punishment if you don't fit accepted norms, but this is far different from racism - Mon, 12 May 2003 9:03pm
pc watchdog well it looks like i the easter indian is correct again. of course no one wil admit it. we are all hypocrites. it is a waste of time and energy for people to lash out at those who say the 'n' word. it's not going to stop them it's not going to change their minds and its only a word.
true canadian is a minority hippy hate-ist. double standards abound. ok to hate and want to burn people becuase they're people hippies. not ok to say slang words about races. what is worse? murder or saying a word.
who are the sick fucks now?
before you try to say something like i am confused or am 12 think about all the shit you've said and done that is contrary to the bullshit you type on thios message board. you are fakes. - Mon, 12 May 2003 9:07pm
Anonymous True Canadian said: "poor fucking hippies are so badly done by!!! When they were brought over in those nasty boats with those nasty hippy traders" and "I know of no hippy women that were taken forcefully by masters".

Neither were you, buddy. It's about respect. - Mon, 12 May 2003 9:21pm
Anonymous You are an Easter Indian? Do you deliver chocolate feathers? - Mon, 12 May 2003 9:35pm
True Canadian As usual PC watchdog misses every point made! At no time did I preach hatred or dislike for hippies. I was simply pointing out the difference between racism and classism. Two different things. In my statment on Hippies on boats, it was a sarcastic statment! There were no hippy traders,hippy slaves and hippy masters. That was the point! I hate no one. PC watchdog, please read before you write! You can go through this hole thread and at no time will you a statment that I made promting people to burn, hate or otherwise harm a hippy. I was simply pointing out that it was a lifestyle choice not one that you are born to.

Why is it that you bring something unsolicited to every conversation that you enter??? - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:03pm
True Canadian Get your facts straight, you wannabe facist! - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:08pm
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TC... Small suggestion... Stop trying to cram your ideals down everyone's throats and learn to take a little critisism. You come off like some holier than though race guru, when obviously you're just as jaded as the next person is. Don't want people to call it as they see it? Then show others the same respect you expect, otherwise you can guarantee to get angst filled responses to your diatribes. - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:18pm
pc watchdog no no. true canadian is right. no one should have their own opinion. he is the all knowing black guy. and because he knows everything i am a facist. eventhough i have probably experienced more racism than his whole family put together what with me wearing a turban for most of my youth and all. i have gone through that and i still don't feel the need to preach to other people about how they should think or feel. racism is not a good thing. and neither is totalitarianism. express your beliefs and opinions. don't try to guilt or force people to subscribe to them. you are the facist. you prove it along with all these white folks who supposedly stand against racism. transparent. - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:25pm
pc watchdog chocolate feathers? are you stupid? it's chocolate curry. - Mon, 12 May 2003 10:29pm
Anonymous hi, i am the anon poster from the n***er thread, ahem... as i was saying
p.c. watchdog is not confused or fascistic. to me he is making more sense than most other posters on this topic.

its funny how people react when they are forced to question their perspectives. all these 'isms start with a point, but after focusing on them for too long we get so stuck on enforcing those points that we forget the reason why we took them up to begin with.

of course hippies are not oppressed.duh. but talking about hurting people because they are different can cause a person a lot of grief.

so lifestlye choices don't mean athing on the grand scale of oppression right?
although hippies in general really bug me (a lot) i wonder how you all feel about anti GAY comments? since some people argue that being GAY is a lifestyle choice. would it be o.k. then to be tollerant of gay bashing?
and if not, then why? - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:24am
Anonymous and what about when a woman is raped and the rapist and cops and lawyer for the defense all insist that she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed.... she has a choice doesn't she? i mean, with true canadian's logic she could have avoided that whole mess had she just
worn some less revealing clothing. it was her choice right? or is this different. and why? - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:43am
the red the black and the sissies. a black person from a middle class background, educated in a multicultural community is going to perceive things differently from a black person raised in a ghetto among a majority of black people.
does that make that black person an authority on racism? or does it only make them an authority on how it feels to experience racism from their own unique perspective? racism is bad. - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:11am
Anonymous so if a buch of people nationwide started beating hippies,attacking them
relentlessly in the most cruel ways how long would it take before our attitudes changed to include hippies in the long list of those who's lifestyles and customs are to be protected? it sounds silly but things only become serious after a precident is set, not long ago gays had to face extreme predjudice with no sympathy from the majority. at least now people are aware that gay bashing is not acceptable.

now i do not for a second think there is any 'plight of the hippie'. but any person or group of people deemed different by the majority can be at risk of discrimination of varying degrees. i think that it is shortsighted and hypocritical to judge who is more oppressed and who has a right to speak on the subject. a gay who has been bashed, feels fear always.
a woman who has been raped feels fear always. a black person who has been beaten by racists feels fear always. and this is only one of millions of ways that people can be oppressed. not getting a job because of how you look, not being able to cross the border because you wear a turban etc... having people assume you are an alchoholic or that you play bingo. fuck, people are assholes. don't be racist. be nice. - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:29am
SweetGrass HELLO, 'Plight of the Hippie?' Have any of you read what the hippy movement of the 60's was about??? Have any of you seen the beatings at the demonstations??? Do you understand the money and politics involved in keeping " hippies" out of political circles. Of course this isn 't hundreds of years of oppression but to negate that experience is turning a blind eye to your own history.The whole Hippy movement was buried by the Diggers in San francisco in 1969. They seem to have done a good job after listening to all of you. How sad! - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:23am
Der Seems weird a black guy sends out a anti nigger message, then a bunch of Victorians start whining about the "plight of the hippie". Only on the West Coast, eh? - Tue, 13 May 2003 10:26am
True Canadian Exactly my point! We were not speaking of discrimination when this convo started. We were speaking of racism. At no point did I say that it was okay to bash anyone, gays, hippies or otherwise. I was simply trying to get focus on the topic at hand. Discrimination is another conversation altogether.

Comparing how a women who is raped to the original topic is asinine! There is a big difference in what someone chooses to wear and being a hippy! The lifestyle choices that I was speaking of went allot deeper than what someone chooses to wear each day! And I would never, ever fault a woman for what she wore after being raped. It's the rapist that has the problem and will be faulted in the end! By your train of thought, the rapist could argue your point of view, silly no?

As for preaching, I did no such thing. If you don't agree, then fine. I don't have a problem with that! Live and let live has been seen several times in my threads!

As for pc, this person loves to jump into any convo and dilute it with his points of view. Which always seems to fly in the face of any logical discussion or thoughts that someone else is having. He seems to enjoy rebuking to the complete left, more than having an intelligent convo! I would have to say that if anyone was preaching here, it would have to be him. Stating that he has felt more racism than my whole family is an example of that arrogance!

You don't know me or where I came from. You weren't chased as a ten year old, by old Italian men with bats during the racial tension in Mtl between Italians and blacks back in the 70's. In one thread you say that you are tired of people whining about racism and in another you make statements like that, about being the poor hunted turban headed child!

I'm sure that white people that live in mostly coloured societies have experienced racism at it's worst. No one group is free of blame. I was simply pointing out (albeit- sarcastically, at some points) that there is a big difference between lifestyle choices and race. Most of the gay people in my life have told me that it has never been a matter of choice to them. They are just that way. It is embedded into the fabric of who they are. DNA.

I have never said that "I'm right and everyone else is wrong". I have in fact, found many of the responses to this topic, very interesting points of view and have openly admitted this.

So I would say that it may be some of you that should get off of your high horses and try and keep focused on what this gentleman from Washington was trying to say! He was amazed by some of the posting in a city that he has grown to love. Most of us were trying to ensure him that his fears were, for the most part, unfounded. All of a sudden we get hit from outside the topic with the silly plight of a hippy! There are no more hippies. Perhaps this person likes to sit on the street and beg, has dreads, uses a squeegee to make money. This does not make them a hippy. A hippy (or the equivalent today) would live on a farm, support themselves naturally, and would probably avoid the city like the plague!

Lets try to keep focused on the original idea of this thread people! - Tue, 13 May 2003 11:25am
True Canadian Taken from another thread and pretty sad there people!

sad state of morals in victoria - I am a recent visitor to this site and I must say that I am just aghast at all of the rampant sexism racism and just plain moral corruption displayed here.
I came here to read about musical events and meet with music lovers
from all walks of life, but sadly I will no longer visit this board.
I am disgusted.
shame on you live victoria. shame on you. - Mon, 12 May 1:44am - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:10pm
anon poster true canadian you are shortsighted. you are unable to weave a common thread between these different but similar subjects. you are unable to catch sarcasm in language. you stand on a podium disagreeing with anything that does not fit your narrow view of oppression gleaned from your own personal experience. and you have just quoted a 'sarcastic' post I WROTE (!) mocking the idea of censorship on these boards from the anatomy 101 post.
ha ha. i bet the p.c. watchdog was sharp enough to catch that one.
if you re read all of these posts with your head outside of your ass, you might catch on to the fact that we are all against racism sexism and discrimination on a base level. some of us however notice that people who are opposed to those things do not even notice when they themselves are perpetrating them. to quote depeche mode, "little things count in large amounts" oh and "people are people"
have a nice day. - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:16pm
Anonymous oh and gay DNA? are you a scientist? perhaps this is true perhaps being gay is part of one's genetic makeup. but what if it is not? would that make gay bashing o.k. because it is our choice to be gay? i think not.

just because some of your gay friends believe they were born that way,
does not make them experts on the science of dna. it just means that they believe that. christians and jews believe in the god yahweh.
muslims believe in allah. hindus believe in bramah and may sub dieties. sikhs in krisna only. which group knows the real god?
(rhetorical) - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:32pm
korzybski go check this link out... - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:46pm
True Canadian Never professed to be a scientist. Was simply passing along observations. As for anon poster. It's your head that seems to be up an ass, me thinks. If that was your attempt at sarcasm, it failed miserably! One can only take the words that are writen to mean what they say! While the sarcasm that I was using was obvious to any that think!

It seems to be you that are lashing out! I was not, simply speaking a point of view. Never bashed anyone. Never said that it was okay to bash anyone. But, you are allowed to have your point of views, as am I! Doesn't mean that we have to agree. A point, I might add, that you seem to have missed.

I have always stated and believed that "people are people"! So you have a nice day! - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:53pm
User Info...
what a great site - love it. finally. - Tue, 13 May 2003 12:59pm
True Canadian Also, Anon, you should read more carefully. This discussion was not about oppression! Go back to the top and start again perhaps.

I also never said that anyone was narrow minded. Unlike you. It seems perhaps that it is you with the monkey on their backs. But again, that's just my point of veiw. I can agree to disagree, can you??? - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:02pm
The Ref Yes, I whole heartedly agree with TC, this anon poster seems to be the one on the soapbox or podium standing! Insulting and avoiding the real issues that are being questioned on this thread. If there is anyone more guilty of being shortsighted, it is him/her.

In reading each thread, I for one understand what TC and others have been saying. Hippies and their plight was not the topic here. But as usual, the boo birds come out and take it to somewhere else.

The poster that was trying to achieve sarcasm is a joke. I for one took it serioulsy because I believe that someone visiting this site for the first time, might feel that way. It's not like they are sitting in front of us, making the sarcasm a little easier to detect!

Stick to the topic. If you have other issues then start another thread! Not dificult??? - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:06pm
anon poster go check my response on the plight of the hippy thread, so what if you took that post as a serious post?, it affected your perception and could have possibly encouraged a move in the direction of censorship, a move also encouraged by true canadian's quoting it. it's not my fault you are gullable. did you read the url? language is a tool if you learn to use it more adeptly you would not be tricked by such posts.

true canadian, like a town crier running from thread to thread spreading my whiny post around, is encouaging censorship of thoughts and ideas. i saw the potential for this early in the race discussion.
so did p.c. fascist. and i demonstrated my ability to make use of well meaning individuals to implement my faux agenda. all i did was use the methods and means that our country's c.s.i.s. and the u.s governments
agencies like cointelpro have used to create a rift in the communications of likeminded activists from the black panther party to the peace movement. if you learn how it works you can learn how to avoid being manipulated. i am just trying to share a perspective that these posters
have not taken into consideration. sorry if has embarassed any of you,
please check out the url above, and stop allowing yourselves to be manipulated by people who do not have your interests in mind. - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:19pm
Anonymous So if I understand this correctly AnonPoster's only objective here was to manipulate the discussion, to show the vulnerablilty of those with ideas
infused with passion, in order to show them that their opinions can and are often used against them? Wow. That is a scary thought.
Thanks for posting the Robert Anton Wilson link Anon! I forgot how useful E-Prime could be! - Tue, 13 May 2003 1:49pm
anon poster true canadian, are you suggesting that if you yourself do not have the ability to detect a double meaning that other people can not? are you suggesting that if you can not see it, it's not there? Although it may suprise you, other people can read between the lines as easily as you can read at face value. so if you did not get it, it just shows that you were not paying attention, or that you have more to learn than you suspect. you were manipulated, fact. why? to suggest that it is dangerous to encourage censorship. don't be mad. you don't know everything yet. and your ignorance can be very useful to people who have an interest in keeping people divided. they can do it with your help.

read bobby seale's "seize the time" and stop being a sucker. - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:23pm
True Canadian I, in no way encouraged sensorship. If you'd checked my post on the subjet. I stated that I was not for sensorship. It was a simple way to point out that perhaps some of the points of views posted were hurtful and disrespectful to some people.

I completely understand language and use it appropriately. I was not the one attempting to deceive! I always try to be upfront and honest. I do not live life based on the fear of subversion. I try to act honestly and speak my mind honestly. I'm sorry if that disturbs you. If you want to walk through life looking behind you, that's entirely your choice. Paranoia can be a scarey thing. - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:25pm
The Ref Its not me that is gullable, its you that is deceiptive! Your point however was understood. Can't fault TC or anyone else for reading anything into what you wrote. Saw no sign of deceiption exept on your part. If one cannot take a poster seriously, then why participate at all??? The point, after all is to speak honestly, and relay ideas and points of view. I never took this board for anything else. A medium for communication (however inane it can sometimes be).

Perhaps you take liberties where none were offered? - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:30pm
True Canadian Went to the site and I believe that my language was E-prime. Always stating my beliefs in non judgemental way but in an observational manner. - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:38pm
Anonymous its an open forum, yes i was deceptive, but that can happen. i was just providing a different perspective. by any means.
is there really a point of this forum? or many points? no one handed me a book of rules about how to communicate. so you too have the option of upgrading your hardware and evolving.. the world can be a complex place. and words can be used to manipulate. that does not mean you have to be afraid or latch onto the idea of conspiracies. you would just benefit from gaining a little more street smarts and do some research before choosing to believe what someone tells you. i do not believe anything. opinions change people change perspectives change and people have many demensions to them. so it would be naive to take what you read at face value. and that is fine , until you are confronted with the problems that can contribute to, like racism for example. - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:40pm
True Canadian Anon, there are many different kinds of people and ways of thinking. Your insults were unwarrented and unsolicited. Would you agree that perhaps we think differently? You may read between the lines, I may not. Nothing wrong with that. We are each blessed with the ability to see a situation or problem with a unique prospective. This does not mean that you are better or smarter than I. It also does not mean the reverse.

I understand what you were trying to do. I was not acting as a (as you put it) "town crier". I was simly passing along what I thought to be a person that was hurt by what they read. I genuinly felt bad for this person. Perhaps the language that is so often used on this board is sometimes inapropriate. I in no way say that it is wrong, just sometimes inapropriate.

This is a very complicated subject, racism. Very hard to discern right and wrong. To communicate and educate is one of the only solutions that I can come up with. To try and show someone that it is hurtful to use some words, is in now way wrong, as far as I am concerned. It may not help but it may give cause to think the next time the opportunity arises. - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:47pm
True Canadian Perhaps you will call me naive, but I am of the belief that I have no reason to disbelive anyone until it is shown that they are false. But that's me. You choose to look at it another way. I have no problem with that. And I appreciate your attempt to open my eyes, but they were already open! I just have choosen a different path than you have. You can lie to me once, that's all. I feel better as a person in that way of thinking. I will believe you until I have no reason to! - Tue, 13 May 2003 2:59pm
Anonymous back on track! good. by misleading you i was trying to get you to see
other ways that racism can be spread. less obvious ways. i apreciate your honest approach to interaction and i take the same approach in my daily life. however this does not mean that all people are as honest.
i was playing a role. one that is used more often than you may think, by
agencies that are in place to keep people divided. whether it be cnn,
jerry springer, vogue magazine, or whatever , simple stage magic.
honestly i think that you have a good heart. but you pass judgemnet on alot of people without looking too far beyond your own prejudices. and don't seem to acknowledge youself as doing so.
why do you insist on disregarding the validity of p.c. fascist's ideas on racial issues? are you offended by his approach? being offended can greatly affect the clarity of your mind when listening to other perspectives. i think both of you can agree that prejudice is an ugly thing. but how deeply have you explored the meaning of the word putting aside the connotations that it holds for you? - Tue, 13 May 2003 3:07pm
Anonymous "True Canadian - Went to the site and I believe that my language was E-prime. ALWAYS stating my beliefs in non judgemental way but in an observational manner. - Tue, 13 May 12:38pm"

always,...non judgemental? hmm. that is not consistant with many of your previous posts. so sometimes you use language that clearly expresses your point, other times you fuck up and say stupid judgemental shit against people with oppinions you feel differ from yours.

why don't you meditate on this point that p.c. fascist made regarding your oppinions in relation to your actions..."before you try to say something like i am confused or am 12 think about all the shit you've said and done that is contrary to the bullshit you type on thios message board. you are fakes. - Mon, 12 May 7:07pm"

do you really think p.c. is confused? why? - Tue, 13 May 2003 3:25pm
True Canadian
User Info...
Because to many black people, the word nigger is more than just a word. True it is a word like any other, but holds more of a meaning then "fuck, cunt, asshole etc..." As does the word "Faggot, Paki, chink, kike etc... All words created by WASPS or white people to degrade and belittle what they didn't understand and didn't want to understand way back when. To propogate this is not in the best interest of humanity.

Agencies that utilize your idea of subversion, I am aware of as (at this date and time) I'm sure allot of people are. This is not what I was talking about though. I agree with you, I was addressing a much more basic idea. The idea that the use of this word is denigrating to all that use it, black and white etc... equally. I also understand the logic behind black persons using this word, that doesn't mean that I agree with them. To me, it makes them look as bad (if not more so) than when the word is used in a denigrating manner.

As for me calling someone 12, well, this is something that I probably believed at the time. Whatever statement they made, led me to believe that they didn't have a complete grasp on the conversation at hand. I don't want to debate with someone that just wants to spew hatred without clearly seeing what is being discussed. Someone that wants to shock more than discuss is a waste of my time. I enjoy heated discussions with people that are serious.

As for that comment on pc watchdog being a fascist, it wasn't me that made it. Unfortunately it is easy for someone to take someone else's name on this board. I admire pc for his convictions, I just find that he also trips himself up at times. By calling me a whining anti-racist/racist. And then turning around and preaching that he has faced more racism then I have, as a matter of fact, more than my entire family has. He has also stated on several occasions that people on this board that don't ascribe to his position are "Transparent". I find that obnoxious, degrading and extremely closed minded. Something that he has accused many people of being.

As I have said, I have no problem with other people and their views, even if they really differ from my own. I do have a problem with someone telling people that they are wrong in what they believe in (in regards to this topic). Every point that I have made in this discussion has tried to bring us back to the original topic of this thread. In amazement, I became sarcastic, because it seems to me that we so easily get off track on this board sometimes. - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:31pm
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"Always stating my beliefs in non judgemental way".

If that's how you percieve your diatribes friend, you have some serious perception work to do. Cause that the biggest farce of a statement someone of your mindest could ever write.

Go back and read my previous post to this one and take it to heart. You're no better than any other race spreading hatred. Someone doesn't agree with you and their hacked down for it. And you call that non judgemental. Go grab a dictionary...from earth. Don't think the one you're using is from this planet. - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:43pm
True Canadian I'd say that it was perhaps you that are buying into your own diatribe friend! I think that it is you that should get the earth dictionary. But then again, that's just my opionion. Wouldn't want to give the impression that I was cramming anything down your throat. - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:51pm
anon poster amen. true canadian also re read the information about e-prime and general symantics. if we all communicated with e-prime it would be near imposible for us to miss each other's points. but we don't and probably wont...ever. as a result we throw heavy handed words like never and always and he is stupid and i am right and they are oppressed ad nausium ad infinitum. you are as much a part of the problem as the rest of us. - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:53pm
User Info...
Like I'd expect anything other that that type of response from you? Thanks for cementing what most of us think of you TC. You're the expert on how everyone should feel (read: if we don't agree with you there's something wrong with us). Your opinion is the only one that matters, albeit a tunnel vision opinion at best. Expecially your continuing hacks on someone of East Indian heritage. Of course he knows absolutely nothing about prejudice, only the great afro-canadian god knows what it's all about. Your thinly veiled agenda becomes more clear with each post you make. Keep up the great work... - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:58pm
The Ref Sounds to me like someone else is being a "tad" judgemental there Shaggy! Should head your own words. Everything that I have read by you, smacks of podium standing, judgement rendering chatter. Pot calling the kettle black??? - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:58pm
anon poster we are all being a tad judgemental ref. all this weighing and balancing of oppinions and he said she said... no wonder we have problems like racism. even people who just want to get along find it hard to let themselves get along.

and what is wrong with standing on the soap box, isn't this a forum...isn't that what you do when you speak on a forum? why is this line of thinking being presented,as if it were bad to try and influence others oppinions. we have mouths,we learned language, for a reason...
to manipulate others into giving us what we want/need. money ,respect a feeling of self worth,food ,praise,love a punch in the mouth, what ever we desire can get by using language.

why do you pipe in ref? why do you deny that you are up there when clearly we can see you taking your turn on the podium too? - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:03pm
True Canadian And thank you confirming what many of us on this board have thought of you there Shaggy, very bitter! Very very bitter. And now I even feel a little sorry for you. Since you are the all knowing, all seeing Shaggy, who is free of judgements, free of casting aspersions. What a joke! But,(and let me make this perfectly clear) that's just my opinion!

Peace! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:05pm
Elder Yes, I seem to recall the person known as shaggy spewing some real crap in another thread a few weeks ago. I may have even pointed it out to them. This person is one of the most judgemental that I have seen on this board. And as I recall, pretty foulmouthed! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:13pm
Anonymous soon true canadian will rule the world! california uber alles! the man who can do no wrong. father knows best.

you are revieling yourself to be just the type of threat to freedom that i
predicted from the beginning. ' everyone has the right to their oppinions' fucking patronizing. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:14pm
The Ref True enough, point basically taken and agreed! I was speaking more of judgements though. From what I have read, it seems that (as you said) everyone is agreeing, yet at the same time, disagreeing. Cool! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:18pm
anon poster thanks, ref. it's cool for sure. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:21pm
The Ref PS Shaggy, I don't recall TC taking any racial hacks at pc?? I went over the threads carefully and saw no denegrating remarks?? What are you speaking of?? In one thread he said someting about a turban headed little boy, but I took that to be in response to a previous statement made by pc, not as a racial slur??? I took to mean that he was relating the fact that this guy was wearing a turban and that's why he was feeling the rath of racism?? Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:22pm
True Canadian Little ole me?? A threat to freedom??? You over estimate me my friend! Wow, such anger and bittness.

Peace! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:27pm
The Ref I think that TC has made some valid points and attacking him/her is a little off base. I agree that he/she can be a tad everbaring and opinionated, but I will give him/her the benifit of the doubt. Many of the points made were taken by me, in the spirit that they were given.

TC, you should think a little more before you speak. I have found that you do step on yourself from time to time. Have an opinion and stick with it. You have been somewhat consistant there.

Don't let some of these other posters get you all riled up, take it a little more on the cuff, maybe then you won't find yourself battling six people at once.

All around though, I found your arguements in this thread to be a pretty valid one. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:29pm
anon poster t.c. i'm just worried that you may be underestimating yourself, listen to the ref you have to watch yourself first an other people once you have yourself in check. everyone has the potential to be a tyrant. you have taken some steps in that direction over these last few posts. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:36pm
True Canadian TY anon & Ref. I will take your advise and be a little more discerning before I ring in! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:40pm
dinkhater Ahh TC, yur a fucking asshole! - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:42pm
True Canadian Ya see what I mean???? I tell ya, sometimes???? - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:43pm
pc watchdog it seems a certain true african canadian has been exposed and is now drying up in the sun along with his judgements of others and totalitarian stance on the topic.
why am i not feeling like i am guilty of such things? due to the fact that i have not been falsely claiming to not harbour such traits. there are a few people on here who also aren't putting up false fronts. nice to see. of course i am against all violent forms of racism. but words only hurt those who allow themselves to be hurt by them. if words are weapons, load your gun and shoot back with some intelligent language of your own. whining on here will get you nothing except people like me jumping down your hypocratic throat. - Tue, 13 May 2003 6:20pm
Mike And we should take the words of Shaggy? Wasn't he stalking someone earlier this year on this board. Man that was sad, she couldn't even post without him slagging her. You the man shaggy? - Tue, 13 May 2003 6:50pm
User Info...
LOL! Now that one I've got to comment on *snicker* Since you seem to have such an indepth view as to who I am and what I do, who was it I was stalking? And if I was stalking anyone why am I not in jail for doing so? Why's that, because you have not a single clue what you're talking about. And what the hell that has to do with the discussion at hand is beyond me.

Go crawl back under your rock...troll. - Tue, 13 May 2003 7:04pm
Anonymous The slagging was against Mon. You can't hide from all the bs that went on over that. Just saying your actions from a while back made me think that you had a shady character. You seem to have smartened up considerably since, glad you got over your rejection. - Tue, 13 May 2003 8:07pm
"Brown Friend" Dude "90, Yo!! - Tue, 13 May 2003 8:26pm
User Info...
Over my rejection of what? Sexual rejection? Sorry pal, I've been with the same woman for 14 years and we have a 10yr old son, so that's a pretty major misconception. Go ahead and ask Monica if I ever tried to even remotely hit on her. Yeah I used to slag Monica, and vice versa. We've both gotten over it, I suggest the rest of you do the same. And yet again, wth does that have to do with the present discussion? Nothing? Thought so.
Attack my views on the present discussion...fine. Attempt to slag me over shit that has nothing to do with anyone other than myself and Monica, let alone the present discussion, and you make yourself look like a fool. - Tue, 13 May 2003 8:28pm
True Canadian pc you renew my dislike of you! You talk loud but carry a very small stick. All you've done is slag! Words may be words to you, but they might have a higher meaning for others. Who's now cramming ideas down everyones throats. I have no problem admitting to a wrong. You however are always right! Thus the reason that you incure peoples wrath!

I am not and have never proffessed to be a racist. I don't want to hurt but inform and discuss. It's all very nice to say that disliking racism is a form of bigotry. You may even be right to some extent. But you are as guilty of it as anyone else!

I think that it is you know drying up in the sun there buddy! Thanks for showing us your true colours! - Tue, 13 May 2003 8:56pm
The Ref Yes it is now apparent to me that pc does like to cram his view down everyones gullot! - Tue, 13 May 2003 9:15pm
Teacherteacher I think that pc watchdog should change his name to pc holier than thou!

After all, all of us on this board are comlete idiots compared to his staggering intelect and pc'ness! - Tue, 13 May 2003 9:29pm
User Info...
okay i just read this one and must half-laughingly interject........ Shag and i used to have it out on the board from time to time (man i miss those wicked slags back and forth SHAG!) because we both could get at each other so well and at the time we both felt like arguing. he never 'stalked' me nor had i even met the guy so how could he have hit on me? we ended up getting over anything that was ever said on the board (cause quite frankly, we do in fact both realize that this is JUST a fricken message board) Shag, his gal, and i actually met at one of my shows and well if you met those two you'd be laughing at the fact that you believe what you believe about him right now. i'm even laughing at what kind of person *I* thought he was before.

he's a great guy with a great heart and a tonne of compassion. if you knew about his personal life you'd think twice before attacking him as you are.

anywho, life is so much better with love and peace, intelligent respectful discussion, and efficient communication (and Christer and Kano) so i'm going to go back to my REAL life now and laugh at you dumbasses. bah-bye now! ; )

xoxo rsbf - Tue, 13 May 2003 10:29pm
pc watchdog oh but i never claimed to be better than anyone else and i'm just offering my opinion on things and blah blah blah. i am doing the same things you both are. the difference is i am not pretending that i am not doing these things. don't you get it? i guess not. continue to be hypocrites. it is very amusing to watch(dog) you bullshit yourselves into double standard land. - Tue, 13 May 2003 11:11pm
Amazed Seems to me that pc does a little more than offer an opinion. He'd be a little easier to take, were that the case. In fact, I find him to be kind of a high horse riding, opinionated trasher, who likes to put anyone down that doesn't agree with him! Perhaps it would be easier to see his point if he wasn't so terminally insulting! And when barbed, he enjoys the "blah blah blah, whatever, I'm right and everyone else is wrong stance"! One poster said that he should change his name to hollyer than thou, sounds like a much more appropriate name! Admitting to something doesn't make it okay there pc hollier than thou! Yea, Mr. X admitts that he molests children, but that's okay cause he readily admitts it???? All that Mr X is is a fucking pedo that deserves to be drawn and quartered! But then again, their only words eh pc??? Tell that to your children when they come home hurt because some dickweed has invaded their lives with racist thoughts and words!

Please regail us with some more "blah blah blah" whatever's"! - Wed, 14 May 2003 10:00am
True Canadian Thank oh all seeing and all knowing pc! I will consult you again when I have a tough question that requires no answer! This last poster said it perfectly, because you admit to using racist terminology, doesn't make it right. It's just a hypocritical as you say everyone else is being. - Wed, 14 May 2003 10:11am
tunesmith I for one resent pc's implication that white victorians are just bubble blowers and are actually racists whether we know it or not! I think that I'd know! This person has a serious God complex! - Wed, 14 May 2003 10:15am
Anonymous But wait, isn't God white? - Wed, 14 May 2003 10:22am
User Info...
No. And neither was "Jesus". He was born in Jordan, which would make him an arab. YEEEE-HAAAWW stick it in yer gramma...... - Wed, 14 May 2003 11:07am
Anonymous -- - Wed, 14 May 2003 11:43am
Human No... God, she is East Indian! - Wed, 14 May 2003 11:55am
The Ref Nice to see RB ring in! Haha - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:02pm
Anonymous Wow you jackos are wackos! - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:12pm
Anonymous Weaaahrr weaaahrrr! - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:13pm
Anonymous Wamma jamma baby! - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:28pm
Anonymous Dya hear that pc, someone said that God is an East Indian. AND A WOMAN! Can't believe that you have nothing to add!!! - Wed, 14 May 2003 8:41pm
User Info...
I suppose to some people, god is. And to others, god is a massive oriental guy...and to others an old white man with a beard, and so on, and so on, and so on........... - Thu, 15 May 2003 5:52am
S.V. I've been staying away from this one, but it's been a great read! Though the enlightened know...there is no God!!!!

Heya RSBF, how's it going these days? We really should get together for a drink sometime. Playing any shows lately? Cheers! :) - Thu, 15 May 2003 9:44am
Anonymous Gotta love it when pcdog shuts up. A quite calm takes over the land! LOL! - Thu, 15 May 2003 9:48am
pc watchdog i am just watching. when there is more hypocracy spewed from you and your ilk i will be there to expose you. if you stay off the racism i will stay off the board. until then keep on blabbing in the free world. - Thu, 15 May 2003 10:23pm
Anonymous yeah, yeah. PC, you're a racist, dude. - Fri, 16 May 2003 1:55am
Anonymous white is right - Fri, 16 May 2003 2:11am
User Info...
I figure I can finish this and other racist arguments, and I think S.O.D. said it best... We All Bleed Red, we are one men, we ALL, BLEED, RED!!!!! - Fri, 16 May 2003 2:31am
Anonymous The only thing that pc has exposed is his hypocracy and single mindedness. - Fri, 16 May 2003 8:28am
User Info...
Yeah, S.O.D. also said "fuck the middle east..." - Fri, 16 May 2003 9:55am
Anonymous I'll be glad when this thread is history! - Fri, 16 May 2003 11:04am
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