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soundgarden shut down again
Message Board > General Chitchat > soundgarden shut down again
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And this time, it looks serious. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 6:25pm
Anonymous details plz? - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 6:29pm
Anonymous explain yerself - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 6:35pm
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Can't say - but check out the news tomorrow. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 8:17pm
Sick of them anyway They have the makings for the best venue in Vic. The best sound, pretty cool atmosphere, and terrible beer ;) Yet its run by a bunch of complete assholes. I hope it does get shut down. If it does, I hope the sound guy takes his equipment elsewhere though, the sound really does make that place. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 8:20pm
Anonymous So this could make the original post of them going down a true one?

HAHAHA, cant be a stalker without the soundgarden - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 8:28pm
Anonymous Fuck nooo!! Say it ain't so....Let's support Soundgarden and make sure it thrives!! - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 8:51pm
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i think Soundgarden is pretty decent venue, at least for all agers, and that's pretty lame that it's being shutdown again.

-Marx - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 8:51pm
Anonymous ok ...once again..can we have the OFFICIAL word from someone who works there? Last time this sort of post was made it really screwed things up for the soundgarden folks.. i've only been there a handfull of times ...i thought it was great! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:25am
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Check out the T-C today. This time it sounds like it's for real. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 9:15am
Anonymous I can't see it on the TC website, and I'm not interested enough to buy the paper today. I'll just wait for everyone on here to start babbling on about it. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 9:30am
Anonymous Soundgarden is not a good venue for all ages costs too much. The sound system is overkill. What's worse is if you're an out of town's YOUR fault if you don't draw a big crowd and do a crap load of promo and don't get paid. Please explain to me how out of town bands are supposed to do promo? Promoters are supposed to do promo. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 9:45am
Spark pootanany, this is gossip - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 9:46am
Anonymous CBC Radio reported this morning that SoundGarden had been closed due to electrical and fire safety concerns. This seems to be part of an ongoing problem with the building managers and not the people that actually run SoundGarden. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:55am
Anonymous noooooooooo - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:08am
Anonymous I just checked the TC and it's TRUE TRUE TRUE!!! And the deserve it too! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:09am
:: sean r thomas :: From today's TC:

PUBLICATION : Times Colonist (Victoria)
DATE : 2003.03.14

SECTION: Capital Region PAGE: C3 BYLINE: Gerard Young SOURCE: Times Colonist

HEADLINE: Nightclub's licence pulled over safety violations

The city has shut down a Store Street nightclub for the

second time in two weeks over safety concerns stemming from illegal and substandard electrical wiring.

The city asked B.C. Hydro on Thursday to shut off power at Sound Garden and will be suspending its business licence until it brings the bar up to code and pays off outstanding fines.

The order forced the Victoria Jazz Society to move an event tonight to Hermann's Jazz Club from Sound Garden.

The city ordered the power shut off two weeks ago but relented a day later when Sound Garden owner Tamara Tulloch purchased her business licence and obtained a permit for electrical work.

"The electrical work is not being paid by the business operator," said Kim Fowler, the city's manager of regulatory and development services.

That prompted chief electrical inspector Duncan Stevenson to order the power shut off under the B.C. Electrical Safety Act as improvements were not going ahead as expected, Fowler said.

However, Tulloch still denied Thursday she was shut down and said she plans to be open this weekend because she has another contractor.

"We are doing the work right now," she said.

She also denied she didn't pay her first electrical contractor but rather he quit the job for personal reasons. And she insists the city has excused her from the outstanding fines.

But Stevenson and Fowler indicated the city had not changed its position and even has a memo from her electrical contractor about non-payment.

"There are significant fire and safety issues that have to be addressed," Fowler said. "We have tried to be reasonable. We don't like having to do this."

Tulloch previously insisted she was only dealing with minor violations and had not actually been shut down two weeks ago.

Fowler disagrees. While Sound Garden was technically shut down, Tulloch took enough remedial action that the order was rescinded before she lost any business, Fowler said.

And the violations were serious, Fowler insisted. In addition to the illegal wiring, the bar at 1630 Store St. didn't have proper fire exit signs or an outside shutdown breaker system, she said. And exits were obstructed with garbage, she said.

The electrical and fire inspectors felt last month that there was no significant safety issue if Tulloch got her permits and quickly made the required changes, she said.

But she did nothing over the last two weeks, Fowler said.

Stevenson will have to sign off on all the work before Tulloch can re-open. Most contractors could complete the required work within five days, he said.

"If they open their doors they will be in contravention of several acts within the city of Victoria and they will be shut down," Fowler said.

But that still might not be enough to get Sound Garden up and running right away.

Separate from code issues, is the suspension of her business licence, said chief bylaw officer Dan Scoones. She can appeal the suspension to council, he said.

"We will suspend it at least until this is fixed," he said.

Council and city staff are sensitive to building code violations as well as other offences, especially in the wake of more than 100 deaths in a stampede and a fire at two American bars last month.

Tulloch has $700 in outstanding fines for operating without a business licence, which she purchased two weeks ago. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:23am
BONG Look it's the building owner who has dropped the ball here...he is a fucking slum lord...and how come none of the shitty, seedy dance clubs that were in that space before SG never got shut down? Wonder if the gangsters that ran those shitholes paid certian people to overlook the buildings short comings?
Scott & Tamara are nice hard working young business people trying to make it in a very tuff business..ask Andrew at Steamers or Chris at Thrusdays how hard the live music game is...losing SG will hurt our is a shame..if I were them I'd move the Fucking Club out of that shithole and start again....but that's just me......
Sticky Kola - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:29am
Brian "She also denied she didn't pay her first electrical contractor but rather he quit the job for personal reasons. And she insists the city has excused her from the outstanding fines."

Tamara: So.... you don't mind that were going to have to take 20% of what you make and give it to the door right?

Contractor: What?

Tamara: Yeah....... oh and you don't have a big enough draw, I can only pay you like 40 bucks.

Contractor: Uh huh? Bitch you're crazy! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:33am
Anonymous OK well where's St. Paddy's gonna be? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:33am
Bullshit City Oh and what electrical contractor gets PAID IN ADVANCE for his work? I mean the article says that the first contractor quit because of non payment...but then they say that the club was shut because the work was not could the contractor be owed money if the work was never done....that sounds like bullshit to me... - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:38am
T Racy Looks like AWT at Lucky would be the place, if there were room there for more than just an ozark size family of midgets. Maybe Thursday's it will be then. Within stumbling distance of a friend's couch at any rate . . always a good thing. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:41am
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if i was a contractor working for soundgarden, i would cease any work until at least partial payment, considering their financial situation and reputation. can't lay the blame on the contractor. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:44am
Anonymous this sucks - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:52am
SG FAN How the fuck do you know about SG fincial situation? You are talking out of you ass unless you are their accountant or their bank manager...THEY DON'T OWN THE BUILDING IDIOT! what part of that don't you get..the electrical shit is THE OWNERS problem..that is who should be paying the shut up and stop spreading more bullshit. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:57am
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well.....if the owner can't even afford to renew a business license, how the hell could she afford to pay a contractor. don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that they aren't making any money. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:03pm
Anonymous Lesson learned hear: if your a couple of broke ass hippies with a baby don't open a night club. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:04pm
Anonymous How can anyone say SG hads bad beer? Bad draft maybe, but they have Sleemans Cream Ale in the bottle!@ Yum! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:09pm
Anonymous Fuck You Anon, ok you don't like SG that's fucking clear...and again your talking out of your don't have a clue about what the city is up to here...go to upstairs or centrla with all the other yuppie blues fans...
bitch - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:21pm
Anonymous Fuck You Anon, ok you don't like SG that's fucking clear...

ya, i dig soundgarden. how the hell can you say i don't from what i've posted??? the fact that i can guess their broke doesn't mean i don't like the damn bar.

and again your talking out of your don't have a clue about what the city is up to here...

nor do i care what the city is up to here.

go to upstairs or centrla with all the other yuppie blues fans...

what the hell is upstairs or centrla? i'm not a blues fan or a fan of yuppies in general either.


you got that right! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:30pm
Anonymous mmmm Sleeemans Cream Ale.. most girls prefer Selmans Cream Ale, but thats a different story altogether.. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:35pm
Anonymous Nice one Mike haha! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:41pm
Anonymous how does one get some o'dat selman's cream ale? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:42pm
Anonymous{533CD5D2-8EB2-4786-AF49-FD451994F7EC} - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:57pm
Anonymous If Soundgarden cares so much about the safety of their patrons and staff then why do they continue to push to stay open, instead of closing down (and either moving to a safe building or waiting till the person(s) responsible for the safety of the building get the damn place up to code)? That building is a death trap and is very dangerous for anyone to be in. Soundgarden owners know this too and it is sad that they won't do what is right. Has anyone ever noticed the pool of water that forms on the floor in the bathrooms. Like HELLO? Can someone from Soundgarden please respond to this? We deserve an answer and no bullshit either. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 1:46pm
Hubby's Wired Having electrical work done to run Soundgarden's business is not necessarily the responsibility of the building owner. When a business leases a property and has to renovate in order to run the business properly, then the business pays... NOT the building owner.

I've been in this situation myself and I had to pay for all renos, including upgrading the electrical to run my equipment properly. Luckily Hubby is an electrician and he was able to pull the permits and do the work.

I haven't been to Soundgarden, but if they have an "overkill" sound system, as someone earlier mentioned, then they probably needed a lot more power than was originally there and it has to be properly wired in by an electrician.

Are there a ton of extension cords, plugs and power bars all over the place in order to run the sound and other equipment? If so ... that could be the problem because it is a huge safety hazard and a breach of the Electrical Code. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 1:53pm
Word The electrical and safety systems necessary for running a business are the business owner's responsibility, not the landlord's - these are COMMERCIAL leases not RESIDENTIAL leases. Generally, unless the tennant makes SPECIFIC arrangements prior to signing the lease, a tennant basically gets a black box which they can renovate as they please. Ensuring the space is appropriately fitted for the specific business is the tennant's duty.

It is obvious that the bar owners are a little naive here. Either naive, or straight up dishonest. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:10pm
Anonymous Funny,, I rent a commercial space, and the property management company is responsible for all electrical issues. They even have to change our lightbulbs if we ask.. Now, if we added our OWN electrical stuffs it might change, I dunno.. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:11pm
Dave Noisy
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Here's the story from CBC: - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:21pm
Mike K
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FUCK SAKES ! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:37pm
Anonymous Alan Lowe is a bitch - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:43pm
Anonymous Does that mean Steamers and Lucky is going to be infested with the shit that's been playing at Soundgarden since it opened? Oh yay... Fucking Gallow's End, Thread of the End, Meatlocker 7, Gorilla Monsoon, AWT, Subverts, Gross Misconduct crap crap crap crap crap crap crap. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:50pm
Tom Gold Clearly, the bar has been singled out because it doesn't quite fit the cliched mould of what a Victoria club should be. If any place has/had good vibes, it's Soundgarden. Most other bars in this town are a cesspool of negative energy, which is something Alan Lowe, the Victoria police, metermaids and landlords clearly thrive on. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 3:03pm
Anonymous Hear hear, too true. How often are the police down at the Boom Boom room, cuz of fights, and paramedics called in to pull out guys who have been knocked unconcious in a fight. It' s all just a load of Bullshit. Alan Lowe is a slum lord who will bend over backwards to cater any slimeball who butters his palm the right way - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 3:35pm
S.V. Wah! I was looking forward to seeing the McG's on St. Pat's Day. Good luck with your struggle Sound Garden. I dig your venue. :( - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:18pm
brand x Jesse I'm surprised no one from the venue has stepped in with anything official. My question is; should show listings be scrapped from livevic, , and other sites and publications? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:34pm
Anonymous While the people that run the bar may have their short comings business-wise, they don't derserve the comment something to the effect that, "Two hippies and a baby with a small amount of cash shouldn't even try." I think that comment was uncalled for and insensitive. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:34pm
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If in fact Soundgarden had the code violations, and was a deathtrap waiting to happen, then thank goodness it was shut down. Now if only I had the cash, I'd get all the necessary licencing and do lots of renovations to Soundgarden, but alas it's only a pipe dream. Now, if someone would do something with that abandoned building on Quadra street (ya know, the one that's been up for lease for 10+ years) that would be an awesome venue, but this requires a lot of cash, hence another pipedream. Peace... - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:40pm
Anonymous it is true though - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:41pm
Anonymous Hey SV McGs show may still be on, wait for the official word from Soundgarden before you rule it out, the whole thing may get sorted over the weekend, and remember what happened last time the paper printed a story like this, they were open for business the very same night. Now this time does sound more serious, but nothing that can' t be cleared up over a day or two. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:58pm
Anonymous From a safety standpoint, if Soundgarden stays open then they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. That building is DANGEROUS and should NOT be occupied by ANYONE. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 5:17pm
Anonymous Dangerous in an earthquake maybe. fire?? Does brick burn well?? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 5:29pm
Bong 1. I don't think john would set his very expensive system up in a situation where he could damage or lose it, he is a pro a was involved in the installation of the sound system.
2. I disagree with the comment about the lease holders responsibility , the landlord is responsible for providing a safe structure with all of the services in good working much power do you think John's system pulls..get cords or any of that bullshit laying around I worked there a lot with my band and I have also wired a few grows in my day..that place was safe..believe me I have seen "appliances" pulling so much juice that your hair stands on end when you come into the room!
This is political make no bones about it...what, it was safe when it was a sleezy dance bar? Bullshit! as I recall there were two big sound systems in the last joint that lived there.
These "hippies" are not finished yet lets see what happens..
Sticky Kola - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 5:48pm
A feind SOundgarden kicks ass.. definately the coolest club in Victoria ever.. I hope SG pulls through! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 6:01pm
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Totally agree! I really hope they get all of this sorted out. Victoria needs Soundgarden. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 6:03pm
Matt D.
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Sticky Kola... to answer your first post.... the reason the occupants of the building before didn't run into trouble with the city is probably because the building code regulations were updated in '98, still leaves 4 years before SG moved in but, it kinda explains it...

And as far as I understand it everything on the business and electric end regarding the operators were up to code... I think they're getting an inspection today to see. They had very little (budget and time wise) left to do, I believe all of it was to do with lighting. The big budget stuff is the responsibility of the owners, (such as a new panel). The people responsible for shutting SG down had nothing to do with the actual process of checking out the bar and didn't speak to Scott or Tamara before they went off doing what they did and making public statements. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:00pm
Realist SG has it all - except people with a business sense. How many ppl have been treated like they dont exist by Tamara or Scott or the others that run that place? Maybe its just me, but it seems that if they were a little more professional in the first place they wouldn't be having all these problems. I realize they dont have a lot of money to try to get this business off the ground and they're trying to do it by flaunting the rules a little bit, but if they would stop acting like gods and start doing all the things they need to do it would draw a little less attention to that fact.
If you treat people better, more people will come, that = more $. see how that works?? Good.

-end rant - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:03pm
Matt D.
apatheticjoy *at*
Messages Posted:
I think it may be just you... and some more anonymous people, many of whom don't know Tamara or Scott and/or haven't played/been in Soundgarden. I think they're grrrreeeaaaat!!! Incredibly nice, and willing to go out of their way to help. Hmmm, maybe it's just me... nah I don't think so. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:15pm
SweetGrass Dear Realist. If you want a professional experience join wallstreet. As far as personalities running a place think back to Studio 54 days. Attitude makes a bar unique. However having said that my experience playing at ,and partying with S.G has always been outstanding! Perhaps people need to just give them a break and don't expect a red carpet! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:22pm
D.B. Maybe if they said, "Hello," or "Thanks," I'd have a better opinion of them. Oh well. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:29pm
Anonymous People aren't always as personable as you'd expect them to be. just because they're somewhat "successful" doesn't mean that they're less shy or awkward than anyone else. we put high expectations on those who actually make things happen.
And I think most animousity about bookers stems from people's envy that they're doing something others are into. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:41pm
McGillicuddys OK, the st Paddy's Day show is going ahead, but with a venue change. We will be playing with the Town Pants (from the beer commercial) at the Upstairs Lounge (Harpo's in bastion square for all you old farts) on Monday March 17th for the St Paddy's day gig. All the contests are on and all the prizes are up for grabs. This is still gonna be the same party you expect but just moved to a new venue so we hope to see you there. Cheers,
Mike - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:32am
manga sucks, anime sucks ! Those responses that tamara gave to the T.C sound like her same old responses, because she cant take responsibilty for any of her actions. Face it Tamara you wont ever be able to cut it in this town, or any town. Hey everyone remember bandfest? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:09am
Anonymous o.k...refresh us all about bandfest - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:46am
Jason Perrin
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I can�t believe you people. Soundgarden is easily one of the best rooms in Victoria. You just lost it due to bureaucratical bullshit. Tamara and Scott are great people and they work hard to help out local bands. If you got treated like shit when you played there it�s probably because your band is a waste of peoples time and money. You little pricks need to understand that a bar is a business. Bar's that do live music take a big risk because they count on allot of different bands that nobody has ever heard of to bring in people that are willing to pay to see them and those people have to drink to make the bar money. Otherwise there would be no live rooms only DJ's and Top 40 cover bands. If your bands dont make a bar money you should count yourself luck to play there ever again. So here is a hint to you spoilt brats that bitch and complain about concert promoters and other bands.

1) Take some fucking lessons cause you suck.
2) Don�t let your band step out of the garage until your so tight you can all play your set with your eyes closed and not fuck up.
3) Scrap all the songs you now have, because they�re horrible. Write something with hooks and melody so people can actually enjoy it.
4) Stop bitching about other bands because you�re just jealous that they are better than you are.
5) Stop bitching about promoters because it is very difficult to make any money doing it. Don�t believe me TRY IT.
6) Stop playing every weekend in the same town. The only people that are willing to pay to see you play are your friends and family and they don�t want to waste their money on a regular basis to listen to your horrible music.
7) You know who you are, nobody else does and chances are nobody ever will. So don�t walk into a club like you own the place and bark orders at promoters or the staff. Remember they can kick you out and cut you off.

And most importantly

8) If you have an opinion about something educate yourself about the topic before you open your mouth or type it in on your keyboard, otherwise your opinion does not matter and nobody wants to hear your incessant banter.

So folks get a life and grow up.

I manage bands and promote concerts and have been doing so for a very long time, so I do know a thing or two. If you disagree with anything I say feel free to email me and set me straight. If you want to be a child and email me some stupid comment, don�t bother cause I don�t want to hear it. I hate to see good people like Scott and Tamara have to deal with stupid things that are said about them by stupid people. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 7:23am
Anonymous "I manage bands and promote concerts and have been doing so for a very long time, so I do know a thing or two. If you disagree with anything I say feel free to email me and set me straight. If you want to be a child and email me some stupid comment, don�t bother cause I don�t want to hear it. I hate to see good people like Scott and Tamara have to deal with stupid things that are said about them by stupid people."

Ooohhhh look at me I'm a promoter. I'm an entreprenuer... I know so much more about business and life and want to tell everyone that their opinions are wrong.... If it wasn't for promoters the live music scene would fall off the earth.... Look at me! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:22am
Anonymous who the hell is Jason Perin?never heard of you. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:41am
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1. I've never heard of you - if you're such a big time promoter you can't be particularly successful.
2. Things are screwing up for Soundgarden because they didn't follow municipal rules that are in place to protect club goers. It's too bad if it's the landlord's fault (as opposed to the operators). But hey, that's life int he big leagues.

3. One thing promoters and club managers should realize is that without live music THERE WOULD BE NO LIVE MUSIC CLUBS. And any club owner who treats a band badly because they think the band is no good is an asshole, plain and simple.

4. You sort of sound like an asshole yourself. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:01am
Anonymous You're both fucked in your attitudes. confrontational bs won't get anyone anywhere. the real successes are PEOPLE who learn to work together because there wouldn't be one without the other (and without the bar!).
D'uh!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:09am
ANIME AND MANGA SUCK we have lots of succesful bars in town, like lucky, thurday's and steamers who promote live music. The thing with soundgarden is that they expected that people would all just float over to there bar because they have a big system. Well let me give you some advice, Putting out some money and promoting your Bar(please dont get that confused with band promtion) would have helped in your first month. They needed to create a Vibe that soundgarden was the place to be, which they didnt. All they did was tell the bands that they hired how much of a shitty draw they had. Also The room sucked then and it still kinda sucks now. Also what makes them think they are above the law that they should be able to get away without having a buiseness licence ! Also I bet lucky bar and steamers were also checked, and you know what they probably didnt have any big problems, and dont say the city is turning an eye to those bars. I know for a fact that lucky bar was shut down for one week due to over capacity, not for renovations. But see a succesfull bar can handle that type pf thing,and not blame everyone else. ALSO JASON PERIN RUNS 13FLAMES PRODUCTIONS, HE IS SUCH AN EXPERIENCED PROMOTER THAT HE DOESNT EVEN NEED A PHONE, JUST A PAGER, NOT EVEN A HOME OR CELL(READ DOESNT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO LEAVE A DEPOSIT AT TELUS) WHAT AN IDIOT - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:40am
Anonymous Jason Perrin tried to promote bands here while he worked at AXIS and then he moved to Vancouver where he tries to get shows for bands like Gorilla Monsoon. Everyone should shut up though, none of this banter will help at all..... - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:50am
jay brown
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I am, or rather was( whatever) the bartender at s.g. and I'l tell you something. I've worked in a lot of bars, and s.g. is more up to code than almost any of them. Fuck, I've worked in bars in this city where the staff wouldnt even touch the glass ware they all drank out of bottles or plastic cups. This all has nothing to do with the bar, it's Alan Lowe trying to look like he gives a shit about something thats all over the front pages of the papers. Thank you very much Great White. So he picks on the new kids on the block, because they havent been here long enough to have any friends in the police department or city hall yet. The building isn't a death trap, if it was then everyone living in the condominiums upstairs would be out of there. I really dont understand you people sometimes. Two people come along and try to make a place where the bands can play, and people can go to watch them, and you rip them apart for it. Oh my goodness someone doesnt like the draft beer!!! Fucking idiot, dont buy the cheap draft then fuckhead. Oh Scott or Tamara didn't trip over themselves to roll out the red carpet for you!!! Fuck off, get a life. Do you expect everyone in the world to be tripping over themselves to get your autograph every time you walk into a room? Oh they didn't pay my band a million dollars... well your four friends that were sitting there watching you didnt even cover the cost of opening the front doors. Does anyone ever notice that the bands that played there that actually did a good job, and filled the room, never have any complaints and all really like the bar. As for the personal slags on Tamara, hey she's a rad lady, and I'd smack you right in the mouth for that kind of shit. Hopefully the bar will be up and running again in about a week. Lucky you guys, I'd hate for you to have to find someone new to be dicks to. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:58am
mer thanks jay for you input--i don't have to say as much as you, but fuck man this is a load of crap
alan lowe needs to think more before he opens his mouth
that's all i have to say - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:15pm
Anonymous "Oh my goodness someone doesnt like the draft beer!!! Fucking idiot, dont buy the cheap draft then fuckhead. Oh Scott or Tamara didn't trip over themselves to roll out the red carpet for you!!! Fuck off, get a life. Do you expect everyone in the world to be tripping over themselves to get your autograph every time you walk into a room? Oh they didn't pay my band a million dollars..."

Wow I find myself liking this bar more and more, as i read the posts of the people who work there. That's what I like to call promotion.

So what some people don't like your bar... boo hooo to you too. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:15pm
TG Sounds like some of these people are upset because nobody came to their shows. And they didn't make a dime. Next time, at least invite your friends to your show (if you have any). - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:41pm
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Jay Brown - Try to think about this logically. The people that run Soundgarden may be nice people. But their not following municipal bylaws. Plain and simple. Alan Lowe didn't concoct these bylaws. These bylaws are in place to protect the patrons of the bar.

Crying the blues over this is like getting pissed off because your car gets pulled over, then you lose you license because there's no seatbelt or the bumpers are falling off. No sense in blaming the cops.

And don't make it sound like the Soundgarden folk are running a benevolent charity for musicians. It's business, man. Other clubs in the city aren't getting hassled. That's because THEY HAVE THEIR ACT TOGETHER.

So don't be such a fucking whiner and patronizing know it all. These musicians on this site have as much right (in my view, more) to say what they think as you do. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:43pm
Stone nobo, not only do you have one of the dumbest names I have seen on your here, you are about the closest thing to a living and breathing Victoria policeman. This isn't about regulations, it's about you ducking responsibility for a long string of failures in your life. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:49pm
Anonymous OK I stopped by Soundgarden to see what was happening yesterday if any shows were still on and whatnot. The inspector was there, and said Soundgarden was up to code, and they' d done an excellent job with the bar, it's the rest of the building, not the bar, that is not up to code. So it had nothing to do with Scott and Tamara, it is an issue between the landlord (owner of the building) and the city. There is nothing else Scott and Tamara could do, unless they took it upon themselves to fix up the rest of the building, which has nothing to do with the bar. End of story. Hopefully we' ll see Soundgarden up and running again in the future. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:02pm
Holmes Did the inspector tell you that?

Or the obviously reliable and honest owners? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:26pm
Anonymous The inspector did - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:31pm
Anonymous Sorry let me clarify, when I stopped in the inspector was still there, having just finished the inspection, and yes he said the bar itself was up to code, the rest of the building was not. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:32pm
Mr. Hell
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Jay Perrin is not affiliated with 13Flames Productions. That would be Darren Kitson. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:42pm
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Stone - Like, your name is cool or something?

What long list of failures are you talking about? Do know this guy? What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you play in a band? Play an instrument? No. Thought not. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:50pm
Stone He knows what I'm talking about, even though you don't. And yes to the latter. Your chin will make a fine crash cymbal. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 5:03pm
jay brown How am I being a whiner? I think the only thing that I said was that they are nice people and that I dont thik it's right when people make this shit personal. If you had read any of my previous posts, dating back almost a month on here about this subject you all would of read that I said exactly what the inspector said, weeks ago. But of course nobody believed me because it's easier to dismiss someone, then you still have crap to bitch about.It's just another example of the sheep mentality of the general public. It's much easier to buy the shit the media feeds you than to put in the two minutes of work to find out the truth. How many times did I say that the bar wasn't the ones at fault? About a million but nobody wants to hear that. So to all of you that were going off about s.g. and Scott and Tamara, here's a HUGE!!!! fuck you........... - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 5:11pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian I think all this SoundGarden bashing is pathetic and lame. Any loss of a live music oriented venue in Victoria stinks. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 5:24pm
Anonymous All bashing is a form of weakness! Unless you have been unfairly fucked over. Kinda sad about victoria's mentallity. SG might not be the best club but they have made a huge contribution to the local scene - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 5:44pm
Brian "But of course nobody believed me because it's easier to dismiss someone, then you still have crap to bitch about.It's just another example of the sheep mentality of the general public"

I hope you don't think this message board reflects the genneral public. The fact that you let this shit get to you kind of reflects the kind of person you are... unprofessional and unintelligent... I'm going to write something rude in the bathroom about you just to see what your over reaction to it will be...
relax it's just the internet... - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 6:04pm
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Gee Jay Brown..... on one thread you're bragging about you have have anal intercourse, and on this one you're telling everyone to fuck off.

Are you one of those gay men who likes to throw a hissy fit? (Meow!)

Look, this is a free discussion forum. These guys are entitled to their points of view. If you don't like it, well... you know what to do. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 6:06pm
Matt D.
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Everybody IS entitled to their opinion.... even if it isn't based on fact but rather driven by a vendetta, whatever it may be. My problem with anon hackers is that... well... I have a feeling there isn't as much of them as they would like everyone to believe, and that they're sad, lonely individuals who feel dragging someone down will bolster their own sense of prestige.

That being said... hey Jay B, not every media outlet is spouting BS (just the major ones).... check out the Nexus release on Wednesday..... - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 6:46pm
Pasternak Whatever, we all know Jay's a bitch. Now he's just admitted it. You fucking pussy. I'm glad the bar's shut down so you're out of work, mother fucker. Going back to Hush now, little faggot? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 6:53pm
Matt D.
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Hmmmm.... point has been proven - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 6:58pm
Word To Anime Jason Perrin doesnt run 13 Flames Productions you IDIOT, Derrin Kitson does! What a no mind.. I dont even think Kitson and Perrin know eachother.. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 7:44pm
Anonymous . - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 9:19pm
jay brown
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Ya thats a good one, start going on about gay people now, thats quite possibly the coolest thing ever. I bet your one of those people that calls black people niggers too aintcha. Whats the matter with gay people anyways? You got some sort of issues with your own sexuality, or are you just that kind of cool guy? As for that unprofessional and unintelligent comment, well I'd like to think I'm above average on the intelligence levels but I of course am going to be biased there. As for the unprofessional part, you try to do your job and get ripped apart every fucking day by a bunch of faceless blowhards on this board, sooner or later it'll get to you. More often than not it's easy to just ignore but sometimes it can get under your skin. I dont see how it makes me unintelligent to get a little worked up that people I olviously know at least on a work level come on here and shoot off the way they do. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 9:56pm
The Provider
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I am not in a band and I have never met the owners of soundgarden, therefore I can not comment on the money bands get paid or the social habits of Scott and Tamara. I can comment however on the fact that Soundgarden is the best club in Victoria. Where else can you listen to good music and drink in a bar in Vic? Yeah sometimes they play a couple of good songs on monday nights at Evo's, but that is usually accompainied by more songs that suck ass then anything enjoyable. Or maybe you can go to Thursdays and listen to 80's big hair music and like one or two songs. If the soundgarden goes then so does the only bar which isn't about top 40 in the downtown core. Ok close it down, bad mouth it all you want, I'll see you down at the Boom Boom Room. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:11am
s a I think the people who are shit talking seem to have basically no reason to shit talk. Like what the fuck, seriously. Every bar has it's flaws. If you don't like it, don't fucking go to it, and/or start your own if you're that concerned about the quality of beer...the staff... whatever the fuck you're bitching about. I think it's really unfortunate that the place is shut down. I don't know much about the situation and I don't know anyone involved or anyone who works there. What I do know is that people like to bitch for the sake of bitching. These people would probably bitch if Big Bad Johns was getting shut down... they'd probably say shit like, "The place is too old anyhow.... the guy at the bar is an asshole....etc" You know what? Fuck all you all who have nothing but shit to say about people who make a tremendous effort to make a place like Soundgarden. That deserves a lot of respect. They put their asses on the financial and emotional line to start a business. I really hope this shit gets sorted out for the Soundgarden folks. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:32am
Anonymous Jay.. I believe your whining about getting slagged on this board would be the proverbial pot calling the kettle black! Jesus, have you read some of the shit you've posted ? Sad for Sound Garden but get a life! - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 3:24am
big homo pasternak must die!
or maybe he needs a good anal thrashing?
if i find out who you are youre in trouble
sleep well buddy - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 3:47am
Anonymous "More often than not it's easy to just ignore but sometimes it can get under your skin. I dont see how it makes me unintelligent to get a little worked up that people I olviously know at least on a work level come on here and shoot off the way they do"

I think you found the solution to your problem.

Moron - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 9:12am
curious how come when j brown talks about anal sex he only talks about givin and not recieving - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:30am
Anonymous Oh FUCK this topic is getting boring. people sure are concerned about jay's sex life. i don't even know the guy but i'm certainly done with the topic. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:36am
Local whore of sorts I think Soundgarden is a kickass bar.. better then anywhere else to go in town.. I might occasionaly go to BBJ's, Steamers, Thursday, Lucky or EVO, but Soundgarden is always my first choice as long as I can stand the bands that night. I dont know why people complain about SG, its alot better than many of the clubs in town, and their bouncers are acually not complete assholes, and they have a great soundguy and sound system. The hell with people who complain, they can go chill at the Boob Boom Room, or milf out at Sweetcougars instead.. stupid jocks! - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 1:00pm
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So is it safe to assume that a show that was scheduled for the Soundgarden this Thursday (March 20th) is not happening?Anyone know how to get a hold of whoever it is that could give me some info? I tried emailing the bar itself, but their inbox has reached its capacity and they couldnt receive any more emails. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 3:29pm
Anonymous Hey I heard that soundgarden is being bought out by some independant investors or something and they are going to expand on the homeless shelter... - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 5:28pm
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