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old days?
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fudgy the whale i'd like to learn about some of the shows of days of yore.

i also want to know how HHH got so big while Pigment Vehicle and other bands were so criminally overlooked.

ok? - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 3:48pm
Anonymous Pigment vehicle have always sounded suspciously similar to NOMEANSNO, who were not overlooked. As far as Hot Hot Heat goes, I could name a dozen bands that deserve as much if not more recognition without having to fake british accents. It's strange looking back to around the early nineties to now and seeing how much has changed, It seems now that everything amounts to parallels. ska then: Pressure Cooker. ska Now: Bloodwarmers, Experimental Then Dixie's Death Pool, Experimatal Now: Frog Eyes, PC punk Then: Black Kronsadt, PC punk Now: AK47, Hip Hop than: those to MC's that used to play at Java, Hip Hop now: Stirfry or velvet. Drunk Dumb Punk Than: Dayglos, Drunk Dumb Punk now: AWT, though the bands are a lot different I notice the same sort of audiences, and vibe from each one. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 7:23pm
Anonymous well said fuckhead. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 7:38pm
crustbucket funny...when i look at your list..i prefer almost all of the first bands mentioned in your comparisons. Not to take anything away from the bands that are around now..just personal taste i guess....interesting parrallels though. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 7:44pm
Anonymous - i'd like to learn about some of the shows of days of yore.

i also want to know how HHH got so big while Pigment Vehicle and other bands were so criminally overlooked.

ok? - Sun, 9 Mar 1:48pm

HHH worked extremely hard to get where they are. Any band who is very succesful HAS to work hard. It's not just about getting signed, and your huge. There's more involved than I care to mention here, but take it from someone who's signed record deals, it's fucking WORK...end of story - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 8:09pm
Anonymous Remember Inner City Youth Works? I saw a few good all ages shows there, but the dog/hippie smell was overwhelming. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:24pm
Anonymous They needed to install a sheep dip at the entrance. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:31am
littlejon i was really underage but remember liking M Blanket, Pressure Cooker,most all shows and bands at the deathpit and the hellhole, that wierd all ages space on Store(?),9th Hour, i think people hated hump and bands like that but they always made me laugh, Fracas were great. there are many mnay more. but i need some time to recall. anyone else? - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:32am
Anonymous please tell me someone other than me remembers "Slippin' Lizard". i'll never forget those skin tight red pleather pants. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:39am
old like you "Slippin' Lizard" from golden bc - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:42am
beandead I don't remember Slippin Lizard - what year were they? were they anything like the Splatterboys. I have an old Splatterboys tape, OTTG tape, Cow with a Blade, Lummox, Section 46, pressure cooker and hump single, Hoofrarump demo, Pigment's Hockey Night in Saskatoon demo,Distorted Influence demo, Seed demo, Gus 7",Fracas tape,Exploding Nimoy, and a bunch of others,and lots of metal demos too. I forgotted that i collected them all like action figures. oh, i'm looking at the Shutdown 7 inch too, and that Meatlocker sampler with Color out of Space.
wierd. there's more in here. I'll dig it all up.

Chaos Comix ruled. I'm wearing an old tee as i type.

Didn't Dixie's Death Pool play with Jad Fair so long ago? - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:28pm
wait, you misunderstood "HHH worked extremely hard to get where they are. Any band who is very succesful HAS to work hard. It's not just about getting signed, and your huge. There's more involved than I care to mention here, but take it from someone who's signed record deals, it's fucking WORK...end of story"

oh no, I wasn't disputing that HHH worked hard!. I know everyone always slags hometown successes. I am glad to see them get props more than garbage like Nelly Retardo.
There's no question that HHH worked very very hard.
It's just that when you look at the the time-relation, despite PV being similar to NMN, they still were a unique and phenomenol band...someone said to me that HHH were closer to PV with keyboards than anything. closer to PV than Radio Berlin or Faint or Vue or bands like that though too. a similar example is I would like to see Jerk With A Bomb get some due recognition across the nation. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:46pm
Troutbreath Anybody out there remember a band called "The Salty Seamen" or is that a little too old time for you? - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 2:06pm
Anonymous maybe someone can help me out. Like 6 years ago at Pandora the Buckshot allStars and AK47 played with this band and thier lead singer (a guy) had a bra on. Anyone have any idea what band that was? (yeah I know there was probably a million shows at pandora with similar bills) - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 2:35pm
Luke Puke I found a poster for that show.....Ak-47,Buckshot All-stars,Free Toy Inside and Flickerpin.
I was a Gin drinker back then so I have no idea who wore the bra but I'd bet it wasent Tony G. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 5:10pm
Anonymous > - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 6:12pm
brad Hey Beandead...i'll give you a case of your favorite beer for the Shutdown 7" ..! - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 8:58pm
Anonymous Loot bag! - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 9:10pm
Anonymous Nope someone else told me it was "last resort" or thats what the poster said. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:31pm
brad One of my favorite shows of years past was (lets see if i can remember the lineup)

color out of space

ok someone help me on this ...who else played that show ..out at sancha hall, don't remember the year. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:07am
brad oh ya..anyone remember "Island Call" up in amazing number of thinking '93? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:11am
Criss Crass
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What about "The Resistance"? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:44am
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My first band Last Resort played with AK-47 and Buckshot Allstars at Pandora way back. There was one other band too. Don't ever set the drums up ont the stage there. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 4:55am
Anonymous Found a poster and it was indeed Last Resort - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 8:50am
beandead hey Brad. very sorry but that Chikara Rec's Shutdown 7" ain't goin' nowhere.
a very great little punk rock single from the bands penultimate moment.

I do have 2 copies of 'In There' though.

as for that Sancha Hall show, I remember that. I think there was another band on the bill (I have a big big collection of Vic gig posters, so i'll maybe get off my ass and go look), but Color Out Of Space stole the show. Jason with the cigarette constantly lit, standing completely still...singing "C r e a t i o n...". That was one of the best sets I remember seeing them play.
I can see the poster in my mind's eye - it was purplish on 11X17 paper.I

As for the show in Duncan...wasn't that the crazee one on Hallowe'en in the woods in the abandoned mine shaft? or wait, that was Courtney. sheesh.Victoria was an incomparable place for shows up to 1996, wasn't it.

On another note - I still play the C.O.O.S. Meatlocker Sessions sampler tracks on the occasional radio show. Why did Jason stop singing for that band?

I just found a poster from the DOA,NoMeansNo, Mission Of Christ show @ the Fernwood Community Center. whoa. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:10am
Anonymous I have shutdow and clusterfux on tape. Aren't I spiffy? I dunno if tape is cool or not though. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:56am
joe schmoe yes u are spiffy. will you marry me? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:18am
Anonymous I'll always have a special place in my heart for the 'ol Wasteland's Battle of the Bands summer of '96(?). Aaahhh, the summer when everyone including me was on welfare. Remember how many welfare wednesday Dayglos shows there were back then? $1 glass of REEALLY shitty beer anyone? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:22am
Anonymous DDT at the Limit. Can't remember who they played with. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:27am
Anonymous 1996 is the "old days"? How old are you people, 15? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:28am
Anonymous well, that WAS only 7 years ago.....when i was 24. how old are you? 50? - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:32am
S.V. Wow you kids must be young uns....One of my favorite gig posters in my collection is Dead Kennedys/DOA at the OAP for "Free the Five"...circa '82? I'm feeling a little ancient right now :) - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 2:17pm
S.V. Hmmm thinking about the "good ole days" me that would be hanging at the FOE, The Beaver, OAP & Piss Alley. Anyone remember Deja Voo Doo at the FOE? Cheese & crackers anyone? Ah the ramblings of the old & senile ;) Time to get back to work I guess :) - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 2:28pm
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Island Call in Duncan!? That shit was rad. Good times were had by all.... even me, although I was on enough acid to kill an elephant. Ahhh.... Shred Fest! Good fukkin days. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 2:58pm
Anonymous FORCED ENTRY ARMORES - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 3:39pm
Anonymous wtf? since when is 31 considered a young person?? i guess there are a lot of older fucks on here than i thought. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 3:42pm
S.V. Actually I was more referring to some of the other posts. I'm only 34 (going on 29 ;)...but I guess I started going to shows at an early age. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 3:57pm
Anonymous Let's all hoist a jar in memory of the Beaver. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 4:10pm
beandead brad, the listing on the Sanscha Hall poster also includes Pigment Vehicle. also sez it was simul-cast by CFUV...which I think apprised of an SM57 Mike located at the back of the Hall, manned by some fellow trying to adjust the low levels coming in from an echoe-y room.

as usual, one buck off with a can of food.

Here's a good poster:

Soul Charge
Onion House
Green Day

@ a show on Garth&Homer

sheeesh. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 5:43pm
brad ahh...thanks for setting me straight on the sancha gig...i kinda thought it was pigment vehicle...but it didn't sound quite right....that show at Drac's castle in courtney fuckin ruled...i played at that show.. they set up a stage and cleared away some of the broken bottles...fired up the generator's and shezam!! instant gig in the middle of nowhere...can't even remember how many bands ...shoulda kept a scrap book....hey id love to get a better recording of that shutdown 7", my tape is really worn down.. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:03pm
beandead Brad...can only remember Banana Royal covered in blood at the Drac's Castle show. They brought all that acid with them and everyone was on it.
that was the fucking craziest show ever, people crawling thru the tunnels in the floor, the guy jumping off the minivan onto the top of the VW Bug and going thru the roof. crazy all round night.
a show in the woods on Hallowe'en? freaky man. didn't Martensville also play that show?
what band were you in?
anyway, too bad no one filmed that show.
that was one for the record books. - Wed, 12 Mar 2003 7:33am
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What about Black Flag at the OAP in about '82. Or Husker Du. Or Really Red. Or the Meat Puppets backing up BF in '82/3. Or later Omoide Hatoba at the Side Door (now Sugar) in the early '90's. Victim's Family at the Death Pit. Or Don Caballero at the same place. Lots of great ones I can remember. Hell, XTC with the Young Canadians at UVIC's auditorium. And of course, the Neos at Steve Bailey's place with all the heaters turned on the stage. Insanity! - Wed, 12 Mar 2003 1:15pm
beandead hollee fuck those are some good ones. Ed Hall, Don Caballero, Omoide Hatoba, Engine Kid, and on and on. I kind of knew the guy who brought those bands here but dont know where he is now. Is he still in BC?

BUt seeing XTC @ the UVic Aud. - whoa. that would have been incredible. did you see it? or the! I have the BYO tape around that has Red Tide, the Neos, Dayglos and stuff on it. Old old tape.

what about Gwar with Coffin Break at the 94th Street Music Hall? That was a funny one. or Breach, King Salmon, and SNFU @ Harpo's. that was funny too. King salmon was sloppy but hilarious. Breach were just damn fucking terrible.
I have a gig poster of: Pigment, INRI, MPA, Black Kronstadt, Giblet, and Ar you there God, it's me Margaret (who was that band?),at Club A Go Go.

I like hearing about everyones favorite shows from the better days here though.

DRI at the Roxy! vrooooom vroooom!

hump, Grump, and Hoofrarump.Hellhouse. show names that rhyme. - Wed, 12 Mar 2003 2:35pm
thee smith Hye people. I just discovered pictures of the Ed Hall, Don Cab, and Omoide Hatoba shows, including a bunch I took from the Store St space(Clusterfux,Giblet,Goat Boy and more). Anyone have any webspace to host them on? - Wed, 12 Mar 2003 3:36pm
brad I seem to recall someone saying not too long ago that the Drac's castle show had been taped, and someone knew who to get it from. hmm I'll have to look into that.....and shit Henderson was around for all the good ones eh? what I would give to see the Young Canadians play back then....or any of the others listed for that matter. - Wed, 12 Mar 2003 11:16pm
Anonymous old fogies.. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:32pm
Anonymous The Accused and Forced Entry, Sancha Hall

DRI , The Roxy

Sacred Reich, The Roxy

Alice Cooper, The Memorial Arena - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:17pm
sweet thing Over 25? Over the hill! - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:19pm
Anonymous motorhead and ozzy at the memorial(with randy rhodes) - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:28pm
Anonymous ted nugent,pat travers and the scorpions @ memorial - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:30pm
Anonymous Yousou N'Dour at Harpo's. Bark Naked Ladies at Harpo's Green Day at Harpo's Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown at Harpo's I'll stop now but I could go on. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:13am
Anonymous shutdown with bad religion.
pressure cooker with the bosstones. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:14am
Snark Yes I DO remember the DEJA VOO DO show - christ time flies ;-( - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:47am
Anonymous i saw nirvana at legends when it was still the forge
i remember tapping cobain on the shoulder and telling him they should book an all ager and i could help set that up!
hah.....he told me to talk to thier manager(a fat guy from sub pop selling lighters out of a plastic bag with nirvana stickers on em!) i gave him my number and he said "these boys have got big plans" and then six months later BOOM!....nevermind came can still see plaster damage from where cobain was smashing the headstock of his fender into the ceiling while crowd surfing....crazy - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:04am
Anonymous also i remember Entobed playing the forge and my band at the time nearly got the opening slot but our drummer was recovering from a car accident and shutdown opened instead
was damn cool but i seem to remember the sound being pretty fudgy for entombed - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:11am
Anonymous oh shit!....
almost forgot napalm death at harpos!
ahhh yes!...the good ol days - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 2:13am
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Sacrifice at the half pipe in Nanaimo with Death Sentence and the Dayglows. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 3:57am
Anonymous heh yeah!
i forgot about that one kirk
sacrifice was cool
i dont think they were crazy about the place though
CC - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:09am
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SNFU at the army navy hall on view st - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:21am
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conviction And purge at the rail lol
I think that old shit now. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:26am
Randy Long from beyond fuckin Jerkward, motherfuckers... - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:05am
Salty Seamen I remember the Salty Seamen doing a song called Hemmoroids - funny stuff. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:14am
Troutbreath Wow, I didn't think that any one out there could remember that far back. I have a copy of their LP featuring Swami Ugaga. Perhaps I could burn you a CD? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:18am
beandead ahh yes Nirvana @ the Forge w/ the AC/DC cover band opening up.

That was actually a really good show. Who'd have known?

how about the Accused w/ distorted influence @ the UVic Commons? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:38am
T Racy Interestingly enough, or not, if you go to the Cherry Bank pretty much any given day of the week, you will still see the entire, original entourage from the Beaver. I just find that fascinating . . and they look the same too. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:49am
Anonymous as in andy beaveridge? space and andy? i have an old drawing Dustin did of Andy fellating Blaine. I don't know if it's drawn from memory or fantasy. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:05pm
Dave Hey, troutbreath you must be almost as old as me to remember the Salty Seamen. I wonder if my bro still has the album. I think she made him throw it out...what was the name of the other duo that did those rude/crude songs "I've seen Pubic Hair..? - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:52pm
Anonymous other duos writing sick songs:

1.Wanting To Work With Clay (I have a tape somewhere)
2.that tape that Scott and Murray did together (what's the name of it again? I have the tape somewheres of that too)
3.Crust (the Victoria Crust, not the Texas Crust)

does anyone remember Crepidus or Debt of Nature? (i personally think these 2 bands were the peak of not just Vic grind...but that year grind peaked in general) - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 3:49pm
S.V. Missing Red Tide...RIP Ken :( What about Bad Brains at Harpos that was a kick ass show! I was at Nirvana too. Too funny how they had the spandex clad Hells Bells (AD/DC coverband) open. Hhahahaha. That was a great show because so few people were there. The only time I've ever been in The Forge actually. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:08pm
Appleseed Hey did that band Banana Royal ever release anything? I have a recording one of the members gave me and it's really great. I never saw them if they came and played Vancouver. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 4:08pm
Christopher Elliot "Dave - Hey, troutbreath you must be almost as old as me to remember the Salty Seamen. I wonder if my bro still has the album. I think she made him throw it out...what was the name of the other duo that did those rude/crude songs "I've seen Pubic Hair..? - Fri, 14 Mar 10:52am"

was Bitch Hunt a duo? i seen em when i was real drunk with my preppy princess & i cant remember if they was a duo. alli remember is her sayin how crude they was. that's all i can remember. "crude". i think i saw that singer in another band in a Nanaimo punk show stickin things in his peepee, and shaved his pubic hair ondstage also once. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:51pm
jay brown
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Ya the singer was Zack, he was a great guy. He passed away last year. r.i.p. Zack. Rob from the Pricks played with him in that band and if you look up the pricks stuff on rob put the bitchhunt stuff up there as well. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 8:33pm
Christopher Elliot Hey there thanks for the information.
I will go and check out the mp3's. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:34pm
Anonymous I think the first local punkrock show I ever went to I was 12, at the Cobble Hill was Sick Sense and Micky Christ or somethin...hey, I'm working on this new Rickard's 'Sampler Pack''s pretty good - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:10pm
lily_liquor Ack! Thought i was signed in...I'm retaahded - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:12pm
Anonymous Q:what was the name of the other duo that did those rude/crude songs "I've seen Pubic Hair..?

A: Maclean and Maclean - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:44pm
Anonymous caustic thought,sabre,severance and conviction (thier first gig)at the white eagle hall....1990 i think
big crowd
big loud! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:45pm
Anonymous how about onion house, severence etc scaring the little children on first night at the oap hall, i've never seen so many terrified new parents.. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 12:09am
brad fuck ya...i put on that show in Lantzville...hmm it was contempt, ninth hour, lost cause, grave mistake, now was it bounty or bananna royal? shit i can't remember ...i know ninth hour sold 30 t shirts before the opening band played, and the dude sticking needles in his prick was intense to say the least..i got dragged into the cop shop in nomindo twice cause of that shit...and i just kept telling the pigs that it was some dude from vancouver that wasn't in one of the bands.....oh ya...i never did get my damage deposit back...but what a killer show...i had alot of people from victoria saying that it was the best all ager they'd ever been to....the stage was perfect for diving .. ..we hauled in a big chunk of carped to put in front of the turned out that it chewed the shit outta the hardwood ....oh well was $300 well spent!! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 12:57am
Anonymous the Lantzville show-the other band, it, it ,it,

It was Bounty;the High Taste Of Adventure.

That certainly was one helluva show. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 1:45am
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hey this guy graham who i work with has tones of sweet stories from the scene, like touring with the daygloes, and interviewing Pearl Jam.If you ever see him down at LM you should ask him about them - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:42am
brad bounty...ah yes....did mr. steve "weed" donberg (sp?) play in both those bands? I think thats where my mind is. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:48am
cruiser Yeah, that was Bounty in Lantzville.. with Zak (of Bitchunt etc. fame mentioned above.. RIP) repeatedly piercing his dick. That was the second show we ever played, and it was in front of 300 kids or something, pretty nuts (after our first show in the Deth Pit). Indeed it featured Steve Dohnberg on bass (a bass formerly used by Honeymoon Suite) and me singing.. I guess Jay Flower and Peruke Paul on guitars and Junior on drums. Grave Mistake and Ninth Hour stole the show though. Other memorable gigs I remember:

Debt Of Nature, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death at Harpo's

Sacrifice at Vic High (I showed up and found out it was cancelled, late '91 sometime)

WTWWC and Banana Royale at Zanzibar (if anyone has a copy of the video tape made of this show, I'd kill to borrow it)

Drone, Hillside Hell House

Santa at the Hump House

MPA, Insult To Injury and Black Kronstadt at some concrete warehouse on Discovery St.

OTTG and Pigment Vehicle at the Upper SUB at UVic

Qaid'i'azam, Upper SUB

Zarathustra at the Hump House (smoke machine gone wild)

Forced Entry & The Accused of course

Anyone remember this band Antibody or Antimatter or something, played with MPA at a house on Caledonia which I think was occupied by Jesus Bonehead? They rocked.

Anyway enough ancient history BS.. Repulverizer gig coming soon! I hope! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:42am
Anonymous didn't Retard play the Zanzibar show too? I seem to recall some little kids there crying because of the puppets bleeding and spraying blood. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 12:39pm
Anonymous Any Northern Junk fans from the 'old days'? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:31pm
stank ass Wasn't that place on Discovery Street called Club A Go-Go, owned by Shaye Coulsin's (RIP) dad?

Anyone go to the Food Not Bombs show with Propaghandi, Black Kronstad, and a fuck load of other bands in 1994? That was a fun show, too. I feel old. I don't want to age anymore. It SUCKS. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:34pm
Anonymous scurvy and sick sense at zanzibar - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:53pm
beandead oh hey ya that was the place!
we were just talking about it last night that Steve Weedberg dude did the bookings there (?) and the Kaktus and some at the Dethpit I think the all the ones like Don Cab et cetera - some catch-up reminising from last night from a bro who saw him play in Halifax a coupla weeks ago. Someone said he did something with that Nirvana show too. I asked if he's still in BC and someone mentioned he has another band (the one they saw in Halifax), and they are gonna be here on tour sometime. apparently they were hosting going caostal or something like that for muchmusic. So he lives in Nova Scotia now?

the one show I remember at that place was the Pressure Cooker show where all the little Vietnemese gang kids showed up and did random swarmings. That was a rad show unbtil all that sick shit happned. I remember the cops busting all the kids that weren't guilty and bloodied but unbowed and let all the hooligan dudes go away no problems.

hey Randy Chaos, wahtever became of Goon Squad? there was that fun show at Gabes place with OTTG.

we should have a Where are they Now? section!. I wish i could still go to as many shows but all the stupid work responsibilities. Now a Suit and Tie guy. for example whatever became of Pressure Cooker too? I'm sure there are others. Who keeps this information. Or does anyone care. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:54pm
stank ass That was Scurvy's first show. Did they play any others? Whatever happened to Steve Lumpin and Megan? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 2:57pm
Anonymous "That was Scurvy's first show. Did they play any others? Whatever happened to Steve Lumpin and Megan? - Sat, 15 Mar 12:57pm"

Lumpin Proletariat. Geez-o-rama, what became of thems? I agree. I think a "Where are They Now? " thread is definitely in order. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:40pm
Anonymous "Anyone remember this band Antibody or Antimatter or something, played with MPA at a house on Caledonia which I think was occupied by Jesus Bonehead? They rocked."

I saw Antibody with Weld, and Vicious Fish @ Kaktus Club. BUt I can't really remember what they were like. Damn. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:52pm
Anonymous ok, so where are they now?:

Steve Lumpin
Megan Lumpin
Lumpin P in general
Steve Weed
Black Kronstadt
Pressure Cooker members
who else gets added to this list? i'm sure there are others absent. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 3:57pm
Anonymous curbside..... whatever happened to curbside? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:16pm
brad hey is dan wear back in victoria? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:41pm
mark morr
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2 WORDS: NINTH FUCKIN HOUR - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:43pm
mark morr
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SPeakin of Island Call, does anyone remember the night up there when Kenny Chow flipped out and was in someones Ford Econoline VAn, revving the shit out of it at about 4 in the morning and almost ran over a tent full of people and Murray ran up, opened the door and yanked him out and proceeded to give him shots to the head for almost killing people vehicular homicide style??? Kenny soon went away to a "happy place" after that and never returned. Yet another Jak who disappeared into thin fucking air. Honorable mention: Kenny did the best frontside smith grinds i think i have ever seen and he always let us bust out on his 1/2 pipe in the back of Chow's grocery Pop Shoppe.
mark mor - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:45pm
Anonymous um...thats three words..! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:46pm
Anonymous Hey Brad. you were in 9th Hour - right? - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 4:50pm
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at the fernwood community center i saw snakefinger with nomeansno that was a good show.deja voodoo was always playing somwhere...FOE or white eagle hall...i think there were some gigs at the old passmore building before it was demo'd. the ratsnest does have quite a history of bands.
anyone remember that band that marcus was in
the electric bananas? i saw them at lunch at oakbay hi school in 85 - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 8:05pm
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oh wait i almost forgot about monkey juice... - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 8:14pm
S.V. Yeah Snakefinger! That was a great show! Monkey Juice...where are they now? ;) - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 8:16pm
Anonymous hey what about bum? ok not quite punk enough for ya eh? one of the better bands to come outta this town! - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:32pm
beandead no way man! bum were great, no question. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:08am
brad Ya i've got all the bum singles...what a great band. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:18am
Wreaker of Havoc
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How about ATROSITY (Schwam, Mark Mor). KARRION, WITCHES HAMMER, ARMOURUS (jed, mike sudar Sonic Doom), TANTRUM (shawn ross, tolen mcniel) at OAP. GREEN DAY and DRONE (jay brown)at the Hellhouse. Shit NOFX and LAGWAGON at the Hellhouse. SEVERENCE (p locker ERD, K Kynaston Sonic Doom, AC Gallows End) , DREAD NAUGHT, STONEFACE, MALEVOLENCE (pete from ERD), FATHER MOTHER (Tom from Zappenin) at the Hellhouse. GREEN DAY, BRENTS TV, ONION HOUSE (mcbean Jerk With a Bomb, london Pigment Vehicle, tolen, ross, knight Ingrates) at the White Eagle. CAUSTIC THOUGHT, SABRE (mortuary), SEVERENCE, CONVICTION (Donny Black) biggest fuckin show at the white eagle hall. BAD RELIGION and ?? wasnt it SOUL CHARGE (Goluza AK47, Monk JAK Uzi, Synnuck)? SNFU, SPIKEY NORMAN(Brainless on drums and vocals) at the Army Navy hall. BOOZEHOUNDS (Blind marc, Harley), Left of Center (AC Gallows, Knuckles AWT, KK Sonic Doom, Igor) NINTH HOUR (Whats your new band dude), CURBSIDE at AGOGO (Evolution). GWAR, COFFIN BREAK at 94th st (Sugar). SACRED RIECH at the Roxy (ATROPHY didnt play and the place got trashed!) Shit I could go on and on. How bout my first show ever. EVISCERATION (AC GALLOWS, P Locker ERD, Kelly Nordstrom, Mike McCaffery), MORAL DECAY, CLUSTERFUX, CRISIS. I also remember a battle of the bands where the winner got to play at the jc fair. ARMORUS, VIPRUS, TANTRUM at the Fernwood. Viprus won. heheh. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 3:26am
beandead Gadget/Ninth Hour/Banana Royal/Vinaigrettes-Sub Upper
Lung/Shutdown/Left Of Center - A Go Go
Pressure Cooker/Gadget/Malevolence/DIrtnap - Oak Bay RC
Dayglos/Seed/Hump/Scrub - Buckleys on Broad
Shutdown/Drone/Stickfarm/D.I./ - Sub Upper (drone set the stage on fire...literally)
All - Roxy Theatre (who opened?)
Dayglos/Giblet/Goatboy - Club California
Monsula/Shutdown/Shiner - Harpos
Lethal Gospel/Fracas/Contempt - Bonehead's
Dayglos/Tankhog - Harpos
Bum/The Vinaigrettes/NothernJunk/Spiral Jelly-outside the SUB
Jad Fair/Dixie's Death Pool - Harpo's
Mummies/Phanton Surfers/Mono Men - Harpos
Pigment Vehicle - Java Coffee House
TankHog/King Salmon - Buckleys
Boozehounds/L.O.C./9th Hour/Curbside - A Go GO
M Blanket/Banana Royal/Crepidus - A Go Go
M Blanket/Funkyard/Outright Silence - A go go
Red Sugar/Goat Boy/Ass Crackwards - Kaktus
Coffin Break/Shutdown - Bonehead's
INRI - Java
Itch/Mr Wrong/Fracas - Harpos
Ed Hall/Foreskin 500/Banana Royal - Dethpit
Don Caballero/Banana Royal - Dethpit
David Cassidy - Harpo's
BoozeHounds/Banana Royal - The Rail
Jim Rose Sideshow - Harpo's
Cows/Janitor Joe/Shutdown - Harpo's
Doughboys/Bum/Onion House - White Eagle Hall
Omoide Hatoba/Banana Royal - Kaktus
Engine Kid/Banana Royal - Dethpit
Zarathruster/King Salmon/Pork Queen - hump house
hump/Banana Royal/Ottg - hump house

There are more to add. I just need to smoke some buds to remember.Feel free to fill in the blanks. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:27am
beandead Oh and Wire Bastard. Where'd they go?They wuz good.Real Good.
Didint Drone and another band play that NOFX/Lagwagon show? I think it was LOC or Severance.

I Have to say I'm enjoying this look back. I'd like to hear from the musicians who played these shows. How were they for you? - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:50am
beandead I think I have a where are they now connection:

M Blanket - move to Montreal - Daddy's Hands - then become The Frenetics. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:56am
brad Wow...i've forgotten so many shows.

M blanket were awesome ...I remember playing with them at the chows bro's half pipe in duncan...M Blanket, Ninth Hour, Flouragore, and someone else...the drummer from M blanket blew me away...i think the drummer from flouragore eventually went on to play in insult to injury (submission hold) ... - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:06pm
brad beige froth.....anyone remember them? - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:09pm
Anonymous What happened to that band Gadget? - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:25pm
Christopher Elliot I recall the name Biege Froth. Gadget bassist was the brother of Paul Spriggs from Disciples of Abelard/Shutdown/Pressure Cooker. They were pretty okay. I still have the demotape. It reminds me of Rush versus Primus somehow. I think Peter played in Prssure Cooker for a while too.
So many good good shows. Forget Seattle or Halifax. Victoria should have been crawling with A&R people.

Gadget also opened that Tankhog, King Salmon show. I remember this because the girlfriends of one of the gadget bandmembers was vomiting from the singer being naked and the bassplayer wearing a dress and panties with fudge lined in them. She actually thought it was poo-poo when the singer ate the fudge.

This is a wierd little town. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:30pm
Anonymous why doesn't paul spriggs play anymore? i mean you should have plenty of spare time- what with only 3 (or is it 4) kids?!! - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 4:19pm
beandead LOL. Hey, so he's a procreatin' machine! Means more work for his woman - shouldn't affect his ability to do the rock thing...right? I mean, if a girls busy, it's only one less bass player, or hooker on the loose.

(before people freak out, I'm kidding)

Paul's an excellent chap though. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:10pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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SEVERENCE and DRONE did play the LAG WAGON, NOFX show at the hellhouse. Its been a long time.From that show i do remember this:]
Jody to the NOFX guitarist,"hey man can you grab an end of this amp?" NOFX guitarist, "Do you know who I am?" Jody replies, "Yes. Can you grab an end of this amp?" Too good! - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:15pm
Anonymous - what about Closet Men? - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:23pm
beandead I recall that NOFX were being asses. Steve Weed just wanted to put his bass away after Drone's set (it was sweaty and hot in there), and he asked the guy to politely move and that he'd be right back out of the way. NOFX dude didn't oblige, so Weeder (probably baked) just plows into the guy spilling his drink all over himself. Jody's story is a classic too. That was a fun place to see shows, and some great ones at that. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:27pm
Anonymous re: Hey did that band Banana Royal release anything?

Yes, it was called "Kilroyal Was Here!" I have a copy. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:29pm
Anonymous Bob, Bob? Are you still out their? You were the singer for Scrape Chamber were you not? - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 6:36pm
brad all this reminiscing about the old days reminds me that I saw Jason Flower a year or so ago, and he was working on putting out a compilation from the early victoria days (like 1980-90) , i think scott henderson and randy long , and dustin schwam were giving input as well...hmm seem to recall a write up in monday mag about it... I know J's back in town for a bit....wonder how the project is coming. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 7:29pm
S.V. Randy Long? From beyond the grave? That's spooky. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 8:50pm
Stan I saw Jason Flower on Speakers Corner the other week, and he was saying the compilation was only up till '84. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 9:59pm
Stan Oh yeah, what about Weedshove? And who was that freak at the Hump shows. He was performance art personified. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 10:02pm
Anonymous yeah weedshove Kinda cool. I saw them twice tape with the green and black cover?

there were a lots of good metal bands in Vic along the ones mentioned like Scrape Chamber there were a lot of shows I can't recall. anyone have any best lists or shows?
the performance freak? was either Zack (King Salmon,Bitch Hunt) or Tim (OTTG,Banana Royal,Dumpstar and others) what bands are Tim in now? i'm out of touch, but i'd love to see him play i'd Keep an eye for some shows. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 10:15pm
brad sorry. my memory just plain sucks at times...yes it was not randy long...perhaps his brother(does that make sense?) and like i said i last saw jason f over a year ago, so couldn't quite recall all the details...thanks for setting me straight! - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:11pm
cheerio pip pip Stan - I saw Jason Flower on Speakers Corner the other week, and he was saying the compilation was only up till '84. - Sun, 16 Mar 7:59pm

Hey that sounds great!! will Jason be including pictures of his 7th birthday then....fucking twerp. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:17pm
Ty Stranglehold
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It is Rick Long who is helping Jason F with that comp. - Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:37pm
Anonymous I was there the night Jason Flower got drunk for the first time. It was at the Cedar Hill Rec Centre for a Nomeansno, Victims Family show I think. He was never the same again... but that goes for all of us I reckon. I surely do reckon. Golly gee, I rightly do reckon...y'all. There is also a video of this show, but where it is I don't know. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 1:08am
Anonymous And then there was OTTG, Goatboy, and Contempt at the Sanncha Hall. Joe from Goatboy - what a voice! - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 1:15am
Anonymous Oh, and Drone at the Sub Upper Ballroom smashing a zillion television sets. I think they stopped putting on shows there for a couple of years because of that. Who elso was on that bill? Was that the one with OTTG and Show Business Giants? Or what about Nomeansno and Dayglos at the Union Hall, or whatever it was called, on Quadra. The Dayglos didn't get to go on because of some sort of break in at one of the offices in the building that night. Or what about those Rat's Nest gigs? Or some sort of house on Speed St., or at least the house was called something to do with speed, where a band from Denmark, or Amsterdam called the X played. They had a foxy female drummer, and the guitar player used an electric toothbrush on his guitar for some interesting sounds. I think Section 46 (or by then was it Lootbag?) also played that gig. They had mattresses all over the walls so people could mosh. And wasn't there a weird gig somewhere on an upper floor in a building near Bastion Square, where Jason Flower and Jeremy Turner were in the band? Turner was the mayor's son, I believe, and I don't think I've seen a more amazing drummer in my life (and that includes Jason B. from PV). Somebody else please tell me they saw Jeremy Turner drum somewhere, somehow, sometime ago.........ago..........ago...... - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 1:18am
Old Dude How far back are we going with the "old days"?
My concert list starts in the '60's in the Village in Toronto... OUCH! - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 1:24am
Anonymous re: Old Dude

Didn't the Doors play Memorial Arena in '68? I would love to hear anything at all about that. I've heard a story or two about that show. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 1:38am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
My aunt saw that show. The Doors OPENED for Vanilla Fudge...If im not mistaken didnt IRON MAIDEN play at the memorial. I know QUIET RIOT, WHITESNAKE, KICKAXE did. Ha! So did ALICE COOPER with FASTER PUSSYCAT. hahahahahahahhaa. ok i did go...... - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 9:13am
jay brown
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My favorie show ever in victoria and I've been waiting to see if anyone would remember it, but apparently not. Naked Raygun at the Union Hall.Grecko was the singer for Beige Froth he lives out in sooke now. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 9:39am
Anonymous I saw KICKAXE at the Waterfront before it was Merlin's. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:05am
Anonymous Sidney Spitt had their one and only show at that house on John St. I think that girl Tanya was in that band. She is now doing that vegan cookbook thing, which is pretty damn successful. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:19am
Anonymous Eugene Chadbourne & Shovlhed at the Sub Pub. What was Shovlhed's drummer's name? I think that was Shovlhed's first gig? - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:27am
beandead Sheeyit. How could I have fergot Spitt, Shovlhed, and wasn't that Flower-band Seatbelt maybe? and the Ex. The Ex rule. I think the Speed St show was a metal show. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:37am
beandead hey Old Dude. Let's hear about some of your geezer shows! Seriously. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:41am
Anonymous The Guy Jones Band (Alice Cooper tribute) at Olys (Oly's?). - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:45am
Anonymous Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper at Harpo's, with Chris Houston opening. Mojo was bouncing of the walls at that show. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:48am
Anonymous Hot Hot Who? - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:50am
Anonymous Rot Rot Wheat? - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:52am
Old Dude OK... here we go:
Saw the Stones on their first ever tour of North America! They absolutely blew me away. After hearing nothing but crap like the Beach Boys, Fabian and Bobby Vinton, etc. you can imagine the incredible impact the groups from England made on anyone craving decent music. It was truly a life changing experience for me.
Saw the Beatles twice! I was an abolute Beatle Maniac! My friend and I lined up overnight at Maple Leaf Gardens for tickets. My friend met a guy in line that changed her life drastically. He was a bass player for a small, local Toronto group called Jack London & the Sparrows. His name was Bruce Palmer and other members of the group included Dennis & Jerry Edmonton (guitar & drums). My friend ended up marrying Bruce (BIG mistake!). We used to go to all their jams and watched them progress. The music industry was just beginning to emerge and we met a lot of people at the jams that went on to become famous including David Clayton Thomas of Blood Sweat & Tears. He was an art student and I spent one afternoon at a jam sitting with him while he sketched the band members. Still have the sketches. The band all put on phoney Liverpool accents as English groups were really HUGE in the late '60's! They staged a bogus groupie attack (for publicity)at a mall in T.O., with girls screaming and chasing them. Anyway, the band members evolved in different areas and they split up. Bruce joined a group called Mynah Bird with someone you maight kno - Neil Young. THey played all over Yorkville village in Toronto which was THE place for music, art and hippie-dom! Bruce and Neil wanted bigger and better things and headed for California with my friend in a big old hearse! Bruce met up with some other buddies down there and they formed a little group you may have heard of called "Buffalo Springfield"! As Bruce was in the USA illegally, his picture was in the shadows a lot of the time and usually had his back turned to the audience. My friend invited me down to California for the summer but I couldn't make it - who knows where my life would have gone if I had! They rented a mansion that belonged to Vicent Price and lived VERy high on the hog (pardon the pun), trashing limos and blowing $30,000 in a weekend on a regular basis. Jim Morrison was a frequent visitor and I've heard a few juicey stories about him, but don't want to speak ill of the dead. Bill Wyman of the Stones also partied with them. Because Buffalo Springfield became a mega group and Bruce was a little too "hot", he eventually left the group and moved back to Canada. You all know what happened to Neil Young. And if Jerry Edmonton rings a bell with anyone... he bacame the drummer for another group called "Steppenwolf"!
AH, YES... these WERE the good old days!
AND YES... before anyone else says it - I AM old. But I still keep in touch with the current music scene as much as possible! Hope no one minds my occasional visits and input on LiveVic. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:13pm
Notquiteasolddude re: Old Dude. You rule! But come on... Jim Morrison stories, please. I'm sure Jim wouldn't mind. He'd probably chuckle from the other side. He once said that he never regreted anything he ever did. We need real stories about this guy besides all the old rehashed stories about Jim and the Doors. It's always the same stories about them. I'm sure Jim would cringe if he knew how often the same anecdotes get told about him over and over again. Bring Jim back to life with some fresh ones. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 3:52pm
Troutbreath I grew up in VAncouver. The first concert I ever went to was John Mayall's Bluesbreakers with Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page. Arena concerts weren't my favourite thing so I mainly hung out at the Retinal Circus and Oil Can Harry's where I saw the 'Ike and Tina Turner Review' so up close and personal I was getting Tina sweat on me. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 5:43pm
beandead John Mayall!Ike and Tina! wow troutbreath.that's awesome! what a blues finishing school that was (along with Alexis Korner).tell us more! - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 7:01pm
brad speaking of shows at the memorial bout Debby Harry and the fuckin RAMONES ..i never made it to that show, but some good friends of mine did. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 8:00pm
S.V. Didn't Debbie/Joey do The Forge? Not the Memorial? That's one show I regret the time I figured they were all washed up, so didn't go. Now I would of loved to have seen that.

I also passed on seeing Alice Cooper at the Memorial because Motorhead who were supposed to have headlined cancelled ('88?). I think I gave my ticket away. Moral of the story...don't pass on the opportunity to catch any band, you never know when you might regret it. :( - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 8:34pm
jay brown
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nope deborah harry and the ramones and the tom tom club(talking heads) were at the memorial arena. I got to meet the ramones and Debbie out back. My dad was a huge music fan so I got to see a lot of shows when I was younger but the first one that stuck in my head was d.o.a. and the sub humans at stanley park in like 1979. Changed my life. Ken Kempster was the drummer for Shovelhed, he went on to fame and glory with the Hanson Brothers. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 8:48pm
Anonymous I was also at the Memorial Arena for the Ramones/Harry/Tom Tom Club show. I think there was a fourth band too. The crowd was really lame - they didn't dance, they didn't move, they hardly cheered. The Tom Tom Club got so frustrated they started taunting the audience to show some life, but they didn't. Tina Weymouth was shaking her ass at the crowd to get it going. She was great (ass and bass), but the fans who paid $20 each didn't act like fans - and it sure wasn't the fault of the bands. - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 8:51pm
Stupid Did any alt/punk bands from the old days ever play the Beacon Hill Band Shell? - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:12pm
Anonymous the crowd at the memorial for the ramones etc was lame but thats cuz it was prolly under 500
yeah iron maiden played with girlschool and blue oyster cult at the memorial (i was young and mom said i couldnt go)
how about anvil at harpos? who saw that one?
i did
funny gig...the singer (lips) played his guitar with a big ol dildo for a bit and encouraged everyone to go out and buy 2 of thier latest discs cuz they were starving he said
for fun i went to see BOC and ive seen nazareth both at legends ....thor too ! and not long ago! maybe 2 years..heh - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:34pm
Anonymous how old are all you farts? (Jay, Brad, Mark Mor, SV) - Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:16pm
SweetGrass I saw the Alice Cooper show in '88 and it was fantastic!
I don't remember any punk/alt. shows at Beacon though!I think Alice was a new year's eve and we bought scalped tickets. He put out a divine show including the hanging body! Never pass on a chance to see a live show! Also was at Ike and Tina but was too little to remember. I'd like to think some of it engaged my subconcious and helped to make me the Prima Diva I am today...Go Tina! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 12:40am
Anonymous Killdozer at Harpo's. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 2:09am
Troutbreath Beandead --- Even then we were very supportive of the local scene. I still have great memories of seeing the 'Painted Ship' play at the North Van Rec center. That night was notable for my first experience of a strobe light in a concert. The Painted Ship were one of the best bands in Vancouver at that time and came ever so close to making a major break through when they went to England. I also remember bands like Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck. The picked me up hitchhiking one day and we stopped off in the bush in Stanley Park to smoke some Hash. Fast Flying Vestible and You will Love My Indole Ring played at the Be-ins in Stanley Park and they both played at my high school. The Collectors played there as well. They had a full on light show by the 'Ectoplasmic Assault' but it was a bit lost on the audience, there were maybe about 12 people that got stoned out of a student population of 1200. Things changed rather quickly though. And yeah I was a fucking Hippie, I don't want to hear about it. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 2:17am
Anonymous Here's one I've been holding back. Shutdown, Banana Royal, and that band with the two girls whose father was in the Saltly Seamen (at least one of them was his daughter). I can't remember the name of their band. And of course Lummox. The Da Vinci Centre was not holding shows there for a good while after that gig I tell you. The back areas like the kitchen and the hallway were ankle deep in bloody water. Cretin was taken to the hospital for a cut hand cause he was trying to do flying upside down kicks to the one of the ceiling light bulbs, as were others. Merrick was trying to fight himself in the bathroom mirror, while Cretin held him back. I'm pretty sure Merrick was seriously going for himself. All sorts of damage to that place that night. Thanks Leonardo! - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 2:18am
brad fuck...i just turned 28 in january - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 2:27am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Deathpit with Victims Family, Nomeansno and Shovlhed. We had to keep the door closed for noise reasons and it wasn't long B4 the moisture was just pouring off the cieling. We were all just completely drenched in sweat...but, just so much damn fun. Afterwards we all went swimming at like 3am at Durance or something and it was bliss. Good time. Thanks to OTTG for arranging that. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 3:22am
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
Green Day played at Beacon Hill with Chikara and someone else. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 3:29am
Anonymous Fuck, when I'm in your guys position, looking back on my "old days" they'll only consist of... fucking nothing! I HATE YOU OLD SHMOES... I'd do anything to see DRI... can't get across the border though? ... ah fuck it. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 4:50am
Wreaker of Havoc
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DERELICTS, SOULCHARGE, SEVERENCE at the Da Vinci Hall. How bout GREEN DAY playing on buckets and acoustic guitars at Dorens houseparty on Shelbourne (the one with the pool in the backyard noone dared to swim in) - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:54am
User Info...
Old gigs?!? How about Black Flag @ the OAP Hall (I was pretty close to front stage, and got to see Henry Rollins sun tatty, tres cool!). I also saw NoMeansNo @ the Fernwood community center back during the YouKillMe days. I'm miffed I missed DK the 3 times they played Victoria, but I also caught Micky Christ w/SNFU back in 2000 (celebrating my B-Day), walked home, tripped on the curb and smashed my face into the pavement. I also caught Motorhead @ the Curling Club (and met Lemmy afterwords @ the Icehouse, that made my day!!!). Peace... - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 11:25am
S.V. Well don't ship me off to the retirement home yet...I still have a few good years left in me ;). I caught one of the Black Flag shows at the OAP, the one where Henry had long flowing hair and wore nothing but a skimpy little pair of black shorts. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 1:13pm
beandead Troutbreath! don't sweat the 'hippie' thing. there's a big difference between the Hippies/Yippies of yore and the granola munching dolts of post-1975. especially nowadays hippies. they are the same as 'Nu Punx'.

Keep going.
I'm enjoying hearing about all these shows that I went to, and ones that I missed especially. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 1:23pm
Lesbean Alertster How about the Nashville Pussy show at The Limit the year before they backed up Motorhead at the Curling Rink? I know it wasn't too long ago, but I sure as hell remember the female bassist and the female guitarist necking with each other during the 2 or 3 minute guitar solo. They both tongued each other while they both played, and it was sweet. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 8:09pm
beandead Was that with Supagroup and the Unband? the Unband (RIP) were fukkin' wicked! So were Supagroup too. - Tue, 18 Mar 2003 8:59pm
Anonymous The Dead on The Road compilation (Raw Energy), what was the deal with that? I can't remember the tracklisting. wasn't 9th Hour and Gus on that? Are the guys from Pigment Vehicle in any other new bands? - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:58pm
brad ya the Dead on the Road comp...Ninth Hour, Shutdown, Ripcords, Splatterboys,Gus, Bunchofuckingoofs, Random killing,Glorystompers,Vinegrettes to name a few...Jesus Bonehead helped put that one together, released back in '93. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 9:45pm
lily_liquor I thought that comp. was called 'Songs Without Keyboards'? All the same bands anyways...Also remember those Fans of Bad Productions comps? 'Go' and 'Fuck the Commonwealth' were really good. - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 9:53pm
Old Dude Ok - here's an oldie that's appropriate now:

"The Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire

Hubby used to play it every Sunday morning back in his earlier partying days to go along with his hangover.
He also played it every time a war broke out through the years.
(Hubby is a little weird!)
Dig it out and listen to it... the words are still really relevant! - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:10pm
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
The Dickies do a great version of "Eve Of Destruction" too.
That Nashville Pussy show was opened by LID.
One of the first shows I saw here was Dead Milkmen at Harpos in 94(I think). - Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:22pm
Anonymous this old days post still works too for those who remember gulf war 1. we had some pretty damn good protests here in Vic. and some good benefit shows. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:07pm
Anonymous I have Dead on the Road, too. But once again, it's on tape. Lame, eh? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:18pm
Anonymous what's lame about tape? i don't think anyone thinks that. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 1:03pm
Anonymous ah. i've listened to it so much over the years that it's all worn out now - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 1:51pm
Anonymous contact Graham at raw Energy. I know they have some copies still in their vaults. prolly let 'em go cheap, like $5 a copy maybe? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 3:18pm
Harpo Marx - Young Fresh Fellows at Harpo's. Gay Bikers On Acid at Harpo's. Bob's Your Uncle (Sook Yin Lee) at Harpo's. Animal Slaves at Harpo's. Screaming Sirens at Harpo's. Dayglos at Harpo's. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 6:52pm
Anonymous Animal Slaves! You're SUPER old!
oh shit, like me... - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 7:03pm
jay brown
User Info...
red hot chili peppers at harpos. That's where Flea met Louisha, later they got married and had a kid. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 7:27pm
tanya hey remember tim johnson from the old days, who used to dress up in rediculous costumes? he's stillout there apparently with the smoked out brainzz. great bend, by the way. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 7:35pm
Anonymous Captain Tim from Banana Royal? for Bounty's set he Put lit sparklers up his bum at the Pop Gallery in Vancouver and crab walked thru the audience after getting whipped with a thick belt by Xelda, and then poured hot wax on his pee-pee?
Cap't Rhubarb Bungee Cock IX(it says in the OTTG tape)
he's the king, if that's the tim you are talking about!

Banana Royal always looked sexy in their finery. Steve Weed in drag looked somuch like a really very pretty little girl we saw him get hiot on by biuncers at Buckleys.and then they called him a faggot because of there mistake.! hypocrites!!. Little Mike looked a bit haggard in his get ups. Hugh was one lovely drum bashing freak with that fro hair of his.
I'd love to see a pictre of this band! hahaha!
There should be a website of photos we can collect of passed shows. someone else mantioned they had some pics. I have some to. quite a few actuakly. Can anyone host space on a page, i'll send you my pics.? I have sancha hll photos and someof shutdown and onionhouse. Some of 9th hour and some more of others to. and some of the white eagle show with caustic thought and more.

maybe this website can have apage where we can load in pics for everyone to enjoy and everyone with photos can submit there's too.they do this on the website if the webmaster needs to refer to sumthing as to how to set it up or how it should look. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 8:23pm
brad OTTG!! those guys ruled...i think I saw Doug at thrifty's a couple of weeks back. is he still playing? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:38pm
Anonymous isn't he in Peruke with Paul from Bounty/Exploding Nimoy? - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:48pm
--Just Mike Cub at Harpo's. Contempt's first gig in Vic at Sancha. King Apparatus & Pressure Cooker at the Limit. Nomeansno/fracas/Pigment Vehicle/Hanson Bros. at UVIC. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:50pm
Anonymous OTTG ! All I remeber of them is some tall lanky bald skate dude jumping up and down in mocking imitation of their guitar player at Sancha Hall one night... and J. F. bitching about people heckling them at the gig in Offbeat. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:54pm
Anonymous - The offspring of Salty Seamen: Be As It May. - Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:54pm
The Mad Subwoofer
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Colour out of space w/Jason Benoit on vox, Sean Ross+John London for rhythm and murray on guitar. Demented great. I think that was at Harpos opening for Alic in Chains and Mookie Blaylock, was it not? Pearl Jam's first show don' cha' know. - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 2:38am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Any Red Tide show...damn I loved those guys. "Rundown" was my favourite local release for a very long time.
Ken Jensen, Randy Long, John London and I did our "Loose Nuts" show at the Fernwood community centre; a band consisting completely of Black Flag covers. We drew all of Hank's tattoo's on me with a jiffy marker including his death mask....except we made the sun a big ol' happy face instead. Dang that was fun. Ken played guitar and damn it all if he didn't sound just like Gregg Ginn.
Seeing the Meat Puppets was a big thrill at the OAP...damn I'm getting old(!) - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 2:40am
jay brown
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I remember you with all of henry's tattoos that was a great one. d.r.i. at the rats nest, that was a killer show. - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 7:11pm
Anonymous the shows that are seen these days seem to be lacking something....nothing ever goes off as being "special"...just another show with a so so crowd..whatever happened to victoria's scene? look at all the great bands and shows that were around in the past...some of the new shit doesn't even come close to being interesting....let alone moving or innovating. something died around 1996...and it's yet to rear its ugly mug again...i hope this changes soon...i read this thread and wish we had as many venues as in the past...look at how many basement shows went on...those were incredible..a tonne of sweaty bodies crammed into someones basement...condensation dripping from the ceiling...the bands just crankin it out and beers and smoke in abundance...ahh the good old we don't even have soundgarden to rely on..... - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 9:25pm
Troutbreath Queen Ida and her Zydeco Band at the OAP Hall generated more than her share of sweaty bodies. That was a very fun, down home kind of night. - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 10:33pm
SweetGrass Edward the II @ Harpo's ...Stray Cats @ Harpo's! You"re right , the scene had more oomph when sweaty bodies were jammin into each other. It is still possible. I have hope for some of the music comin' out of Victoria right now. What we need are venues. Anyone gotta basement and wants to throw a Party??? - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:11pm
Anonymous anyone remember the crotchity old man that was the currator for the OAP hall?
he used to run around at gigs and threaten people with a baseball bat like a total vigilante
hehe....funny shit - Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:32pm
stank ass anyone remember the sweet little lady with the stuffed whale outside of mcdonalds, or the seriously mentally handicapped guy outside of mcdonalds on douglas with the skateboard? Fuck, what was his name?? - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 4:09am
Anonymous ray - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 6:42am
Dave The little lady with the whale, we used to call her Klee Wyck. - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 10:42am
Anonymous Jamer sucked Ray Ree off for a bowl of saporo ichiban. - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 12:19pm
stank ass Remember when she got the drum sticks? I just saw her the other day... with her whale.

Remember God? The rocker with the torn jean jacket and jeans? He finally got a new attire. When I first saw his new get up (white jeans, white jean jacket), they were intact. The next week I saw him and his pants were all torn to shit from scissors. Bless ya children, bless ya.

Oh the good ole days. - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 1:57pm
Shaver shop hesh Remember the little rocker guy "Arnie" that everybody was affraid of cause he was 30 and we were 15 and he would take skates and punch kids at random? I saw him a couple of years ago in Parksville and he was all shitty and scared. He fully recognized me; and I him. He couldn't even make eye contact.......ha ha "Arnie" we are grown men and women now and you remain a sad little twerp.

ps - zep does NOT rule. - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 5:18pm
Anonymous Post # 200. Allages show tonight. Sweeet. - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 5:44pm
Anonymous My very first concert was Blue Oyster Cult with Aldo Nova at the Memorial Arena. My next big one was D.O.A. at the OAP hall. Other memorable shows in no particular order: Bob's Your Uncle - Harpos, Stray Cats - Harpos, Cowded House - The Royal, Parachute Club - The Royal, George Benson - The Royal, Skaboom - Harpos, Brandford Marsalis - The Forge, 54-40 - The Forge, Big Sugar - The Limit. Plus heaps of local shows at La Boheme/Java, Pag's, Upstairs/Downstairs Herman's, The Old SUB...... - Sat, 22 Mar 2003 5:49pm
Pick-toe-county eek -a-mouse, K.D.Lang(when she wore a crinoline)David Gogo the day Stevie died, Bootsauce..all at Harpos...I can go on and on...hmmmm memories - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 12:16am
Troutbreath The singer Eek a Mouse had the longest tongue I've seen on any human being. He could lick up under his chin! He had a number of female admirers at the front of the stage encouraging his....ah...vocal gymnastics. - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 3:11pm
Old Dude I was at the David Gogo show at Harpo's. We were lined up outside and word came down the line that SRV was dead. Still remember the shock. Loved Stevie! - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 3:13pm
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GOD!!! right. i just saw him yesterday in the eatons center. those new threads look pretty sharp, eh? - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 9:23pm
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DRI @ the Rats Nest?!? Whoa!!!! - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 3:43am
Anonymous Did Prong ever play Vic? - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:09am
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The first good shows I saw were mostly prog/jazz shows like PFM (remember them) backing up Chilliwack and Santana, and, my personal favorite, Kraftwerk at the Garden in '75. Discharge played the Buddah in about '82. Intense, great band, but total assholes. Snuff at the old cruel elephant was also terrific. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:54pm
mark mor
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The Dwarves at 94th St in '90. All was playing at Harpo's the same night and no one even knew who the Dwarves were, 'cept for me and Dust. We tried to convince everyone to shine All and come to the REAL show but were met with considerable apathy like sheeps following the herd. There was a total of 6 of us at the show, Kev and Rick from what ever record store that was were there and a couple of bouncers. Dwarves played about a 12 minute set which was about twice as long as the other sets they had played on their tour. BAM - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 1:10pm
Troutbreath Speaking of bouncers.....I'd like to make mention of the bouncers that worked at Harpo's. Al and Terry and the rest. Where else could you get into a philosophical conversation about Taoism or Lao Tze? They were VERY good at what they did but managed to do their job with a sense of humour. They were the best in the city at the time and set a standard that few can approach now. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 1:21pm
mark morr
User Info...
REALLY??? I thought the bouncers at Harpo's were always total goofs! And Scott, that Discharge show MUST have ruled. And nope, Prong never played Vic. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 1:29pm
Anonymous Terry still does maintenance at One - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:45pm
Anonymous to answer a previous post ..
prong never played vic
ive seen em in van a few times
not good live!
i love prongs recordings but they dont come across live well
tommy victor is a strange cat forsure
the last time a saw em was in van opening for danzig
was a new band except for victor and the drummer i think
just a bit sloppy
oh well i hope they keep it goin...
e-mail me at [email protected] if you are a prong fan....cheers CC - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:12pm
Anonymous I also saw that Dwarves show. Was dead there, but the Dwarves are the shit!

The bouncers at Harpo's were major jackoffs - they did nothing but make things dificult for people I think they knew were regulars. - Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:14am
Troutbreath I was a regular at Harpo's and had nothing but the best experience with the bouncers there. Al was a man to respect and some people thought they could challenge that. They quickly found out that he provided training to the military and police for a reason. - Tue, 25 Mar 2003 11:07am
Melanie Did anyone see or remember that Banana Royal/Foreskin 500/Ed hAll show at the Deth Pit way back when? I think i had one of the best times of my life at that sho. still can't get over they came to Vic.!!! - Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:59pm
Anonymous has everyone finished with this post yet? or do you still have some old stories to tell - Tue, 25 Mar 2003 11:34pm
Anonymous This post could go on may be the only thread with over 200 postings that hasn't degenerated into suck, no you suck. If for no other reason it should be kept going. It's just becoming a little slow to open. - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:04pm
Anonymous you suck!! - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 4:27pm
beandead Its been fun reading about all threse shows that happened...even old Dude' shows. there HAS to be a lot more though, i remember so many other bands!

Come on people, I wanna hear them. Please share. - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 5:46pm
jay brown
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Clown Alley at the Rats Nest. The bass player was this smoking girl, who turned out to be Shirley Temples granddaughter. She later went on to play for the Melvins for a while. Problem Children at the Rats Nest, wicked fucking band. Infect playing their first show at the Rats Nest, man was Moron ever young, I've seen pictures recently and you all looked like little kids. M.O.C., Atrosity, the Dayglos and some rapper I cant remember who though up at the skate park in nanaimo on new years eve going into 89. Knight totalled the car while we were up there and we had to hitchhike back in the pouring rain. No Means No and the Clusterfux at the Steele st. house. No Means No played for a six pack, how cool is that. Shutdown's very first show, the new years eve party at the Head st. house the year after nanaimo, also Soulcharge's first show. Chantelle Doyle's b-day party in like 84 or so, S.V. would remember. The Resistance, We Dont Do Much, and I cant remember who else, it was the first time I'd seen the Resistance and I was blown away. Did Red Tide play at that party as well I cant quite remember? The very first Section 46 show, at this big party in fernwood and they were playing in this tiny little garage with hundreds of people jammed in everywhere. They were one of the worst bands I'd ever seen. Wow, did I ever eat my words later on cause they turned into one of the better punk bands to ever come out of this city. Ya Goluza!!!! Someones really got to teach him that ska is bad though. - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 8:35pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
Holy shit Jay I forgot about some of that shit. Steele street! I remember a pickup truck with the bed full of beer for the Dayglos backing up at a show there. They asked for a truck load of beer and they got one! Great shows there. Fire pit in the back! I remember that garage show too. It was right off the street. And yes they did suck then! haha. Best new years party ever was on Head Street. That was probably one of the biggest parties this city has seen. The brought in the fire dept and the military police for that one!!!! And of course we should mention being voted best new years party in Victoria by Offbeat when we lived at the Hellhouse. Shit now im old....8 oclock! I have to get to bed! - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 9:58pm
dustin jak accused at the o.a.p. in 87'
death sentence were supposed to play as well but bailed(they were hair rock at this point)mission of christ opened.also the final conflict riot at boneheads.bad brains annd didjits at harpo's.shit gimme a line! - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 10:53pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
The riot was like 10 kids and Ratcliffe throwing rocks from behind the house. In the paper as 'over 200 youths' haha Jake got busted. I can still hear him "I have rights, whats your badge #" or Danny Wear chasing that one eyed dude with a shovel. Matt Nor and I got held at gunpoint by the cops laughing our asses off on acid..... - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:08pm
brad man, I love reading this thread! I only wish i could have been around to see the Accused in '87. I saw them many years later at uvic, and I can remember someone calling out a request from Martha Splatterhead's and them replying "Uh...we only play that one in Europe.." . they were definately sporting a sub-par line up by this time, I think around about Grinning Like an Undertaker...not the bands finest work by far..... - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:40am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
I love that album!!!! anything past that i dont. I remember being 16 and drinkin a 6 pack at the orchard before the Accused in 87. I remember the Accused show youre talking about too. The drummer was blazing out some crazy double bass while wearing huge dayton boots!!! The best Accused show I saw was in Seattle with Forced Entry in 89. They fucking made FE look like amatuers. Ya im a fan..... - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:49am
jay brown
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Ya the Accused fucking ruled, cant argue that one. You know we made the paper all the way to san fransisco for the riot on head street. The cops tried to charge us but when they took me to court I brought in all our neighbors and the store employees as witnesses and they all said that we did nothing wrong and that the cops showed up and just started beating everone up and that they started everything and wouldnt listen to reason from anyone. The judge threw it out of court and totally bitched the cops and their lawyer out in front of everyone. It was so sweet, we all totally laughed at the lawyer when we were all out in the hall. I remember trying to figure out where everyone was in jail and they had so many people from the party every holding cell in greater victoria was full. They said in the paper that every on duty officer in greater victoria was there. They blocked off both ends of the block with fire trucks and wouldnt let anyone in or out, then they brought in the military police as well and started beating the piss out of everone. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:55am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
I was fuckin knockin out all these pigs and.....ok i left the party at that point.... - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:16am
dustin jak how about the nanaimo boys kicking the shit out of razor and ski @ the white trash,american slander,nomeansno gig at the good old white eagle hall.this was probably just a few months before razor went down for diddling his infant daughter.i heard he dided in a british penitentary. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:23am
dustinjak that was 85-86 - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:26am
dustinjak also fuckers,that party in metchosin in 1995 with the dayglos/meatlocker 7/sick sense and p.c.p.(only a real dink plugs his own gigs)there were kegs of beer and my bassist and roommate @ the time,creepy simon thought it would be a good idea to eat datura seeds.the guy was high for a week and any one who knows creepy knows he needs that shit like a hole in the head.also the astro zombies and dbs in sidney the next weekend in 1995. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:29am
Anonymous those assholes in crucified innocence were the show stealer at S H R E D F E S T .
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Halloween eve....about 6 years ago maybe? I honestly don't remember if this was really their name but it was The Astro Zombies at the Limit with Rob Nesbitt on vox. _What_ a night. Full-on Misfits show....they really were better than the real thing, by far. Anyone else at that? Rob was later rewarded for his trouble when he subbed in Van for who ever the new guy is in the band when he couldn't get across the border. He actually got to sing with the Misfits for real..crazy. Best halloween ever IMO. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:54am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Youse folks seen this page? That is a tribute to all the great old victoria rock bands that came outta reynolds high in the eighties. Like Pink Steel, Infamous Scientists...etc. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 2:04am
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fire on caledonia st - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 2:27am
Troutbreath The Retinal Circus in Vancouver had a kind of lounge area away from the dance floor. It was a black light room and Jack Wise spent a long time in there painting mandalas in Dayglo paint. Jack later moved to Victoria and taught at the Victoria College of Art. He became internationally known for his mandalas. I can still remember some of my first experiences with acid in there looking at these paintings while some phsycedelicly enhanced band rocked in the next room. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 2:38am
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smoke dope - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:29am
ex-pat I LOVE IT! all these parties and bands and shows i forgot I was at (for good reason...I was trashed!).

Man o man, thanks to everyone who took the time to post stuff here. I have some acute show recollections too, that i'll share when I can collect my brain (need coffee).

Wow, Infect, I have a copy of that tape and it's actually pretty excellent. It's nice to see people that I really liked still around doing cool stuff in Vic. Kudos. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:01am
Dave Most fun show for me was summer of 1984. Our quasi-punk band played with Dayglos, Wardells and I think Nomeansno. Bonehead disrobed and played the gig naked, all hell broke loose. Lots of fun at the FOE hall! - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:43pm
kirk ( Arcfiend ) 1990- Arcfiend /Malevolence/Moral Decay. Well its 2 in the after noon on a Sunday, We haven�t played for a month and we deiced to do this show anyway. Half way thought our set right at the end of Arcane Doug Copley falls off the back of the stage dragging
down our banner and almost the whole lighting rig lol. All on tape. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:51pm
Troutbreath In the late sixties they used to have "Be-ins" in Stanley Park The Greatful Dead played at one of them. For some reason they were bringing a piano in by a helicopter and either dropped it on purpose or by accident....anyway it was reduced to kindling. They were also throwing out joints from the stage (gee, sounds familiar) At one point, Sid Simmons a notorious Narc was noticed in the crowd. He was surrounded by people throwing jionts at him. Not flower power so much as bud power. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 2:53pm
Anonymous that sounds like the Banana Royal/Vinaigrettes show when B.R. had some friend of theirs with a big jug of iced tea with LSD in it. it got passed around to the unknowing band members and people crammed in the front of the stage during the 3rd song (it was SO SO HOT in there!).
all of a sudden about 30 people and the band were involuntarily on LOTS of acid. Good times.

Acid power! - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 5:19pm
Anonymous Damn rights good times. I was one of those dosed! - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 8:39pm
Anonymous that was a funny show....bananna royal always made things interesting to say the least. - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 10:39pm
Luckey Lager I remember a house party that was the last time Lootbag played when the audience knew all of Goluza's lyrics and sang them louder than the band!
TESTIFY! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:06pm
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I remember Nomeansno at the Fernwood when Steve Samve got a haircut during a performance of "Gone Mental" by the Ramones. They also played a two piece gig at the old Surfside club which soon degenerated into a fire drill. No one has mentioned the Salty Seamen performance at the OAP which was also brilliant. And nobody has mentioned Automatic Shock who wrote what is, in my opinion, the greatest song ever to come out of Victoria, "Done Too Many Mushrooms". Every gig they did (especially the ones with mad scientist/synth whiz Lorne Hammond) was great. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 3:13pm
... with butter knife in sink. Not a word about D.R.I. at the Rat's Nest?!? Tony G. still a fucking drunk! Shitty skinheads acting all white and shit! Ken O'Kane(RIP) sporting a fucking bob and bonded by blood shit-tee. Stinky in a cast. Dan Walters still punk. McBean hiding behind his hair in some corner. Pissing on Vespas around back. Mark More all tall and shit browing full on. Schwamm PVC bong tokes and powerslides. Scooter gurlz giving us wood (even though their pants reaked of our piss. Felix looking 12 fucking years old?! Slappy grinds and bottle hucks out front 'till Gary spazzed! Kurt slagging the oi-tards. Fifi the fatty getting chucked down the front steps by Brainless!! That show fucking smoked and was a defining moment in every young Hictorian skater's life!!! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 5:32pm
sick that gig was fun. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 5:49pm
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Holy geez jay Brown; Chantelle's B-day party?! You remember that? wow. that was one of my fav nights from my little punker days...WeDon'tDoMuch played until the sun came up i think. Cool that you were there. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 8:33pm
The Mad Subwoofer
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One fond memory of mine was watching the Dayglows at the FOE playing "Let's kill Tim Crow" with Tim right smack up front of the moshers, singing it right back at their faces; another classic Victoria moment. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 9:19pm
S.V. Hehehehehhe Chantelle's B-Day! That was a blast! I can still remember the terrified look on her mother's face. :) That was when The Resistance had Jonny for a lead singer. That Clown Alley show was great too. Poor little bass babe practically had to fight her way past all the drooling punker boys. Automatic of my favorite old t-shirts...snagged from Kenny O'. I think of them anytime I pass dangerous electrical currents ;) And NoMeansRamones...great stuff!

I just found a great pic I have of the Dayglos circa '86 from an article that ran in Vancouver magazine. They are all dolled up in dayglo paint. Bonehead sporting a painted crown of thorns and inverted crucifix. I should try and scan it and post it here. It's hilarious! Man you guys are making me feel ancient. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:12am
S.V. One memorable Rat's Nest show was the night Gary's stairs collapsed from a "zillion" drunken rockers trying to crash the gig (can't remember who was playing). Talk about comradery...people trying to barricade the door to protect the Rat's Nest from rocker infiltration! Poor Gary having to rebuild the stairs afterwards. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:28am
jay brown
jay brown
vicpunx *at*
Messages Posted:

Hey ya fuckers, quit looking at my cock. I can feel your stare from here.

Ya the d.r.i. show ruled. What about the m.o.c. show where Tolan broke his flying v right in half in the middle of a solo, that was pretty sweet. Then there was the m.o.c. show at the big fernwood where Murray got up on stage and him and Tolan had a little guitar war for a while. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:32am
Anonymous back to the top....biatch - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 8:52pm
Anonymous Anybody remember Auntie Kate and the Cheap Suits? - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 3:13am
Blueser Wasn't that "Auntie Kate & The Uncles of Funk". - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 8:57am
Anonymous I think that was a later incarnation - Tue, 1 Apr 2003 4:41pm
Anonymous huh? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:09pm
jay brown
User Info...
Ah old days. I'm sitting at home listening to Jethro Tull.... aqualung. Oh ya. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:48pm
Anonymous Jethro who??? - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:12am
Anonymous Jay Brown: "...Eying little girls with bad intent...(da da dunt dunt da da)" - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 10:10am
Troutbreath "coughing up pieces of his broken luck"
I saw these guys in Vancouver. For those of you out there who know who I am and what I do, that should answer a few questions. Thankyou. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:14am
Once spit on by Terry Bishop! Hey Brad - Re: Beige Froth...
I recently spoke with one of the former members of Beige Froth. He is currently involved in a law suit against Vancouver band "The Shittys". He is suing for "Defecation of Character". I'll keep you posted on the outcome of the case. - Thu, 10 Apr 2003 1:45pm
Anonymous Musterd Punt - Thu, 10 Apr 2003 2:17pm
brad University girls....!! man if this band was around today ...they would be signed by sub-pop and making huge cash...way before their time....ha!! - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:47am
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Ah yes, grunge before there was grunge. I played my first ever gig as a member of Beige Froth at the age of 27 at the Fernwood. We opened a TEN band gig where 9 of the bands were fuck bands. Everybody was super drunk! - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 1:27am
jak steem henderson you were smoking weed!holliston beat a toilet w/ a two by four. - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 8:51am
Hey Fuck-o I remember "Rockers at the Gates" night at the rat's nest oh so long ago. I weased a big yellow "YOU KILL ME" shirt from John Wright. I can't remember who played that night either though. That was a fucking pisser though! Singing "if you're happy and you know it" all loud and in the face of stupid angry rockers just outside the door. Sucked to be hesh and still does. - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 1:54pm
Hey Fuck-o Jay Brown's New Years '89 Party was another defining punk night in this shitty city. Too much fucking fun. Who remembers the full on punk fiesta topped off with a battle royale w/the pigs? Sent off the 80's in fine fashion. - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 2:06pm
laura Who could forget that New Years? I remember pleading with Dustin to stay out of the fray because my parents were actually away for the whole night. At the last minute he got real excited and jsut had to lob a beer bottle at a female cop's head. Needless to say, he got hauled off and ended up driving his Bronco across my front lawn at 6am (what else is new?). Are you in town, Mr. del C? If the weather stays nice maybe we can get the grommets together and BBQ. - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 2:57pm
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Dustin? Drunk and causing shit? No no no. That's not the Dustin I know......... - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 3:06pm
brad when the fuck is someone gonna win the lottery and re-release all the old shit from this town? between the rats nest and hendersons...there is a ton of great bands...i know ...i know...why put out the old when your working on the new....its just that so much greatness is lost and forgotten.....except for a few of us with old worn out cassettes...some day ..some day...a promise is a promise.... - Fri, 11 Apr 2003 11:47pm
Anonymous um...zipgunn...what is a "fuck band" ? - Sat, 12 Apr 2003 1:17am
jay brown
User Info...
Actually Jason Flowers and Rick LOng are in the process of releasing a compilation c.d. with all the old vic bands on it. - Sat, 12 Apr 2003 1:42pm
brad ya..but that's only up to 1984. too bad, cause i love so much of the shit bands in this town put out late 80's early 90's - Sat, 12 Apr 2003 6:25pm
Pic-toe county Does anybody remember that crazy ass harp player in the Phantoms that used to play Harpos, who was he and where is he? - Sun, 13 Apr 2003 10:48pm
a little punky DeLuca beating the shit out of the Bains Boys by him self out side Merlins.He was great for taking them on and winning.1989? - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:07am
Spork You are not even a "little punky" if you fucking hung out at "Merlins" in the late 80's. Back to the drawing board, sorry. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:24am
User Info...
A fuck band is a band that isn't serious and usually is a tribute to another band or a side project for a more "serious" band (like the Shittys are to Removal for example) - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 1:38pm
Anonymous Shut up you one lunged fuck. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:43pm
harpoop I remember harpos it was sweet. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 5:45pm
Anonymous what about that fat baby drummer people call 'junior'? does he really wear adult diapers? he has droopy drawers. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:46pm
Anonymous If you have read all of this thread, you must be really old or really bored. Most likely a comnbination of both. - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 7:58pm
Anonymous if you had been paying attention this thread has been going on for quite some no, i'm sure no one has read it top to bottom in one read....hell i lose my attention after 5-6 posts! - Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:40pm
Anonymous I never want this thread to end. - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 9:01pm
Anonymous sarah mclaughlin at harpos - I'll go kill myself now - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 9:16pm
Old Dude Haven't been on this site for about two weeks!
Everyone's really nostalgic for the good old days (no matter which decade).
Does this say something about today's music... or are you all just getting old like me? - Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:32pm
Anonymous never end. - Thu, 17 Apr 2003 8:02pm
Anonymous break 1000. - Thu, 17 Apr 2003 8:04pm
Cooter Kick (kneehigh sox) Hans eating 1/4 lb. of butter with cigarette butts in it all drunk on Scope! So young and so punk (R.I.P. brother) - Thu, 17 Apr 2003 8:56pm
Anonymous The first show I ever got to see was Def Leppard at Memorial in '83. Smoked my first joint at that show. - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 12:22am
jay brown
User Info...
Went with two buddies to that show, they went outside to smoke a joint and got busted by the cops. I saw the show alone and got a ride home the next morning from their parents when they picked them up from city cells. I think I was the only person in the whole place with a mohawk. - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 1:10pm
Anonymous never end - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 8:00pm
Anonymous How many BAins ded Deluca beat up? - Fri, 18 Apr 2003 8:54pm
Old Dude Took my son to his first show when he was 9 years old. It was Eric Clapton. Son now plays lead guitar - still wonder if that show had any influence on him?
Second show I took him to (also age 9) was the Scorpions. We went to England for a holiday and sat next to the Scorpions' roadies on the plane on the way back. Got VIP passes to the show for the next day. Then the roadie got us an autographed program from the band. Good time despite the jetlag.

OK... who's story is next? - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 6:13pm
Anonymous Three - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:07pm
Anonymous Muthu - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:07pm
Anonymous fuckin' - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:08pm
Anonymous Hundred - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:08pm
Anonymous Homie! - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:08pm
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officially the longest post ever...i think? - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 8:49pm
Troutbreath I was in L & M the other day and noticed they have a copy of the LP by 'Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck' in a display case by the rear entrance. Two of the members of the band picked me up hitchhiking in West Van on a fine summers day. We took a detour into Stanley Park and after a short walk into the shrubbery they pulled out the largest chunk of hash I'd ever seen and we proceeded to get very high. I got into see them that night for free. The light show was by the 'Ectoplasmic Assault'. It was a kinder gentler time, at least what I can remember. - Sun, 20 Apr 2003 11:16pm
Anonymous "hash"? so that's what the hip kids are calling cock these days, eh! - Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:45pm
Balls Deep now that was some funny shit. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:25am
60's Survivor SEE, A kinder gentler time.Nowadays, If you were in a car full of wild eyed long hairs and they pulled off into Stanley Park, you'd be looking to jump out of the car. Back then things were a little different, people weren't quite so obsessed with sex 'cause they were actually getting some!!!! Not like the anonymous sexually frustrated maroons on LiveVic. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:08am
Troutbreath Doesn't surprise me that the little dimwits that use this board don't know what Hash is. In the Sixties in Vancouver we never smoked grass, it was usually bad. The Hash was wayyyyy better and cheaper. Let's see there was Red Lebanese, Blond Lebanese, Afgani with the Gold Government seal, Indian, Morrocan Kief........anybody else remember the Hash back then? The kids these days just have no idea. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:31am
Old Dude You're right 60's Survivor!
Everyone was full of Peace & Love back then!
Unlike today, it was cool to be non-violent then. Afterall this was the generation of the peaceful demonstrations, the love-ins, the sit-ins, the bed-ins, the "flowers in the hair" things.
Everything seemed to have a warm, gentle glow about it. Even the outrage over the massacres in Vietnam and civil rights protests were expressed in a loving way (most of the time). Remember the pictures of the daisies stuck down the barrels of rifles pointed at the demonstrators?
I don't know how - or why - some people have become so uncaring, aggressive and violent in their everyday lives. The way some of them mouth off to everyone, think nothing of ripping off, ridiculing, threatening or physically attacking others.
It casts a dark shadow over everything.
Stick to the pot - stay away from the chemicals!
Anyway... the music of the times (the sixties) truly reflected how we all thought, felt and tried to live our lives (even the real heavy stuff!). There was a true communication and friendship through music.
Not like today - you're either strictly metal, hip-hop, punk, rap... or whatever... and God help you if you happen to stray into another area of music and let your friends(?) know about it. You've suddenly joined the "enemy camp". What's up with that anyway??? - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:34am
Anonymous so what was the CRAZIEST show anyone saw? I'd have to say Ed Hall/Bannana Royal, and then hump/King Salmon/Zarathruster...any other CRAZY shows? - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 5:34pm
Troutbreath Frankie Goes to Hollywood in Toronto wait that's the loudest show I've ever been to. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 5:55pm
Anonymous what? You blew a guy in Stanley Park! - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 6:47pm
Troutbreath No, dumbass, that story took place before blowjobs were invented. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 6:50pm
Anonymous You old guys sound like fuckin' faggots to me. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 8:50pm
Troutbreath We are faggots. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 8:50pm
User Info...
I'm a faggot too. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 8:53pm
Jay Brown Me & Ross like to share our man-love for each other. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:48pm
Anonymous Jay shares his man-love with any hole that flinches and pinches. - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 7:17am
S.V. Thanks for ruining a perfectly nice nostalgic thread you anonymous pre-pubescent homophobic wankers! Get your own sandwich!

Now back to the old days...... One of the more interesting shows I've seen was The Black Wedge('85?) at Open Space Gallery a nice combination of performance art and live music. Mourning Sickness played (Feminist Quasi-Industrial)anyone remember them? - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 12:47pm
Anonymous Watch out you old goofs! Jonathan (aka billmelater) has started a thread which is gaining on you! - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 1:54pm
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I saw the Wardells at Open Space around '84 with some Reggae band - totally fun concert for me anyway... - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 3:39pm
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Hey speaking of that Victoria punk comp., has anyone heard from them since?!? I'd really like to buy it, when it gets released. - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 11:53pm
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It's still being put together - check the following site out for more info... - Thu, 24 Apr 2003 1:11pm
Anonymous i just rediscovered the fuck the commonwealth etc. cds..there was a trip down memory.. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 3:55am
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Looking at my Infamous Scientists records, I know I'm old. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:29am
Anonymous I found a Rocktoria IV CD in the Sally Ann. It has Spiral Getty on it. Where did they get to? - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:11am
Anonymous Show Biz Giants? - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 1:43pm
Anonymous Remember when smokes were 3 and a quarter? - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 2:54pm
S.V. I remember when they were $2 and how outraged we were at the cost of smokes! And now they're $7+??? Glad I quit when I did. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 4:23pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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i remember i could take my $10 allowance and buy a pack of smokes, a 6 pack of Beer beer, and a large bag of nachos. Ah teen health..... also buying an eigth of weed for $20 too. As a kid i remember bags of chips and chocolate bars for 25 cents. and the bus as a kid was 15 cents - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 4:30pm
punky oh...and remember when we could buy yo momma for 5 cents? That was sweeeet! Fuck, thats the cost of inflation...(her new tits, I mean)! - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 4:45pm
Anonymous i'm looking at my copy of the Victoria BYO compilation. frick it's greet. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 8:23pm
Troutbreath I don't really want to remember this but......when I first started going into bars, beer was 20 cents a glass. All bars looked the same with these orange terry cloth covers on the little round tables to sop up the spillage. Women had a seperate entrance called: 'Ladies and Escorts'. You only had one choice and the draft looked like it had been recycled from the mens room. Ahh..... the good old days. I'd sit with my back to the wall in case some idiot started to throw ashtrays. - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 12:31pm
Anonymous 20 cents a glass, that was when 1954??? - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 1:05pm
Zapp I saw Chuch Norris in "GOOD GUYS WEAR BLACK" for $1.25. One dollars allowence would get me a big bag of old dutch nachos and a litre of choc. milk and a pack of KISS cards. - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 1:48pm
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I used to get 25 cents for an allowance in the mid sixties but luckily the Cunningham drugs store had a delete bin full of singles for a quarter; I bought "Crossroads" (Cream), "Pinball Wizard" (Who),even "You Wouldn't Listen" (Ides of March) and dozens of other classic singles of the era. Still have some of 'em... - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 2:39pm
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I remember going down to I think the sub in the late 70's and there were these two pin ball machines in there and if you reached up to the top/back of them, with a plastic comb with handle, you could reset them for free. Otherwise it was 25 cents. - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 10:46pm
Old Dude Saw the Stones and the Beatles when they first came to Toronto.
TICKET PRICES... about $3.50 each!!!!!

NOW THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS! - Thu, 1 May 2003 2:33pm
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Yeah. The good 'ol days that weren't so good..... - Thu, 1 May 2003 11:31pm
mark mor
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listen to you crusty dudes chillin...
i could write my moms uelegy from listening to you fags. Anyway, i cunt remember what my point is, but I am glad i bailed from that poor excuse of a home called Vic when i did and now you are all languishing. Fuck you and take a big bow to mark mor you insignificunt little worms.
fuck you very much,
mark mor
ruler of just about anything - Fri, 2 May 2003 1:02am
jay brown
User Info...
Hey Mor, a few weeks after a.w.t. played with you guys in van I went over and played with the Hoosegow, and we ended up playing with this other band from Calgary named Conch. Seemed like pretty cool guys, they all knew you guys. They were all pretty stoked when they saw a Dry Fisted sticker on my drums. Cow Town's putting out some decent bands these days. - Fri, 2 May 2003 1:09am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Mark were a hoot to watch on stage. You really dug into that bass of yours back then. 'Member driving around in that little bomber of yours late at night with me and London? Too funny..... - Fri, 2 May 2003 3:12am
Slap bass sucks remember that time I had my nose so far up your ass? fuck you, BUCKY - Fri, 2 May 2003 5:13am
Anonymous What the fuck is a Mark Morr and what poor city is this loser infecting with his idiocy now? - Fri, 2 May 2003 10:32am
Mark Mor's Mother I'm not dead yet you used to be such a nice boy, I don't know what happened? If you think you're getting the family Silver you'd better buck up Sonny Jim and show some respect to your elders. If you're not careful I'll have ROSS BAY reading my eulogy. - Fri, 2 May 2003 11:07am
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Friend, brother
Unconditional friendship for all
Caring person
Kid at heart

Yearning for happiness
Outside the rules
Under the ground forever.... - Fri, 2 May 2003 11:14am
Old Dude Ross... that was uncharacteristically profound.
Congratulations! - Fri, 2 May 2003 2:40pm
Anonymous keep it going... keep it going... keep it going... keep it going...
OK? - Sat, 3 May 2003 2:39pm
how lame "They were all pretty stoked when they saw a Dry Fisted sticker on my drums."

Jesus Christ. - Sat, 3 May 2003 3:39pm
jay brown
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How is it lame that these guys from Calgary come to Vancouver to play a show and see one of their friends bands from home on my drums? I'd think it was pretty cool if I went to Calgary and saw some bands from here that people liked enough to promote. Guess we just have different ideas on whats cool though huh. - Sat, 3 May 2003 10:27pm
Anonymous Fuck you're a loser----it ain't like you're even Jesus Bonehead for christsakes-----shut your mouth or gargle my bag but quit talking bout yourself for a second. - Sun, 4 May 2003 11:28am
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OK that's long enough Jay. Start talking about yourself again. - Sun, 4 May 2003 11:30am
jay brown
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Why would I want to be like Jesus Bonehead? I have a pretty good time being like me. - Sun, 4 May 2003 1:55pm
punkyjewster anyone go see mung at inner city hippy works? - Sun, 4 May 2003 3:31pm
Rusty The only thing Id like to see at the "Inner City Hippy Works" is a goon squad of rednecks ,armed with sticks, clearing it out. - Sun, 4 May 2003 5:43pm
Troutbreath There, now there's your good old days. I haven't been chased by a truck load of rednecks since Trudeau was in office. - Sun, 4 May 2003 10:00pm
Anonymous the only thing id like to see at the inner city is GOON SQUAD!! fuckin DRINK BEER PLAY HOCKEY!!! remember those guys?!!! - Sun, 4 May 2003 11:38pm
Anonymous Mike Walker is a fuckin' clown - Mon, 5 May 2003 11:02am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
When I was in ML7 we played after Sick Sense at the ICYW and discovered that a hall full of street hippies dont like metal. The place emptied.....well except for all the girls....well thats how I remember it......ok everyone left..... - Mon, 5 May 2003 11:55am
S.V. Jesus Bonehead a Vic Idol? Gimme a break!! And lay off MWPR....not everyone can look as good as they did 20 years ago!! ;) ;) What's your secret Mike? Gruit? Or tons of preservatives? ;) - Mon, 5 May 2003 2:19pm
The Mad Subwoofer
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Brian's a Vic icon for sure; don't think you can dispute that much like him or not. Ken O'Kaine,Terri bishop, MWPR, Dustin jak, Pete Campbell,Tim Crow (?!) these folks were all fixtures of the scene at some point. - Mon, 5 May 2003 5:16pm
S.V. Icon yes...idol no...sorry! I have nothing against Bonehead at all, but it freaks me out when people refer to local folks as if they're gods. Besides you and I (Mr. Buck) were "fixtures" at some point too...who cares? - Mon, 5 May 2003 5:44pm
S.V. Hehehehe I just re-read my post and it sounds a little bitchy. Not the intention sorry. I'm all for recognition where it's due, but I don't think being a musician makes you a god per se. That said, I'm sure Bonehead would appreciate anon's sentiment. - Mon, 5 May 2003 7:59pm
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Uh..yeah; not "idol." Fixture....geez. I feel like a piece of old furniture. Think I'll go change my Depends now..

Pardon my ignorance but who the heck are you S.V.? - Mon, 5 May 2003 9:46pm
S.V. While I was not in any way an icon ;)... I was a "fixture" per se from the alley days/Rat's Nest etc. Je suis Shauna. - Tue, 6 May 2003 12:39pm
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Ah, right! Hey Shauna. - Tue, 6 May 2003 6:02pm
Killing you is fun to do Holy fuck I want to puke myself to death reading you dipshits go on about yourselves. Guess what? No one cares. You have achieved nothing and will achieve nothing. Some old chumps that want "props" for getting drunk, being in shitty bands and fucking each other in the 80's. Hurry up and die or move away like "Mark Mor" so the rest of us can breath in this fucking cesspool again. - Tue, 6 May 2003 9:51pm
Anonymous sing it sister. death to the old!!!! Logan's Run style....bye bye gimps and gits. - Tue, 6 May 2003 10:01pm
S.V. Boo fucking hoo...get over it! I'm sure you'll be reminiscing with your old friends when you are as "ancient" as us. Besides it's all of these old fucks that play your "all ages" shows so stop yer whining you petty young whippersnappers.

Heya Chris :) - Tue, 6 May 2003 10:05pm
Troutbreath Age and guile will beat out youth and enthusiasm any day. - Tue, 6 May 2003 10:14pm
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Joke's on you kids 'cause you'll be paying my pension 'till I'm worm food and that ain't happenin' for a good long time. Mwahahaha...! - Tue, 6 May 2003 11:29pm
S.V. No kidding!! That put a smile on my face! :) I was hoping to kick off early, but I may just have to hang around to the bitter end to make you kids pay, pay, pay....cha ching! ;) ;) heheheheheheh - Wed, 7 May 2003 12:48am
jay brown
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oh no if anyones gonna make them really hate old people it's gonna be me. Little cry baby, big mouthed, never done anything but sit in front of a keyboard talking trash and jerking off, wastes of space. At least we've had enough good times to have something to talk about. I can just imagine your thread about the old days. Ya and then this one time I posted anon on this board and really talked some shit about a bunch of people I didn't know. It was so rad!!! Sure am glad I never did anything fun or productive cause then someone on the computer would of hacked me.... - Wed, 7 May 2003 3:27am
S.V. Keeping the "old days" alive....bwhahahahha! This must be one of the longest threads thus far.

JB why should you get all the glory? Subwoofer and I are even older than you methinks, ya young pup! ;) - Wed, 7 May 2003 9:38pm
Anonymous Jay, were you humping Ross Bay's ass when you wrote that. - Wed, 7 May 2003 10:39pm
Really Old Poop You know I forget how many women I slept with back in the good old days, after the pill and before AIDS. Some of them were even married at the time. It's possible that I may have gotten some of them pregnant and not even know about it. Let's see that would be 25 or 30 years ago.........hmmmmm. Hey kids, next time your mother kisses you good night, think about where that mouth might have been. - Thu, 8 May 2003 12:47pm
Anonymous HAHAHAHAHA jokes on you! You actually think there is goona be money for you old people when you have guys like wreaker working in the gov? - Thu, 8 May 2003 1:49pm
mark morr
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I was just kidding on that last post, BTW. Victoria RULES and I had some of my best times ev there. I remember seeing MUNG at Inner City, I was blown away. About a week after I moved to Vic in '84, I saw RED TIDE w/ Marcus Pollard on bass and Crow singing at some weird place that I can't even remember. I saw Nomeansno and Deja Voodoo on View St a week or so later. I also remember when Aaron Clark's entire wardrobe consisted of a BLOODFEAST T shirt. Wash that shirt for fuck sake Aaron, yer killin us here.
As for Conch Jay, yeah they are good guys and I agree that even a sticker on a drum kit can open doors as far as having something to say to a person(s) you have never met before. I be sportin my AWT shirt lots. Getcho asses out here. - Thu, 8 May 2003 1:54pm
jay brown
User Info...
were aiming for the end of sept. to go across canada. Definitely have to set up a show with you fuckers in cow town. - Thu, 8 May 2003 7:27pm
Anonymous "jay brown - Why would I want to be like Jesus Bonehead? I have a pretty good time being like me. - Sun, 4 May 11:55am"

Exactly,and you don't have disgusting little baked bean teeth and shrivelled little nubs for hands and penis. Not to mention Brian's punk-mullets that he occasionally sports. - Thu, 8 May 2003 7:34pm
XY-SATAN I remember sneeking into the BACCHANALIA and seeing holy smoke ! A buds oldier brother who worked the door let my cousin and I in the back door at the tender age of 14 , almost got beat up by a biker till he found out how old I was then he cut me a brake . Hey I think bowser moon was backing them up too !

Anyone remember mother's on Johnson St. ? How about the green onion ? - Thu, 8 May 2003 7:56pm
no one cares *were aiming for the end of sept. to go across canada. Definitely have to set up a show with you fuckers in cow town.*

So Jay - did those stellar contacts I sent you work out ok? I have some more I'd be happy to share. I'll even book a show for you personally if you can guess who it was who sent you all those contacts. a reward for sleuthing, let's say. - Thu, 8 May 2003 8:07pm
Potatoe Cock
User Info...
Anyone remember the opening of Oakcrest? Smoked hella dank that day, like every other day. C'mon push her to 420. - Thu, 8 May 2003 8:25pm
Old Boot-resouled Whoa...XY Satan..I remember the Bachanalia in Esquimalt, I was a young femme fatale at the time , bands in those days such as April Wine, the Headpins, Bowser Moon. What about the Surfside Cabaret down on Warf street, spent most weekends down there, thats a long time ago. How far back in years has this thread gone? 78 or further?...troutbreath and/or kingbong creep up on us. - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:18am
Anonymous the thatch in Royal Oak...the forty thieves...Red fox pub...but what did I have for lunch today hmmm - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:34am
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Wasn't that the Sunset cabaret? You guys are creepin' me you'll be talkin' about Uncle Wiggely's. - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:52am
Old Boot-resouled ....kudos to Ann-Marie ...the best bartenderette...If you remember Harpos , you'll remember Ann-Marie..a true sweet heart...hope you're doing well girlfriend!! - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:55am
Troutbreath Old Boot, I loved Anne-marie but then so did all the boys in the bar. She was wonderful and a very good bartender. This board has gone back into the sixties at least. And yeah, that King Bong band is a bunch of creeps. - Fri, 9 May 2003 11:02am
deep wound I fucking stabbed her in my bed at night and got teabagged by Marcus AND punched out Gary too! - Fri, 9 May 2003 11:10am
Troutbreath Uncle Wiggely's? They were a band from Victoria right? I remember a band that came to Cortes Island back in the late 7o's and I think they were called Uncle Wiggely's but I may be mistaken......... - Fri, 9 May 2003 11:22am
Steve Weed Wow this was wierd to read.
Fun and sad and hilarious and sickeningly nostalgic all at once. Nice to see many of you are still at it.
Sad to know some are six feet under it. And curious that many just fell off the face of it. - Fri, 9 May 2003 3:19pm
Old Boot-resouled You're right..U.W. Hot shoes blues band, some members are still around and playing, Brent(Hutch) sax and others usually at Barts. - Fri, 9 May 2003 3:44pm
Anonymous I - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:26pm
Anonymous KNEW - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous THIS - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous POST - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous WOULD - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous REACH - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous FOUR - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous FUCKING - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous HUNDRED! - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:28pm
Anonymous DID YOU? - Fri, 9 May 2003 4:29pm
Steve Weed I did.

I still contend, even living in Toronto now, that we in Victoria had a little scene that was more than 10 years ahead of it's time, and I'm not talking just *punk* bands. Some of the stuff that people out here consider outrageous was really just par for the course for all of us back then. BAM!

There's still some killer shit going on in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and here in Ontario these days. Though I have to say I'm looking fwd. to seeing Jerk With A Bomb play again. - Fri, 9 May 2003 5:52pm
brad Steve, it seems that there are little pockets of new bands creeping up all over the island, reminiscent of the early 90's. I think that we will see a resurgence in really good bands starting to play, there are some people that were involved in the scene back then that are starting new bands, and will be playing shortly. Keep your eyes on this area...its about to break out again.. (I also predicted a canucks win in 6 against the wild) - Sat, 10 May 2003 1:02am
Candice Steve Weed!! I biought your bands first and thrid cd's a couple of months ago. Nice to see you are still around and being the infamous lad we all knew! Does White Starline come west soon? I think people here would love you guys. Did you know I seen someone waering your bands shirt in Tennessee? Why did you ever leave us? - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:27pm
Anonymous I - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:17pm
Anonymous really - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:17pm
Anonymous really - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:17pm
Anonymous enjoy - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:18pm
Anonymous smoking - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:18pm
Anonymous pot - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:18pm
Anonymous rolled - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:18pm
Anonymous in - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:19pm
Anonymous to - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:19pm
Anonymous fat - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:19pm
Anonymous joints - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:19pm
Anonymous at - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:19pm
Anonymous 420 - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:20pm
Anonymous every - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:20pm
Anonymous day - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:21pm
Anonymous still - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:21pm
Anonymous smoking - Mon, 12 May 2003 6:21pm
Life All of a sudden a LIFE appears in front of dumb poster - and all he does is stare. - Tue, 13 May 2003 4:45pm
uncle wiggly's update Mark Comerford, the guitarist from Uncle Wiggly's, now plays in Soul Station. - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:37pm
Anonymous F$E#% SON OF A $%^&^&$ KISS MY a%# - Tue, 13 May 2003 5:53pm
Troutbreath Thanks for the update! I'll try to make it to a Soul Station show one night. I wonder if those guys remember their visit to Cortes. We were always very appreciative of the bands that made the trip and made sure they were well looked after. Not quite to the level of those South Pacific Cargo cults but pretty close. - Tue, 13 May 2003 6:07pm
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I saw Nomeansno (as a two piece) play the Surfside back in about '81. It was like a fire drill. Pink Steel and the Salty Seamen also played there on "alternative Mondays". It lasted 3 weeks maybe. - Wed, 14 May 2003 2:35pm
Anonymous how long were NMN a 2 piece? - Sat, 17 May 2003 12:41pm
jay brown
User Info...
Ya way back when, before Andy joined the band. Wow, I was just a kid then. I remember the first time I ever heard NMN I was walking into the old Lyles when it used to be downstairs and Body Bag was playing, I was so blown away I didn't even buy my Sex Pistols album, I bought NMN instead. - Sat, 17 May 2003 1:18pm
Anonymous liar - Sat, 17 May 2003 8:37pm
Anonymous man some of you guys are fuckin old....shit - Mon, 19 May 2003 10:53pm
snotshot this post is dead..leave it be.....once and for all , ya fuckin geezers. - Tue, 20 May 2003 10:28pm
Satchel Paige Don't look back Snotshot, something may be gaining on you. - Tue, 20 May 2003 10:35pm
S.V. We could keep this thread alive for ages :) :) :)
Hmmm let's see what about infamous "party" places....

Mason St.
Junction House
Hanes St.
Tuxedo Ave.
Aylsa Manor
The Passmore
Empress Ave.
The Tomb
Monkey House

I know there are many more, but my braincells are few and far between these days. ;) Anyone have a good story to tell??

Just more useless fodder to annoy the "youngsters" :) - Wed, 21 May 2003 2:46pm
jay brown
User Info...
the hellhouse
walnut st.
head st.
catherine st.
the rats nest
steele st. - Wed, 21 May 2003 8:53pm
mark morr
User Info...
my how
my how
my how and get this...
my how - Thu, 22 May 2003 10:22am
Troutbreath The Boat Building shed behind Capital Iron that was finally torn down. - Thu, 22 May 2003 11:09am
Wreaker of Havoc
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Boneheads (Caledonia)
Then Dan Kinds short lived venue on Discovery where you could see the light from downstairs through the cracks in the floor..... - Thu, 22 May 2003 11:40am
jay brown
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speed st. - Thu, 22 May 2003 1:40pm
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For the REALLY old time punkers there's the Ray Ellis Dance Studio, home to the very first local punk gigs, the OAP, Leo da Vinci hall, White Eagle hall, Norway House (Moral Lepers & MNM, yeah!), the FOE (setting for the great DayGlo riot video), Metropole (where Java is/was), La Hacienda (downstairs in Market Square), the Green Door (where Swans is now), dozens of places that didn't even have nicknames including my living room and yours, I'll bet. - Fri, 23 May 2003 12:53am
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Oh, La Hacienda! The second place to kick me out for underage drinking! The police just laughed at me cuz' I was 16 and looked like I was 11. (The first was Decadance). Is anyone still around from HOC (House of Commons)? - Fri, 23 May 2003 5:48pm
The Mad Subwoofer
User Info...
Dan Beer has the sign from La Hacienda at our practice spot. Kinda odd I guess.
I will NEVER leave gear overnight in a club; lesson learned from that place. - Fri, 23 May 2003 5:58pm
S.V. I was thinking more of party houses than bars, but the bars of days gone by were the best! Those were the days when underage drinking in establishments was commonplace.

At the La Ha, The Beaver or The Foe, nobody batted an eye. The FOE was my favorite, where the pensioners would think nothing quaffing a pint next to us girls with siouxie eyes and nailspikes. - Sun, 25 May 2003 10:55am
S.V. Okay kids russle up a good house party and I'll be there! Haven't been to one since Halloween at the Rat's Nest. :( - Sun, 25 May 2003 11:08am
S.V. Yikes! That should read "rustle"...too coffee in sight. - Sun, 25 May 2003 11:10am
Anonymous this post just won't die.....i can't beleive someone hasn't started a sub post or something...lets get this shit to 500! - Sun, 25 May 2003 12:42pm
jay brown
User Info...
The Beaver was the first bar I ever got into. I was fourteen and Ken O Kane and me and Tom Williams, an Grecko went for a beer. We always used to go to the f.o.e. drinking with Richard and Sean Earl and the boys. - Sun, 25 May 2003 3:11pm
Troutbreath The Beaver was classic. Remember the Captain who had his own chair and Tankard. I was there to witness what happened to some twit sitting in it when the Captain arrived. As far as I know he was a Tugboat skipper, I believe they put up a plaque in his memory after he died. - Sun, 25 May 2003 3:57pm
S.V. Two more names I haven't heard in a while..Tom and JB (keeper of tabs), where are they now? I think my first drink at the Beaver was with Grecko too. 3 years now since Kenny departed (May 19/00), RIP. :( - Sun, 25 May 2003 10:38pm
XY-SATAN Yep, I remember the booze can on Speed st. I think there may have been a few ! LOL !

What was the one at Tennyson ? Right behind Searle's auto. - Sun, 25 May 2003 10:46pm
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Gotta say the melvins show at the Icehouse in 2000 was one of the best shows to blow through here in the past few years. God I miss the Icehouse - Mon, 26 May 2003 12:23am
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I never got a chance to go to the Halloween gig @ the Rats Nest cause i had to work, sigh... - Mon, 26 May 2003 4:08am
jay brown
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Last I heard Richard was still in Toronto working at a safeway or something like that, and Sean had finally come out of the closet. - Mon, 26 May 2003 9:46am
S.V. Richard is one person I don't miss...egotistical prat! Not quite as obnoxious as his sidekick Jim (cough syrup heir)though. - Mon, 26 May 2003 12:45pm
jay brown
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Jim's in town I see him every once in a while, he's doing pretty good for himself. He has a security company, and I do believe he's still a navy boy. - Mon, 26 May 2003 3:45pm
Anonymous the house of silence - Mon, 26 May 2003 10:13pm
Anonymous Do you guys remember when dinosaurs ruled the earth? It was a long time ago, back when wreaker had long hair.... Thats old. - Mon, 26 May 2003 10:13pm
Anonymous fortyfour......44. more - Fri, 30 May 2003 12:12am
Troutbreath I remember a certain 40th birthday party that was held in the North Park Gallery. Someone who worked for Joe the Bartender at the time convinced Fran that it would be OK, there'd only 70 or 80 people at most..........ya right. The place was packed and there were three different bands in attendance, Auntie Kate and the Cheap Suits being the main one. The gallery almost got away unscathed until some one spilled beer into the fax machine. - Fri, 30 May 2003 10:04am
Anonymous Almost to 500! - Fri, 30 May 2003 6:22pm
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It was Section 46 at the Steele St. House playing w/ The Ex.
That was my last show w/ the band and just before they became Loot Bag.

The DRI/MOC show at the Rat's Nest is still my favorite show of all-time. (Though a couple of Danzig shows come close...)

Also in the top 5:
SNUFF at the Cruel Elepahnt in Vancouver.
Now, why an I including that show in a "Victoria Old days..." thread?

Because the audience was about 3/4 people from Vic who went over there for that show alone!

Rawb - Fri, 30 May 2003 7:26pm
Pic-toe county Does anybody remember the art gallery on Herald Street called Buzzards Lunch?....and are any of those artists still around? - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 9:16pm
S.V. Dunno about all of the artists, but Gerald (Buzzard's Lunch proprietor) is rumoured to be Mayor of Ocean Falls now ;) ;)

That was a great store! I wonder who bought that fantastic door painted with the skeleton, I loved that piece. I'm sure Vulpine knows where some of those artists are these days. She doesn't post here often though. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:40pm
old cruel Just for you Mr/MS Anon. Bwahahahahahahhahahah! - Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:28pm
Troutbreath I can remember going to the MeatLockers for an Art Show and Meatlocker 7 was playing in one of the Lockers......hmmm, might have been in #7. Anyway, can't remember too much after that. - Fri, 13 Jun 2003 1:42am
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It's gonna be alright Troutbreath. Just take it easy.
Cool cool. - Fri, 13 Jun 2003 1:58am
Troutbreath Mother? Is that you? - Fri, 13 Jun 2003 2:23pm
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some of those artists are deceased and some still just starving. im still selling my stuff but certainly still starving. most of us are still around. mr natrass has a studio in china town. sorry to say we lost jay same summer as ken. gee this is a long thread....sorry guys - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 9:42pm
Pic-toe -county Binky...the cat skeleton...whose work was that..Binky always haunts me! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 1:15am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Gerald lived with us on Meares st. for a time...always a spare carcass or two stashed away some where. Don't know if those two getting ahol;d of that "modern primitives" book was a good thing or not (how are those brandings faring these days guys?) They did us up all sorts of funky, cool trinkets at the jewelery shop they were working little Shovlhed souviners like Christ on the cross (with a shovel for a head) and the contemplative Buddha (with the same mod.) Always appreciated the time they took for that. Having those "art projects" of theirs about the house could be a little intense at times...(!) Don't think Ken K. was too approving of that! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 1:58am
Troutbreath "sorry to say we lost jay same summer "

Was that the same Jay that created the sculpture in front of the New Victoria police Station? - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 2:25am
jay brown
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Oh god I remember when we used to jam at their house in fernwood and they'd always be boiling the skin off of the dead animals so they could use the bones for jewelry molds. It was toxic smelling to say the least. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 3:04am
The Mad Subwoofer
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Uh....yeah. That was exactly what I was talkin' about. Far be it from me to criticize the artistic process or anything.....but bleah! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 3:12am
S.V. I still wear many of Gerald's trinkets. Living at the Monkey House was an adventure...between the evil skunk, and experimental tofu projects festering upon the counter....culinary delights! Yum! The music was great though!!! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 8:55am
mark mor
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I remember when Mark Smith chopped a cat in half at a skinhead house party. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:16am
S,V. Wasn't that his own cat, at his house on Vining? I seem to remember that it was just an accident with Mark being a psycho buffoon playing with his machette. That boy should not maintain weapons...bad combo. I think he genuinely felt bad about that. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:20am
the headless horseman I remember when Mark Morr chopped my cock in half trying to give me head with his bucks---i was bummed--now they call me Icabod Crane and i get no solid action. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:21am
Steve Weed I think that cat-hacking took place at our (Zack,Jen,Willow, and meself) place on Quadra, but fortunately I was away in Toronto that week.

couldn't believe it when I heard it though!...Mark was always a swell guy...even pretty hilarious...always could find the good buds, too...

but who knows what can happen when skinheads are around...I just knew a machete around the house was gonna be trouble. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:24am
Anonymous why'd you hold the cat then? - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 1:43pm
Anonymous about those "infamous" party houses, doesnt shelbourne shithouse at least get a mention. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 4:37pm
jay brown
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well I was five feet away when it happened. Mark and his girlfriend were arguing, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, and there was this machete on the floor. He picked it up and was hacking leaves off this plant. At the same time he was still arguing with her so he wasn't really looking at what he was doing. The cat ran by and just happened to run right under the plant as Mark was swinging down. The blade severed the cats spine and almost cut it in half. The cat kept going though, and because it happened right at the top of the stairs it rolled all the way down the stairs and ended up in the kitchen. Where as it so happens everyone was sitting. Well all of a sudden there's this cat spouting blood all over the walls and trying to walk but it's front legs and shoulders werent connected anymore so it just rolled every time it tried to stand. Everyone lost it instantly. All the girls, and a few of the guys started bawling and they got the cat wrapped in a blanket and rushed it to the vet. The rest of the guys decided Mark did it on purpose and that was it they were going to kill him. So Mark ran off down the street and everyone else ran after him to kill him. Me and Jody Bolduc were the only ones left, so we went around and grabbed everyones beer and sat down and got ever drunker. The cat got put down, Mark didn't get beat up, and me and Jody got trashed. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 6:34pm
Anonymous then you begged Jody to bumshove you, right? - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 7:19pm
Anonymous The shelbourne shithouse was nothing! - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 7:24pm
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i had beers with mark and his girlfriend saturday.
and also sandi of Menstrual Sponge /Apple Bitch Cunt
fame. god what a gruesome story !!
poor cat
poor mark - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:45pm
Anonymous what the fuck was he doing arguing with a machette in his hand?
also is this mark morrison we are talkin bout
the one who was boinkin noels mom way back?
oh bah
whatevah - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:00am
Anonymous oh mark smith.....sorry i missed that - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:05am
mark mor
User Info...
no Anon, that was YOUR mom. She was really good too. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 9:24am
Anonymous Well Mark at least it looks like you've been brushing up on your spelling skills. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 9:51am
S.V. Mark was always playing with one type of weapon or another (re-living Viet Nam fantasies). Be it a knife, water pistol or sharpened stick...Mark would be drawn to it. But even when aggitated, Mark wouldn't harm a kitty on purpose. That was just an unfortunate accident to be sure. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:08pm
mark mor
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as i said before, I don't really give a fuck what you think, Anon. - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 2:49pm
Gallow Drummer How about when Alice Cooper played here in 88 was iT? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 3:03pm
nobody Does anyone from the "old days" realize how much bullshit is being spread here? About 6 feet deep I figure.

Oh well carry on reliving a ficticious past. Probably the drugs and beer that make it hard to remember the truth :-D

Oh well now that I have pissed off a few old punks TTFN - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:53pm
nobody Oh forgot to add Weedshove was the worst fucking band that ever struck a sour note in this town, closely followed by D-Ron-E. actually most of them sucked save a few with actual talent. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 6:12pm
S.V. Ficticious past??? Do tell....what are you referring to? Though I have to agree with the too much drink/substances memories are few and far between and extremely cloudy. :) - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 9:19pm
Troutbreath Dear Nobody, I don't have the imagination to make this stuff up. - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:48pm
Unregistered User well some of the details i KNOW are mixed up. not typing of anyone in particular.

perhaps a part 2 thread to continue? that's a lot of scrolling to get down here. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 1:59am
Anonymous i'll nae shiv a kitty - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:37am
Unregistered User you'll never shave a pussy? - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:49am
cuntfuck i got to see this shit hit 500. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 4:25am
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Section 46, Shutdown and NOFX at the Upper SUB at UVIC was a real good intro to the world of completely out of control teenagers. I remember that all ages shows were pretty few and far between at that point ('91?) because these skateboard hoodlums would completely decimate all of the venues. I think I bought a skateboard off of a kid the next day I was stoked. Does anyone know about the availability of that Section 46/Shutdown split demo tape? Section 46 were the shiznit. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 4:39am

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