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What Beer is in YOUR fridge?
Message Board > General Chitchat > What Beer is in YOUR fridge?
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User Info... I'm sitting around sipping on a Phillips Maple Cream..and thinking man I love so many what the hell is everyone else quenching their thirst with these days? I might even learn of a few new ones...

Lately, I've been big time into the Phillips Maple Cream Draught Dodger, and Phillips I.P.A. along with Nelson Brewery's Oatmeal Stout, and of course Naramata Nut Brown Ale by Cannery Brewery (Penticton)...what about you? - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 2:02pm
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I'm not a beer drinker, but working in a liquor store I hear people talk and get some good feedback.
The Gulf Islands Mayne Sail Ale & Salt Spring Golden Ale can be great, depending on the batch.
Big Rock Maibock is supposed to be great, but get it quick 'cause I think it's only available for a short time.
The Philips stuff is great - try the Amnesiac!
and for those who spend too much time in pubs, Lighthouse beer (Race Rocks, Beacon, etc.) is now available in cans. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 3:05pm
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When I use to drink, my usual Ale of choice: Lighthouse IPA/Race Rocks Ale depending on which of the products the pub had. Now I can't drink, I'd KILL for an IPA!! I've seen the Lighthouse Race Rocks Ale in can format, anyone sampled that? - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 3:46pm
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Nelson's Oatmeal Stout...Blackheart Stout. Fine fine beer. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 3:53pm
The Box Drone
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Shaftbury, Keiths & Sleemans pretty much make up our mountain of beer bottles. And Pilsner is my beer of choice when I'm getting singles... and not just because it's cheap oddly enough. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 4:03pm
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Corona. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 4:04pm
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I'm not really the connoisseur type, so I'm enjoying a frosty TNT 8 right now. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 4:18pm
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Maybe you misunderstood...this thread is about beer - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 4:36pm
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June 5 2005 –20:23 NWT

- Code yellow (below average consumption)-

Labatts' Gen. draft . - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 5:13pm
princess p
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STELLAAAAAAA - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 6:18pm
Nik Olaz
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i had that Molson Kick fucking blew. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 6:34pm
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princess p knows what's up. (Didn't I start a similar thread not that long ago?) - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 6:37pm
Japanese Air Force
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Sleeman's Honey Brown, Red Stripe or Granville Island Amber Ale. I like their Winter Ale and Maple as well.

Corona is good enough as long as it's really cold and I'm outside in the sun.

~JAF - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 7:07pm
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Greenman's?!? Ewww.... I too like the Granville Island Winter Ale. What was so wrong with the Molson Kick?!? - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 7:16pm
Little Red
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I was just about to freakout b/c someone else posted Nelson's Blackheart Stout... then I realized it was YOU Haden!!! (who else?)

I agree on the Stella- that's good shit. But I have to say the one that occupies my fridge the most is Pipers Pale. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 7:57pm
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My dream fridge would be stocked full of Wildcat Strong, in bottles. Sadly it is not available here. Right at the moment i have one corona, and one kokanee in the fridge, the only two soldiers still standing after a bender of a camping trip. Corona is ok if your going to drink 40 of em in 4 hours, and kokanee just blows so i'm not fiending to drink these beers. - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 8:36pm
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Ya I really dig the Grandville Island stuff as well...sans the winter ale (yuck). The Cypress Honey and Kits Maple cream have been long time fav's...but I fell in love with the Nelsons Oatmeal stout at the Okanagan Fest of Ales about a month or so ago...and its been in steady rotation in the fridge ever since...beers some buddy's of mine have bought that looked interesting are : HobGoblin, and Monty Python's Holy Grail..(totally lame gimick...but its definately worth a taste for the name alone!) - Sun, 5 Jun 2005 10:36pm
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I picked up some Bushman's premium lager on the weekend. Its Australian. I thought it was good. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 5:25am
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yeah I like bushman's. i like any beer that doesn't come from north america - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 8:30am
The One After Two
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I love it, Cooper nocks Nat for drinking BEER, when most people on here go on some tirade about loving Maple Nut infuzed berry beer from places like Kits or Salt Spring.... hahahahahaha. Thats funny.

I like Corona, or Miller...

Super Bock!

Stella is good... Sleeman when its on special and Guiness.

The Molson Kick rots your gut so don't pound a case of thats stuff, just start the night. But if you need the upper buzz to get started, just drop down the money for a red bull and vodka b/c it tastes way better. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 9:00am
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Homemade, foo' - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 9:20am
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1516 & Helles are good

Winter Ale is just plain BAD - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 9:23am
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Pretty much anything that comes out of Vancouver Island Breweries rocks.... Hermans, Islander, and of them... I like my beer brewed at Bay and Government basically...:)

Otherwise, lately I've been into the Granville Island Heffeweisen, or the maple cream

'ere - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:30am
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June 6 2005- 17:00 NWT

Red & yellow alert ( slightly above average consumption )

4- Labatt' Gen. Draft

8- Lucky

In beer depository at this time . - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 1:58pm
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Czechvar Premium Lager, only it's not in the fridge... it's hidden under my bed so my parents don't give me a beat down shhh. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 3:07pm
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Piper's. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 4:14pm
Real Dynamite
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what can i say i loves me cheap beer to the true core.
lucky, kick is the latest it gives ya a nice little ass kickin, pilsner, draft. alexander keiths, kilkenny are definatley runners up but you know its gettin up there! however i have been know to go for a 40 of colt 45 every know and then. don't judge don't judge.

but you know what they say theres no beer like free beer. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 7:21pm
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Kokanee Gold (right now), Rickard's Red, Budweiser bottles.
Kilkenney, Heinies, Asahi, Warsteiner, Beck's, Steinlager anything if it's COLD !!! - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 8:33pm
kiltlifter matt
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Red Stripe, McAuslan Oatmeal Stout, a couple of Cannery Brewing's Blackberry Porter, Shaftebury Cream Ale, Guinness, and a lonely Ed Bain special edition beer cradled amongst some suspect-looking lettuce! - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 7:13am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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I drink one beer for a long time then all in a sudden i get sick of it.
right now it's sleemans honeybrown has been for a while and will be till that unforseen day that i switch.

i will probably never drink dark beer again of any kind again. went though a big phase of dark beers, i can't stomach them anymore.

although if i'm out offroading in renfrew and we are way in the middle of nowhere and drinking and 4x4ing all day i'll drink coors light, budwieser, or lucky. can't seem to get to drunk on any of that shit and it's not far from drinking water. then hit the heavy stuff at camp at night... crown & coke with sleeman chasers. - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 9:24am
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fuckin pacific pilsner..dirt cheap and a half assed beer to boot. good swill. bitch. - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 1:23pm
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ewwww coors light!?@?@??!?$?#@??$@??#$ - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 2:57pm
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June 7 2005- 20:09 NWT

yellow alert ( below average consumption )

12 - Pilsner

In beer depository at this time .

Comment- Subject may have drinking problem . - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 5:07pm
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On a good day Rochfort 8's would occupy my fridge with a few Hoegaardens for chasers. The Belhaven beers are great too (and a hell of a lot cheaper even than the B.C. microbrew beers which all taste the same to me). Chimays are great too. Too bad the BCLDB claims that they can get the good Belgian stuff but they actually never can because they are stupid twats; the epitome of the Peter principle in action. - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 9:57am
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Not much of a beer drinker, but Shaftebury Cream Ale is mighty tasty...or a good English Porter. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 4:07am
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Porter?!? That's rather dark stuff! My favorite (when I used to drink) for Porter had to be the Hugo's porter, that stuff rocked!!! - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 7:26am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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ya we know already... you used to drink. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 10:38am
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Yes, I did. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:00am
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ive got guiness in my fridge... mmmmm guiness - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:43am
lauren a
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in munich, germany they mix lemon juice (or lemonade, i can't really remember) and beer together. best invention ever. it sounds gross but it's incredible. they also only drink beer out of litre glasses. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 12:50pm
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When I was in England I got addicted to these things called Shanties.... which is basically a combination of beer and fruit juice... Generally it was lemonade that was used... Gotta love wandering around aimlessly in rural England... dropping into one of the many many pubs... pretty much 1 pub/square block, each with their own version of microbrew...

'ere - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 1:12pm
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Yeah a combination of Lemonade and Beer is called Shanties, very refresing to drink on a hot day. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 2:25pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Is Ironhorse still around?

/brown bags an Olde English, kinda like what Ron does. - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 3:16pm
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Ironhorse? They should rename it to "Rotgut" :) - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 5:18pm
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June 8-10 2005- NWT

Screaming red alert ( Whaathafak u lookin at ? )

? - Beers .....I'll drink anything right now.

In beer depository at this time .

Comment- Equation of weekend binge drinking of beer is calculated as fallows-

X = Beer consumption

J = Joint factor

1 x(X + J)= ?

Answer = 3.14 eyed - Fri, 10 Jun 2005 9:08pm
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Weird I've always heard them called "Shandies" and they were often a mixture of gingerale and beer/ale. Mmmmm good! - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 6:18am
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Ironhorse in my beer bong...nothing is better... - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 8:18am
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In a Shandy you can mix regular beer with lemonade, gingerale or ginger beer. Back in the day this was done to take away the bad taste of crap beer or shitty beer lines. But now its just more refreshing i guess. If ya feel like shit in the morning take a beer down with a big shot of tomato juice, its called a Redeye.

.. Oh yeah Colt 45 is better than ironhorse in a beer bong - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 8:20am
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Lancey, you crack me up so furiously...lets get some of that "screaming red alert" status happenin' this Friday, shall we?
P.S. - the ban is lifted, from the bar down yonder...muahahahaha - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 4:33pm
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Aaahahaha! Right on Kimmy poo sounds like red alert fun to me ! - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 4:51pm
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I gots Hoegaarden (who-gar-den), MGD, Pacifico, Blue, Sleeman Amber, maybe some heiny or macha once in a while with some Harp. My fav beers for all occasions. Give me some whisky and baileys and im set. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 8:43pm
Dave Slaughter
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15 kokannees right now in the fridge getting cold. ive been drinking so many of those lately there just going back like water now. also, i cant believe no one has mentioned moosehead yet! (i think) thats a damn good beer - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 4:04pm
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Well I just finished off the Stellas last night, but I'm a huge fan of the Phillips Double Chocolate Porter. Hmmmm....chocolate beer....
Monty Python Holy Ail is awesome!! I'm missing the Winter Ale, but enjoying the Heffinwizen. - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 2:06pm
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They have a chocolate beer? thats brilliant. - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 2:15pm
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Unlike ^ ^ ^

Ahhh... my darling T, you sound more like Brian with your love of beer the more I hear. That does sound good. Get yer ass out C Day, or I will come to the house and kidnap you! - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 3:22pm
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sleemans honey brown lager. i got the cute little keg style cans. - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 8:30pm
Mr. Hell
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The rare occasions I drink beer:
Hoegaarden, Stella Artois, MGD, Piper's and anything that is freely given to me.
At this time, there are three free cans of Budweiser in my fridge. - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 8:04am
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Dear god, you actually have beer in your fridge?!? ;) - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 9:52am
Mr. Hell
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Who me?
I do have beer in my fridge because I only drink beer if there no vodka around. Why drink Lysol when you can drink sweet nectar? - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 11:46am
Dave Slaughter
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theres a beer at the bc liqour stores called hobgoblin that goes for like 3$ a bottle. pricy, but its a good chocolate beer. cool label too. - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 5:00pm
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The bottles are bigger than regular ones arn't they? - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 7:00pm
Dave Slaughter
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yea, a little - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 4:23pm
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That Hobgoblin is good. What is the best beer store in town for selection? It seems all stores have the same stuff. I get bored and like to try something different. - Sat, 25 Jun 2005 4:55pm
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Say, anyone tried the Lighthouse product you can buy in a can? Please tell me that it's worth drinking, beer in cans is unhealthy to drink as is. - Sat, 25 Jun 2005 5:40pm
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Chocolate beer? Does really taste like chocolate? - Sat, 25 Jun 2005 9:16pm
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It's been ages since I signed on to this (our computer crashed) so here's a few responses:

Hey KK, "All I want is more double chocolate porter" ok so it doesn't have the same ring to it, but hey it's my song. I actually have the Fri off and Lance reminded me of the C day bash tonight when he came into my work for "more beer, more beer!" I am tempted....we'll see.

Hey User, I work at the 6 mile liquor store and I gotta say that the selection is pretty darn good. I'm even starting to learn more about wines (awesome wine selection) so you should check out our coolers.

Hey jepsycho, it even smells like chocolate. It is the perfect P.M.S. beer cuz you can eat chocolate and drink beer and the chocolate doesn't make your beer taste funny:)

Hey _Griphin_, what do you care, you can't drink it...just kidding!!! Well it must be drinkable cuz I'm constantly restocking the Amber ale cans at my work.

Current beer in my fridge: Super Bock. It's alright. I think it might be the Kokanee of Portugal though. - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:17pm
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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beer cans are unhealthy?
i thought beer in general was unhealthy, cans just make good beer taste like crap and crappy beer taste good. - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 7:39am
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God damn I love that song...too funny. Don't be tempted, just come out and have fun like you know you will, and quit grumblin'! Email me if you like, and we'll meet up or even go together. (Buddy system remember?!) You could come early, before it gets to hectic if ya like, and take off before too many shinanigans...not that I would understand why anyone would do that! - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:54am
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Hey little miss Dumpstermesh.... if you come by I promise we'll play ya some Carcass...

'ere - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 7:01pm
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I should bloody well hope so!!! Hee Hee. I think I'll have to make an appearance after the baby shower in Sooke I'm attending. I'll be the one trying really hard to not drink too much...I even quit smoking the reefer over a week ago. Call me crazy (I know you will anyway) but I'm really enjoying being clear headed lately. It's really helping my writing, plus Brian does the partying for both of us (and some). You know Flee I still need to hear Burnt to a crisp. See ya in less than 24 hours!!! - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 7:06pm
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Sorry I almost forgot the theme to this thread. Today I drank a Hoegaarden - damn fine beer. - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 7:13pm
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Damn rights, if you like that, check out a quebec beer called "La Fin Du Monde" (translates as "the end of the world"). It is a naturally cloudy white beer like Hoegaarden but it only comes in 750ml bottles... its also 9%, but it tastes amazing.... its only at the oak bya liquor store by fort and foul bay... check it out - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:29pm
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Sorry Tdizzle I gotta correct you. I've seen the whole line of beers at a few private liquor stores including the one I work at. My fave in that line is the Ephemere. Hmmmm....Appley:) I beleive that the little gov. store on Tillicum and Gorge has them too. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 6:43am
Dave Slaughter
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la fin du monde is a pretty good swill, and you can pick it up at any bc liqour store for about 5 something a bottle, not just the fort one. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 7:54am
Dave Slaughter
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oops, i didnt read the last post - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 7:55am
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I'm in the US for Canada Day...and wouldn't you know it, the only beer in the fridge is Bud Light, and the keg out on the patio is Bud Light. Thank the lord for Crown Royal & Canadian Club! - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 8:16am
crazymansings *at*
Messages Posted:
Hey all you musicians and music lovers and by the sounds of it beer conosours Ive been bottling beer like you all have been mentioning for five years at a place called bedford brewing company on fairview in esquimalt get a buddy split a batch aprox 130.00 dollars for ten dozen you wont be disappointed and youll have more money for the music you love and in know way am I afiliated with bedford just trying to pass on a good thing beerlover is for the lack of anything better it truly is great beer try the vanella dark new world stout pale ale ipa scottish peaded ale honey dark and so on anyways just a sujestion signed beer lover - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 6:21pm
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And with the money you'll save, you can take a night school course to learn the basics of grammar!

Seriously though, I've heard great things about that Bedford place. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 4:35am
Jim Lahey
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Myself, I'm beginning to believe there really is nothin wrong with the malt liquor. Okeefe's Extra Old Stock, Pil, fuckin even Wild Cat when I'm a fishin, and that therr gives me a head achin - but hell!!! I loves a good malt liquor.

That reminds me.....ahh fuck it... - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 8:49pm
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Wildcat is the shit man! - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:33am
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XXX - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:41pm
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Hey beerlover, Bedford is a top notch outfit , made many the batch in this establishment . Pure grain wort, no preserves and you can make just about any style of poison you like !

Beer bad for you ?

"Whuch ya talkin about Willis ?"

Over indulging of anything can be bad , moderation is the key ...... too bad moderation to me is switching brands. - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 8:07am
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ahh cooper's draught home brew
cheap is right!! - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 3:58pm
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O'Tools - Wed, 6 Jul 2005 6:44pm
Ward Ensemble
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your beer gets all the way to the fridge? (burp) - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 8:16am
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its not beer but ... vanilla stollys(sp?) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 4:41pm
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Phillips IPA -on tap . Boo ja! - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 9:03am
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So I ask brad and other people, why do you enjoy Phillips so much? When I could drink, I sampled a few Phillips beers (the coffee and IPA) and wasn't too impressed with them, perhaps they've improved the taste since I last tried them. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 9:35am
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Maybe you have no taste? JK. I'm sorry but I still love the Double Chocolate Porter, and will drink it until the day I die. Right now I've got wine in the fridge. That's right wine. I'm a wino too. Hehehehehee--burp... today I'm drunk on Cherry Point Pinot Blanc. A modest wine grown in the chowichan valley by the natives. They sure know their wine. They make an awesome Ortega. I thought I'd give this a try. Hey what are you guys doing tonight? Can I come? - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:27pm
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Wait a minute...I'm not sorry. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:32pm
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Right now, its Red Cap Ale. I can't resist stubbies, and there are of course a number of breweries attempting to capitalize on that nostalgia. I read that Molson was recently trying to stop local brewmeister (Phillips) from calling it's Phoenix bottles a 'stubbie'.

Fucking corporate assholes. They were too dumb to trademark the name back in the day so they would rather lobby the courts to shit on top of a hard working victoria guy for no good reason at all.

Griphin - The Phoenix beer I mentioned I'm not particularly fond of, but the espresso stoat and the IPA I do enjoy a lot. I think for what was until very recently a one-man show, this guy is consistently brewing beer that is better than ALL multi-million dollar competitors. I hate to sound gay, but love is what brews good beer.... - Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:56pm
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Red Cap? What that? I've seen Red Stripe in stubbies but not this Cap beer of which you speak. Where is this brewed? I needs to know. Tonight I dine on Granville island Maple cream ales, and Honey lagers (Mingler case) I drank the Hefinwizens last night. - Sun, 17 Jul 2005 12:12am
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Brick Brewing Co., Waterloo Ontario is where Red Cap is brewed. I usually grab it before rehearsals at the Swans CBaW.

Zippgunn and I were talking about this the other day; Neither Red Cap nor Red Stripe are exceptional beers; They're actually generic as hell, but they're both much better than a bottle of blue or canadian or the luckys' of the world. (I know I might just catch hell for that comment) - Sun, 17 Jul 2005 12:44am
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Super Bock ... its fresh, its got body I like it - Fri, 22 Jul 2005 6:42pm
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But... everybody gets Lucky at Lucky's!!!

lonemonk: I don't get what makes Phoenix's Ale's and beers so award winning, I tried an Expresso stout over at George and Dragon last summer and it wasn't that noteworthy if I can remember. I still think that, other then the Lager, Lighthouse Brewery in Esquimalt makes better Ales, such as the IPA and the Race Rocks (I think). Same with Big Rock, that stuff is horrible, but Irish Times has all there beers on tap (they must get a deal, I know Jeff (bar manager) at the Swiftsure did).

Irish Times, over 29 beers/ales and stouts on tap!!! - Fri, 22 Jul 2005 7:57pm
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