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Stop Racisim in Victoria
Message Board > General Chitchat > Stop Racisim in Victoria
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True Canadian Reading some of these emails has seriously disheartned me! I love Victoria and never thought of it as a place that would harbor such people as I have seen on this chat site!

You're the reason for the way of the world these days! Unfortunately, when you wipe yourselves out, your going to take the rest of us with you! And I am willing, provided that whomever is left, looks at your stupidity and rises to new understanding of what it is to be human!

Perhaps you should get out and see the world. This might bring a new understanding to your already far too small, cranially challenged heads!

Racism is for people that are stupid/uninformed. People that are stupid are usually affraid! Fear of the unknown = stupidity = Racism! Go out and see something other than your Fathers/Cousin's/Mothers/Sisters/Brothers sexual organs!

It's Cletis's like you that give BC a bad name! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 4:43pm
Anonymous Go home. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 4:58pm
True Canadian I am home you Redneck motherfucker! You go home, to the US no doubt! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:00pm
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So you fight racism with bigotry? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:04pm
Elder Peace! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:07pm
True Canadian Not so Shaggy. See no bigotry in any of those statments! There are people of vision and then there are racists! Big difference! Hopefully people of vision will save this sad world from people like that! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:08pm
Anonymous To the person who posted this thread: YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE THERE BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!! Racism begins with people JUST LIKE YOU! Talking down to and being extremely rude and sarcastic to people, even people you believe are racists, is the exact same behaviour. You're no different! How does that feel, eh buddy? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:11pm
Anonymous So your vision is to fight racism by being a total fucking jerk to others? How noble of you. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:14pm
Anonymous I said go home. And yes many people would call me a redneck. But how dare you use the fact that I listen to western music and wear wranglers as an insult? I know you did not know that I am a full blown cowboy, but if I called you a nigger and I didn't know you were black does that mean I am not a racist? You are predjudice towards people who like country and you are prdjudice towards people who have different views then you towards cultures. To hate racists is still a form of predjudism. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:16pm
True Canadian As a matter of fact, I am black (or a nigger as you so happily extol) and I wear cowboy hats, boots and enjoy country music. Fifth generation Canadian and proud of it!

Most people would walk away from racists, saying that to interact with them in any way, give credence to their beliefs! Not in my case! If you read correctly you would have seen that I suggested that people of that frame of mind, go out and inspect the world. It might enlighten them a little. Might cause them not to be so affraid.

Yes, I talk down to people that I beleive are racist's because I am better and smarter than they are! I have vision. Vision of how the world should be. How it would and could be better place! To say and do nothing is criminal. To allow these people to go unanswered is frightening.

Guess all of these lofty ideas of yours are easy when you live in such a confined world. You don't get called names do you? Bet you were the name caller! Momma and Poppa said, "it's only a childs words, means nothing!" And look what some people grew up to be!

As a proud Canadian, I will always fight racism, wherever and whenever it raises it's ugly head.

I guess that my point has gotten across to a few! because I am not a biggot and yes, I do know what it feels like!

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:21pm
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"You go home, to the US no doubt!"

Bigotry, since going to the states seems to be a bad thing in the context you used. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:27pm
The Provider
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What is up with this guy? A true canadian you are not. You say that all racists are inbred? If it is a fear thing then how come you use Cletis/rednecks/inbreeding/US for insulting racists? If what you say is true then you have a sever fear of being engaged in sexual activities with your family. If you or someone you know has been assaulted by a family member, I use to work as a councilor and could give you an anonymous phone number to talk to someone who can help. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:31pm
True Canadian As I said Shaggy, I am home! Fifth generation home! Can you say that??? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:33pm
True Canadian No need! Had a very healthy/happy family life. I use these words as they have been used by exactly these types of people. It's easy for some to say what you say, have you ever experienced racism first hand! Ever been to Georgia, Texas, NY, Toronto and now unfortunatley my beautiful Victoria? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:36pm
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Hmm 5 generations huh? What the hell does that have to do with your views not being biggoted? And what the hell does it matter how many generations you live here? Keep stuffing your foot in your mouth pal, every time you type a message you prove you're a bigot. And bigotry is the root of racism. Like I said...

BTW, my family has been in canada for about 5 generations, not like that has squat do with with being a canadian. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:37pm
True Canadian Well Shaggy, were you to read a little, then you would have seen someone comment "go home". My response to that was that "I am home". Why is this pertinent to the conversation? Well, again, I was told to go home. Intimating that I was not from here (Canada). I was simpy pointing out the fact that I am home, and that I am 5th generation Canadian.

You don't know me, I don't know you! You can call me whatever you like. All that matters is that I know who and what I am and am not. I sleep at night and am quite happy and comfortable with myself and my beliefs.

Everyone has a right to their beliefs, yes, even racists. However, once again I will point out that the world is the way it is today partly because of racism. Life is a walking contradiction (if you didn't get that from all of my other statments)?

And perhaps you are right, I am a biggot when it comes to racists. What color, relegion or creed a person is should have no bearing on how that person is looked at and/or persieved!

Strangely enough, the world is mostly a place of color, yet people of color (any color) are statistically placed in conditions that are proportianately less favorable than the rest of the world! Ever wonder why that is???

So, it is you that should perhaps think about what you are saying! It is you that should look within themselves to see what is really there. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:46pm
Jo Fancy
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" Hopefully people of vision will save this sad world from people like that!"
I don't mean to be objectional, but that's an Ian Stuart quote. I doesn't seem that your anger justifies the means you speak so heavily of & you're not solving much of anything. The wry comment about americans was racist. Definately no sense in racism, but none in aggro either. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 5:57pm
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Learn to read yourself. As I said, in the context you used it makes you sound bigoted to ppl from the US, since going home to the US sounds like a bad thing in it's context. If you'd just said "you go home" there wouldn't have been a conotation of bigotry. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:01pm
True Canadian "have you ever experienced racism first hand! Ever been to Georgia, Texas, NY, Toronto and now unfortunatley my beautiful Victoria?"

The home of Western Civilizations racism! The US! I wish insead, some of you would answer the questions posed! Is it that you are affraid? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:06pm
True Canadian That was meant for you Shaggy! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:08pm
Elder Been watching this hot debate. I can agree with both sides of this coversation. I can understand why True Canadian can be a little angy. I have been places in this country that were just like the Southern US. Native bathrooms and white bathrooms. At the same time, I think that perhaps true canadian could have chosen their words a little better!

Racism is something that will have to be abolished if this world is to become a better place. Can't you agree that some of you are saying pretty much the same thing? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:09pm
Anonymous Hey, they might need you in Baghdad, you should go quickly. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:11pm
True Canadian What does that bagdad comment mean? Need me in what context? Make yourself clear!!! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:13pm
True Canadian In diversity there is beauty in strength! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:24pm
True Canadian I honor a person's character, not their characteristics! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:25pm
True Canadian Not surprised there are no answers! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:34pm
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"The home of Western Civilizations racism! The US!"

Add another foot to your mouth, and thank you kindly for cementing the fact that you are a bigot. What's the old addage? If you live in a glass house don't throw stones? Methinks you should take that to heart a lil.
Yes the thread was started on somewhat a positive note. Fortunately you let the real you shine through in your anti-american sentiments so you're really no better than a racist. Are all american's racist assholes? Nope they aren't. You don't judge and entire country/race based on a small percentile of miscreants that hold views that are racist.
Think Canada doesn't have racists? Ernst Zundel(sp?) ring any bells? How about Tony McAllteer(sp?)? 2 of the biggest hate mongers in Canada. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:35pm
Alex Tribeck Be more specific about racism in this board..I dont see anyone get away with it. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:37pm
Anonymous I can only repeat things, as you seem to be missing the point. I know that there is racism in Canada. Being born here and myself having experienced it. I would know!

Strangely enough, the world is mostly a place of color, yet people of color (any color) are statistically placed in conditions that are proportianately less favorable than the rest of the world! Ever wonder why that is???

So, it is you that should perhaps think about what you are saying! It is you that should look within themselves to see what is really there. - Fri, 28 Mar 3:46pm

Shaggy, I'd say that it was you putting your foot in mouth! Read you idiot, read! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 6:59pm
True Canadian Hey Shaggy! Were there cotton farms in Canada? Were there widespread linchings in Canada? (Remember Rosewood)! Were synogogues torched in Canada? Were Churches torched in Canada? Were there railroad gangs that were blown up daily because they were asian. Were there hooded bullies in Canada before they came from the US? You may wish history away, but it won't go away!
It can't! We must learn from our mistakes!

When speaking of the US, I was speaking of the establishment! I have many American friends that now live here because they could not stand the racism that they faced on a daily basis there!

So, your saying that you believe that it is not the craddle of racism for Western Civilization?? Where then? Grow up. Be honest with others and yourself! - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 7:02pm
The Provider
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Are you honestly trying to justify racism towards americans? Most racists probably have the exact same story. I hear the one about Natives all the time. They bullied alot of people at my H.S. and alot of people hate all of our First Nations people because of it. But according to your logic, since some of them are bullies it is OK to hate them and generalize them into stereotypes. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 7:22pm
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Well damn you better have as much disdain for the canadian government then. Internment camps for the japanese anyone? And it only took the government almost 30 years to repay what was lost due to the color of their skin. Or as you said yourself, asians being blown up building the railroads to the W coast. Or how about all the injustices done to the 1st nations of this country? And they're STILL waiting for recompense from our wonderful government.

Ever been to Halifax? The slums under the bridge on Gattigen (sp?) st have been there ever since blacks were shuttled up here to get away from the racism they had to endure stateside. Build the slums under the bridge so the white folks didn't have to see them. And those slums are no different than Watts, Harlem or any other US city that houses the "colored folk" away from those who don't want to deal with them. Hell go to Halifax today, the slums are still there and the majority of folks living in them are afro-canadians.

This country has just as many problems, both past and present, as the states do. Hell go hit any of the daffodil farms around victoria, slavery is alive and well here as well. This country is no different than the US in many ways since it was founded by people that came from the same places with the same mentality...europe.

Yeah... Canada is leagues ahead of the US in fighting racism and making everyone equal... What a load of shit. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 7:28pm
The Provider
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Hey, I worked on a daffodil farm..... I was a flower extraction technician. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 7:45pm
Dinko Mustapic True Canadian... regardless of how you feel you need to justify what you're saying, you're not right. Your point about racisim being evil and bad is just. But you're backing yourself up with racist comments. Even if you meant to imply US administration, you didn't explicitly state it, which leads people to believe that you're a racist. I know a lot of Americans who do not agree with their goverment's foreign policy (or any policy for that matter), but still are proud Americans. Kind of like us still being proud Canadians in light of some questionable decisions made by our "representatives" in government. (Native land claims anyone?) You had honourable intentions, I'm sure, but your delivery needs some work.

Oh, and get your facts straight too. Asian immigrants built (and died on) the railways that brought your family out to BC five generations ago my friend. Some of them are still buried inside the Rockies. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:00pm
True Canadian Wow!

Actually shaggy, lived in Halifax for a few years (82 to 84). Never had a problem. There are slums everywhere! White people, black people, native people all lived there. Sure, I agree with you, Canada is not perfect! But it was a haven to most when being hunted by the US. There was never an underground railroad leading to the US, was there.

Given the choice, I would take the lesser of two evils and live here in Canada.

I think that our country has matured faster than the US in it's treatment of racism. I don't have a problem with giving the native peoples of this land, everything that they deserve (Monetarily).

I truly believe that there is less racism here than anywhere else in the world! That's what makes this a great place to live. We will see racism die here in Canada before anywhere else. Where as it seems to be getting worse in the US. Why, because they are not dealing with the problem. I believe that we are at least trying to. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:01pm
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True Canadian: You really are sounding like you are trying to justify your anti-American views. How is this different than some nazi trying to justify their hate for blacks or jews? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:02pm
Dinko Mustapic oops, forgot the - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:07pm
Dinko Mustapic fuck... the < / i > - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:07pm
True Canadian Look at the US's foreign policies over the last 20 years. I think in doing so, you will see why they are in the pickle that they are today! You can only give food to a starving dog and take it away a few times before the dog bites you.

Commit to something or stay out! Make a promiss? then keep it!

Of course the Nazi's were wrong! A shinning example of wrong. And they were stopped. You don't think that the American government has a manifesto on how to democratize the world??? They are wrong and should be stopped! They aren't helping anyone but themselves. To believe otherwise would be nieve. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 8:11pm
Anonymous did you learn all these useful facts from your facist left-wing propaganda pamphlets? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 9:50pm
Messages Posted:

darkness at full-moon dot com

Yeah we'll be the 1st country in the entire world to end racism. Pass over a huge bowl of what yer smokin bud, must be damn good shit. Racism will not end until bigotry ends, and until every person on this planet becomes the perfect loving little cherub, bigotry will be alive and with it. There will be no euphoric utopian society you seem to dream about. Racism and bigotry will be dead once the human race has been cleansed off the face of the earth, most likely due to it's own destruction. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 10:21pm
Olivelawn John "wake up assholes....hate makes the pretty world go 'round." - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 10:34pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
User Info...
Guys, guys, guys, lets not argue. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 1:48am
True Canadian Actually, it's a well documented fact! The US foreign policies that is! You should try and read more, inform yourself.

As for my cherubish outlook, I'd say that it was a little rosier than yours. I have faith in human kind. When faced with extinction, I believe that the truth will have to be seen and faced up to!

Get along or die! Glad I don't live next to you! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 1:51am
Anonymous just like that michael moore film (bowling for columbine) was all "documented facts".... pfft. right. though that was a mighty fine editing job he did. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 1:55am
Anonymous You must be one scared little individual! Hiding in your cellar waiting for the four horseman!

I feel sorry for you! Walking through life waiting for everything to end. Feeling helpless to do anything about except whine that the sky is falling!

You should see someone about that! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 2:01am
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Instead of bickering about whos a hypocrite and whos not, we need to focus on the real issue: abolishing racism. period. To fight racism one must take a stand and put himself/herself on the line and possibly receive verbal blastments for it. I would like to commend the efforts of True Canadian; and I can understand his/her passion and vigor because it is a topic that sparks such feelings. Racism is a disease that must be stopped. Power to the people. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 1:11pm
True Canadian
User Info...
Thank you Shawn. A ray of light among dark souls! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 2:15pm
Anonymous It's bigots like you that make people ashamed of their incestuous origins! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 3:49pm
Anonymous You guy's shirts are buttoned on too tight. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 4:17pm
Hillbillery true canadian - "I truly believe that there is less racism here than anywhere else in the world! That's what makes this a great place to live. We will see racism die here in Canada before anywhere else."

For a guy who says "go out, see the world, and educate yourself", that's a pretty ignorant statement. Many of the smaller europian countries have a far more equal society, racially and culturaly, than Canada. Take a trip, educate yourself.

By the way, my not-racist neck will be fucking red 'til the day I die. My Canada includes Rifles and Drinking. Together. And yet somehow I'm open-minded enough to not be threatened by the fact your's might not. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 8:57pm
Jedi I have lived in Victoria for less than two years and have not seen any racism. This is a very nice community of people. I dont think the comments on this site are how the people really feel. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:01pm
True Canadian Hey Hillbillery

Take a look - Fri. March 28, 6:08pm

I think that you will see that I wrote exactly the same thing. Guess we're not so far apart after all???

PS Been all over the world! Never saw racsim so obvious as in the US! I think it is you that needs to travel! Our Canadian dreams are not so far apart! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:17pm
True Canadian Hey Jedi

I had never seen racism here in Vic either! Until I visited this website! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:19pm
Hillbillery Of course it's bad in the states. That's a given. I was challenging your notion that Canada is the least racist country in the world, and will be the first to achieve true equality. I disagree with that statement. I think there are many countries that do a better job of respecting their differences than Canada.

I've always thought that any group of individuals forming a group(whether race, sex, country) can be judged both as individuals, and by how they choose to represent themselves as a group to others.

As a group representing themselves nationally, I dislike Americans, they are ignorant bullies - much like the English that colonized the world and destroyed countless cultures generations ago - but I will always judge individuals as such. Many Americans disagree with their national image too.

Whatever that has to do with anything. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:20pm
True Canadian Ooh yea! And Hillbillery, you must live in the backwoods 'cause the Canada that I come from isn't full of guns and booze!

This aint the wild west anymore. So you educate yourself!!

Oh yea, and learn how to spell, at least use your spell check. Try not to embarass yourself! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:21pm
Hillbillery Acually you ignorant Fuckwad, I am from the backwoods. Which what most of what Canada is.

Here comes the Redneck.

I fucking HATE those who live in major metropolitan areas and don't realize that most of BC and Canada isn't like you.
Preaching open-mindedness while enforcing your opinion down the rest of the countries throat.

Don't like my grammar. Fuck you. This ain't english class. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:32pm
True Canadian It is a fortunate thing that I know that statement to be false, for a fact. Most of Canada is not like you! I have been everywhere in this Country, North, East, West and South. Your attitude is evident in a small minority of communities!

Your statement, that other countries in the world are less racist than Canada. Where are these countries that you speak of? Where the overwhelming majority of people aren't of one color? In Asia, whites are not so evident, in most of Africa, well we won't even go there! Europe, majority of whites.

No where but the in the Western world will you find a more diverse group of people trying to live together.

Maybe in bumfuck BC you'll live with two types of communities. White and Native. We all know how the natives have been treated in this country and in these areas! As well as how they have acted towrards whites in their communities!

Could it be that you are both toting guns and drinking booze??? Hummmmm?????

Perhaps you should come down from those hills and try living in a diverse set of cultures that, for the most part, get along! In our cities, that's where ideas are changing. Certainly not in rural parts of this country. People like things to stay the same there!

People in cities learn about each other much more than in rural communities. That is what will wipe out racism and biggorty. Living together and learning together!

Seperating oneself from diversity is called fear! Fear of the unknown breeds racism. As a matter of fact, that's what racism is, fear of the unknown!

The more people that come to this country from other parts of the world, the better! It makes us as a nation.

In Vancouver (a part of BC), because of ideas like yours, cultures seem to seperate themselves because they feel that they need to stick together to protect themselves from biggotry. If they surround themselves with people of their kind, it's safer (they assume)!

Where as in places like Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa and even Calgary, people have really come together to live. Very varied communities containing all sorts of ethnic ideas. All living side by side!

So, to wrap up your entertaining, sharp witted, stimulating and informative discussion. Cities will bring the truth to this country eventually. Rural areas will house the few people that are affraid to experience other cultures.

Peace! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:42pm
Hillbillery Can you read?

While it is convenient of you to "end" the discussion because you have nothing new to say, I wonder what part of me you are refering to. Obviously most of Canada(population wise) doesn't agree with my views on firearms. Good. I'm happy to be a minority when it comes to guns and drinkin'. Keeps morons out of the woods.

Is it my ability to accept that we all must share our public areas for everybodies interests/hobbies/sports, even if some people like using the outdoors for mounting biking, some like hunting, and others like hiking or off-roading, that you refer to? See I don't get bothered by the things you're into. I wonder why you need to put me down for the things I'm into.

Ohhhh, wait, I know. Is it because I said I was a Redneck, so the PC police don't mind bigotry if directed at a group that doesn't meet your standard of oppession. Oh I know, you're the guy that had the hardest life ever, you know oppression, no one knows it better than you - we should pay you to decide who we're allowed to be ignorant towards.

You also are stating that cultural bigotry is not as bad as racial bigotry, which is odd, because I find it all offensive, and I'm a Redneck. Canada is NOT culturally or racially tolerant, there was a huge backlash against anyone with a turban after the terrorist attacks in the states. Not as bad as the states, but still unacceptable. What about our history of locking indians up on reservations, locking up the japanese, holding anyone that "looks" like a terrorist? Maybe UVic isn't racist but I think the rest has a long way to go. I will quietly do my part to stop it, but don't expect me stop laughing at bigotted jokes, laughing at our differences is far more fun than worrying what all those overly PC fuckers think of me.

And why do think that rural areas hold the nation back from equality more than cities?

And yes I do mix guns and drinkin'. At the same time. Just two hours ago, and I was in a 4x4 pickup, and it was a Ford, and I was listening to Steve Earle and Queen. And doing peel-outs in mud holes. And yet no one got shot, endangered or offended. And I was able to talk respectfully with people doing different things there. Huh.

Oh, and by the way, I'm from Victoria, lived there till I was over twenty. I too have been all over this country and others, and never have I encountered a more elitist attitude than that which Victoria seems to foster. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 10:07pm
Piercer guy True Canadian said, "Oh yea, and learn how to spell, at least use your spell check. Try not to embarass yourself!"

I hope you don't think this is racist or even mean spirited.

You have every right to present and maintain your point of view about the topic of discussion, but to resort to the statement above takes away a bit of your credibility with regards to your initial post.

Prejudice means to prejudge, and it seems that you are allowing a little bit of that to slip in when dealing with those that you view as your intellectual inferiors. Perhaps because they don't share you worldly views or agree with all the "facts" you've presented, you surmise that they must be stupid. To not agree with you certainly doesn't make them stupid or lacking intellect. If you use the words "it's a fact", it should be followed by the fact and the reference you gleaned it from.

Here is a small sampling of the mistakes you have made in your posts to date: (some possible typos and some multiple misspellings)
harbor; (since you loath the US so much, try the Canadian spelling)
affraid x 4;
racist's;(in the post it isn't possessive)
favorable; (see harbor)
embarass (see the beginning)

This doesn't make me think of you as stupid or even unintelligent. Maybe a little ignorant and naive for admonishing someone here for spelling without ensuring your own was above reproach.

I like what you are trying to say and hope you reach your goals of a prejudice, racist, bigot free world, but it starts with you first. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 11:42pm
Carl too late racism sucks, im not racist, but please do not try to represent my feelings in such a ridiculus fashion...

and no one here is making fun of you because of the colour of your skin, its because of the way you are acting.. please man, just chill out - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:57am
User Info...
huh. whadday know, folks. looks like "True Canadian" is a MENSA Troll. (you know, the type that gets on soapboxes and embarrasses the hell out of everyone else in his appointed cultural/ethnic niche market)

Personally, i think he should name himself, "True Bigot" (ooooooo, you mean blacks can be racist too? gasp! but they're a pffffft)

hey, folks! look! Here's a African-Canadian MARTYR! No wait, i can't tell if he's black or white, or a pregnant handicapped martian lesbian, nor do i give a shit. i think this fucker is a troll, comes onto these forums with a big old soapbox and says stuff like this:

True Canadian - I had never seen racism here in Vic either! Until I visited this website! - Sat, 29 Mar 7:19pm

Look, TrueCanadian (whoever you are), let's be candid: There's alot of trolls (or one guy having fun with the lack of moderation to spawn a bunch of sockpuppets) here that will say absolutely anything to get a rise out of you.

Ignore them. It's not like you can do anything about it and if you reply that "validates them". (no wait, that's the wrong term, let's try "helps them jack off into their palm")
BTW, if you're talking about the above thread i just linked, please note the entire bloody thread is nothing but one big fat troll/conspiracytheory/racistdrivel/kitchensink. (why the hell are you taking this shit seriously? have you ever been on the intraweb?)


Hey, Hillbillery. yer funny! I think you and True Canadian would get along famously, i just think True Canadian's got a bad case of bigotry, atm. I'd much rather listen two you to talk about political/economic/cultural bigotry in the abstract than have you both feed the trolls by flinging blame around. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 7:26am
Wreaker of Havoc
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This is fucking pathetic. If you think Canada is not guity of racism (specifically BC) see: Building of Canadian Railway, First Nations Residential Schools, West Coast immigration policy for Asian peoples 1800 to early 1900's, Treatment of Japanese Canadians WWII, and our embarrassing situation we have gotten into with our lack of treaty negotiation with First Nations People. Try taking your '5th generation' statement to the next First Nations person you bump into. As for people saying they are not racist, thats bullshit. It is human nature to want to catagorize everything in to similar patterns and people are just too dynamic to do this without negative effects. But at the same time to ignore our differences is to ignore the fantastic rich cultures people bring to the best country in the world. Science cannot find any major gentic differences between 'races', making the term RACE lack any true meaning. Our differences should be recognized by our culture and our cultures should be brought into the schools so that our children can embrace or at least UNDERSTAND these unique cultures that make up Canadian culture. Policies that separate visual minorities from the rest of the population should be reevaluated to ensure that the negative backlash from special treatment is minimalized. Bickering about whos been here longer, or who has the most visible minority freinds or saying we have no racism in Victoria is pathetic and racist. Not being aware is a form of racism in itself. My suggestion is before you open your mouths that you evaluate your actions before you show your true ignorance....but thats just a thought from another racist Canadian... - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:00am
Dave Noisy
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I don't get it.. Why are people arguing with TC? What's the point?

Why not say to him 'yeah, you're right, racism sucks. I am/am not aware of it in Victoria. Educate me, and tell me how i can make sure i'm not promoting racism.'

Or at least say 'hey, i agree with you, but i don't like your presentation, this is what puts me off..'

I think most people's hearts are in the right place, but sadly it's easy to put people off with words.

Try to focus more on what people are saying, not so much how they say it.

Or not..whatever.. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:11pm
True Canadian
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Thanks Wreaker, good points all!

I don't think that I ever said that there was no racism here in this great country of ours. Historically speaking, yea many mistakes!

I do believe however that on a world scale, we are certainly more tolerant than most other Western countries.

Not a member of mensa!

Let's not fool ourselves here, guns are for killing! Whether it be humans, animals, they are for killing. I have a problem with that. Pointless killing is wrong. Killing for the enjoyment of it is wrong! What else can guns be used for? Shooting at cans??? There are so many other ways to occupy ones mind! About the only thing that they are good for is for lining up pedophiles and shooting them! That's about it!

Never called myself an "Afro-Canadian". I am a Canadian. There's no difference between me and any other "Canadian"!

There is always a little truth in jokes. To promote an idea that is thought of by many as wrong, isn't wrong. It does however, add (even in the slightest way)to the continuation of hatred in one form or another.

It also seems that some respondants feel that I am saying, "if you're white, you're a racist". Not true at all! I am actually the product of one white Canadian and one black. I believe that I have in me, the best of both worlds! (whatever that means?)

I am also not saying that people that live in rural areas are racists. I was pointing out that in these areas, you are more apt to find one majority of people. Less diversity. To live in that environment is perhaps not as eye opening as living in a large metropolis, with many cultures to experience.

Piercer Guy, you're right, I should not have admonished someone for errors that I myself commited. I guess that I was a little caught up and wasn't careful in my typing. Thanks for pointing that out.

Finally, to ignore something, doesn't make it go away! I speak of racist attitudes. If we were all to do that, these ideas would prosper even more than they already do! Your right that we need to teach our children of diversity and that it is a good thing. I don't believe that it is reasonable to allow these kinds of ways of thinking to go unanswered. If it is thought to validate this way of thinking, then so be it. That might be the price to be paid. Well worth it.

I heard of no back lash here in Victoria after 9/11. There are many muslim peoples here. As a matter of fact, I think that whatever backlash there was in this country, was very small! Again, never said that there were no racists in this country. I said that it is certainly less aparent than in the US.

Admittidly, I may have begun this discussion incorrectly! I was certainly inapropriate in some of my responses. Passion!!! The topic however ever was a byproduct of another disussion going on at the time. It made my chin drop when I saw some of the things that people were writing. I love BC, Victoria and my Cannucks! I was floored when I saw some of the racist things that were writen. Sure, call me gleefully ignorant! I truly believed (however naive it was) that Victoria was pretty much a racist free zone.

Thank you all for you responses. I apologize if I offended anyone. My intent was meant to be an honorable one. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:15pm
Hillbillery Good to see it appears we're all generally in aggreement, and tend to be arguing (sp?) over symantics. However, I will gladly defend the use of firearms as a means to harvest meat, far more "humane" (if you can call killing humane) than slaughterhouses, chickenfarms etc. Perhaps this is not the place for that debate.

I know, I know, kicking a dead horse, whatever. Just having fun. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:41pm
True Canadian I will grant you that. However, killing for sport is wrong. If you're out in the woods and a gun is your only means of defence and survival to gather food, yes. But for the fun of it, no.

Again, I may contradict myself. Just because I can't see the slaughter at these slaughter houses, perhaps makes it easier to eat meat.

It definately takes guts to go out and kill your own food! (In an appropriate situation) not for the enjoyment of hunting down a defenseless animal though. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:08pm
Hillbillery True. I've spent time with the Vegetarian/Vegan community and have always found the arguements comming from this group (stereotypically speaking) to be less than satisfying. They tend to take issue with the living and dying conditions of the animal, and health issues resulting from steroids and antibiotics needed for the unnatural conditions these animals are forced to live in. Truly a disturbing industry.

Having personally made the decision to be a meat eater (insert cock joke here), I feel it is important to view the suffering and resulting death of an animal first hand. It is the only way I can be at peace with consuming meat. It is uncomfortable to watch. I was not born a hunter, I became one because it was the only way to justify my role in the cycle. I have tremendess respect for the animals I kill for consumption. That is not meant as a hypocrytical statement, just the truth as I see it.

Too many - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:18pm
hillbillery oops, didn't see that "too many" at the end when I posted. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 2:36pm
dan conner
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ARGUING ON THE INTERNET IS LIKE THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS! Even if you win, you're still a fuckin retard. TC, no one gives a fuckin shit if you're black. Whoever else: Penis!
Now jsut shut up, you bunch of whiney kids, lol.
Dan Conner

haahahahaha - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:14pm
True Canadian Remind me, what was it that you brought to this conversations? - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:01am
Anonymous Even if you win, you're still a fuckin retard.

We could also spend some time discussing the way people with disabilities are treated in this culture. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 2:05pm
True Canadian I can only speak for myself, but I treat all people pretty much the same. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 3:35pm
Anonymous Down with shirts, up with mini-skirts. Smile, be happy. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 4:10pm
Curious George True Canadian - I can only speak for myself, but I treat all people pretty much the same. - Thu, 3 Apr 1:35pm

Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. NO ONE treats everybody the same way. Get off your moral high horse and start admitting that you are flawed, just like everybody else. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 8:45pm
True Canadian Hey Curious! You don't know me! If your jaded life/mind includes treating people with diffences differently, that's entirely your perogotive! or more importantly, your choice. If you chose to act this way, it is entirely your choice! I however, don't!

It definately sounds like are flawed in some way! Please don't presume to speak for me! I have tolerance for all religions, faiths, races, creeds and sexual orientations. It's definately something that you need to work on. LOL

Thanks for your valuable input! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 8:11am
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man you are treating everyone on here as if you're smarter/better than they are. apparently you treat everyone that way. that's what you said anyway. you treat everyone the same. think about it for 1 second. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 9:45am
True Canadian Not true. I don't think that I am better or smarter than anyone else. If you are intimidated, I appologize. I am simply voicing an opinion. When I say I treat everyone the same, I mean that I don't prejudge them. There are many good people out there, on the other hand, many bad. I base my responses on theirs.

As you can see, we can all agree to disagree.

It amazes me that there are people out there that think that everyone in this world thinks and believes the same things that they do??? Isn't it just possible that there are people out there that don't treat different people differently??? Everyone has different ideas and if someone is closed minded enough to think that this is false, well I have something to say about that!

LOL - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:16am
ss i'm with the true canadian,wait a second i take that back,nigger. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:27am
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for fuck's sakes. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:48am
Jimmy Bay Hey cuzin' ROSS, when that little vien in your forehead stands out and you left eye starts twitchin' like that you know it's time to go out back an' play with yore rabbits. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:06am
True Canadian Feel sorry for you ss! Or is that what you think passes for wit??? Your inteleligence or lack of, is staggering! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:21am
True Canadian Hey Ross. What did you think of that last respondant? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:24am
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which one? Ma cuzin' Jim (who is also my father) or that fucking retard SS shitbag? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:26am
True Canadian Not ur cuz/dad, ss freak! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:47am
Anonymous Stop Bad Spelling In Victoria! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 12:14pm
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2 differant dudes...... - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 12:27pm
Jimmy Bay I's yore Daddy ROSS BAY???? Whoeeeew.....that shore do explain an aweful lot. I member getting frisky with ma's sister but I never thought it'd take. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 12:28pm
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yip. all us kin freight trainin' lucy b ay last night all drunked up & pissed shore minded ma of that 'un brot...I mean dad. But i still cain't figer out how'n someone here wantsa stop racing in victeria? beats m'. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 1:41pm
nigger Hey True Canadian Fuck You you are an idiot. Why with all this opinions do u hide behind an anonymous name???? My opinion doesnt matter here, so i need not put up an email address. but if you want one, ask i will give you. You are an idiot. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 2:56pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside my grandfather is Italian,my grandmother is French indian,and my other two grandparents are both English.I myself was born in Canada.I guess that makes me AMERICAN! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 2:57pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside Ross Bay is also a total idiot - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:04pm
True Canadian The reason I don't give my email address is so that I don't get hate mail from psycho fucks like you! And, some people would probably agree with your own statement, you're opinion doesn't matter.

Neat invention came about many moons ago, it's called an education. You should get one! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:16pm
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clyde yer fuckin' fired! bitch. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:20pm
Clamp Hey Ross, seems like you've got some fans here? True Canadian, you should drop the subject. If you're getting idiots like the racist scum that answered a while back. Why agrivate yourself? Not going to change loser's like that. Probably some neo nazi, skinnheaded wannabee hilter. 14 years old with a 10 year old's mentality. Don't even answer him (it)! Let it stew in its own hatred juices!

I'm surprised that a dumb fuck like that can even read & write! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:21pm
Jimmy Bay But i still cain't figer out how'n someone here wantsa stop racing in victeria? beats m'. - Fri, 4 Apr 11:41am

They's goin' ta do that by turnin' down those Stereo types. Lissen to yer pappy. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:23pm
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but i likes racin' - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:30pm
Betty Sue Clinghorn We'p seems lak we gotr'selves a cuple'a mountin boyez har! git dat jug out'n lets git ta stop'm out sum good ole hibilly meuusak! rosco u daince wif pa and tother daince wid mar, yeaahaa gonna maik sum new babees t'nite! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:38pm
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heyyy...wuts atyer warin'...? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:48pm
Cuzin Billybob hay thar cuzin rosce'n cuzin jemmi u shore gots'a way wid dem perdy wards - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:51pm
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Wow, seems like the conversation has left the realm of reality. Probably better that way. Didn't seem like it was going anywhere anyways! Although, racism does suck! - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 3:54pm
The Ref I can't actually tell who on these threads is being serious, and who is simply screwing around? Very confusing??? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 4:15pm
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hey ref, wuts at YER warin...? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 4:19pm
The Ref ??? Nuddin - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 4:28pm
True Canadian The truth is out! LOL You little shit disturber! I'm watching out for you now LOL! ;-) - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 7:26pm
SGFBC I HATE blue people! Fuck all you blue people, I hate your culture and I want to kill you all and beat you because you are blue! You are blue so you are less of a person. You do not have a soul and god hates you because you are blue! You will all go to hell!!! You and your purple friends!! I am on to you!!!

Now, change blue and purple to any race or colour of your choosing and it still sounds just as stupid. Maybe someday everyone will figure that out, until then waa. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 7:29pm
nigger fuck you - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 8:30pm
SGFBC See above for perfect example. - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 8:32pm
True Canadian Hey Nigger, thought that you were rehearsing tnite? - Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:32pm
Anonymous On april 24th at Thursdays, victoria and nanaimo's best bands, IMO are playing a METALHEADS AGAINST RACISM concert. It is only $5 and you can come stand up against racism and see Gallow's End, Gross Misconduct, Self Inflicted, and the enchanted faeries. I read this in the Shameless section, but thought it was relevent to this post. Not everyone is ignorant, not by a long shot. - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 12:48am
Klaus Dieter Preschl
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