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You know what sends me through the roof!?
Message Board > General Chitchat > You know what sends me through the roof!?
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when you are selling something online and some guy tells you that you should sell if for less cause he found it for $XXX "online" elsewhere.
Why waste my time? just go buy it there then and leave me alone. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 1:24am
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I'm going to go ahead and admit I do this every time I buy something locally, with reference to the applicable URL and addition of any shipping / tax / conversion charges. For example, anything off the gear buy/sell board, craigslist, or usedvictoria. I do this only to set a perspective and establish a bargaining point to reach a compromise from. I think it's fair, especially in "or best offer" deals. I also think buying locally presents additional advantages, such as seeing and testing something. If you are representing yourself as a seller, you should have the decency to present yourself as a reasonable person who is open to discussion but still firm on a price. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 7:40am
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It drives me nuts when people try to rip people off by charging more for something than it's worth. If you don't know what it's worth, then do 10 minutes of research if you don't want somebody coming and saying "I found it for the half the price here " - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:44am Edited: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:46am
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I know what you mean. I know that bargining is part of private sales but some people take it way too far.

Once I won a washer/dryer set from a grocery store draw (lucky me eh?) but I'm a renter and had no use for them so I put an ad in the paper after finding out that the set I was selling was worth over $700 before taxes. So I asked for $700. I had a few messages from it and was getting offers of $300 and shit. I was pissed that someone would even bother me with that. I ended up selling them for $600 cash to a fireman who was able to get them out of my backyard (in original boxes over and under tarps) same day.

Craiglist is handy sometimes but a JOKE others. I got pretty sick of people offering less than half of what I was selling things for. I've bought plenty of shit off it too, and I still don't think I've offered less than the posted price. I'm just picky about what I inquire about. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 2:34pm
Mr. Hell
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If you honestly didn't know said item was selling for less elsewhere, then it doesn't hurt to become aware of the price. Sure, it's nice to sell something for more than the going rate, but to become offended that people are onto the overpricing doesn't make sense to me. Why let that send you through the roof? Not everyone is a sucker I guess. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 3:41pm
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Yeah they are. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 3:53pm
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You are an idiot if you do not check out other retailers before you buy something.

I guess there isn't much use to posting about a price difference since everyone will probably check for themselves anyway. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 5:06pm
Mr. Hell
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Maybe everyone's a cocksucker, Zak...but not everyone is clueless about what things are worth.
I believe in shopping around before buying. Being offered less than you ask is a part of selling used. Someone having proof that your price is too much also comes with the territory. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 5:27pm Edited: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 5:29pm
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What blows me away is that people are online to see your ad, but are too fucking lazy to google the item for sale. I'm sick of answering dumbass questions. If you can open your browser to craigslist or usedvic, or even (shudder) Livevic, then for Christ's sakes, google the f'ing thing to see if you want it or not!

I personally never consider market value when making a purchase, rather I simply decide what I would pay for that item. If the price is right, I buy. If not, well it's a free market. Caveat emptor (buyer beware).

By the by, I have yet to sell anything here on Livevic. Either y'all are onto my price- gouging, or, more likely, you're all a bunch of broke musicians (like me).

Cheers. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 6:17pm
trevor corey
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A friend of mine owns a pawn shop. We talk about this issue.
Basically nothing pre-owned is worth anything. So you either take what you can get, or your item continues to rent space in your existence. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 6:21pm
trevor corey
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"insurance value", well that's a whole other thing. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 6:23pm
sumyungai800 *at*
(250) 415 0677
Messages Posted:

Play for love (or money).
Bass and vox for Rosco Lux among others.
House Engineer at Felicita's Pub.
One heck of a nice guy once you get to know him.

nah, it's more primal than that, it's a simple question of how the buyer/ seller feels about the item. If it's something the buyer wants, then price will be low on the list of concerns, because value is high. On the seller's part, there may be many motivations; he/she may simply not need the item anymore, they may have derived great benefit from the item and may now wish to pass it on, or they may want it gone, in which case value (and consequently price) are low. On the other hand, they may be forced into the sale, either because of financial stress (I need the money!), environment (the wife says to get it gone...), or other reasons (I lost my license, I cut my index finger off...), in which cases value is still high.

I don't think there is any sense in trying to get a seller to change their price dramatically, as the selling price is almost always based solely on personal feelings.

As a side note: I will always look for what I want used, before I go and buy new. I have more faith in something that has already had some real world experience, again it's a matter of (hopefully) knowing what your looking for.

Thus endeth Economics 101. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 6:36pm Edited: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 6:39pm
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since I got some feedback I'll give the short of what happened this time, but has happened over a dozen times through

I am selling my camera, lens, flash, 2 memory cards, yadda yadda...
I want to sell as a kit, but am willing to part with the zoom lens. it's worth 300+new (but 125 online).
buddy inquires about the lens, so i tell buddy 250 since I really dont want to split the kit.
he THEN emails me back with:
"i found it online for 125. thank you."

why ya gotta be like that?

I'm realistic about the value of my items, the devaluation of used good and the value in being able to see and test the item in person.
SO.... 300 new and 10/10 condition and one year old. 250 is what I asked and had the guy not been a dick, I would have gone for 200.

know anyone who wants a Digital SLR? - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 7:17pm Edited: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 7:20pm
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i dont see what is so offensive about his msg...i would have sent the same type of msg lol - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 7:36pm
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you said a price he didn't like, he didn't want to buy it... I don't see how he's a dick for that? - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 8:31pm
Mr. Hell
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Isn't it better to get a response letting you know the person isn't interested rather than waiting around wondering? How is "I found it for $125 online. Thank you." being a dick?
When I was trying to sell a bass a while back, people would email me about it once or twice, then never respond again without telling me they changed their mind and actually were just window shopping.
One guy actually conned me into meeting him at a coffee shop downtown and looked at the bass for 4 seconds. Then proceeded to try and make friends with me as he was new to town. I would have torn his gullet out if there were no witnesses. What a fuckface. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 9:55pm Edited: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:57pm
trevor corey
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Must have been your bubbly personality. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:04pm
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lol, I hope it didn't end at dinner and movie! Cheers, Lucius

PS: not that there is anything wrong with that! - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 9:38am
Mr. Hell
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Dinner and a movie? More like a punch and a kick. - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 3:11pm
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Here's an example that I hate and can be found regularily right here on livevic:

Let's say you want to sell a guitar for $500 OBO (you'll accept $450 or maybe $400).

Somebody emails or calls you to tell you that they have found it online in the US for $300 used so you are an idiot and should sell it them for $300.

First of all, there is the conversion from USD to CAD (which is not as bad as it used to be). However, have you ever paid with Paypal? Their exchange rates are hardly favourable to canadians even now. Or maybe a money order. Then you have a $50 USD (or more) shipping charge.

Isn't free trade great? No duty has to be paid! But don't forget the GST and PST you have to pay on the declared value (if it's insured) or whatever the customs officials DECIDE the value is if the item is not insured or under-valued. Canada post actually told me that is their policy. Are you telling me the fool at customs knows the difference between an Ibanez 3 series and an Ibanez 7 series? (about $300). They look exactly the same to the untrained eye. But I digress...

So here's your BETTER deal from the states:
Guitar- $310 CAD
Shipping- $60 CAD
GST/PST- $44.40 CAD

total- $414.40 CAD

OK, so maybe you still saved a couple of bucks but don't forget that the guy in the states forgot to tell you about the neck pocket cracks and the dings on the neck and the finish flaws because he couldn't get good pics of that stuff with his crappy cell phone camera.

As said above, at least locally you can view the item before you buy.

If you don't like the price, DON'T BUY IT. - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 3:43pm
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Oh yeah, and fuck all of you people who arrange times to come and view something I'm selling then don't show up...

I'm done ranting now. - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 3:45pm
Big bird
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My two bits: BUYER BEWARE! People have bought million dollar paintings at a garage sale for .50 cents and I have paid way too much for brand new stuff that was crap!

In regards to Mr. Hell having nutbars email him and bicker about the price.....whenever I list anything I just give my phone number and no email and ensure they cant leave a post or response . That way if their serious they have to phone me about the item.

My apostrophe will not work *ARG* - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 6:35pm
Mr. Hell
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No one ever emailed me bickering about the price of my bass.
You may have me mixed up with Matteus. - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 8:09pm
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some of you sellers are missing the point that some buyers are quoting used online prices in order to open a negotiating dialogue. I'd much rather buy from someone who says "it's cool that you found a lower price but I'm really firm in my price" than someone who says "GOD I HATE it when morons like you try this shit, I said $400 so I mean $400, fuck off." just learn to be respectful, it's salesman basic knowledge that you shouldn't belittle a customer. - Fri, 15 Feb 2008 2:43am
Big bird
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Sorry about that I meant Matteus. - Fri, 15 Feb 2008 7:33am
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...people always e-mail me bickering about the price of my sea bass. always gotta remind 'em that it's from South Georgia/Sandwich Islands fishery. holy crap I'm tired. - Fri, 15 Feb 2008 9:31am
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" just learn to be respectful, it's salesman basic knowledge that you shouldn't belittle a customer. -"
theres only so much as a "salesman" im willing to put up with; when I have bargin grinders coming into my shop I tend to cringe cuz they usually have no concept of what its like trying to run a business and sell product that has more overhead than they're pea-sized brain. That said; I know its alot different in the private sales world, but with the same respect as you think the salesperson should have; the buyer also should be respectful and not point fingers or strongly suggest that the price of "said product" is far too over-priced. I find people/buyers can be cheeky; kind of like a post on the gear buy and sell with a marshall 1/2 stack lmt'd red for 800$(that's a prime example of some fool pointing fingers and making accusations without checking the actual LIST price of the product mentioned).
And I think that's what mattues was trying to illustrate is that its annoying when people undercut you when they have no idea what YOUR initial cost is/was. So all in all; respect has to be met on both sides and not just 1. - Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:29am
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thanks JI.
that's what I was getting at. I checked the prices for that lens on line and it ranged from 150-300. knowing that, I offered 250. had the buyer emailed back saying something like: "hey, I found it online for 125. any chance you can knock a few bucks off?" I woould have been willing to go to 200 (like I said earlier)
As Evilkleg said too, there's heaps of hidden costs going on that would have had that 125 lens going up to 200. As I buy and sell used stuff all the time, I do have a sense of value and reasomability.
On that note of resonable price, I am sure that we have all seen those very humorous posts of people trying to sell their used electronics for more than what you can get it for new (because they bought it when it was new) i.e- ipod video. - Fri, 15 Feb 2008 4:37pm
Delilah Squid
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The ultimate equalizer in this situation will be if someone actually pays what you have asked for the lens in question. - Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:54am
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SQUID, you have very strong kung fu.
I checked out your site.
Very nice work you do. - Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:27pm
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