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Best vocalist in Victoria
Message Board > General Chitchat > Best vocalist in Victoria
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Jacksauce Okay, who are the best vocalists in Victoria? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:12pm
Spark I woulde have to say that Chister from dizzy fucking ruled. Best stage presence I've ever seen but i guess he no longer sings.. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:33pm
Anonymous Ummm.. tough one. I'd say Blark from the Shivs - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:37pm
Anonymous Kenn Coutu..........Armchair Cynics - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:41pm
Anonymous the chick in whip - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:46pm
sexy the guy from burnside ,loud as hell ! - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:57pm
lil boy blue Monica from TOTE!! - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 4:18pm
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The King!(From The Crusties of Course). - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 4:33pm
whit I've always thought it was Gilles of JAf (and formerly of DTV). Dave Chenery has a beautiful voice too. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 5:06pm
Jacksauce Mon of tote swallowing my jacksauce while masterbating her war - goddess aye - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 5:27pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside I am! - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:12pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside and the toughest. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:12pm
Anonymous play some fricken shows and prove it, tough-guy - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:14pm
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yeah it's gotta be deluca...BURNSIIIIDE!ha!
or rat boy roy (for obvious reasons) - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:17pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside it's cum'n,oh ya it's cum'n - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:18pm
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yeah deluca, wolfgang and mikey keep talking how bsb is up and runnin again, but when's there gonna be a show huh?
ps. how long till the baby? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:20pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside I was talkin about my cock - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:21pm
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well i dont have a witty cum back for that one - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:22pm
[email protected] 7 weeks till another DeLuca hits the streets - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:22pm
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thanks for the fair warning! that's fucking rad! - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:25pm
Dead beat dad hater Yeah totally fuckin rad...seing as he's such a great dad to the two he's already u ever see your kids Clyde? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 9:14pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside just tuck'n them both in bed right now,so fuck you bitter bitch. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 9:50pm
hater suck my cock deadbeat - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 10:40pm
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tell us who you are or fuck the fuck off. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:42pm
blaine fart that dude from gallows end... - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:49pm
blaine maggot brain for best vocalist that is....(see above) - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:52pm
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Although I'd agree with whoever said The King from the Crusties, that's not a Vicboria band so it doesn't really count. Rat Boy Roy gets my vote. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 1:54am
jack off the problem is none of you pricks can sing. best vocalist? try that dead guy from the bee gees. he was great. unfortuneatley, his beard got stuck in his vocal chords. if only that could happen to some of the other nominees on this thread. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 2:48am
Roofee Randy My bulbous wand once got caught in your moms vocal cords..... - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:24pm
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It says best vocalist bitch, not best singer there Coverdale. Ease up. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 1:11pm
jack off dude. im sorry, dont call me a bitch, your mom gets jealous when you use her pet names., - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 1:53pm
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That's true, she does. 'course I had to wait until my bros finished banging the piss out of that whore before I asked her. I hate it when she gets jealous........ - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 1:59pm
laura if anyone has ever seen Paul around kids they clearly know that this is going to be one lucky little bambino... 7 more weeks! Tell Shelia to hang in there- we're thinking about you guys!
P.S.... we hope it's a boyfriend for Sabrina - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 2:54pm
Pot Head STICKY KOLA from King Bong hands presence, biggest voice, So Cal born and raised.. badest motherfucker ever to take a Vic stage...comon down Burnside pussy....let the monkey kick your gay ass! - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 3:50pm
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what planet you living on hippy? not even in the same fucking country as Pauly. Pull your head out son.... - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 4:50pm
Anonymous the guy from Grace Nocturnal (I think it's Mark, or Mike?)

he's like Jim Morrison crossed with Mick Jagger

what a show! - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 5:44pm
Ross B ay I've fallen an I can't get off this really bad poser board bullshit.I really need to get a job...on second thought... I think I'll look around for more peacocks fanned out exited dinkys on display. It's like motley crue in here but sadly not even that cool. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 8:09pm
Anonymous gay - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 8:23pm
Anonymous clyde"THE DON"burnside - I am! (a totall fucking geek) - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 9:51pm
C. Mark Grimshaw - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 10:34pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside name coward. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 1:09am
wolfgizzang tpb's on in half an hour sir - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 1:38am
Anonymous caroline mark - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 2:46am
Anonymous are you going to beat everybody up "the don"!?! fuck you. i hope you get yours. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:10am
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the anonymous posters dont count.just thought that you shoudl get the memo...bitch - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:18am
Anonymous (shoudl) Maybe you should learn to spell before you try and act so tough. As for not counting, it counts enough to get a rise out of you, doesn't it? - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:50am
The Expert Sticky Kola's backup vocalists can kick the butts of most of the 'singers' in this town with perfect pitch and a five octave range. You posers on this board won't even know what that means. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 11:32am
Anonymous five octaves? Pauly couldn't do that even with his dick caught in his zipper. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 1:27pm
Anonymous Funny the only person defending the "Don" is the moron who procreated w/ Dustin of the idiotic stunts such as rolling shopping carts through windows and putting his dick in frying pan at parties to name a few???? Hmmmmm...nuff said - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 1:49pm
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Octaves? Yeah have fun with that Mariah Carey. Grow some balls while you're at it......And to the ineffectual loser who wrote shit about D's wife, you're lucky as hell you don't have the balls to give your name son. Enough said about that. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 1:50pm
Anonymous ROSS BAY, a little defensive aren't we. Even Mariah Carey doesn't have five octaves, Ella did, but then you probably don't know who that is. You out of your league here sonny boy. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 2:32pm
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Yeah Mrs. Fitzgerald knew it, and Mariah Carey does in fact have a 5 octave vocal range pardner. Check it out. What league was that you were talking about son? - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:39pm
Anonymous Glad to see you're paying attention ROSS BAY, we may let you play with the big dogs after all. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:42pm
Anonymous if we can get you off the porch that is - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:43pm
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Okay thanks! Nothing better than drinking Jim Beam by yourself on the porch in your shit stained ginch and mustard wife beater though......I don't think I can give that up. Oh yeah by the way I used to get a kick out of that dude who sang in Fine Tooth Combine about 9 years ago. He looked and sounded just like Meatloaf, but with a hard rock/ Faith No more kinda band. They actually made a professional-type CD too. I think they played at Harpo's with More and Age of Electric or something. I dug More too. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:49pm
Anonymous Jim Bean? Maybe I'll have to drop by your porch one afternoon and we can swap lies and fishing stories. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 4:39pm
music man Listen to the punk, (Ross Bay) talk about music....hey Ross you fucking idiot your a punk what the fuck do you know about octaves or music for that matter....punk has nothing to do with can comment on being a drunken loser though...
Oh and by the way Sticky Kola was a punk when you were still into Disney's greatest hits.
Fuckin "new" punks come into the 21st century!
Punk died with Joey!
Long live punk - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 5:08pm
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and i cant even spell! - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 5:24pm
Anonymous Dan Politano. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 6:12pm
Gene Adam Kittredge - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 6:12pm
April O (ohmygodareyouintroublenow) Thanks for the vote, whoever it was!
I did notice, however, that Carolyn Mark (who rules) and I were the only females to make it on the list.
(My apologies if I missed anyone else.)
Here's to estrogen up your ass!
Love and spankings,
Mz. Whip - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 6:30pm
Ty Stranglehold
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to the annonaloser slagging the DON:
I back him up 100%! He is a good guy with a lot to deal with, but still manages to keep to the positive. Proud to call him a friend. Calling Laura a moron is pretty classy too. You couldn't be further from the truth.
Get a Life. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 6:49pm
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"Punk died with Joey"
"Long live punk"

Fuck are you ever stupid. Nice work genius. Go back to your Sid and Nancy beta and your Clash records. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 8:23pm
Sweetgrass girl April O you are in good company with us. It seems someone wants to compare us with MARIAH uck!. I'll certainly thank the Ella comment but leave wailing Mariah out of it. range doesn't have to sound like gymnastics. Besides we're just the support for that Stickiest of Kola He does kick ass as a vocalist! - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 1:31am
Say Uncle. The DON hands down could kick the ass of pretty much any guy in the 'scene'.. That mofo has a beat sheet longer then my cock, which is pretty damn impressive,, fucker was a golden gloves wasnt he? Anyone with the balls to post their real name and insult his wife has my vote for either biggest balls in the city or stupidest mofo in the city. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:25am
clyde"THE DON"burnside 19 golden gloves titles,no brag'n though,just spreading my beautiful golden wings.want to dance? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:36am
The Expert OK, so he's a good boxer, the question is can he sing? What is your range "Don". How many octaves? Can you sing in key or are you flat? Do you control the note or do you slide into it? The size of you unit has nothing to do with it. I heard a ten year old girl the other day that can sing circles around most of you. It's called singing not shouting. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:01pm
Anonymous I think "The Don", ROSS B AY, Ty Stranglehold are all a bunch of bitches. And their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends are morons. And I could kick all three of your asses by myself. Come on bitches. Let's dance. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:12pm
Night fall The best singer in Victoria is comming here in the summer. If the whole band moves here? HEHE Will need a drummer from here. Me on guitar and the rest from Mantoba somewhere. HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAH

It will be like Halford mixed with Manson on vocals - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:17pm
Ignacious Well granted, The DOn is tougher than he is a good singer..

Another noname post there hey chicken poop? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:23pm
Anonymous Halford mixed with Manson.. so really gay you mean? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:25pm
Anonymous There is a large park here and your singer will feel right at home. And the band will have a bit of extra pocket money. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:26pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside i admitt,i can't sing,but by golly i have a neat time on stage performing. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 1:44pm
a girl Anyone who feels the need to continuosly(?)(too lazy to check spelling)tell everyone how tough they are is weak in my opinion. Why don't you try reasoning with people instead, or is there to much thinking involved for all you boys out there? You come off completely insecure with yourself, and therefore feel the need to threaten others. Obviously people aren't going to post there real names, would you? Who the hell wants there teeth knocked out for what they say, even though they are entitled to their own opinions. And that is exactly what they are. You guys set yourselves up for the bashing with your tough talk. And don't tell me it's all in good fun, because if you knew who had said some of the comments you would indeed go after them, wouldn't you. Men are way to violent. There are so many other ways to resolve things. Blah, blah, I could ramble on forever, but who really cares what I have to say. I just hope you don't instill the same sort of violent behavior in you kids. All kids are innocent, and sweet, it's the environment they grow up in that forms who they become. This is not a personal attack on anyone, or there families. I am simply stating what I am feeling. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 2:18pm
Bat boy Hey Don,
You keep your pussy golden gloves award all shined up in your room..I got a baseball bat with your name on it...fuck the marquis of queensbury ..let dance LA style you fucking country bumkin..don't fuck with people you don"t know cause there is always someone me
Oh and wann b Ross Bay you fucking wish you were old enough to have been in the REAL punk scene insted of this "I wish I'd been there retro punk scene" you have no Idea what punk is bitch. I'll keep my clash, pistols, X, & Dead Kennedys spinnin,
you go ahead and listen to Sum 41 or Greeday and dream..I WAS THERE when punk was real HA HA HA LOSER YOU WILL NEVER BE Anything than a sad RETRO PUNK LOSER HAHA HA!
You don't need my name cause I"ll find for you - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 2:18pm
SomeGuyFromBC What does your octave range have to do with good music? I think anybody who judges a vocalist on something like that has to be a complete fucking retard. Actually, I take that back, that would be an insult to handicapped people. A good singer puts in the vocals best for that song. If every guitar player and drummer played as technical as they could, music would no longer be about art, it would be a sport. Tom Araya, Jeff Walker, Chris Cornell, etc., Do Not Sing with a full vocal range wether they can or not. It's about how the vocals fit into the song. period. It would suck to listen to Angel of Death, Heartwork, or 99% of the songs out there if the singers were trying to do anything more then put the vocals in that fit that song. Songs that are all about the vocals, suck. I am sure there are thousands of people who can sing a full octave range, but only a handful probably ever get anything produced. Why? cause you can only have so many image based hot103 groups out there. If singing image is that important to you, move to the states and try to be the next backstreet boy. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 2:19pm
a girl And there you have it, another one with thoughness to prove. Hey Bat boy quit trying to be something or someone you are not. Is that the only punk you knew "old skool", because it sounds pretty fucking commercial to me. Who cares who heard what first. Go back to your office desk, with your comfortable life, asshole. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 2:35pm
Anonymous Don is a pussy, Jay is a pussy, Ty is a pussy, bat boy is a pussy, and that girl is a bitch. You're all pussies and/or bitches. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 3:03pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside hey bat boy.i'll make things easy for address is 953 gillespie rd. east sooke.come on over.i'll be in the garden all day.bbeeeooottcchh. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 3:14pm
Anonymous yer not old school, yer just old - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 3:36pm
Anonymous Well hell, after all that I do believe that I am PROUD to consider myself a regular reader of this message board. Not to dis myself, but its the regular contributers with IDENTITIES who ever have anything worthwhile to say. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 3:44pm
Anonymous 'Chris Cornell, etc., Do Not Sing with a full vocal range'

Sure he does, meathead. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 4:01pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Well Don its good to see someone stirring shit up again on this board! It was getting boring. Hey Batboy Ill drive you out to sooke if you need a ride. Only if i can take pictures of the leftover pulp for our future cd cover. Oh and youll have to find your own way home of course..... - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 4:32pm
Bat Boy See ya then you Fag Don Ill be there at aboutg 2 be ready cause yiur shit is history oh an d any of that pussies friends want to be there Ill do you too - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 7:00pm

zakinflicted *at*
Messages Posted:
You're making me piss my pants I'm laughing so hard kid. What a fucking retard. Go away. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 8:19pm
clyde"THE DON"burnside when's jam potatoe head ? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 8:20pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I never said anywhere that I was tough. In fact, all I did was stick up for a friend. A pussy is one who slags annonymously.
As for batboy, you should stick to something you know like maybe a big tub o lube and some Richard Simmons workout videos or something. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:32pm
A Maestro Ok, i know this is going back a bit, but...

SomeGuyFromBC.... think about it dude. sure, good point about "fitting the vocals to the music," but in all seriousness, i think most of those of us who post on this board who are actually trained in the art that is called music would agree that most of what anyone listens to on the radio or CD's could SERIOUSLY use some more technical prowess. Gone are the days when the most successful musicians were the ones who were undoubtedly best at their craft, and even those who seem to be doing it "for the music" are more content to run over the same tired harmonic grounds than to push the boundaries of composition and expression. WHEN WILL LISTENERS EVER GET TIRED OF THE II-V-I?!?!?! - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 3:02am
Anonymous heh? - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 3:47am
Choad hmmm, the best vocalist? well, i'm not sure that this is where this post has ended up, but since i dont feel like pissing off anyone, or calling them names, just like where every other post on the message board goes, i think i will just post my vote for the best, well, not the best, but the vocalist i like to hear singing/screaming, and i would have to say its a tie, Paul Deluca - Burnside Brawlers and Rat Boy Roy - Alcoholic White Trash. and a few others that i enjoy are the following: Mark - Shivs, Mark - The Banned. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 5:03am
Allah Peanut Butter Sandwich So did BatBoy show up and swing>? - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 12:56pm
Anonymous BatBoy is a RentBoy so he cruised the park and made a few quid instead. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 1:06pm
Anonymous JP - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 2:06pm
stank ass probably carolyn mark - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 2:25pm
Anonymous ML7 Bram vs former ML7 Aaron - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 4:56pm
Anonymous "'Chris Cornell, etc., Do Not Sing with a full vocal range'

Sure he does, meathead"

-Umm what song do you hear chris cornell hit every octave? I may not be the soundgarden guru, but I have never heard him do it. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 8:57pm
Anonymous having a full vocal range and hitting every octave are not the same thing. Yellers are great, but Cornell has a great melodic voice also. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 10:34pm
SomeGuyFromBC I am not doubting Chris Cornell's abilities as a singer, he is definately one of my favorite singers, my point just was that he doesn't sing everything from extreme high notes and low notes because that would take away from the song. A great vocalist isn't what you can sing, it's how you sing it. ... that sounds really cheesey, I think I should get off my binge now.... - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:49am
The Expert Range may not be the only factor but it sure gives you more choices to follow musically as a band grows together. Take Hootie and the Blah Fish for example. Interesting vocalist, barely one octave range, Where are they now???That may be fine when your a new band and only have ten songs but what do you do 5 years later. Versality counts, 5 Octaves help, The Sweetgrass Girls have that, plus, a great vocalist in Sticky Kola! Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 1:34am
Spark You people are fucking stupid! It's extremly rare for a singer to be able to span more than three octaves. Caline Dion barely ranges over three! Mariah carey has a little less than three! Her vocal range is comprised of just onder two octaves of regular tones and an unusally high range of head tones, so what? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 10:06am
The Expert Spark, certainly vocal range isn't everything, Neil Young hasn't found the right note yet, but then he's Neil Young. For some people, Leonard Cohen for example and Bob Dylan is another one, it doesn't really matter but you might see a pattern emerging. A brilliant song writer can work with their limitations but they have to know what they are. Over the centuries vocal range has been an important part of a singers stock in trade. So important in fact that ( and hang on to your dangly bits boys) in Italy when Opera was it, young boys would be castrated before their voices changed so they could sing the male soprano parts. Who said you needed testicles to be a singer? These 'Castrati' were the Rock Stars of their time and if you look at the range they sang in they would be very comfortable with modern Rock especially Heavy Metal. If one of these guys were around today they would be HUGE! you think Micheal Jackson's father was that creepy? You know as 'Castrati' aged they had many physical abnormalities from not getting the Testosterone the body needed. Perhaps someone has some thoughts on the matter. Anyone? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:24am
Spark Um, what's your point?? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 2:17pm
The Expert Just thinking out loud Spark, would you give up a part of your anatomy to further you craft? Are those really Mikey's kids he's dangling out windows? Do we really need a point? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 2:19pm
meh aren't those auto-tuners amazing? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 2:34pm
Anonymous I just wish more guitar players would use them! - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 3:15pm
meh I've read some discussions about auto-tuners. People complaining that nobody needs to know how to sing any more while recording, you just need an auto-tuner. Then there's the argument, how is using an auto-tuner that much different than needing 50 takes on a track to get it right? One person claimed that Chris Cornell used an auto-tuner for the entire badmotorfinger album. That doesn't surprise me, having experienced first hand what an auto-tuner can do, I tend to think that everybody uses them, at the very least just to clean things up. To be a good singer, you really only need a voice with good tone and a moderately good ear for pitch, the auto tuner will do the rest for you. I don't know what it would be like to use an auto-tuner live though. Anybody know more about the topic? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:50pm
Anonymous ask the Cynics' singer... - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 6:53pm
Anonymous 'he doesn't sing everything from extreme high notes and low notes'

He writes melodies, writes the lyrics, and sings the fucker. A good melody has nothing to do with how many octaves it covers. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 8:02pm
jay brown
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Well I'd say my favotite vocalist in town is Clay George, the guy fucking rules. BUt then theres my favorite front men, the two dont necessarily go hand in hand. I'd say Paul, from B.S.B. fucking rules, great energy. Singing styles consist of hitting about two notes, but he hits them well, and it totally works for the style they do. He doesnt have to sing opera to be good. I think my singer Ratboy is one of the best frontmen in town, the little fucker brings a show on stage all by himself every time he's up there. I thought that well before we played together, hence the reason I got in a band with him. Jymbo, from the Dayglos man that guy has kick ass stage presence. I love the Wright brothers styles of vocals, and they have great stage performances as well. Olviously I think Stranglehold is a great singer as well, even though I hack him about being a crappy poet all the time. April has to have one of the best voices in this city for a performing female vocalist, and I've been watching her sing for about ten years now. That lady knows how to work an audience. There's this black guy that plays downtown sometimes, I have no idea what his name is, but fuck can he sing. He does old style blues, and that guys got that Louis Armstrong thing down, I was blown away the first time I saw him. There's a ton of good vocalists out there it just depends what your into, as to what your gonna like. Now on to the other stuff, Paul's a great guy, I think your just being an asshole for the sake of shooting your mouth off, and that's not only lame but totally gutless as well. Laura has been a friend of mine for most of my adult life and you should be so lucky as to ever meet a woman half as good. Hacking Tyler... well as the majority of people in this city know, he's one of the nicest guys around so you just managed to prove that you dont have a clue on that one. I could really care less though, they're all big kids now, and anything any of them had to prove was proven a long fucking time ago. I will say for the record that I have been known to get in the ocassional fight, and there aint too many people out there that I would bolt from like a fucking rabbit, but damn man, I've seen Paul scrap and it truly is an art. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:18am
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Man, the auto-tuner is definately _not_ punk-rock..... - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 2:23am
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Roy(AWT), Blind Mark(The Shivs) and Paul(BSB) - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 3:01am
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i cant believe i just read this whole fucking thread, but it was worth it...
just for this
"Ty Strandlehold...As for batboy, you should stick to something you know like maybe a big tub o lube and some Richard Simmons workout videos or something."

thanks for that one ty, i laughed so hard i choked on water and spat all over the screen. - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 3:14am
Anonymous is paul still scrappin?
shit man i saw him do that man many years ago as a teenager
gotta be gettin old by now
maybe he shoulda been a pro boxer?
i dunno - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 3:49am
Anonymous The Crow is born! - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 3:58am
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thx!! our sound will be out there soon for all to hear - Wed, 26 Feb 2003 6:49pm
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